《Ultimate Cultivation Support》Exposed


Another 50 days of cultivation passed, and during these 50 days, Mingwei gathered 1,475 Qi per day! Massive amounts of Qi, and so now he was firmly at pinnacle 2-stars. He could make a breakthrough at any time, but instead, he decided to wait. It was not good to draw attention to oneself.

Qi Cultivated


Qi Output Limit


Qi Storage


Core Toughness


But for people like Ma Yuehao, he gathered approximately 1,500 Qi per day too, and as predicted, he was the first to make the 3-star realm breakthrough. His roommate, Huadao, made it to pinnacle 2-stars too.

The elders were pleased, of course, that Yuehao managed to break through to 3-stars in under a year. Huadao and a few others in their building also made it close to 3 stars. So many of them were pinnacle 2-stars now.

Then, Elder Qing summoned him one day. “Young Mingwei, come, I must talk to you.” She led him to her quarters, and told him to sit in the waiting room, while she went outside.

It was a rather plain waiting room, there’s a round wooden table, five round stools, a small piece of art on the wall, and some other little decorations here and there. A very plain place, and then Elder Hulong and Elder Ke both stepped in.

Mingwei immediately did a salute. “Young disciple greets Elder Hulong and Elder Ke.”

“Ah, Qing’s disciple.” Elder Qing walked in behind them. “Sit.”

Mingwei reluctantly sat back down. He had a feeling something was happening. Elder Qing closed the door, and now there were 3 elders, and just him. This was not a good situation. If they turned on him, he had no chance of escape.


Was he going to die today?

He didn’t want to die. He immediately bowed and knelt. “Elders, forgive this lowly one for asking, but may I know why I’ve been summoned here?!”

Elder Ke and Elder Hulong smiled. “Ah, young disciple. It is just a matter of alchemy and runes that we brought you here. Elder Qing said that you’ve been experimenting with pills.”

Mingwei gulped. There was no point lying. The gap between their cultivation was too large, and he had no secret card to play. “Yes, wise elders. This foolish one has been playing with the failed Midheaven Qi Enhancement Pills.”

Both of the two elders looked at each other surprised. Elder Qing then took out a small pill. It was one of his 4-star Diluted Midheaven Pills. When did Elder Qing take it?

“Look at this.” Elder Qing displayed the pill to the other two elders. “Interesting, don’t you think? To think that our young disciple here knew how to salvage a failed pill to make a diluted pill, it’s evidence of deep understanding of alchemy.”

“Indeed.” Elder Hulong picked it up and looked at it. “The balance and quality is superb, for what’s made of scrap and waste. You say he was at pinnacle 2-star?”

“Yes. For some time now, and I suspect he’s been intentionally suppressing his cultivation.”

“Interesting.” Elder Hulong examined Mingwei from top to bottom. Elder Ke did the same. “You don’t seem like a spy, and you’ve checked out his background?”

“Yes. His mother was from the Yellow Lake Sect, and one of his elder brothers is with the Green Insect Blade Sect. His uncle is the Magistrate of West Tigerriver City. Nothing unusual, a regular noble background.”

“So, tell me, young disciple, where did you learn how to do this?”


Mingwei gulped. He had to cook up a story that was believable and wouldn’t get himself killed. “I received it from dreams. I met some cultivators in my dreams and they taught me how to do it... it was those dreams that set me on my journey to be a cultivator.”

Both Elder Hulong and Elder Ke laughed. “A lucky encounter. Well, well. Elder Qing said she sensed that you have an interesting soul-bound item. May we see it?”

Mingwei gulped again, he felt his palms were sweaty, his knees weak. He reluctantly took out his Beastbone Brush, and placed it on the table. All three Elder’s eyes widened.

“Oh! A crafter’s tool!”

Elder Qing picked it up. “Ah... I see why you chose alchemy?”

“A spirit that resides in the brush, perhaps? That is not certainly unknown.” Elder Ke said. “Quite like Sect Master’s Wolfbow.”

Elder Hulong nodded. “It seemed like you’ve had a very lucky encounter.” He handed the brush back to Mingwei. “Tell me... what else did it teach you?”

Mingwei gulped, and concluded that the elders may have been monitoring him for some time. “I learned to write lesser and normal Qi-gathering runes...”

Elder Hulong smiled. “Well, that explained the Cultivation Candle, doesn’t it? And also Ma Yuehao’s and the other’s sudden exceptional growth. Young one, why did you not use that power for yourself?”

Mingwei said honestly. “I’m afraid of fighting and pain, wise elders. I’m not a fan of combat, or battles, and being the first to breakthrough to 3-stars would always get me into trouble, within my batch, and also my seniors. I prefer to be unseen, and hidden from the public. Best if no one even knew I made it to 3 stars.”

All 3 elders had a laugh. Especially Elder Ke, who laughed extremely loud. “Well, well. It’s been a while since I had a talented young disciple whose primary motivation is to avoid fighting altogether!”

“So you used the candle to push your batch up. Are you not afraid they would use that power to oppress you?”

“As long as I can keep up, they wouldn’t be able to.” Mingwei said. “I fear the jealous seniors and existing Outer Disciples more, since their cultivation exceeds mine.”

The three elders gave each other a knowing look. Bullying and infighting amongst disciples is normal, really. It’s unhealthy, but as long as it doesn’t escalate too far, they would normally stay out of it. It’s part of growing up.

“I see.” Elder Hulong gave the other two elders a look. “I believe that settles our inquiry. Well, young Mingwei, we may have more to ask of you in the future. It is extremely rare to have one so gifted in the crafts in our sect. Teach him well, Elder Qing.”

Elder Qing nodded. Elder Hulong and Elder Ke left, and only Mingwei and Elder Qing were still in the room.

“Well, I would appreciate some honesty, young disciple. If you’re planning to downgrade a pill, do invite me along. I’d like to see the methods of this Spirit in the Brush.”

Mingwei gulped. His hands were still a little sweaty, though his breathing had calmed down considerably. “Yes, Elder Qing.”

“Now, I believe since you have such an interesting soul-bound item, I should change my priorities and first guide you on the unique runes.”

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