《Eclipse Online: [Spoon] the Dimension Thief》status update


Just got another failing score back tonight for AUD of the cpa exam. 72.

I want to write more and continue this story and start new stories but with these fails I'm literally bleeding to death. Forget about the retake fees which are about 300 bucks each section and I've already done about 6 failed retakes of AUD and FAR, every month I haven't passed I'm hemorrhaging my social life, career, long distance relationship is getting strained, and basically my 20s are getting crushed and at 26 other 22 year olds from my university have already passed me career wise. Not great. So far I've only passed one section out of four, was really hoping on the good news tonight but looks like it's back to the grinder... I've been working on this exam for two years already while other people only need 4 months. I haven't been able to check social media without feeling like shit since 2016. Checked some stuff recently and it's all just university classmates working at top companies or getting hbs/wharton offers...

This is a really shitty situation to be in, I wouldn't wish this upon anyone, and my hand is forced with tonight's score release so I can't write for the time being. Hope you guys understand. I have so much pressure to pass, my family's financial situation got hit extremely hard during covid, everything is a mess, and I'm still here failing exams I should've passed ages ago.


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