《Blades and Bonds》CHAPTER 25: Back to where it all started


CHAPTER 25: Back to where it all started

What if he did bring her? What if my mom is here? If she’s in the first dungeon… It should be fine right? I cleared it so there should be any monsters left. But…What if Luro restarted the dungeon? So many scenarios were happening in my head. I couldn’t calm myself even when I tried to control my breathing.

“Fuck! Luro come out!” I shout but nothing happened. “Fucking piece of shit!”

No matter how much of a tantrum I make, there’s nothing I can do but look for the first dungeon and check myself if she’s here.

If…If she there…If my mother is in this world.I whisper in my mind remembering her smile, which made me feel more anxious.

"I have to leave now," I whisper to myself as I got up and ran for the exit. Any minute I waste here can be crucial for the new adventurers. The faster I get there, the faster I can see if she’s here. As soon as I got to the door, I wasted no time and didn’t even bother looking back. I spent one grueling year in this place. I hold no fun memories or even any sort of attachment here. The hallway seemed longer than what I remember as the light at the end was just a faint dot.

Light? I remember it's supposed to be a dark cave on the other side…I say in my mind.

“Tch, I’m not making any progress like this. Seismic step." I whispered my skill and I managed to reach the end at no time. I kept running until I entered another room that I have never seen before. It looked like a hall with a conference table in the middle and a fancy looking chandelier hanging above it. A notification suddenly appeared in front of me and I knew I was in the right place.

Welcome to Yasu and Mole adventure land!

This dungeon turned into a memorial site after the death of the sky king.

Dungeon Conquerer(Master): Yasu

Dungeon Conquerer Class: BLADE

“There’s no mistaking it, I’m still in the Sky King's Dungeon," I whispered to myself as I approached the table in the center of the room. The floor itself was covered in carpet and the walls were even repaired and covered with bricks.“Why the fuck it does look so different?”

Along with the chandelier that has candles on top of it, a few torches and paintings were hanging off the wall but the most eye-catching thing in the room is a giant double door where the hole on the wall used to be a year ago. It had so many details in it and the rim of the double door looks like its made out of gold. The design on the door itself shows a group of people fighting a dragon and words are carved with the design.

“Is this real gold?” I whisper to myself as I go near and touch the doorframe. “Those who wish to talk must first feed the baby liquid. Dragon be lenient on our dreams?”

I walk around the room some more to inspect most of the carvings. As I got close to a section of the room, I see a lot of bookshelves and a table next to a chest. The minute I got close to the chest, I noticed the same sentence is on the wall above it. I tried to open the chest but it won't budge. I see runes on the lock with a blue flame. It's probably what's making it indestructible.


“Wait…the sentence… a riddle?" I see a couple of papers on the table with notes about the riddle. "Wow, whoever tried to solve this went pretty fucking crazy...”

There are different methods written on so many papers. I see one paper was translating each and every letter to a number and a bunch of formulas is adding the numbers together. Intrigued on what’s inside the chest, I decided to inspect the sentence above the chest one more time.

“Those who wish to talk must first feed, the baby liquid? Dragons be lenient on our dreams? Hmm.." I whispered as I inspect the first letters on the riddle to see if it forms a word. After reading it a couple of more time's I managed to figure it out. I quickly grab a paper and grab one of the pencils and scribble the sentence on the paper.

“Wow, this is some retarded riddle.” I whisper to myself as I arrange the ‘be lenient on our dreams’ taking the first letter and writing the word blood. “Those who wish to talk must mean those who wish to open this chest. Feed the baby liquid, this might mean feed the rune some liquid which is probably dragon’s blood.”

Even when solving the riddle, I didn't feel happy since I didn't have a dragon's blood. "Wait a minute, I'm the new sky king. Will my blood work?"

I took out a dagger from my bag and cut my palm open letting the blood drip on top of the rune. It suddenly lit up before turning into dust and the chest opened up.

"Heh, what do you know, I'm a fucking dragon," I whisper as I approached the opened chest and checked the contents inside. “The fuck is this? Hermes shoes? Inspect.” I whisper as I see a knight looking shoes with wings coming out of the side. I tried to pick it up not expecting anything but feeling the heaviness of the shoes as it looked like a metal armor. Surprisingly, I was able to lift it up as it weighted nothing.

Wandering Dancer Boots

"What the.." My voice trails off as no other information came up except the name. “Wandering dancer boots weapon description?"

Wandering Dancer Boots


Weapon & armor




One of a kind

These boots are made from dragon’s skin and mythic leather metal.

“The hell is a mythic leather metal?” I say baffled on the first clothing type weapon I come across. I tried to wear it but a rune appeared pushing my foot out as a notification came up in front of me.

Cannot be worn. Only 'dancer' class adventurers can use this item.

Not wanting to waste time, I threw the boots and its matching gloves in my bag as I rummage through the rest of the chest contents. Since the shoe is useless to me I’ll just sell it along with the other things that don't have any use to me. I found a couple of health potions and what seem to be magic potions. I see a black book and as I picked it up, I felt the weight heavier than any books I have ever come across.

"inspect," I whisper looking at the book.


Description: Unknown

“The fuck is this?” I say as I see a totally different notification. "Hmm, might be just a blank diary for people to write in." I decided to store the black book in my inventory adding it to my collection of books I have collected from the hidden dungeon. I rummage through the remaining contents, which was some useless crap that I stored in my bag. The last one I picked up is another book that has a lock and a rune was on top of it. I tried to open the lock but it won't budge. I tried cutting it with my skills but it won't get destroyed. I even tried punching it with my skill, it just bounced around the room without having a single dent. Every time I tried to force it open, a notification keeps popping up in front of me letting me know I’m not getting anywhere.


Can only be opened by a 'Dancer Class' adventurer.

“Dancer class? That sounds lame… but then again my class specializes I cooking." I say as I store the book in my bag. I can sell it to any dancer class adventurers if I come across later on. “Well I guess it’s time to head ou-“ I was stopped in my tracks when I noticed someone standing there with the door wide open right behind her.

A kid? When did she get here? I whisper in my mind as I took the first step. I can see fear from her eyes as her body shook while holding a large key she probably used to open the door.As I got closer to her, the little girl went running out the door crying leaving what seems to be a trail of piss.

“Did she piss herself?” I whispered walking out the door and I can see her entering a portal screaming like it’s the end of the world. I could have caught up with her with a seismic step but I decided not to. She poses no threat to me. If a little girl is here, then there must be either a village nearby. “Tsk. was she like a grand master of stealth? I didn’t notice that runt standing there.”

Getting a clear picture, I see the dragon displayed in the middle of the cave section as if it was a museum. Museum barriers that look too expensive to use surrounded the dragon itself probably to prevent anyone from touching it. It was amusing as I walked around it. It seemed like whoever built the dragon have managed to glue the broken pieces back together and display it in its full glory and size. Yet my amusement turned into a rage in an instant.

"Fuckers, who the fuck they think they are to this shit here," I whispered as I clench my fist remembering my hardships in the dungeon. It felt like everything I worked hard for, my experience, the very fact that I almost died was forgotten and was replaced by something people can gawk at. Trying to calm myself, I looked away from the dragon and walked towards the other door that leads to the saferoom. I didn't want to spend another minute here knowing the fact that my mother might be in this world. Opening the door led me to the hallway that got narrower and narrower as I walked further. But like the rest of the area, the hallway had a red carpet laid out as far as my eyes can see. Lanterns were hanged off the walls illuminating the designs that were carved from one wall to the next.

“I remember this place was scorched black. They even went as far as redesigned this bullshit?” I whisper as I walk further down to reach the other door in the end. Memories of the dragon came flooding in my mind. Remembering he blew fire into this hall leaving the walls, ceiling, and the floor black. But now, it looks like a scene straight out of a Roman Empire and it’s pissing me off they erased the very history I created here. Knowing the color scheme of the whole dungeon using gold paint, it’s very easy to understand who’s behind all of this. I finally reached the end of the hallway and the single door was replaced with something sturdier. Like the other door I saw, it’s frame was painted gold and the door itself has carvings of a dragon and a bunch of small people on the bottom getting ready to attack it.

I turn the knob, but it just clicked in place as it was locked from the other side. I clenched my fist as I stepped back getting ready to blast the door open. Right when I was about to punch it, a voice came from the other side. “Evie is that you? Did you get the paper in the other ro-“

The voice stopped talking as soon as he opened the door and saw me. An old man, wearing glasses, probably in his forties stared right into my eyes with confusion.

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked him and he just stood there.

“I’m the dungeon keeper. How did you get in here? The dungeon is closed for the day due to internal reconstruction?” He says and I can feel the nervousness in his voice. “Give me a minute.”

He suddenly shuts the door on me and after a few seconds, he swung it open holding a sword.

“Who are you?!” The dungeon keeper shouted as he got into a stance. “I didn’t get any notification from the guards that anyone is coming here! The dungeon pass doesn’t open till this afternoon! You must be a dungeon robber! Get out of this place! It’s protected by the gold district!”

“First the kid, now this…what the fuc-“ I tried to say and explain where I came from but the minute he hears me say the word kid, I can see the colors exit his face.

"W-where is evie?! What did you do to my daughter?!” The man shouted as he started swinging his sword at me. I quickly deflected it punching it away from his hands. It seems like he’s not a fighter as he quickly lost balance dropping to the ground on his knees and hands. I grab him by the hair and pulled his face up towards mine as I look into his eyes with hatred.

“Want to fucking die?” I whisper and he quickly shakes his head as his breathing got unstable. "Then get the fuck out of my way so I can pass through!"

I pushed him to the side, and he went tumbling towards the wall. “I-I-I will not! I was given the task to k-keep this place Safe! Where is my daughter?!” He asked me frantically grabbing me by the waist trying to prevent me from moving. I jammed a knee in his abdomen, and he started vomiting on the ground as he grabbed his stomach. I walked near him, and I can smell his vomit making me want to punch him into it.

“That runt went running out the portal as soon as she saw me. Now, move. Or, I will make you move without your fucking legs. Want to crawl for the rest of your life?” I say to him looking down into his teary eyes. His eyes suddenly rolled back, and he fell on top his vomit passing out.

“Haha, you stupid fu-“ I suddenly hear footsteps and metals clanking from the end of the hallway where I came from. I grabbed the dungeon keeper by the hair and dragged him inside the saferoom locking the door behind us. “What the fuck…”

Everything looked so different from what I remembered a year ago. The stove was rebuilt and there are new shelves installed on the walls that were filled with bottles of spices. The bed was neatly fixed and I can see the table is full of books and papers. I let go of the dungeon keeper’s hair and his head plopped to the ground so hard it woke him up from his slumber.

“Now. Try not to pass out. If you do I might just fucking kill you in your sleep. People are coming, I don’t have time to deal with any of you since I have important matters. Mind turning them away?” I tell him while tilting my head and he quickly nods as we both hear the footsteps getting closer and closer.


"Sir! Are you there?! There's an unknown man wandering the dungeon! Are you safe?!" A voice ranged out from the other side of the door and I can see the dungeon keeper frantic not knowing what to do. He looks at me and looks at the door nonstop and I gestured to him to not say anything or else I'll kill him, and he nods as he quickly got up and got near the door. He quickly opened the door as I stood behind the wall hiding from plain sight.

“What happened?” The dungeon keeper asked trying to sound calm and so far, he was doing a pretty good job at it.

“Your daughter told us he saw a scary looking man in the forbidden room. Did you see anyone? And are you okay? You have vomit on your clothes and the floor here.” The voice sounded like a commander as it gave a feeling of someone used to commanding people to do his bidding.

“Papa!" I hear that little girl voice and I see the dungeon keeper briefly step out shutting the door behind him. I placed my ear near the door and listened to their conversation just in case he rats me out.

“Dungeon keeper? What’s the matter?” The commander asked again, and I clench my fist while whispering a skill.

If they come in here, I have to deal with them swiftly before they bring more soldiers. As much as I want to fight, I need to get out of here fast.I say in my mind preparing myself to fight all of them.

“Oh…uh…n-nothing. I ate something bad and didn't want to vomit in my room. I'll clean this afterward. Did you say an intruder?" The dungeon keeper replies and I relaxed a bit.

"Yes, the door to the forbidden room is wide open and when I say door, I mean the door inside the forbidden room that leads to the hidden dungeon." The commander explained as I listened to the other side of the door.

“Wait, you mean the hidden dungeon? Don’t tell me…” The dungeon keepers voice slowly trails off as everyone remained silent for a few seconds.

“Exactly what I’m thinking of also.” The commander whispers to him and silence fell to the room again for a few seconds before continuing to talk. “That is why I sent a squad to find him. Since our lords are not here, and they instructed me he might come out any day now. No one came through here?”

“No, no one came here. I sent my daughter to retrieve some papers on the forbidden room and then you guys came knocking. You say the door is completely open?” The dungeon keepers whispered back, and I can hear metal clanking as people’s feet shuffle around.

“Yes, and the secret chest is wide open with all of its contents missing.” The commander explained.

“Wait, the chest?!” I can hear the dungeon keeper shout in surprised.

“Yes, the same chest the lords had a hard time opening." The commander tells him.

By lords, I guess they're talking about the gold district members?They’re not here? Don’t tell me they went… My mind trails off as I felt my heart beat a bit faster. I needed to get there before them and now, I think I might be too late.

“Did you notify the princess?” The dungeon keeper asked catching my interest in the word princess.

“I sent a messenger to tell her. They are on their way here as we speak. So far it looks like the intruder is gone. I am hoping it’s the person our lords have told us about. If it were a dungeon robber, we need to deal with it before the princess gets here.” I hear the commander pause and I suddenly hear a loud bang on the wall. “Dammit! I should have stayed the night in the room instead of camping outside the portal. I station my people to keep watch on the portal but the only person they have seen come out of it today is your daughter. I hope he didn’t slip out without us noticing.”

“Did anyone see what he looks like?” The dungeon keeper asks.

"Not any one of us. Only your daughter saw him. Did you not hear any sounds earlier?" The commander asked.

“No, I didn’t. Our lords placed a soundproof rune on this safe room to block any sound from the outside when the dungeon was being constructed. They never removed the rune so upon closing the door, any sound from outside is blocked off. I can only hear if I place my ear right by the door. I keep it open most of the time but in the mornings, I keep it closed.” The dungeon keeper says.

“Papa! He was super scary! He made Evie pee!” The little girl says and the way she chooses her words are so out of context.

"It's ok Evie, you did good bringing commander here. Tell me, Evie, what did he look like?" The dungeon keeper asked her daughter.

“He was scary! He had black and blue clothes and he looks really mean!” The little girl says.

Me? Looks scary? I thought I look delightful,I whisper in my mind as I listened on their conversation.

“Did he say anything to you, Evie? Like his name?" The dungeon keeper asked.

“Nope! Evie was too scared, so I ran to the portal. I’m sorry Papa! I shouldn’t have left you!” I hear the little girl started crying as I hear her annoying wails.

“There-there, it's ok. It's good you went to find commander. You did well." The dungeon keeper says. “Commander, no one has come through here, he might have exited the portal where you guys came from.”

“That is what I was thinking of. Ok, if you see anything, let us know. I will station two guards out here in the hallway." The commander says as I started hearing footsteps walking away from the door.

"Oh, can you do me a favor commander, please take my daughter and bring her to my sister's inn by our lord's castle. It is much safer for her to be there than here." The dungeon keeper says.

“No! I want to stay with Papa! I’m not leaving Papa again!” The little girls shout, and it reminded me of what people say to initiate a death flag.

“Evie, be a good girl and go to auntie ok? I will go there as soon as I get thing sorted out here. After that, we can go look for bugs ok?” The dungeon keeper whispers to her daughter and I can hear her crying on the other side of the door.

“Ok. You promise?” The little girls say.

“Yes. I promise. Now go follow commander and don’t leave his side until you get to aunties inn.” The dungeon keeper says, and I can hear the little girl’s footsteps slowly fading away. “Commander Take care of my daughter. I’ll let you know if there is anything.”

“Alright safe keeper. We might also ask for your help for the hidden dungeon once we deem it to be safe to explore. As for today, we will close the whole dungeon so the adventurers that are supposed to travel through here for the afternoon will be rescheduled for tomorrow or until we fix this mess. All right men! Move out!" The commander’s voice was loud enough to make me pull away from the door.

“Sir! We will be out here. If you need anything, please let us know.” I hear a voice briefly and as the dungeon keeper says, I need to place my ear near the door to fully hear them.

“Sure, let me know if you see anyone suspicious.” The dungeon keeper replies, and I step away from the door to hide behind the wall as I hear his footsteps coming closer to the door. The door slowly opens and the dungeon keeper steps in swiftly closing the door behind him and locking it. He then turns towards me and his facial expression has changed from being a coward to something similar to what a butler would probably look like.

“Sir Yasu, welcome.” He says as he kept his head down and it caught me off guard, he knows my name.

“How do you know my name?” I whispered to him as soon as he got back up.

“You can speak normally sir, they won’t hear us.” He says and I just gave him a nod. “The lords told us of your arrival. I apologize we weren’t there to welcome you.”

“Now that you know who I am, stop holding me back or I will kill you.” I snarl at him and I can see him nervous even under his poker face, his body was shaking. “Remember, keep them from following me, understand?”

He nods and I walk towards the other door of the saferoom. I quickly open it and I noticed the dungeon keeper is following me.

“And why the hell are you fucking following me?” I asked him as I stepped close almost making him fall back.

"S-sir, I need to make sure you're safe. You are one of the lords, a member of the gold district." He tells me and my eyes go wide while I tried not to let out a laugh.

"You're joking, right? Tell me you're fucking joking? Status window!" I shouted out and saw my status in an instant. I checked the guild section and it still said diamond district. "Fucking punk. I’m not your lord old man. Don’t you have a lord already? Don’t include me in it.” I whisper back to him and I started walking through the hallway.

“My lord! Wait! Please wait till sir Balo and the rest of the gold member comes back. We can prepare a room for your stay.” The dungeon keeper says and he’s starting to piss me off.

Balo? Who the fuck is that?I say in my mind.

I quickly grab him on his neck and picked him up with one hand and slowly add pressure to my grip as I watch him struggle to get air.

“Call me lord one more time…I’m going to make sure your lungs lose air. Slowly.” I whisper to him and he nods nervously. I let him go and he plopped to the ground coughing.

“But please wait my lo- Mr. Yasu.” He tries one more time to make me stay but nothing is going to stop me especially if it’s something concerning my mother. I have to go. I ignored his pleas and kept walking. I hear him scuffle up as he followed me through the hallway. As soon as I exit the hallway, I was greeted with another hall. This place is the same as the dragon room. The Komodo Dragons I fought one year ago are all displayed around like a fossil museum.

“What the fuck are you guys doing to my dungeon?" I say what I was thinking in my mind.

"The Lords think it would be good for adventurers to see the type of monsters this dungeon had. It was a way to attract people also towards the gold city." He explained to me that made me raise an eyebrow.

“Gold city?” I turned around and asked him.

“Yes, after our lords found their castle, princess Stella has brought enough people to create a village around it. As soon as the news spread that there are strong adventurers controlling an area, a lot of people moved here and grew the village into a city.” The dungeon keeper says.

“That’s fucking impossible. You can’t just erect a city in a year.” I tell him but then stopped as I. thought about the situation and this world, it might have been possible with magic. Then I remember Stella. The girl I lodged in the dragon a year ago.

“Stella? That female knight? She’s still alive? That’s the princess the commander talked about earlier?” I asked.

“She became the bridge and connection between Gold city and Viltair City. Which now formed one of the strongest alliances.” The dungeon keepers say which I nod in amazement that they did so much in a year.

So, they saved her, her bones would have been a nice display. I whisper in my mind chuckling a bit remembering my memory of her a year ago. I continued to walk towards the room where I left Mole’s bones. As soon as I got there, it was the same as the previous room. But this room gave me a heavy feeling. Mole’s bones were organized near the pond. The place was cleaned off but the floor and the whole cave structure still remained. A gravel path was laid which I followed till I got to Mole’s bones.

“Ah, this is the bones of a giant monster chicken.” The dungeon keeper started explaining and I paid no attention to it till he kept on rambling. “We named him the chicken of death due to its sheer size. This bone represents the monster-“

“Shut the fuck up.” I interrupt him. I walk towards near the skeletal remains of my only companion and place my hand towards its beak. I remember all the times I spent here and how he protected me. “Mole, I’m back.”

“S-sir…this is Mole?” The safe keeper asked.

“Yes. These bones are the remains of Mole.” I reply back.

“Oh my god... I will get this fixed right away! Please wait here my lord while I inform the guards to get us a constructor!” The dungeon keeper then bolted down towards the safe room. Right there and then, I quickly take down the bones of my friend and store his remains in my bag. Somehow, I found a way to level up my bag and it now stretches to a certain extent enabling me to store bigger items in it.

“I need a proper place to bury him. A place that looks over the horizon and the sunset.” I say to myself.

I owe it this much after he gave his life away for me to survive. He needs to be in a place he can watch a beautiful sunset every day. I whispered in my mind as a knot started forming in my throat.

After storing all of his remains, I quickly exit the cave and I was introduced to the jumping crocodile room. I kept walking towards the other safe room, and I see the portal with proper signs.

“My lord! Wait!” The dungeon keeper shouts as he ran towards me. He’s alone so I guess he hasn’t exposed me yet. I was about to grab his neck again when he interrupted me by taking out a piece of rolled paper from the bag he’s carrying.

“Sir Yasu, here is a map of the continent. Since you don’t want to stay here, it would be best to have a sense of direction.” He says as he hands me the rolled paper. I quickly unroll it and the contents inside made me smile.

“well what do you know, you're useful after all," I tell him and he seemed happy even when I was being sarcastic. The map is quite well done. It shows the location of multiple dungeons. One of them is probably where I’m heading and I can already pick which one it is.

The dungeon of the beginnings huh….what a fancy name. I say in my mind.

“Ah! The dungeon where my lords have come from! It is quite a sight.” He says noticing me staring at one section of the map. “Too bad the second one is flooded with water.” He says happily. The second one is probably where I came from.

"Say, old man, your lords…the people from the gold district. You said they're not here right? Where did they go?" I asked.

“They went to the Dungeon of the beginnings. They told us more adventurers will come.” He says and my hunch is right.

Luro probably told them he brought more people from our world. And now they’re on their way there.

"Say, old man, when did they head out?" I asked.

“That was… let's see… they left right after the sun rose. They wanted to stay to wait for you but lord Balo said it was more important to find the adventurers and then meet you later on. So they left Princess Stella to manage the city and meet you while they were gone. If I’m correct, she’s on her way here now.” The dungeon keeper says.

Great.These fuckers might beat me to it. And Stella is coming here. She probably wants to kill me for leaving her lodged in the dragon.I say in my mind. I quickly stored the map in my bag and headed out the portal with the safe keeper following me behind. When I got out the other side, the place looked like a shrine. Much different from what I remember. A giant staircase was right in the side of the mountain. It looks like it was carved from the mountain itself.

"Well, at least they did one thing right. It will be easier for me to descend from here." I whispered as I walked down the steps. “Ah, this pace is to slow! Seismic Step!” I quickly descend down the steps running at full speed.

"Sir Yasu! Wait for me!" I hear the dungeon keeper screaming behind me, but I have no time to wait for him. As soon as I reach the bottom, I see a lot of people around what looks like an entrance.

“What the- Hey you!” A guard screams towards me and I give him a glare. “That’s dangerous to run down the steps! Where’s your dungeon pass?” The guard as holding his hand out.

“Dungeon pass? What the fuck is that?” I say to him.

“You don’t have a dungeon pass? Then how did you go through the dungeon?” The guard says and I can see his hand slowly reach his sword.

Ah shit. This stupid dungeon robber crap again. I say in my mind and I started feeling agitated that I’m getting stopped over and over again.

“Sir, come follow us.” The guard says. “There have been a lot of Dungeon robbers going on, we just need to confirm your identity.”

I just ignored him, and I started walking away.

“Men! We have a bandit here! Arrest him!” He shouts as he takes out his sword and all of the other guards follow suit and surround me with their weapons drawn. A lot of the adventurers step back and spectate what’s about to happen before them. I look the guard straight in the eye, and I gave him a smile.

"Well then you pussies, what are you waiting for?" I say taunting the guards. I can try to reason with them but, it's faster to beat them to a pulp and run away. I can use seismic step but, I guess I wanted to try out how strong I’ve gotten.

“Die you bandit!” The guard shouts and runs towards me with his sword in hand. I'm as so used to fighting faster enemies than him inside the dungeon that his movements were too slow.

“Pound!” I called out my skill quickly closed the gap between us as I brought my fist towards his gut. The impact sent him flying towards the forest disappearing in it. I laughed watching him fly and the guards attacked me one by one in different directions. I sent them all flying towards different directions like a pinball, but they kept coming non-stop.

“Everyone! Halt!” Another guard shouts as he slowly walked towards me with a demeanor that makes me want to send him flying to the moon. “It seems like we have a strong bandit. Say little one, give up or I will make you submit.”

“Pfftt~ Make me submit? You're joking, right? Why don't you run off and go find bananas instead? You fucking gorilla." I say to him and I can see the fury in his eyes.

“What did you just call me?!” He replies back taking out a huge sword the same size as my dragon slayer.

“Does gorillas from this planet have small ears that they can’t hear properly?” I say taunting him. “Maybe you don’t understand me? Ogga booga ooh ooh ooh!”

I started making gorilla noises and it pissed him off more as he shouted while rushing towards me. I quickly jump back to avoid his swing and shouted, “Tenderize!” right when my hand met with his face. My attack exploded upon close contact and he went flying towards the forest like everyone before him.

“Well then, I guess this gorilla lost! Bwahahahahah! Who’s next?!” I shouted while feeling the adrenaline of fighting but none of the guards approached me. Even the adventurers who were watching from the sidelines seemed scared. “Seismic Step!” I shout my skills and quickly ran away from the scene.

“Oh my god! What happened here?! My lord! Wait! Sir Yasu! Wait!” I hear the dungeon keeper shouting my name over and over, but I was already too far away from running into the woods. I had my fun but I don’t really have the time to waste here since I needed to find the first dungeon as quickly as possible.

Those guys, they might be on their way to the first dungeon. I need to get there before them.I whisper to myself as I clenched my fist from anger while running through the forest.

“If you’re there. I’m coming…I'm coming to you, mother.” I say as I run with all my might.

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