《The Everlasting. (Completed)》The Everlasting. Volume 4-Chapter 5
Chapter 5 When things go south.
The announcer spoke. His voice was hoarse as if he had seen something disgusting.
“The victor of last game was Satori Hivika. A good strategy albeit cruel taking advantage of the enemy’s moment of weakness after using a high tier spell. Amazingly a spell that level would have certainly incapacitated some of the strongest warriors. Quite the body you have there, kid. Now the next match will begin shortly. It will be Asura Shirogami vs. Satori Hivika. Let the match begins”
Once the game begun the guy spoke this time in a manner that was much saner than earlier.
“So the hero has emerges, the one that will defeat me and bring honour to his country and team. But I should warn you young ‘hero’ I am not as lenient as the ones you have met. And I can assure you that I am much stronger than that girl who had almost beaten you. So give it your all. And fail as that is what-”
“Bla-bla-bla…are we here to fight or are you going to keep talking all day?”
The guy as if insulted frowned and vanished from sight.
My hyper recognition was activated the second he disappeared a punch was aimed at my face from my right side without needing to dodge I hastily raised my right arm and stopped his punch.
He had quite the power behind that strike but too bad my buffs were already active and stopping a power based hit is nothing to me as his compared to master’s is but a joke.
Shocked he disappeared again this time from the other side only to be stopped again with a single hand.
Again he disappeared but this time I had no intention of blocking.
He appeared in front of me aiming his knee to my abdomen. A swift sidestep and a forceful grab to his face by my right arm and the back of his head was smashed to the ground. I said “you Like the taste of your own medicine?” Keeping my grip on his face I raised his body and sent him rolling.
Seeing the clear difference in power the audience cheered.
Walking slowly toward the man who was now groggily standing up trying to regain his posture, I disappeared.
I used Shunpo to appear at his right side aiming a low kick to the back of his knee. Another Shunpo to appear in front of him with a straight punch to the stomach making him cave in.
Followed by a rising knee to the face that made him spring backwards, not to wait another second I used Shunpo to appear at his side. His body was almost hanged in air. I acted rapidly with a full leg extension to the sky then a downward cutting motion I struck him into the ground.
I taught this guy would be much stronger…he must have suffered from the damage that Yuna has dealt him.
However his Hp has not decreased by a lot even after all of that beating from me Yuna and Shiki hi is still standing strong.
He stood up this time laughing as a maniac
“IS THAT ALL” he said.
Then charged at me with a speed far beyond what he has showed before. Nothing I can’t handle though.
Using Shunpo to dodge and using it to attack again. With this guy I cared not for an honest game as I was channelling manna flux before the fight even begins. An opening I perceived and took advantage of is when he used a wide motion to strike at me. This guy was skilled but not enough he has a good grasp over martial arts but not on a master’s level.
The opening gave me the chance to hit him with a wind palm. It hand enough force to knock him back. Followed up by another Shunpo and another wind palm. Then another then another and I kept going. Every time I struck he would be pushed back his body rising from the floor and before he could set foot I would strike again before he could reach the rim of the platform I used Shunpo behind him and with a strengthened roundhouse kick to the back I sent him back to the inside of the platform.
I was not done with him.
For what he did to Yuna. For making her cry I would make him Beg for his life. I would make him plead for mercy, mercy that he will not receive…the hell?
What am I thinking? Did I always think like this…I know I am furious but why did I ever think of torturing and making another person suffer…
Another tug pulls me from my self-exploring back into reality.
Black fume was rising from Satori’s body. He stood up. Eyes crimson red and fangs emerging. Blood veins popping all over his face. He took a deep breath and breathed out. Then began looking at himself. Almost admiring his arms he looked onto his body with great care.
Then looked at me.
A possessed Contractor.
“Damn-it, damn-it, damn-it, it was going so well…now they will be infuriated…damn it…” said Asilis who was still watching the game in the same room as before.
Koid then as if adding salt to the wound said
“I told you so. This was a rash plan, that kid as you have said yourself is a strange and unexpected variable. His strength was enough to force the transformation of Satori. This kid was the result of years and years of work by the organisation. They were aiming to create humans with strong physical traits and able to wield magic. This kid was the result of a successful transfusion between a demon and a human being. And now that the human part has lost its control…it is deemed as a failed project. Even Migado was barely able to sustain his form against this kid…as for satori whom the test showed to have the highest sync ratio with demonic existence he was a true discovery and now that he also transformed I bet that the organisation will not stand silent at this…and you my friend I think that you blew your last chance.”
Asilis answered in rage “Do you think I don’t know that! But I will never approve of this. There is no way that that kid was able to surpass Satori in strength and speed without having some sort of booster. The mana readings coming from his body are all over the place. At first it was compact and surrounding his body like a tight cover and now it is burning like a sun…this is not something a normal person is capable of…there has to be something…”
Koid then said “You are wasting your time looking for something that is not there if I were you I would try and escape from here…although I think that it will be futile as the organization is everywhere.”
Asilis who was still wrathful exploded at Koid saying “SHUT UP! I will not run until I know the secret behind that kid’s power…I should probably get answers from Osfor…he must have an idea…wait what the hell is happening there?”
Koid looked at the direction where Asilis was looking and noticed that the monitor was displaying a fight between the enforcers and Satori
The enforcers were surrounding the arena, more than twenty of them.
They all had spells on the ready and fully prepared to subdue the possessed kid. The audience was fleeting and running toward the exits while the enforcers enclosed on satori.
This guy however had a thick and foul aura surrounding him. Like a miasma of blackness seeping from his body and covering it. The enforcers were wary of that smoke and Asura who was looking at the scene shocked could only back away.
The possessed looked straight into Asura’s direction and howled. A deafening sound almost ear-splitting resounded from its inhumanly widened mouth.
The miasma then took a distinctive shape, tentacle like, and spread toward every enforcers. Some of them were caught off guard not even able to cast their magic.
As for the rest anything they shot toward the possessed was rendered useless. Every spell dissipated at the contact of that miasma. And every enforcer touched by those tentacle like substance became a husk like figure, drained from bodily fluids almost mummified.
The Possessed walked forward heading toward Asura who now was trying to get off stage, only to be blocked by the rising of the smoke tentacles from underground that appeared in front of him, stopping him from ever moving forward.
He turned and faced the possessed preparing for the worst.
The Enforcers joint him and begun channelling a spell, not giving the possessed a chance to react Asura summoned his sword and changed its form into a long saw teethed sword with a wicked tip that was like a long needle.
He charged toward the Possessed dodging the rising tentacles one by one.
Ripping apart any that blocked his way he moved forward , noticing that a few spells casted from the surrounding enforcers were about to make contact with the possessed, he took the chance to slice at his miasmic shield.
At first the sword was unable to penetrate as the fumes hissed and forced the sword back. But with applying more strength the veil broke apart and the sword cut the possessed diagonally from the chest area making black blood spray out.
Enraged at the unexpected turn of event the possessed howled again making most of the tentacles shake in sync with it. Now they began their hunt chasing after Asura. He began using his Shunpo to dodge some of them but clear signs of exhaustion were apparent. The kid fought hard today against many opponents and now he is fighting for his life.
The possessed then took the initiative and charged forward his speed was several times higher than before and now only after images of him were apparent.
It would only take one touch to end Asura’s life and with a speed like this there is no way that Asura will survive.
The sword on Asura’s hand elongated becoming like a snake, while the possessed got closer the movements of Asura’s hand made the chain-sword dance into a violent storm of blades. Slicing at any image of the possessed, dissipating it into nothingness but to no avail.
Then out of nowhere Asura was thrown aside like a ragdoll from an unexpected strike at his left side.
This was all that the possessed needed to end Asura’s life. As with a single touch he was able to corrupt him.
A never ending blackness, I felt myself float into a bottomless abyss. I turned and swirled but to no avail, I could only float helplessly into this bottomless sea of darkness.
‘Am I dead? I remember fighting that monster…lately this is all I have been fighting isn’t…’
A dim light began to shine far into this dark realm then I felt my body pulled toward it.
At first the pull was slow then it gradually increased in speed. Until I finally spawned into a room that was quite familiar.
‘Wait a second I remember this place…this is the throne room of that self-proclaimed God of war…why did I forget about this…’ I taught to myself
And as if he could hear me think he answered.
“I do not claim to be a god of war…I AM THE GOD OF WAR ASHURA BE MY NAME AND YOU ARE NOT TO DISRESPECT IT EVER AGAIN!!!” that voice was sordid and loud heard from everywhere but coming from no particular location.
And as if he was trying to impress me he appeared in front of me tall and mighty with his oppressive aura seeping from the pores of his skin like a tide of death.
Looking down on me he added this time calmly but not less threateningly.
“Who is he?”
I answered almost automatically
“Who is who?”
Enraged and clearly irritated he shouted in my face.
I answered unknowingly what was truly happening
“I have no idea what you are talking about…this seems like a déjà vu don’t you think?”
He then responded while all of his arms made a fist like grip and relaxed them as if calming himself.
“You don’t know anything do you…let me tell you boy. You have two entities residing within this body. I only awoke a few months ago but something was sleeping in this body of yours for more than a decade. I was only able to clearly see it once you were struck by that fiend and now it has taken control over your body…what is going on…”
I asked in fright and in demand for immediate response
“What do you mean? Are you saying that the contract was activated?”
The god of war questioningly spoke
I answered hastily trying to explain the situation
“Actually that contract was forced upon me and I have no power over it. It was made to increase my lifetime as I was supposed to be dead 10 years ago. But what is this Ashurian you speak of?”
He howled at my question and spoke
“You are the last of us. You are my only remaining descendant. You are a descendant of a god… but you clearly don’t act like it. Now that this demon has possessed your body it will be almost impossible to release you from it. Yet there is a way for you to regain control.”
“Then what is it?” I said
“I will channel a fraction of my power to you. This should be enough to overload your body and make the demon lose control…by that time you should be able to seize control over your body…you will only have one chance.”
I answered full of hope.
“Seems simple enough what are we waiting for?”
He had a grim look on his face when he spoke then next few words.
“There is a catch however…depending on the power needed to destabilise the demon’s control, the link between us might weaken. And the weaker it gets the greater the time I will not be able to assist you. We will be separated for a duration and in this time you will be on your own. If you get corrupted again you will forever lose that body and your soul will be destroyed.”
“Ok that is great and all…but tell me one last thing, why was I not able to remember you when I last met you…I seem fully aware of this place now but if I awoke will I forget again?”
He said in pride
“You were not ready to know who I am. And you still are not. But this time I need you to know who you are… from this moment onward you will not forget about this place nor what I have told you now close your eyes and prepare yourself because this is going to hurt.”
I know that I was being stubborn when I asked the personnel to not take me to the infirmary after losing against that satori…but I never knew that I would regret it.
‘What the hell is happening?’ I taught to myself while shocked by the events unfolding in front of my own eyes.
“WE NEED TO GO NOW YUNA-SAN IT IS NOT SAFE HERE!!” said Vessma-san frightened and almost panicking.
“I answered we cannot leave Asura there alone he will die”
She said trying to pull me by the arm
“You are still drained from the earlier fight you can’t do anything to him…and I am sure that the enforcers will be more than capable of stopping that demon so please let’s just leave..”
Right after she said that I felt a gust of wind then black smoke rose from the stadium. The barrier was supposed to stop people from taking real damage but that miasma seems to be able to negate it…it corrupts magic. This is the same thing that happened when I faced that metallic mage he rendered my attacks useless. If this continues Asura will really die.
As I saw Asura making his way toward the possessed I taught.
“What the hell is he doing he is charging head on onto that monster he will die like this…”
Seeing him fight like that made me feel a bit of pride as he is now fighting for his life but not even looking frightened dodging attacks like if they were nothing and masterfully using that strange sword of his…I can almost feel jealous at his ability to fight through hardship at impossible odds…he truly is a remarkable person I wish I had half his courage…I would have been able to prove myself to those who have abandoned me…
Then out of nowhere I saw Asura fall…how? He was dodging just fine how come he received damage? I saw nothing…
Vessma then cried when she saw the tentacle made of smoke swirl and engulf Asura’s body.
They began to drain it from life but a moment after the smoke began to disappear.
Asura showed signs of life as he took a deep breath making all the smoke surrounding him disappear.
The possessed spoke
Asura then spoke in a way that made me shiver and tremble from fear, foul and unwholesome the air turned. This was the same feeling I had that night…His voice confident, strong yet frightening. He said the next words
“My identity is of no use to you as you are breathing your last breath.”
This was the same voice I heard that night…
The possessed talked back
“You dare threaten… me, a greater demon… you must be wishing for… death.”
Then Asura spoke back as if annoyed
“I do not wish to listen to your incoherent ramblings anymore…die”
Once he said that he raised his hand and made the same black tentacles that the possessed was controlling move to his will. They all charged at the formerly called satori and began to suck the life out of him. He shouted and screamed but to no avail as his life was being drained more and more. He then began to beg for his life asking for Asura to spare him but those pleads only fell on deaf ears as an inhuman grin appeared on Asura’s face almost ecstatic at the pain and pitifulness that the possessed is now showing.
Then out of nowhere he stopped the possessed was now barely alive. Only skin remained on his bones as he looked up to the towering Asura he said one last thing.
“Please spare me my lord…I am sorry to have overstepped my…”
Then his skull was crushed in as Asura stomped it with little to no effort.
Asura began to look all over his body then he took an interest to his wrists. He jerked both his arms and made two black circles appear. Those circles as if alive blossomed a tattoo all over his arms. Then he jerked his arms to the side making black chains emerge from the middle of both his palms. Each chain penetrated the chest of every enforcer that was still alive around the arena.
Those chains were ethereal as they did no physical damage but once Asura pulled his arms I was even able to see the very soul of those men. He gathered the energy from his victims and made it into a ball of blue light he then eat it…
Said the lord of this region as he was obviously shaken and fearful.
‘D-devil lord…Asura turned into a devil lord…h-how? Why? if someone was contacted by a demonic existence they get corrupted and become mindless killing machines…the only exception is the contractors…as they lose their body to the demon and make it fully manifest itself…was Asura a contractor all this time…he was manipulating us all this time…”
The devil-lord then took the sword and looked at it. He then said
“Old friend…it’s been a long time since we have last met…how about another blood bath?”
Then the sword as if rejoicing shrieked and hissed it transformed into a scimitar with a dragon’s face as hilt then the blade disappeared. A steel pole emerged from the bottom of the hilt and the dragon shaped hand guard upchucked a deep red jewel. Transforming into an unwholesome staff.
This is the same weapon of that wretched night… sob…it was him all along wasn’t it. He tricked me.
Hordes of teachers and members from different countries entered the arena in hopes of stopping the new-born threat.
Spells began to cast and magic was being summoned, some types I have never seen before not only elemental magic even rare types of curses and hexes were being conjured. Mana began to gather in the arena as everyone was preparing to blast the devil into nothingness.
The devil then spoke.
“Oh young Asura I cannot thank you enough…you have awoken the eye and now it is mine to use HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH”
Everyone blasted the devil off with their magic at the same time.
Massive explosions and outburst echoed throughout the arena that I had to cover my face from the impeding rise of dust.
Said the clearly unharmed devil as not a hair was damaged on his body.
He looked exactly like Asura but his right eye shun bright red.
With those words a black wave of death erupted from his body whenever it washed over someone their very soul would be pushed outside of their body and they would flop helplessly to the ground.
Overpowered and distraught the remaining survivors banded together. Then the devil spoke once more.
“Feeble humans…where is your old might…you have accepted ‘their’ decree and became satisfied with living here in this damnable cage…WE DO NOT WISH TO BE ENTRAPPED HERE, WE DO NOT WISH TO REMAIN HERE, WE WILL BRING DOWN YOUR FRAIL AND UNWORTHY RACE AND CLAIM BACK OUR RIGHTFUL PLACE…what is this smell…You…my mission can finally be complete”
He looked at me when he said those words, me now who is feeling tear drops streaming down her cheeks. I felt betrayed that the same person that I began to care for was the reason for all of my trouble…
I prepared for the worst when he was walking toward me then he screamed in pain. Howled and screeched as he dropped to his knees.
A moment later he closed both his eyes then
“Holy shit that was painful…euhh why is everyone looking at me that way?”
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