《HavenGuarde》Chapter 14 - The Courts of Justice
Chapter 14
The Courts of Justice
- And the righteous shall look upon the guilty, with flaming eyes of blame -
"Enter", commanded a loud sonorous voice.
The great doors of the hearing chamber opened. Thonavar, newly dressed in a clean white tunic, walked in flanked by two dark-robed figures. Thonavar looked around. He had entered into a large circular room with whitewashed walls of stone. The courts of justice.
The shape of the room and its strikingly stark white interior made Thonavar dizzy. His head swam. He looked to the floor. Even the marble beneath his feet was pure white. Nervousness mixed with excitement gripped him.
Rows of seats encircled the courtroom facing center. Thonavar saw a large man pacing the far side of the courtroom. Thonavar recognised him instantly for Alexis closely resembled his father. Sir Alberoth Lardis.
Sir Alberoth saw Thonavar and a shot him an angry menacing look. A line of advisors waited behind him. Thonavar saw that they looked nervous.
His eyes searched the courtroom. The chamber was not overly-crowded but there were a many people seated. With a sigh of relief, Thonavar saw his mother and father seated quietly on the other side of the courtroom, opposite the team of busy-looking Alberoth advisors. He managed to make eye contact with his mother whose broke out into a nervous smile. She waved at him desperately. Thonavar could see the anxiety written all over her face. Jesse nodded sternly and sat back in his seat with arms folded tightly across his chest. He too appeared to be nervous.
As Thonavar walked toward the center of the chamber, the general buzzing of conversation died down to hushed whispers. At the very center of the chamber was single black circle carved into the floor within which contained a star-shaped diagram. Across the circle and the star were inscribed the words: let ye who standeth upon tis’ marbled floor of stone speaketh only the truth, for the truth shall set ye free.
The same sonorous voice broke out once more.
"Proceedings will begin shortly."
There was a pause. For someone else entered the courtroom from behind Thonavar. Robes of black swirled all around and the two dark-robed figures at the door bowed low to the ground as a figure walked into the courtroom. His feet made little sound and his movements were graceful.
"A note. We wish to make known the presence of Lord Dragba Damon of the Angardian Council. We are most honoured to have him seated here with us today. Today he will be an observer, representing no side. The role of an observer is to ensure a fair and orderly investigation takes place."
The figure proceeded to sit in the last row of seats at the back of the courtroom with his hands clapsed before him.
The Angardian Council. So, even they have come to watch this spectacle.
The man had sunken cheeks and the shape of his cheekbones could be seen. His was also dressed in the black robes of a watcher. Thonavar’s left leg seemed to be shaking slightly.
Thonavar turned his attention back to Sir Alberoth who was now staring at him contemptuously. The man’s robes of white could barely fit and rolls of skin seemed to collect in pockets at his stomach and thigh area. Suddenly, his fear and nervousness vanished.
He looks exactly like his son.
"This court is now alive", boomed the sonorous voice. "I am your adjudicator. Thonavar Ironhand", continued the voice of the adjudicator, "son of Jesse Ironhand and Mirya Ironhand. Are you he?"
Thonavar searched for the source of the voice but to no avail.
The adjudicator’s voice seemed to come from all around. At that very moment, he was suddenly aware of all eyes on him, including the penetrating stare of the man called Dragba Damon.
Be brave now, he told himself.
"I am he", said Thonavar aloud. The courtroom burst into whisper again. But Thonavar paid no question to them, his mind only seeing the smug look of Alexis father, who was now looking slightly disgruntled. Thonavar’s voice rang with clarity and confidence.
"I will henceforth address you as Master Ironhand in these proceedings. Please step into the center of the courtroom denoted by circle and the star", commanded the voice of the invisible adjudicator.
At this, Thonavar moved to stand as instructed.
"Sir Alberoth Lardis of the House of Lardis, I call you to the stands to give testimony about the accusations you have against Master Ironhand", boomed the voice.
Sir Alberoth stood up, his great frame huffing and heaving.
As the large man rose to his feet, Thonavar was gripped with a sudden sense of the surreal. He was in a courtroom about to be interrogated by Alexis father.
He stared out across the room and looked up. To his surprise the ceiling was window to the world outside and he could see blue and misty skies hanging above HavenGuarde.
"Boy!" barked a different voice. A pompous and arrogant voice.
Sir Alberoth stood a few paces before Thonavar, a finger pointing accusingly at him. Thonavar could see Sir Alberoth’s forehead glistening with tiny beads of sweat.
"Boy!" shouted Sir Alberoth yet again. His voice lacked the deep rich sonorous voice of the courtroom mediator but was thin, reedy and harsh sounding. "Are you unable to respond to me? Or are you simply incapable of simple speech?"
"Sir Lardis. You forget your conduct. You will address him by his name", said the ajudicator.
Upon hearing this, Sir Alberoth face turned white with anger. He struggled for composure, wiped his forehead and then turned to face Thonavar, his face a deeper flush of red.
"Ironhand! I accuse you of the attempted murder of my son, Alexis Lardis. What do you say to this charge?" he spat out.
"I deny the charge", replied Thonavar immediately.
Keep calm. Do what Felix instructed.
Sir Alberoth’s face turned a deeper red.
"You had in your possession, a weapon - a blade of approximately five-inches long, which you used against my son, Alexis, gravely wounding him. The strike would have been a deathblow had not a medical team arrived just in time to save my son", said Sir Alberoth dramatically, gesturing wildly. "You are a criminal who deserves to die for this heinous crime!"
"Master Ironhand", said the ajudicator. "Sir Lardis has brought these charges before me and against you. What have you to say in defence?"
"The knife had belonged to Alexis who had cornered me with a large gang of boys, all carrying some form of weapon in their possession", replied Thonavar.
"There is no escape for you boy. My advisors have collected all the data. We have all the evidence we need to convict you. Admit your guilt."
"Please maintain your silence Sir Lardis, I am questioning Master Ironhand. Not you. Master Ironhand. Please continue."
"Thank you ajudicator. It is well known to all that Alexis possessed an established record of juvenile offences. Since I started attending Newton’s college, I have often been a victim of attack by Alexis and his gang of boys on several occasions. On this occasion, Alexis desired my death and rushed at me with the knife. Consequently, I was forced to react in self-defense", said Thonavar, slowly and carefully, narrating the sequence of events.
"In the midst of the scuffle with not only Alexis but the rest of his gang, I somehow managed to pry the weapon away from my would-be killer and proceeded to defend myself against further attacks from Alexis and his gang. In an attempt to defend myself, I stabbed out blindly, wounding Alexis."
"Ah so you did do it! You stabbed my son!"
"Calm yourself Sir Lardis", boomed the voice of the ajudicator. "I believe Master Ironhand is claiming that the deed was done in self-defence. The law, formed at the laying of the foundations of HavenGuarde, states clearly the case for self-defence. Article twenty-two thousand, six-hundred and eighty-eight, section twenty-four, sub-section three demonstrates that if a man comes with a desire to end one’s life, one has the right to protect his own."
"Self-defence? Do not make me laugh. A pack of lies!"
"No, I speak the truth", maintained Thonavar who saw that simply keeping his composure greatly infuriated Sir Alberoth.
Keep calm. Do not give him the satisfaction of seeing you lose your temper. Let him lose his temper instead.
"You little insolent bastard. How dare you lie to this courtroom?" thundered Sir Alberoth. He stabbed a pudgy finger in Thonavar’s direction.
"Sir Lardis", the voice of the ajudicator rang out. "Your conduct is most unbecoming. You will not use expletives again in my presence."
"But the boy lies! He stabbed my son and the wound has been declared to be no other than a knife wound. We have witnesses who can corroborate this. This boy Ironhand has all but lied to the courtroom. He was found by the wardens to be crouching next to my son, knife in hand, celebrating his victory! It is beyond all reasonable doubt that he has committed this crime - and that is the crime of attempted murder! Admit it! Admit to your guilt! You little street urchin!"
"I deny the charge", said Thonavar again.
Suddenly Alberoth appeared to calm down. Pressing his lips together firmly, and clasping his hands before him, he spoke in a more somber tone.
"I have given you far too many chances to repent of your crimes boy. And so, let it be known to the whole courtroom. The boy has denied the charges several times", said Sir Alberoth dramatically, waving his arms to address the entire courtoom, as if appealing to them to see his logic. He smoothened the folds of his white tunic which were threatening to burst at the seams. "Ajudicator, since Ironhand insists on continuing to lie to the court, I wish to call the wardens present at the scene to give testimony about what they saw."
"Granted", said the ajudicator. "Sir Lardis has indeed brought witnesses to attend the court session scheduled for today. The court calls the wardens Jasper and Estein to give testimony."
The doors opened once more and a large man appeared at the entrance to the chamber. His face was spotted with pocked marks. Their eyes met and Thonavar saw the man mouthing words at him. Remember me? The man grinned at him. Another large man appeared from behind him. This man had massive forearms. The two dark-robed watchers standing by the entrance escorted the men into the chamber.
Thonavar felt a chill run down his spine. These were the same men he had encountered at the back of the hovercraft. They had tied him up before brutally assaulting him for sport. Anger surged through him and his fists clenched into a ball. So strong was the desire for vengeance that Thonavar longed to strike them down from where they stood.
"Prison wardens", began the ajudicator. "We welcome you to give honoured testimony to the court."
"We are honoured to be here today to give testimony to this noble court. But that boy", began the man with massive forearms, pointing at Thonavar. "Is a cold-blooded killer."
"Aye," agreed his partner, the man with pocked marks. "We found him celebrating. Holding up the knife as he tried to kill the poor boy Alexis."
"If we had not come sooner. The boy would have died. We saved the boy’s life, we did."
"Yes, saved the boy’s life from this one here. A cold-blooded killer, like I said."
The pocked-marked man flashed a twisted grin which Thonvar recognised instantly as the same look he had given before he had struck Thonavar across the face. Fighting for calm, Thonavar forced his lips shut.
Focus. Your job is almost done.
He turned his attention back to Sir Alberoth who shot him a smug look before pacing about, hands clapsed behind his back
"Thank you wardens. Your service and sense of duty to our wonderful city remains exemplary. We are truly grateful for your reliable testimony. Can you describe the knife you saw Ironhand holding as he danced above my son?"
"Never forget it. Was a blade. A knife. About five-inches long. Covered in blood."
"Yes, and the stab wound. Blood was oozing from it."
"You see ajudicator? A crime has obviously been committed! This boy is guilty! Not only that but he has lied to the court again and again. No mercy should be shown toward his kind."
Thonavar felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. Sir Alberoth turned to confer briefly with an advisor before turning back to face Thonavar. Sir Alberoth continued, his face triumphant.
"While it is true that the law provides for self-defence, the conduct comprising self-defence must be reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances. Ironhand has not demonstrated any evidence capable of establishing such conduct. As such, we urge the court to strike out this baseless argument. Given the circles this boy has run around the court today, I now call for the harshest penalty imposed in cases of these kind. I call for the court to impose the death penalty!"
"Master Ironhand", the sonorous voice resounded. "The testimony from the wardens is decidedly valid and highly relevant to the case at hand. Is there anything more you wish to say in response to Sir Lardis’ accusations before we pass judgment?"
This was it. This is my last chance.
Thonavar saw the gloating look on Sir Alberoth’s face. His eyes took in the sight of his parents, both sitting at the edge of their seats, leaning in toward the proceedings below. His mother shook her head before burying it in Jesse’s chest. Thonavar took a deep breath before speaking.
"Forgive me adjudicator, but I believe Sir Lardis is wrong", said Thonavar, his voice ringing.
"Please explain yourself Master Ironhand."
“My claim of self-defence is not a baseless argument."
"Sir Lardis asserts this because he believes you do not have evidence to establish conduct amounting to self-defence."
"But I do."
At these words, the courtroom burst into whisper once more. Sir Alberoth looked up, his face a mixture of confusion and disbelief. There was a moment’s pause before the voice of the ajudicator spoke again.
"What form of evidence may that be, Master Ironhand?"
"A witness and the data he wishes to present at the time of the incident", Thonavar replied.
"Adjudicator", interrupted Sir Alberoth, his face red, "what witness can this boy possibly give? He is clearly trying to…".
But the voice of the invisible adjudicator cut him off.
"Silence", commanded the adjudicator. "Bring forth your witness Master Ironhand. However, know that this court reserves discretionary powers to determine whether or not the witness or the evidence brought by such a witness will be considered admissible."
"I understand. I now wish to call a witness. A witness present during the entire scene. From start to the very end. My witness will be able to corroborate in detail the exact sequence of events."
Thonavar noted with satisfaction the flurry of activity where Sir Alberoth stood. His advisors were in a state of panic and Sir Alberoth’s face bulged in angry patches of red and white.
"I now call to this courtroom Felix Vanyaga", said Thonavar aloud.
At the corner of his eye, Thonavar noted with satisfaction the sheen of sweat that had formed upon Sir Alberoth’s forehead as all eyes turned to the entrance of the chamber once more. Members of the Alberoth family and their team of advisors also turned to look. Mirya and Jesse Ironhand turned their heads to the entrance as well, their faces still betraying their anxiety.
All heads, save one – the one seated in dark robes, turned to the white doorway.
And slowly, it opened.
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