《Mythical Conquest》Arc 3: Reunion


Darius’ death sent shockwaves, through the kingdom. Not only was he a well known crime lord, he was the son of the Flameheart Clan’s Leader; which meant that he was an aristocrat, and one of the highest class at that.

Not only that, he was a known friend of the King, as well as his accomplice that help initiate the kingdom’s lockdown. No one expected that someone was brave enough to kill him, in the kingdom.

The official report stated that Darius fought with, and was killed by unknown assailants, who were later killed by Marco Saevio.

With Darius’ death and the destruction of his gang, crime in the kingdom escalated. That was because the one who held the reins of the criminals was gone, they were now able to run free again.

This increased the guards workload, and a lot battles occurred in the capital city.

In order to quail the unrest, Marco Saevio took things in his own hands, and personally executed countless criminals that was causing havoc in the city.

The criminals then cooled their heads, and returned to how they were before Darius’ death.

That was over a year ago.

The commercial district.

A beautiful girl with purple hair, that flowed down to the middle of her back, was walking down the street while holding the hands of two children. The children were twins, and also had purple hair. The boy’s hair was short, while the girl’s hair was shoulder length.

Even though the girl looked like she was in her late teens at most, she was the mother of the twins.

Sasha, who came to the capital to shop, brought the twins with her to show them around the capital.

“Wow! I've never seen so many people before!”

“…I feel dizzy.”

Tessa was excited about the unfamiliar scenery, while Kristen looked like he was being overwhelmed.

“Amazing, isn't it? It's way different from what you kids are used to.”

Sasha said, while enjoying her children's reactions.

“It's completely different from the farm! I can't believe big brother Miko, has been living here for 2 years!”

“Me neither. I haven't been here a hour yet, and I feel like I'm going to pass out.”

Kristen said, holding his head.

“Hey, if we're lucky we might get to meet big bro!”

“Do you realize how big this place is? There’s no way we'll just bump into him.”

“Shut up, Kristen! We can meet him, right Mama?”

Sasha smiled when Tessa looked at her pleadingly, and nodded.

“Of course. Your brother is very special. If we ask around a little, we'll be sure to meet him.”

“Really?! Alright! You hear that, mr.negative! Mama said we can meet big bro!”

“….Just don't cry when we don't.”

The three continued walking through the district in this manner, until a rough looking man stopped them.

“Hey, pretty girl. What's your name?”

Sasha looked at the man from head to toe, and walked passed him while dragging the twins with her.

“Hey, don't be like that. I'm just asking for your name.”

The man raced in front of them and stopped her again.

“How will telling you my name benefit either of us?”

Sasha was visibly annoyed by the man, and so were the twins. They were both glaring at the man.

“Of course it will benefit the both of us. I'll go home knowing the name of someone as beautiful as you, and you'll go home knowing you spoke with a future big shot.”

“A big shot? You?”


Sasha check the man's [Class], and snorted.

Seeing that the man got angry.

“Hey, what's with that high and mighty attitude?! Are you saying I can't be a big shot?!”

“I've never said anything like that. You're just getting mad on your own.”

Sasha walked passed the man again. But this time he grabbed on to her clothes.

“Hey wait right there, girl! I've been nothing but nice to you, so what's with that attitude?!”

“Let go of my clothes.”

Sasha voice was so cold and intimidating, that it made the man check her [Class] on reflex.

When he did, a big grin appeared on her face.

“You're just a [Lower C Class] and you're acting tough. You've got guts, I'll give you that.”

The man gripped Sasha's clothes tighter.

“You should just quietly become mines. A weak woman like you can't possible survive on her own in this world.”

The man spoke arrogantly.

“Weak? Me?”

Sasha showed the man a mocking smile, which irritated him some more.

“I guess you're the type that won't listen until you feel some pain!”

The man lifted his arm up, and failed to notice the murderous glint in Sasha's eyes.

Just as he was going to thrust his arm forward, and punch Sasha-

“Oi. What do you think you're doing?”

A voice came from behind, and caused him to halt.

When he turned around, he saw a girl with shoulder length azure hair. She was about 7 or 8, and had a beautiful face and stunning blue eyes. She was dressed in a purple and black jacket, blue pants with a chain on the side, and purple and blue sneakers.

When the man registered the appearance of the girl, he found himself wanting to see how she would look in a few years time.

“Didn't you hear me? What do you think you're doing?”

The girl spoke again, and snapped the man out of his trance.

“Ah. I'm just playing with this girl here. So get lost, little girl.”

The girl eyebrows twitched at the man's words.

“She doesn't look like she wants to play with you. So let go.”

Sasha looked at the girl(?) with surprise.


Hearing their mother’s exclaim, the twins look at Miko more closely.

“You're right, it is big bro!”

Tessa shouted excitedly.

“…He looked so feminine, I thought it was someone else.”

Sasha secretly agreed with Kristen words.

Hearing what Sasha and twins said, the man looked at Miko again.

“....You know them?”

“That doesn't matter. You have 5 seconds to remove your hand from her clothing, or you’ll go home without teeth.”

The man widen his eyes at Miko's words, and started laughing. Miko was so young, he didn't need to check his [Class].

“You tell some funny jokes, kid.”


“Hey, hey. Are you seriously counting?”


“Are you serious?”


“Don't you think you're taking this joke to far?”


“Hey, I'm seriously get irritated here.”


“What can a kid like yo-?!”

The man was kneed in the face before he could finish talking.

He let go of Sasha's clothes and held his face.

Miko then grabbed his collar and dragged him down to his height.

“Y-You brat!”

The man tried to stand up straight, but he couldn't budge.

Miko grabbed his neck with one hand, and started strangling him.

“Keh! Keh!”

The man tried to struggle free, but Miko's grip was too strong.


Miko then used his other arm, and repeatedly punch the man in the face.

“Guh?! Guh?! Guh?! Guh!”

He groaned with every punch he received.

Miko stopped and looked at the man's bloody face.

“I've changed my mind.”

He vigorously flashed his fingers, and released his claws.

“Since you love to talk, I'll send you home without a tongue.”

Seeing to that Miko was seriously going to rip out the man's tongue, Sasha moved to stop him.

But before she could-

“What do you think you're doing?!”


A girl ran up behind Miko, and hit him on the top side of his head.

She had long brown hair and a really cute face. She was wearing a cute one piece dress with pink slippers.

Miko released the man and glared at the girl.

“Ouch! What do you think you're doing, Hina?!”

“That's my line!”

She grabbed Miko by the collar and began shaking him.

“Why are trying to kill someone in the middle of the Commercial District?! Do you want to attract the guards?! If you're going to kill someone, do it in the shadows like any sensible person!”

Hina’s words left Sasha dumbfounded.

“Aren't you suppose to tell him, not to kill in the first place?”

“Why are you angry about the location, instead of the act itself?”

Two new boys walked up Miko and Hina.

One was a teen with orange hair. He was wearing a red top with the words “Game On”, and a black jeans.

The other was a teen with blond hair. He was wearing an opened up blue and white jacket with a blue undershirt, navy blue jeans, and had a pair of headphones around his neck.

“Oh, you're right. Miko it's wrong to kill people without a reason!”

Said Hina.

“I wasn't going to kill him! Ah, crap he got away!”

Miko looked and saw the man running desperately away from him.

“So what did he do in the first place?”

Said Ace, as he walked up beside Miko.

“I wanna know too. You suddenly ran off saying that you picked up a familiar scent; and when we finally caught up, you were about to commit murder.”

Said Sora.

“Like I said, I wasn't going to kill him. Beside, I can't kill in front of my little brother and sister.”

(But you were fine with cutting out someone's tongue in front of them…..)

“Little brother and little sister?”

It was only after hearing these words, that trio turned their attention to Sasha and twins.


Seeing Miko brought tears to Sasha’s eyes. She quickly ran up to him and hugged him.

Seeing that, the twins did the same.

Hina and others were dumbfounded by the scene of Miko being embraced by his family. They were even more surprised by the gentle smile on Miko's face.

For the first time, he looked at peace.

After reuniting with each other, Miko and other moved to an open café. They all sat near each other.

“I didn't expect the scent that you picked up would be your family.”

Said Sora.

“I can't believe it either. Now that I think about it, you did say that you ran away from home. But you don't look hostile though. In fact, It looks like you're really close.”

Ace turned to Miko.

“Why did you leave home?”

Miko, who was reluctantly sitting in Sasha's lap while she embraced him affectionately, replied with a straight face.

“Certain circumstances caused me to left home.”

“Big bro and Papa tried to kill each other, so he left home with Her Holiness, Tiamat!”

Tessa said excitedly.

The trio widen their eyes in shock when they heard what she said.

“Idiot! Why did you mention Tiamat?! Do you want everyone to know that our brother is a Proxy?!”

“You're louder than me!”

The twins started glaring at each other. Seeing that, Sora spoke up.

“Ah, it's okay. We already knew; and I also activated [Silent Night]. So no one around us can hear what we're saying.”

[Silent Night] is a technique that removes all the sound around Sora's immediate area. This allows him and those around him, to move without making a single sound.

“But still, to think that a Higher Being, and much less the guardian goddess of the country, was here. What does she look like?”

Ace asked.

“Ah, she looks exactly like big bro! Only a bit more beautiful!”

Said Tessa.

“More beautiful than Miko?”

Sora and Ace suddenly felt the urge to see such a being.

Hina on the other hand-

“Nice to meet you, Mother-In-Law! My name is Hinami, future wife of Mikky!”

She introduced herself in a grand manner, as if almost kneeling.

Sasha stared at her with amazement and confusion, while Miko looked down at her coldly.

He was annoyed by the fact that Hina automatically acts this way whenever meeting someone new. It showed that she was desperate to be accepted by others. He was still unable to break her out of this habit.

“I don't remember promising to marry you.”

“What are you talking about? I live with three boys that are unrelated by blood, so obviously one of you will be my future husband. Neither Ace or Sora have any parents, so I must take this chance to be acquainted with a potential In-law.”

Hina's matter-of-fact tone astonished Sasha, and both impressed her and frighten her.

‘This girl is dangerous in all sort of ways!’

That's what her motherly as well as her womanly instincts told her.

“N-Nice to meet you, Hinami. I'm Miko's mother Sasha.”

Hina grabbed hold of Sasha's hand and looked at her with dazzling eyes.

“No, no, Mother! There's no need to be so formal! Just call me Hina! All the people close to me do!”

Sasha was once again taken aback by Hina's assertive approach.

She turned her attention to Miko and whispered.

“Miko, how old is this girl? She has the eyes of a predator.”

Miko didn't answer and instead introduced the others.

“Mother. Ace, Sora. Ace, Sora. This is my mother, Sasha.”

He then directed his hand towards the twins.

“And these are my younger siblings, Kristen and Tessa.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you.”


Only Tessa greeted them in an overly friendly manner.

Ace and Sora greeted them in return.

“I've been living with them, for the last two years.”

“I see. Thank you for taking care of my son.”

“No, Mother! It's natural for a wife to take care of her husband!”

Sasha almost hid Miko behind her on reflex. That was how much she was cautious of Hina.

It felt like the girl in front of her, could take her son away from her forever, whenever she wanted.

By the way, Tiamat felt the same caution towards Hina.

“Miko, what have you been doing the last two years? I've been worried sick. The capital has gotten really dangerous recently, especially after the death of Darius.”

“Ah, I want to hear about Big Bro’s adventures too!”

“I'm also interested.”

Hearing his family inquiring about his life, would normally caused Miko to lie and deceived them. But after some consideration, he decided to tell them everything that happened.

From his meeting with Hina to his desperate battle with Darius and his price for victory.

Sasha's reaction was amazement, grief, and mostly anger.

“So you four were the ones who killed Darius?”

Miko nodded, and Hina looked away for the first time.

“And Hina was the white haired girl from 6 years ago.”

Hina who was previously aggressive, suddenly became docile.

Seeing that, Sasha placed her hand on her head.

“Don't worry. I'm not hostile towards you. So I won't hurt you.”

Sasha knew a bit of the horrors the people put Hina through. Leon witnessed it firsthand, and told her about them.

“Wow! I don't really get it, but Big Bro had some amazing adventures!”

Shouted Tessa, who couldn't read the mood.

“But Miko, you were too reckless. You all could’ve died.”

Sasha paused and then the atmosphere around her suddenly changed.

“Darius is dead, so I can't do anything to him. However, if Dario and Marco had harmed my son…”

A chill ran down the backs of everyone at the table, and cold sweat covered their bodies.

There was a dead look in Sasha's beastly purple eyes as she spoke.

“I would've personally ensured the slaughter of everyone in the Saevio Clan and the Secundus Branch. If Darius hadn’t died, I would've destroyed the Flamehearts too.”

Sasha words caused everyone to freeze up. They didn't know why, but they could imagine them becoming a reality.

“Mama is scary when she's angry…”

Tessa's words made Sasha showed an apologetic smile.

“Sorry, Tessa. Mama was just a bit upset, that's all.”

Seeing his chance, Miko-

“As I thought, You're hiding your real [Class]. Right, Mother?”

“Oh, you knew.”

“When that man was going to attack, you were calm. It wasn't because you knew that I was near. It was because you knew that he wasn't a threat to you.”

When Sasha was pregnant she was unable to use magic, because of the negative effects it would have on the unborn twins. However, Sasha was no longer pregnant. Which meant her powers weren’t repressed.

“That's right. That man wasn't a threat to me.”

“He was an [Upper C Class] like me. That means that you're of a higher [Class]. What [Class] are you really in?”

Sasha moved her hair that was covering her left ear, and showed a silver earring with a ruby pendent.

She pulled the pendent and it separate from her ear. Miko and the others immediately felt Sasha’s presence had a noticeable change.

They reflexively checked her [Class].

“[Mid B Class]?! You're stronger than Darius!”

Hina shout out in surprise.

Sasha showed them the ruby pendent.

“This is a [Magic Limiter]. When a person wears it, their magic will lessen considerably, and thus lowering your [Class]. I wore a stronger one when I was pregnant.”

“Why are you wearing a limiter?”

Miko asked.

“Because I didn't want to draw attention to myself; I also wanted to live a normal life. For the people in the capital, my [Class] would cause a scene.”

Sasha then turned to Hina.

“You say that I'm stronger than Darius, which is true. But Darius was more talented than I am. If he hadn't left his clan so young he would've been far stronger than he was. Well, I did reach [B Class] when I was 14 without proper training, and immediately left my clan, so I'm not one to talk.”

One’s magic abilities wasn't the only thing that determined one’s [Class]. So the reason why Sasha was higher in their [Class] than Darius, was because her overall abilities met the requirements while his didn't. It was this same reason why Miko and others didn't advance a [Class], even though they were a lot stronger than when they fought Darius.

“That really is amazing…”

Said Ace.

“Then if you guys had trained properly you could've been stronger than Marco.”

“Marco? Hahahaha! I see. You kids believe that he's really the strongest in the kingdom.”

“He isn't?”

Hina asked.

“Not even close. He's not even in the top 50 in his own clan, much less the kingdom.”

“Not even in the top 50?! Then the Saevio Clan are the strongest in the kingdom?”

“No. The strongest is the Dragna Clan. The Primus that I belonged to, and the Secundus Clan that Dario belongs to, are untouchable powerhouses on the Silver Continent. No, the whole world. Otherwise the kingdom would've fallen a long time ago, if a [Lower A Class] was the strongest person in the whole kingdom.”

Miko already had his doubts, but Sasha confirmed them. How can a kingdom with with Generals only at [B Class] and Kings at [A Class], survive in this war infested world?

That was impossible.

There were 6 [Classes] above [A Class]. In fact, on a global scale an [A Class] wasn't worth spitting at. So how could this kingdom survive for so many millenniums with only that level of military strength?

It couldn't. That means that there had to be at least one person, who could repel any enemy of the kingdom. But who?

Miko had an idea.

He looked to Sasha and said-

“Mama, could you tell me about the other Gamikos?”

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