《Mythical Conquest》Separation


Three days after Miko woke up, he was in the yard throwing kicks and punches.


He then flashed his hand and released his claws.


He then stretched out his claws and covered it in fire, and then extinguished it 3 seconds later.

“Body is okay, claws are okay, and magic is okay.”

“Looks like you've fully recovered.”

Said Tiamat, who was watching him check his body’s condition.

“You slept for 4 days after your fight with Leon. And it took an additional 3 days for you to heal. A week in total.”

“Is that slow?”

“No, it's about average for a Proxy. But, as you continue to break your body, the time it takes for you to heal will gradually shorten.”

“So the more I'm pushed to the brink of death, the stronger my body will become? That sounds like a pain in the ass.”

Miko scowl at Tiamat and sat down on the ground.

Moments later, he saw Leon and Sasha walking towards him and Tiamat.

Sasha stopped at Tiamat, and Leon stopped in front of Miko.

“Tiamat, I would like to talk to you in private.”

Said Sasha.

“Tiamat? Your not calling me by that annoying title anymore? Well, it's not like I mind.”

Saying so, Tiamat left with Sasha to talk privately. Leaving Leon and Miko alone.

Of course, Leon was still using a crutch and was still hurt. Unlike Miko, he'll take some time to heal.


He said.

“What do you want, Father?”

Leon was surprised to hear Miko address him that way.

“….That's the first time you've ever called me that.”

“It doesn't have any special meaning to me, so I have no problem saying it.”

Miko spoke with indifference.

“….I see.”

“So, what did you want?”

“I would like to apologi-”

Miko raised his hand in front Leon, and interrupted him.

“The two of us fought to the death. That's something that an apology can't fix.”

Leon held his head down and listened to Miko's words.

“To be honest, I still I want to kill you.”

Hearing that, he looked at Miko. He wasn't glaring at him, but he could feel bloodlust from his eyes.

Cold sweat ran down his back as he gulped.

“Just looking at you makes me wanna rip your head off. But I won't. Instead, I'm going to ask you some questions. You'll decide whether to answer truthfully or not.”

‘You say that, but you'll definitely break my spine if you think I'm lying.’

Leon thought to himself as he nodded.

Seeing that, Miko looked somewhat pleased.

“Okay. First question…..How much do you know about me?”

He glared at Leon and observed him.

“…I know that Her Holiness reincarnated you into this world as her Proxy. I know that you still have your past memories, and that your former name was Logan Cross….”

Leon paused a little before continuing.

“….I know that you are definitely my son, and not an imposter.”

‘So, he doesn't know about my past. Looks Tiamat kept her mouth shut.’

Miko thought.

“Ok. Second question. What are those strange abilities that I used when fighting you?”

“Strange abilities?”

“That purple aura that made me stronger, and those strange markings that just wouldn't let me stay down.”

“Oh. They aren't strange abilities. They're heritable abilities from both my and Sasha's clans.”

“Heritable? So, these are abilities unique to your respective clans?”

“Correct. That purple aura that covered you is called [Dragon Rage]. It’s one of the abilities that only the descendants of Tiamat and Augustus, the Dragna Clan can use.”


[Dragon Rage] activates when a member of the Dragna Clan is overwhelmed with emotions like: Hate and Anger. This causes their dragon blood to boil, resulting in them becoming aggressive. When activated, the user’s physical and magical prowess doubles. Their bodies are also wrapped with a violent purple aura that acts as an armor.

“All members of the Dragna Clan has Azure eyes. So other than the purple aura, beast-like purple eyes is a sign that [Dragon Rage] has been activated.”

Miko remembered seeing Sasha's eyes before he was knocked out.

“…..I see. So Sasha used [Dragon Rage] to stop me that time….Wait, can it be controlled?”

“Yeah, it can. Sasha is able to use it anytime she wants. She can also decide if she wants to cover herself with aura or not. However, there's a lot more to [Dragon Rage] than the boost in prowess and protective aura.”


“Didn't you experience it yourself?”

Miko then remember how he lost consciousness.


Just one word was enough to rob him of his consciousness.

“What Sasha used to knock you out was an ability called [Rule]. It's an ability that allows the user to give someone an order, that they can't refuse. Hence, they literally rule them.”

‘There was such a convenient power?! Do you know how more sleep I could've gotten if I had that in my old world?! I could've ordered my teachers to pass me for all my exams!’

Miko exclaimed such a thing in his mind, while holding his head.

“However, there are restrictions.”

Leon continued.

“[Rule] can only be used on people you are superior to. Either Physically or mentally. If you're inferior to them in both ways it can't be used. It also can only be use on a certain number of people at a time. The number varies from person to person though.”

“Sounds reasonable. Are there any other abilities unique to the Dragna Clan?”

“Yeah. But I don’t know much about them, since [Rule] is the only power Sasha can use.”

Miko put on an expression like he was deep in thought, and then asked-

“What about the markings? Did I inherit that from your family?”

“Yes. It's called [War Face].”

Leon had a solemn expression as he spoke.

“But, unlike [Dragon Rage] that came from a god, [War Face] is a curse that been in the family for Millenniums.”


“Yeah. A long time ago, our ancestors fought and killed a legendary demon. They drank it's blood, and ended up cursed.”

“Wait….Why did they drink it's blood? Were they that thirsty?”

Leon smiled wryly at Miko's words.

“There's an ancient ritual in this world where drinking the blood of a different race, can grant you a fraction of their powers. My ancestors performed that ritual, but the nature of the demon was also absorbed by them.”

“…I see. They got the demon’s savagery and beastly characteristics.”

“Correct. However, it's not that simple. [War Face] is just a small part of the power they got. The real power is far more dangerous.”

“Which is?”

Leon hesitated for bit, and then-

“[Demon Assimilation]”


“We, the Saevio Clan, houses a part of the demon inside of us. There are even cases where the demon tries to be reborn by taking over a member of the clan. The more we fight, that closer we get to becoming that demon.”

[War Face] activates when the person’s life is in danger. When that happens, the person will become a heartless and cruel monster, that will do everything to destroy their enemies. They also gain the power to do it.


The more someone uses [War Face], the lesser of a human they become.

“Wait. If that's true, then the Dragna Clan and the Saevio Clan bloodlines shouldn't mix. If you add the aggressiveness of a dragon with the brutality of a demon, then you'll create one hell of a monster.”

“Hm?........Now that you mention it, you're right..!”

‘…..My parents are idiots!’

Meanwhile, Sasha faced Tiamat inside the house.

“Is this ok, leaving those two alone? Miko might finish what he started, you know?”

Tiamat spoke with a teasing tone, while relaxing in her chair.

“Miko won't try hurt his father anymore. I'm sure of that.”

Sasha sat in a chair opposite to Tiamat.

“You know your son quite well.”

“Of course.”

Tiamat smiled after hearing her reply.

“Well, it's true that Gamiko Dragna won't kill his father right now.”

Her smile turned into a cruel smirk.

“But, Logan Cross wouldn't hesitate to cut his head off in his sleep.”


A chill ran down Sasha's spine as she heard Tiamat's words.

“….Please tell me, what kind of person was Logan Cross?”

Tiamat wiped away all emotions from her face when she heard that.

“…Well, he calls himself ‘The Scum Of The Earth’, but I don't think that's what best describes him.”

Tiamat put on a pondering expression for a while before saying, “I got it.”

She nodded and said-

“A demon who failed at living like a human.”


“No,no,no. A demon soul trapped in a human body? …..No, Devil’s Incarnate….Well, you get the drift of it.”

“What are you getting at?”

Sasha voice was trembling with anger.

“Huh? You still don't get it? Are you sure you're my descendent?”

But Tiamat didn't care. She continued.

“Logan Cross was the personification of sin. His birth was sinful. His life was sinful. Even his death was sinful.”

“That's enough!”

Sasha stood up from her seat and shouted at Tiamat.

“How can I sit here and listen to you say my son’s existence was a sin?!”

But, Tiamat was still unfazed.

“Hey, there's nothing wrong with being sinful. Sinful people are interesting. While those who called themselves holy, are quite boring.”

“What gives you the right to call him sinful?!”

“Other than being a god?”

Tiamat said teasingly, which made Sasha even angrier. Seeing that, Tiamat-

“He massacred his entire family at the age of 9, and then proceeded to wipe out his entire bloodline a few years later."


“Quiet now, are we?”

Tiamat chuckled.

“T-That's….You’re joking, right?”

“Nope. I was serious about the massacre thing. He planned and carried out the purged of all of his blood relatives. He didn't leave a single one alive.”

Sasha had a horrified expression on her face. It was the first time Tiamat has ever seen doubt on her face. It amused her a little.

“Th-There must've been a reason!”

“There was. Whether it was justified, depends on the person though.”

Tiamat could see relief on Sasha's face. That also amused her.

“I'll be honest, Logan Cross was a sad existence. Even if I searched the earth, there are only a few who could survive what he endured, and walk away sane.”

“….Can you tell me about it?”


Immediate response.

“Eh? Why?!”

“Not my story to tell. And besides, how will knowing about Logan help you? He's already dead. Nothing you do can change that.”

Hearing, Tiamat's reply Sasha gritted her teeth.

“….I want to understand Miko better. Please, tell me.”

“……The only thing I can say is that Logan was a broken person. But, Gamiko is different.”

“Different? How?”

“They may have the same soul and mind, but unlike Logan, Miko still has a reason to live.”

Tiamat smiled once again, and put up one finger.

“Like most people, Logan was just living for living sake….No, he wasn't living. He was a husk. Someone without purpose. If he wanted he could've been one of the most influential people in the world, but he didn't. Though he had the talent for it, it wasn't what he wanted. So, he didn't bother to put effort into anything and became lazy and unmotivated.”

She then put another finger.

“On the other hand, Miko is motivated. That's because his goal is possible in this world. His goal to get back at the ones who caused him grief, and abandoned him.”

“The Gods?”

“Correct. For Logan, it was impossible to reach the gods. But for Gamiko, they're within reach. He just need the power to stretch high enough; which will take time to achieve. So, he won't stop until he have them in his grasp.

“…..I see.”

Sasha had a sad face when she answered.

“You know he's leaving don't you?”


“Do you plan to stop him?”

“….No. Even if I chain him the tree, he'll just burn it down and leave. Trying to stop him would be pointless.”


“So, I want you to promise me you'll keep him safe! Can you promise me that?!”

Sasha desperately plead with Tiamat, but Tiamat-


She immediately refuse.

Before Sasha asked her why, she continued.

“Higher Beings can't protect their Proxies from harm all the time, that's because we gave up all of our power to them. We still can't normally be killed but other than that, were basically powerless.”

Sasha hung her head down in despair. But Tiamat continued.

“Besides, Miko doesn't need my protection. He’s the one who'll burn this world to the ground, after all. If anything, it's world who needs protection from him.”

Tiamat said, while laughing.

“….You sure have a lot of faith in him.”

“Faith? Hahaha! Something as beautiful as that doesn't exist between us. We're bonded by sin, that's all.”

“…Is that so?”

A silence formed between the two for a while, and then Sasha noticed that Tiamat was staring at her with a smile on her face.


“You remind me a lot of my eldest daughter. Other than your purple hair, you look just like her.”

“Really? You aren't going to say I'm her reincarnate are you?”

“Hahaha! Not at all. It's unfortunate, but those with God blood can't reincarnate that easily. She's dead. And won't be coming back.”

“…..I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Hm? Ah, don't mind it. It was a very long time ago.”

Tiamat smiled and stood from her seat.

“Besides, it looks like it's time.”

Tiamat used her eyes to direct at the door. Sasha looked over there, and saw that Miko was standing there with Leon.

“Oi, Tiamat. Are you done?”

“Yeah, I'm finish.”

“I see….”

He looked at Sasha and saw tears in her eyes.

“Sigh. Hey, there's no need to cry. It's not like I'm traveling around the world or anything. I'm just going to stay in the capital city until I'm ready to take the throne.”

“T-That's easier said than done. They're some dangerous people under the King’s command. They're at least 10 times stronger than your father.”

“It kind of hurts my pride when you put it like that.”

Said Leon.

“Then I'll be a 1000 times stronger.”

“What about food and shelter?!”

“I'll figure it out.”

“I…I can't agree with this after all! Which mother can watch as her 6-year-old son go and do something dangerous?!”

“I'm mentally older than you. I'll manage.”

Sasha clenched her fists so tightly it bled.


Hear voice was so loud that it nearly shook the house.

Seeing her like that, Tiamat smiled and walked up to her.

“You’re a really good mother, Sasha.”

She then flashed her hand in front of her face. Sasha fell like a lifeless doll immediately after.

Leon frantically caught her.

“But, a mother can't always stop her son.”

Tiamat walked away from the unconscious Sasha.

“I know that the best.”

“…..Did you do that to the twins too?”

Asked Miko.

“Yep. If they were awake you would've hesitated to leave right?”

Miko didn't answer the smiling Tiamat, and turned around to leave.


He stopped when Leon called out to him.

“Seek out members of our clans, if you prove yourself useful they will help you.”

“…….If I feel like it.”

With those words Miko left his safe zone, and began walking on the path of carnage.

Gamiko Dragna was about to enter a world full of death, destruction, betrayal and despair.

However, he wouldn't have it any other way.

He walked towards the city with a devilish smile on his face, and a strong thirst for blood.

“Now then, let's see what kind of hurdles will you throw at me, only to help me grow.”

A monster who in the future will destroy the very core of the world, has started to make his move.

“Don't bore me now, Gods!”

Rebirth Arc End!

Hinami Arc Start!

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