《The Everlasting. (Completed)》The Everlasting. Volume 3-Chapter 2
Chapter 2 A date! or is it?
Taking a seat at the grandiose school cafeteria I noticed that a few faces were staring at our table and seemingly discussing something.
The cafeteria was…huge the entire thing looked like it came from a king’s dining room. It had a gigantic chandelier with thousands of small crystals decorating it, the walls were decorated with large red tarps embodied with golden symbols and straight lines from the roof to the floor. The floor was made from expensive looking marble and the chairs were royal looking with rectangular tables .Our table was close to a window that was showing a small pond with a bridge on it a few chairs were around the pond and a lot of exotic and rare flowers were spread decoratively around it.
The group we formed was the usual. Me Shiki Nassi Kaori and Haruka with the new addition Yuna-san that reluctantly accepted my invitation to lunch once we met with here near the entrance.
With the usual fooling around Shiki was hitting on her only to be disappointed by her lack of response.
She then looked at me but still turned around hastily as if trying to avoid my gaze.
We were served by the school staff a grandiose delicacy of roasted boar meat with a wicked sauce on the side…the taste was heavenly as I have never tasted something like this before. Even though Master Greetman was a good cook eating something like this was a rare occasion that deserved to be cherished.
I asked Shiki about something that was bothering
“So about that girl?”
He answered with some food still in his mouth
“You see…that is Vessma Stronghold she is the daughter and heir of a noble house of the molten lands.”
“Well that I already know from our interaction earlier but what was that all about?”
“Emm…what can I say she is a bit hot headed heheh”
“…not very convincing” I replied then added. “By the way why did she address Zeles with adding –Sama? Isn’t she the school council president? Shouldn’t she be stronger than him?”
“…You are asking the wrong question here Asura-san san” Kaori interrupted then said
“It is true that the school elects the strongest five to be the council president members but even if she is already strong that doesn’t mean that her standings on the real world reflect her position here in school.”
Nassi then said
“In general Alsa is a country that is unlike the other three. It is not ruled by a king but by clans that work in the interest of people. Yet before the clan system was elated this country did have a king but after he fell noble houses scattered and the clans took the ruling of this land. However some houses are still holding on to their nobility and they still have power within the council and they too are able to partake and contribute in laying new laws.”
He took a breath then said.
“While it is true that Vessma is a member of a noble house so is Zeles. He is also the heir of the House of Vind they’re a noble house with a higher statue than the stronghold house…the House of Vind is the same one that the principle Kazehara comes from she is in fact his aunt. And this is the reason why he is called Sama even if he is lower in status than her in school.”
I said
“Hmm…well that does answer some questions…but what is the difference between heir of a noble house and heir of a clan why did the clan even get to hold position in the capital and control the country because even if the former king lost his position, normally a noble house with a close relationship to the royal family will claim ownership of the lands…but the clans were able to claim the country this is something I don’t know how it even happened.”
Nassi then said with a smirk on his face.
“Power. The clans came into picture and took over because they had power far beyond the nobles and even more they came and held the country together. The strife and the civil war that almost broke because of the nobles were trying to claim the throne for themselves. Their arrival brought prosperity and stability so the people accepted them and they drove off the nobles. The rest of the nobles were perplexed most joint the clans but some retreated to their personal cities and held lordship over them. The clans did not peruse and let them have their own lands but only if they were to follow orders and help to stabilize the country.”
He again stopped to take another breath and said.
“As for the heirs of the clans they’re chosen based on their power. Because a clan head may have more than one child he can make them when they grow to a certain age prove their worth and challenge each other for the right to lead the clan. The next generation however will consist of a branch and a main family. But that will not disable the branch family from claiming the seat to become then next heir if their child is stronger than the main family. So the heir will always be the strongest and not like for the nobles when the heir is always the first born.”
The discussion about this soon ended and I immersed myself in eating the delicacies in front of me.
Shiki and Nassi started arguing about some random things while Kaori played the non-caring card. Although once in a while I saw here laugh at something Shiki said that turned Nassi red till his ears. Haruka was trying to calm them down. I started feeling out of place…I mean I know these guys and they are good guys…but still I haven’t made my place. I think that when I looked at Yuna-san’s face again she had the same look as me…she felt detached I believe that this was the reason she hesitated before accepting my invitation for lunch.
Eating my portion rapidly I stood up wanting to leave. As this day was school free day I needed to go back and visit the city I really needed to take a good look at the capital as the tournament is only 4 days away now. Slipping away from the table I left the guys. But before I could turn back I was surprised to see Yuna-san at my side. She must have felt that it would be even more awkward if she was left there alone even though I was the one who invited here…what an idiot I am.
Trying to atone for my sin I nonchalantly asked her
“Hey do you have time to visit the capital? I am quite new here and I need someone to show me around the city. So if you have time?”
She seemed to have been shocked…I believe that she wasn’t expecting me to ask her out thus she blushed a bit and quietly said.
I was ready for a rejection but when she agreed I mentally screamed in joy.
“Then I’ll meet you at the school gate in two hours.”
She bashfully answered
We separated once we reached the dormitory. I needed to be presentable so I took a shower and put on some of my old cloths…I mean who would want to go to his first day smelling of sweat and pork after sparring all day and having that feast.
I probably should have taken better looking cloths…I mean the girl in front of me just radiated from glamor and elegance with a tall white dress the same color as her hair with sky-blue colored flowers here and there it looked elegant and really pretty she did have a hat on her head that moved slightly with every gust of wind.
While me on the other hand wore a black tight pants with a black T-shirt on top. Quite the assortment as I was wearing black and she was in almost full white.
“You look beautiful.” Are the words that came out of my mouth until I realized…did I just blurted that?
While I knew I was blushing I saw the same was happening to her as she tried to cover her face a bit with tucking down on her hat saying
“T-Thank you”
Stunned for a few seconds I then asked
“S-so where should we go first?”
Answering me she fixed her hat and said
“Umm I have an idea.”
We took a carriage that was powered by magic. They have those close to the school as means to transportation between the city and the school…I should have noticed them when I first came to this school that was a long walk.
After about 30 minutes the first signs of civilization were apparent. Glamorous buildings here and there well organized and paved ground. The city was magnificent spotless with a Victorian décor. The people were minding their own business and shops were open for all. I saw few people wearing different colored attires with a cape on the back that held the name of their clans. The rest were normal people just about everywhere. Yuna-san said that they were clan members doing their job at patrolling the city and there are different faction within the capital but they hold a competitive nature between them and not one of hostilities.
You can see some shops holding the banner of different clans. We got off the carriage at a center square.
There was a big fountain in the middle of the square with a statue of a maiden in the middle.
She was wearing full plat armor and holding her sword to the heavens.
There was a signboard in front of the statue says ‘in tribute to Alsa the Everlasting Might.’
Alsa was the name of the capital and also the name of the city named after the hero that liberated the lands of a great demon that threatened its future.
“Meh, people do love to tell tales… to believe there ever was an Everlasting… what a load of c--…”
Before I could continue I remembered that I was in the presence of a girl and I stopped my words halfway seeing the sour expression on her face…probably I shouldn’t have said this…
She said after hesitating a bit
“Well it is true that the existence of the Everlastings is doubted…but you can’t help but believe. and what right do anyone have for taking the hopes of the people that there will be a liberator that will one day help purge the blight and destroy the demons…people have right to dream…”
I answered
“I know…and I have seen a lot of those demons and blighted multitudes but I can assure you that one man no matter how strong cannot destroy the entirety of those things alone…I think that people should not follow blind hope…and if they truly want liberation they should bond and fight for it instead of waiting for someone to do their job for them…”
Seemingly defeated she tried to open her mouth to rebuke my statement but decided to remain quit and contemplate a bit. So we walked to the next area.
It was a small temple with different banners held high at its surrounding walls.
There was a marriage ceremony that was happening so we decided to take a look.
A simple yet awe inspiring wedding. The groom was wearing the red cape of the blazing fire dragon clan atop of his black colored suit was being wedded to a member of the earth golem clan that she wore a brown cape with the name of her clan on the back atop of her eastern styled wedding dress.
The relationship between the clans was very amicable and mixed families were not a problem for any of them. This was explained by Yuna that looked hyped for seeing this wedding…probably all girls are like this huh.
We decided to continue our walk for a bit. We passed by the grand library it was …grand. I mean enormous… the size of it was larger than the school main building by three folds. It had a doorway with pillars made from marble and a signed in the entry that said The Sea of knowledge is only feared by the ignorant.
It probably contained a magnanimous amount of information…I took a mental note to myself to come back and study the books here later.
It was becoming a bit dark so I decided to go to a restaurant after hearing the sound of Yuna-san’s belly growling I played it cool and made it look like I didn’t hear anything…a gentlemen must not be tactless
I turned to face her to notice that she tried to avoid my gaze with a bit of embarrassment showing on her face. I tried to ask her to grab a bite only to be surprised by my own belly making sounds that could scare off a king boar.
Giggling and cracking up we both understood that we needed to eat so without words we entered the first restaurant we encountered.
It was nothing short of a high class restaurant the type that you need to reserve days before you get to enter. In short it was full to the brim.
Without losing hope I still went for the clerk and asked him if there was a table for two available. The man in question snorted as he looked at me and said casually and in an undermining tone.
“Sorry…but we do not accept beggars please leave.”
…I took it from his words that my cloths did not go on par with the dressing code of this restaurant.
Squinting my eyes and really wanting to break this smug smile off his face I was stopped by the ever beautiful Yuna-san. That placed her gentle hand on my shoulder tagging in on the mental conversation between me and the rude clerk.
She looked directly at the clerk that had a sudden change of facial expression.
She calmly said
“We would like to have dinner here is there a vacant table?”
. The smug on his face changed to a sour almost frightened expression and gently said...
“Uhhh…ah my lovely lady I was not aware that this young man was in your company…I believe that there is still an empty spot at the balcony if you are interested in dining here.”
…what a jerk…people are still judge based on their looks…anyway at least I get to eat…but let’s make him regret his actions.
The table near the balcony was magnificent. As the view was showing the city under the magical street lights it almost looked like a romantic dinner between a couple that was just getting to know each other. Not that I have experience regarding that but at least I know that it accounts for something.
Grabbing the menu I initiated my little revenge. Taking a look at the most expensive item in the menu I decided to order the Drudish Sea monster’s tong soup with Grigan mountain dear stake and a bottle of aged Grinnain sake that I remembered Ousay rambling about that day.
As for Yuna she decided on some salad and a boar king rib meat.
When the waiter came he was shocked to see the ordered items that I decided on and Yuna seemed perplexed on the reaction of the waiter. She probably hasn’t noticed yet.
When the waiter entered the kitchen I heard a rambling inside and a gentleman hastily came in toward us he seemed of high authority as when he was getting closer most staff stopped their work and took notice of our table.
He stood near us then said.
“Dear Sir. I would like to make sure that if you had fully took in consideration the price of the items you have ordered. I am afraid that I will require a proof of your ability to pay the amount of the food you requested. Because as you can see they are not easy nor cheap to come by.”
I answered haughtily
“So you and the clerk at the door have the same judgmental view of people. People who do not dress the part are not able to pay the food they want. Well I can tell you one thing Mr.?”
He nervously and hastily said. “I Am Barkiss Levoro the owner and a titled Master Chef of Alsa.”
I said “Ok Mr. Barkiss so as I was saying you do not have to fear anything. Just bring me what I have ordered as you can see I am pretty hungry and I was yarning for some exotic food.”
He then said... “Sir…that exotic food you are talking about costs more than 20million Crona it is only served for kings and the highest of nobility even clan heads rarely order it…are you sure about this sir?”
Yuna looked at me with questioning gaze but her eyes spoke as if saying what the hell did you order?
“…you are beginning to taste my patience…will this prove that I can pay for the food I ordered?”
I grabbed a small spherical green rock from my pocket and threw it toward him.
He grabbed it jumpily and started inspecting it. His eyes widened for a bit then he bowed deeply saying
“I have greatly mistreated you young Lord this will not happen again. And as a sign of my sincere apology I will be the one to make this food for you. Please excuse us for any short comings that I or my staff members have produced.”
The entire room went silence then some chatter was going on here and there the staff scurried and the Master Chef quickly went to the kitchen. I took a glance at the clerk that was having spasms instead of facial expression and also bowed deeply in deep regret.
The expected question then came up.
“What was that all about? And what is that stone?”
“Well that was a little revenge on the clerk that was looking down on me. And that stone is a sacred beast core. It belonged to a lesser wyvern I hunted when I was with my Master. it should fetch more than 20million Crona if I remember.”
With shocked expressions she said.
“You were Hunting Sacred beasts???”
I answered.
“Not exactly hunting but that wyvern was just an unlucky guy that ended up meeting us at the wrong time in the wrong place. If it had decided to keep its distance and go away I wouldn’t have had to kill it.”
“…you are weird. Brushing off sacred beast hunting as a normal day activity…no wonder you are that strong.”
“Hah…that is just your imagination I actually almost lost my life twice to it. Imagine being impaled by hundreds of steel sharp feathers and getting dropped from a 300meter distance. I actually ended up with a few broken bones but that was the reason that Master decided to give me the stone he said that it was me who took it out so it’s me who should get the loot.”
“…but isn’t that a fortune couldn’t you use it for better things than a silly pride contest?”
I answered
“Well I don’t see myself using that much money in the future anyways” laughing it off and trying to change the subject.”
“So what brought you to Albion?” I said trying to start up a conversation.
She hesitated a bit as if to think of what to say then.
“Euh…well I come from a family that is well versed in magic. My mother is the clan head’s sister the raging water dragon clan. And my father is a nobleman of the Vind house. And I have an agenda of my own hens I went to Albion. “
“Oh I didn’t know that” I said then added. “But hang on a second I knew from Shiki that Kaori-san is the heir to the water dragon clan shouldn’t that be you considering that you are much stronger than her?”
She frowned a second and turned her head facing the balcony and said
“Normally that should be the case. But my parents’ marriage was outside of tradition as the Vind family is not associated with any of the four great clans my position as an heir candidate was revoked.”
I honestly taught that was unfair and said.
“Shouldn’t your parents have a say in this I mean you are partially family to the raging water dragon clan”
A silence that was too heavy was what followed my words then she spoke only to make me hate myself for my rudeness
“My parents passed away when I was young. You see this is the first time I tell anyone about this, I am actually Kaori’s cousin but she and the rest of the clan heirs don’t seem to remember me, not that I mind but when I was young I once visited them with my parents. And we got in all sort of trouble” she smiled remembering her past. an innocent smile with a hint of sadness but that was beyond beautiful. At that moment I knew I was smitten.
I hastily answered back.
“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to make you remember that.”
She then said
“Don’t worry about it it’s been a long time…”
At that moment a ruckus was being stirred as the doors to the kitchen have been opened. The Master Chef was wearing a full white apron and dress with his toque atop his head. He walked in pride taking long strides followed by two servants at the side. Each of his hands was carrying a plat with the countries’ best delicacy. One of the other servants was holding a bottle of Sake over his arm while the other servant was carrying the rib dish and the salad that Yuna ordered.
They cleared the table and sat the wears placing them neatly and elegantly. The food was served in professionalism while the chef was describing the way his dish was made. Enthusiastically at it too.
The servant to my right poored for me a bit of the aged sake. Tasting it I understood why Ousay was able to hold a grudge of 10 years for one of these they were well worth it. The taste was heavenly a sweetness like nothing before while still making the mouth drown in the strongest of flavors. As for the food….i have never tasted anything like this before, the texture of the meat and the consistency of the soup was beyond my imagination. I even took a glimpse and saw Yuna eyeing the dish I was having. I mean common if someone is eating a 20Million Crona worth of food you are bound to be interested in the taste. So I scooped a portion of my plate placing it at hers and nudging her to have a taste. She didn’t hesitate to bite on the meat and as if in a bliss she couldn’t utter but the word. “Delicious”.
The chef left us to enjoy our meal as for the waiter holding the Sake remained.
I urged him to poor a cup for Yuna which he complied to then she said
“I-is it really ok? I never had alcohol before…and shouldn’t we be above a certain age to be allowed to drink?”
I shrugged at her innocent answer and said.
“Money makes everything possible, enjoy because you never know when you might get a taste of this again”
She hesitantly accepted the cup and first took a small sip. The face she made after was a face of pure bliss. She then took another and another almost finishing the cup in few moments she realized what she was doing and placed the cup back on the table with a face full of embarrassment.
I couldn’t help but laugh which even made here redder than she was.
Taking our time we finished our meal and decided to leave. The Chef seemed to notice our departure came back and walked us out apologizing again for any discomfort that happened. I mean he has to gaining that amount of money in a single day is bound to leave good impressions.
I believe that Yuna was becoming tipsy. So I asked her if she wanted to rest she said no saying.
“The night just started there are a lot of places to go to and visit didn’t you want to see the capital in all its glory? The…hiccup…night is young.”
Letting a small laugh I faced her saying
“Are you drunk?”
She pushed her index near my face and said
“Nope. Just buzzed now let’s goooooooo”
She was drunk.
So we walked and walked visiting different stores and random stalls we then went into an area that had an almost amusement park look. It had different attractions and small booth that sold food and had mini games. Magic shooting games and strength testing games.
I noticed that Yuna was paying attention to one of the rewards for a game of strength that was basically a pedestal you needed to hit with a hammer achieving a high enough record allows you to gain different prizes however the weight was reinforced with magic so it was almost impossible to get the first prize that was a small silver bracelet of an Oroboros… basically a snake eating its tail. It represented infinity. Quite the accessory as the eyes of the well detailed serpent were made of expensive looking rubies.
This was probably the reason why this attraction had so many contenders wanting to impress their date and gain their favor by winning the gift for them. The price for testing a shot was 1000Crona…really expensive.
Without need to tell. The prize remain unclaimed until a really buffed looking guy came in. he was tall muscular and tanned…if I remember correctly this is the same guy from the red hair’s group…what is he doing here.
He paid the fee for trying his luck and grabbed the sledgehammer. The pedestal Shon in brown as a small amount of mana was emitted from it.
The guy used magic clad…he covered his arms and waist in a thin layer of mana then struck down.
The pole had more than 20 meter length. And only the top five spots had prizes in them.
When the hammer struck the weight escalated quickly to the top passing the fifth gift and barely reaching the fourth. I saw the face of the owner of the game slightly panicking then relaxed when he noticed that the weight was not going to reach the top.
The tall guy won a stuffed animal that looked quite…
“So cute!!!” said Yuna in a loud voice then placed both her hands on her mouth as to hide her embarrassment. Everyone started to stare at us then I felt a tug on my sleeve.
I turned to be surprised by a very close angel face starring right through my eyes.
Then she pointed at the pole and said whisperingly.
“I ‘hiccup’ want one…”
Still drunk…I should have probably not shared with her the alcohol.
“What can I do…”I said then added “Il give it a try.”
I walked toward the pole and paid the fee for a shot.
I heard the discouraging voice of many people probably jealous of the company I had saying words like “don’t even try” and the “not even the muscular guy got it” then another you “better give up before you embarrass yourself kid”…the usual.
Activating some buffs I held the somewhat heavy sledge hammer. Bringing it down the sweetest sound was herd of metal hitting metal and a clang stating that the weight has hit the top of the pole.
The unbelieving owner of the game was left with mouth wide open. Few rattled and some booed even other called me a cheater but I do not care I hit got the first prize so he has to pay up.
I walked closer to the owner and demanded my gift when he said.
“W-wait young man that is not possible no one is supposed to get the top…I think you have cheated…Do it again!!”
So he was a con man…I said
“Why should I do It again I won fair and square just give me the winnings and let me be.”
“I-I can’t have that you are ruining my business here I tell you what if you score first place again I’ll give you the bracelet and add in another stuffed toy like the one your girlfriend over there wanted.”
I turned back to see a gleeful look on Yuna’s face that almost says ‘Please get me that one’ that was mostly my imagination running wild but what can I do.
I accepted.
The man this time clearly was trying to ruin my fun. He used more energy on the pedestal and it clearly was going to be many times heavier. Everyone noticed what was going on and some even snorted thinking that I probably deserved not wining it…quite cumbersome isn’t it.
So I did what I had to do.
Using a larger variety of buffs on myself and a full magic clad reinforcement with a few more earth spells to increase my own weight.
Grabbing the Hammer and smacking down…results… a destroyed pedestal and a pole without a tip as the weight smacked so hard at the top of it that it flew far enough to be missed by the mouth agape spectators that couldn’t believe what happened. And finally a shattered pride of a con man that met his nightmare.
Demanding my prize I grabbed both gifts and handed them both to Yuna who was uncomfortably close.
She wore the bracelet that was an awesome accessory that added more to her already divine beauty. The stuffed toy however was of a small mountain Groundal bears that are ridiculously ferocious and territorial. Hunting them was a pain as they used a lot of body reinforcements making their skin harder than steel. This version however was…cute-fied. She snuggled the toy and hugged it saying words of thanks. It seems she was more interested in to toy than the bracelet but whatever.
We walked away from the booth looking for more businesses to ruin. Sadly most owners avoided giving us a chance at their games when they knew that we won what was rumored to be the unbeatable game.
To be expected…most of the booth owners must be con men trying to get their way with rich and naïve looking people.
Walking away from there I noticed that we were followed by four people. They made a terrible job at trying to cover their presence while making unnecessary sounds and releasing a stupid amount of blood lust.
Yuna seems to have noticed that too when I looked at her I noticed that the redness on her face lessened she is probably sobering up. So I turned to face the four shady figures.
Nothing to say here as I made a quick work of them. A Shunpo followed by a punch to the gut made the first person I struck drop on his knees with eyes rolling and mouth foaming, to the surprise of the others who looked at me and their downed friend then at each other. I struck forth punching the second one on his jaw sending him a couple meters away and using a roundhouse kick that sent the third man flying toward the last guy then finally stopping at a trash can. This I learned from Master as he was always one to Punch first then ask questions while punching, so trying to reason with people who were after your belongings or threatening your life is never a good idea.
Looking back at the unimpressed face of Yuna she shrugged then started to walk back while snuggling the stuffed toy…what was that for?
So I hasted my steps to catch up to her. She seems to be tired as her eyes were now droopy and once in a while she would casually yawn but still holding her grace and covering her mouth elegantly while she is at it. I saw a similar carriage to the one we came in this morning so I held my hand up and the carriage stopped. I opened the door to the lovely lady at my side and she bashfully nodded and walked in. no words needed.
I followed suit and got up to the carriage asking the driver to get us back to the school.
It was a mystic ride as the view with the veil of night was far more charming than the one in the morning. Lights that were illuminating the view making the streets seem more dazzling while every once and a while people will pass by couples holding hands and elderly people sitting on benches. I never saw a city with this much ‘Zaze’ as it was an almost small heaven on earth. I am sure that I have not once seen any signs of poverty or even slums like what I was used to see in every city I see while I traveled with my Master.
“This looks like a fairly good place to live in…I think that the clans are doing a far better work at enhancing the living standards of the people unlike where the nobles who govern their own cities are stuffing their pockets with tax money and totally ignoring their subject”
Seeing that I was left unanswered I titled my head to see the sleeping face of Yuna. A scene that almost shocked me to my very core it was more destructive than anything I have ever seen a true angel was sitting right next to me and I will not dare turn my gaze.
She moved a bit which startled me then leaned on my left shoulder. Unconsciously taking a better position to set her head she drifted again in a world of dreams.
At this moment I truly wished that I had learned a spell that can stop time. I wanted to gaze on this face for all eternity.
Lost in my taught I didn’t notice that we have already arrived…the driver turned back only to smile wryly at the happenings behind him. I think I blushed a little since my head was turning hot.
I gave Yuna a slight nudge waking her up telling her “we have arrived.”
She shook her head a bit letting yet again a small yawn then she noticed wetness on her hand. Probably from the slight drooling and a small wet spot left on my shirt.
She instantly turned tomato red and fidgeted a little trying to think of something to explain her mess.
I had nothing but a laugh at her cute face so I opened the door leaving it open for her to exit…walking to the driver to pay him back for the ride he declined saying that this one was on him as he never gave a ride to a nice couple as this one…why do I feel pride in getting these misunderstandings I asked myself…
Turning back to the still red as ever Yuna-san she bowed slightly saying
“Thank you f-for everything…it was a pleasant d-date a-and thank you for the gifts…I am sorry all the trouble I caused you.”
D-date?? She believes that this was a date…wait hang on, if someone asked you out. Went sightseen and have an expensive meal at a restaurant then go and have some fun at some booth and presents you with gifts…and ending it with a ride under the star lights…yep this is a perfect date…I feel so stupid at finally realizing this and I only wanted to see the capital before we go to this tournament.
I answered
“d-don’t worry about it. It is nothing actually and it was me who asked your help with the sights…”
She bowed again this time only deeper saying
“Then I will have to leave for the night and I hope that we can spar again tomorrow.”
Then without waiting for my answer she darted back through the gate heading toward the dormitory.
I turned to see the ever so smug face of the driver that just shrugged at me and turned his carriage around.
I sighed deeply and waltzed back into the school happy for having my first date ever with the most beautiful person I have seen.
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8 253 - In Serial33 Chapters
My Little Abomination
The My Little Abomination books are a series of grimoires designed to contain the any insanity-inducingly cute creatures called as Baby Eldritch Abominations. Nobody knows where the books come from but DAMN, THOSE THINGS ARE CUTE. And for some reason, once it had sealed something in it, a complete care manual is magically written... But why? Because, plot! I dont really care about my readers so I'm pasting this unedited. Well, have fun eating my shit~! I colored the illustration on my cover but the drawing was picked up by OutOfThis. I LOVE YOU, WEEEEIII!!! I WOULD LOVE IF YOU LAY MY EGGS FOR ME! And who is this Wei? Some person from Inked. Ah, don't get triggered on this novel because besides from posting them unedited, I did the chapters in 30 mins! I spend the other 30 min being distracted as I write author's notes. This series also parodies many things, mainly Pokémon and has tentacle rape undertones, viewer discretion is adviced...
8 123 - In Serial11 Chapters
Isak's family were known for being the best handicrafts in Northern Europe, owning a very successful store in the city of Gothenburg. Their naïvety didn't last long till the tragic night that took them all, except for the young Isak. Caught in a void he is transported to another world, a world filled with kingdoms ruling the lands, lands filled with beings only known to mankind as fantasy. As the world changes and fluctuates, a new age is on the horizon, all leading to royals being overthrown and new lands being created. As the prophecies are being foretold to mirror the future, Isak is left to explore the lands, the wonders and atrocities this new world has to offer.
8 92 - In Serial10 Chapters
Four idiots in a shed
Now available on dead tree or good old new-fangled e-ink - https://books2read.com/u/b5lLGp The first world war never stopped, almost seventy years later the fighting is at a stalemate. Germany control most of Europe whilst Japan rules most of the world. Guy runs a scrap merchant in what used to be the UK, profiting from decommissioning old military hardware, his friends Rich and Nik work with him, closely monitored by the Jackbooted militia whose job it is to control the civilians. Colin wants to do his bit to help free the people from oppression, he has ideas and a laboratory but no real plan. Perhaps together they can work something out, especially once Colin hears there might be time travel involved. All characters and events in this story --even those based on real people-- are entirely fictional.
8 94