《Song of the Depths》Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Five
I flipped through a few apps on my communicator while reclining back against the side of my transport. When I finally found the app I was looking for, I pressed the ‘call’ button and waited for a moment.
“Hey, Zafir? It’s going to be a bit. This place is swamped,” I spoke the moment I heard him pick up. “You going to be alright if I have to wait 10-20?”
“Will I be…?” Zafir hesitated, and I bristled with faint suspicion. What the hell had made him so nervous? “Yes, that will be fine. The situation here is stabilized for the moment…the concern is you. Are you feeling alright? Any symptoms, or anything strange at all?”
The hell? I frowned slightly. “I take it this is an ‘in-person only’ conversation?”
I sighed in reluctance. “I’m fine, Zafir. My delays were due to a stop at Rel’s, picking up your medicines, buying some ludrán, and getting annoyed by the usual source of my irritation.”
“That’s…odd.” Zafir hesitated before continuing in an unusual tone, giving me the impression he had company, “So…have you checked the news?”
Considering that I was one of the few people at HQ who avoided the news like the plague, I had to assume it was rather important. Not just small talk. “No, I haven’t had a chance.”
“Well, it will certainly explain a few things if you found people were agitated,” Zafir suggested. There was a muffled sound in his background, then he sighed softly. “I have to go, Elara. If I don’t greet you at the door, wait for me in the mess hall. Furthermore, you’re off duty for the night. I’ll see you soon.”
The fuck? I looked at my communicator, then over at my driver. The uniformed man was standing just a few feet away, his rifle aimed at the ground and his eyes sharp. “Hey, Erik, right? You have a TV or radio in this rig?”
“Yes, ma’am— Uh…” Erik narrowed his eyes and glanced past me.
I turned, finding a group of very drunk humans making their way toward us.
“Heeey, military girl! That’s cute!” One of them laughed. “Man, why’d they decide to waste a good pussy on—”
“Turn around. Now.” Erik stepped past me. His gun was still aimed at the ground, but his shift in demeanor made him seem ten feet tall. The drunkards hesitated, but then suddenly went running. I had to wonder just what sort of face Erik had made at them. “TV is in the back. The boss suggest you take a look?”
“Yeah. He’s not in a position to tell me what’s going on…and I assume it’s the same for you?” I murmured thoughtfully. It didn’t seem likely that the base was under attack. Was it simply an issue of a high ranking visitor? …I doubted it.
“Yes, ma’am.” Erik watched me hop into the vehicle, then he turned to keep watch. “The situation has been diffused but the boss is…shaken. All I can say is it’s unrelated to the matter that’s showing on the news, ma’am.”
I grumbled complaints under my breath as I turned the TV on and navigated to a news channel.
“—due to abandoning his clan and these outrageous demands, I am forced to disown my son. Jysel is no longer of Clan R’selkti, and I have canceled his pending sale to the F’rsze Queen. He and those who support him have been cast out and will now be treated as rogues.”
The interviewer leaned forward excitedly, seemingly enraptured by the veiled Syldrari woman she was interviewing. “Are you saying that your government doesn’t believe in or condone these threats, Your Majesty?”
“I didn’t say that.” The R’selkti queen shook her head slowly. “Any Syldrari queens—and their servants—should be returned to me . I dislike thieves. Keeping Syldrari prisoners will be treated as a declaration of war.
“However, my idiot son’s threats were unnecessary and unrealistic. You will find me to be much more reasonable and cooperative…”
The show cut for a break, and I scowled. I instantly disliked the woman more than the more annoying of her two sons. Even on the TV there was just something about her that didn’t feel right. Plus… his pending sale?
“Order for Elara?” A slightly mechanized voice questioned from outside. I shifted and walked past Erik, finding a person in the restaurant’s black and orange uniform waiting.
“That’s me.” I flashed my ID briefly, and the person nodded—and I could have sworn I heard motors whirr to do so.
“Excellent. I have your order here. Would you like me to load it for you?” They stepped aside to reveal a trolly with several bags of takeout boxes.
“Military craft—sorry. I’ll handle it.” Erik stepped forward, and there was another nod.
I took a better look at the person, noting they had faint seams down their neck and forearms. Their eyes, upon closer inspection, seemed to be mechanical as well—the components just looked like a human eye at first glance. Is this one of the non-biological vessels I’ve heard about? Are they a cyborg or an android? Human, or some other species of origin?
“Thanks,” Erik spoke up, offering the person a tip once he was done loading. I nodded and echoed his sentiments. Then, we hopped in and Erik started driving toward headquarters. “Haven’t seen one of them before, I take it?”
“Androids—real common to see them working in the minor roles humans used to,” Erik offered. “The government halted its android research in favor of researching the Syldrari. So, the androids aren’t ‘complex enough or sturdy enough’ to serve military purposes. My guess is they want to create human-Syldrari hybrids and then design a new line of androids with their capabilities. The old android systems aren’t compatible with any aetheric tech.”
“Huh, is this common knowledge or…” I tilted my head as I looked him up and down. “Or are you more than a ‘mere soldier?’”
“The android department was repurposed to become the Resonance Project HQ,” Erik answered with a short laugh. “Been working at the same location for a little over a century now. Working at these kinds of installations is the goal of just about any of us. Guarding researchers is a damn cushy deal.”
“Huh, I could see that.” I considered it for a moment as he slowed the vehicle and navigated to the parking garage underground.
“I’ll go get something to carry the food with,” Erik offered after hopping out. “Will give you a minute to prep for dealing with the boss man.”
Hmm, and Zafir isn’t upset because of the R’selkti queen? I leaned back in confusion. Honestly, the interview snippet bothered me. What was it Casair said…right. Abandonment. …oh. Jysel saw her broadcast already, didn’t he…oh boy.
I poked through my communicator in search of an interview transcript and quickly found one. I skimmed it, my unease growing. She’d talked about Rel too—how, ‘his endearing game of playing clan leader’ was beneficial, but she hoped to find a buyer for him too. Apparently, leading the V’shir and being the queen’s eldest son made him…expensive. She was eager for him to continue building the clan so that she could get more out of it
From there, I attempted to find what the fuck she was talking about. The closest explanation I could find online was a comparison to ancient human practices where a groom—often betrothed—would pay the bride’s parents to be able to marry her. The article’s writer theorized that it was a similar practice, but with reversed genders due to the Syldrari’s more matriarchal society.
However, commentators on the article claimed that the R’selkti queen spoke of her non-male children similarly. It was just that the males were harder to get rid of.
“Here, this should do the trick.” Erik walked over with large empty cargo box. “Can stack the food in here and carry it, sound like something you can do? I’ve got orders to go fetch more stuff.”
“Yeah, I’ll unload real quick.” I hopped to it, said a quick goodbye to Erik, then hurried off to the mess hall. To my surprise, Zafir and a man I didn’t recognize were waiting in the lobby.
“Elara, this is my boss—and yours—General Crowe.” Zafir motioned at the unfamiliar man.
I glanced down at my box then back to Crowe. “I hope you can forgive me for not saluting, sir.”
“Of course! Let’s walk and talk. Zafir here could stand to get some food in him.” Crowe clapped Zafir on the back. “Surveillance is currently disabled throughout the facility. I’ll get straight to the point. All the members of your team and the ones displaying cellular dissonance were poisoned while you were on patrol.
“They’ll all be fine, but we have them in isolation and under guard. We believe this is an inside job, and I’m bringing in an external team to investigate the staff. You two are off the hook, but everyone else can’t be accounted for.”
“We jointly proposed new uniform protocols for the guards and research staff so that its more difficult to hide facial features,” Zafir muttered as he plopped down at a table. “Amara is going over a copy of the security footage in search of suspicious behavior.”
“…we should really turn surveillance systems back on.” I stopped placing food on the table and gave them a stern look. “I have it on good authority that we’re going to be targeted next by the rogue Syldrari who have been attacking different research installations. Poisoning most of our strongest fighters sure seems like a good distraction to me.”
“What…” Zafir’s eyes widened momentarily before he seemed to switch into ‘on’ mode. He turned and narrowed his eyes at Crowe. “Sir, Elara has made reliable connections in the Syldrari Sector. I don’t believe they’d tell her this lightly. We should prepare.”
“You trust this info-giver?” Crowe looked to me thoughtfully.
I shook my head. “I don’t trust anyone, sir, but my gut says he was telling the truth. Furthermore, I don’t think a Syldrari would say, ‘be careful’ when trying to set someone up.”
“And this contact has… connections you’d rather not talk about?” Crowe laughed when I grimaced. “I know the type, girl. Got plenty of contacts like that of my own. Keep ‘em close, they’re invaluable.
“Zafir, eat. Elara, keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t get his dreamy skull detached from his shoulders.” Crowe paused, then motioned loosely as he addressed Zafir, “We’re going to go ahead with relocation plans early. Enough is finished to house your current staff and survivors. We should have everyone out by the morning. After you eat, go with Elara and pack everyone’s affects.”
“Sir—” Zafir started to stand and protest, but Crowe put a hand on his shoulder and gently pressed him back down.
“We don’t know how long it will take for them to recover. You and I can’t afford to have the Syldrari attack and destroy all our work here with this installation.” Crowe glanced at me pointedly, then back at Zafir. “Keep her alive. Bail early if you have to.”
“…yes, sir…” Zafir slumped in his chair. Silence fell as the general left. Zafir waited a little longer before muttering, “Damned bastard, leaving me to be the bearer bad news…”
“Zafir. Zafir? Hey , enough with the pouting. I’m not gonna shoot the messenger.” I sat down across from him and started making him a plate of food since he still hadn’t moved to do so. “What? Okay—I won’t punch you, kiss you, kick you, or stab you either.”
“Even so, it still isn’t—” Zafir paused, shifting in his seat. “…one of those was not like the rest.”
“I have no idea what you mean.” I shrugged before lifting the plate of food and placing it in front of him. “Talk or eat—pick one.”
“I don’t know if I have the stomach to…” Zafir started, and a loud gurgle from said stomach interrupted him. “Of all the times for my body to betray me…”
“Oh, yes, how terrible that your body is trying to keep you fed,” I commented, rolling my eyes as I propped my elbow on the table and rested my chin in my palm.
“Before this chaos, I received orders from the brass—they had me cancel all patrols from your team, day and night, because they want you to work on team building exercises and training together while things are…calm.” Zafir grimaced, pausing as if expecting me to immediately start bitching. When I said nothing, he hesitated, then continued, “You were all to be on emergency standby of course…but now the situation has changed. Brass has ordered you to remain in and keep an eye on the poisoned. They’re concerned a more direct attack may be in order now that your team members are incapacitated and easier to deal with—and of course the information you brought will make them more confident an attack is coming. I doubt they will change their minds.”
“That’s it?” Zafir blinked at me.
“Well, it makes sense. If you can give me a rational explanation as to the why of something, I’m significantly less likely to get pissed,” I pointed out, watching as he glanced away in discomfort. “You just need to get more creative in telling me the reasons for other things. Clearly you have it in you—which is why it’s infuriating when you don’t.
“Plus, how would you feel if you came to the realization that everyone you talk to is keeping things from you all the time ?”
Zafir’s gaze drifted down to the floor as he sighed, continuing to look away from me. “Yes…I’m sure your patience is quite short by now.”
“ Eat before I feed you myself.” I kicked his foot lightly under the table. “How about I ask you questions I think you can answer?”
“You can try.” Zafir made a sour face.
“Okay, how do some Syldrari colors glow pink but have a blue ‘halo?’” I asked, and Zafir’s hands twitched so hard he dropped his silverware. In an instant, he was on his feet, had grabbed my wrist, and was leading me to the residential quarters. Uh…oops?
Zafir pulled me into his office and then to the room in the back, which was a small lab. He pointed at an examination machine and spoke flatly, “Let me see your eyes. Sit.”
I decided to cooperate since, this time, he appeared unnerved instead of grumpy. There’d already been a faint trembling to his hands since I’d come back, but now it was worse.
Seemingly not finding what he was looking for, he crossed his arms and ordered, “Suit up and take your visor off.”
I did as he asked, and his lips immediately parted slightly and his eyes widened. He inhaled shakily before carefully reaching up to my face and turning it up slightly, his hands cupping my cheeks. I watched as his gaze became hazy for a brief moment, then he regained control.
“Oh…that…is not good.” Zafir murmured in breathy, half-excited half-distressed tone. “Your eyes, they— Don’t look!”
Zafir pressed me back into my seat, hands on my shoulders and one knee up on the seat cushion beside my thigh. He’d sounded genuinely panicked, though now he was closer he appeared to be struggling more to stay out of his hazy state.
“But, you’re clearly distressed, so something must be wrong,” I protested, but he easily kept me in place.
“Elara, please, don’t look,” Zafir pleaded in almost a whisper, his forehead resting against mine, his eyes clenching shut as if he were in pain. “I’m…afraid, that seeing your real eyes may trigger an acceleration in your condition, and there is no way to predict how dangerous that might be. Not to mention the potential psychological ramifications, there’s just too much….”
He moved back abruptly and shook his head hard to clear it. I hadn’t seen a Syldrari react to anyone like that before, and that was with knowing a queen. The hell is going on? I’m…not exactly surprised that I may be a Syldrari. Not by any stretch. But why am I having such a strong effect when Xilen doesn’t?
“Here.” Zafir quietly handed me back my visor and sighed. “Put it back on and de-suit. I should find Crowe and—”
Since he seemed a little out of it still, I thought my choice of words over before speaking, “What about your food? It’s going to get cold at this rate.”
“Hmm?” Zafir shot me a questioning look. “That much thought for such a short question?”
“Uh, well, you said I need to be careful about wording in some situations, so…” I grumbled awkwardly, before crossing my arms and glancing away. “Is all the food yours?”
“No. You’re welcome to join me.” Zafir slowly shook his head, then fetched a small device by one of the machines. “To check the food…just in case.”
“Good idea.” I nodded, following him. The praise appeared to put some spring in his step, though after we’d gone a few feet, he raised a hand to his face and rubbed his temples. Then, he slowly shook his head and became less bouncy. I opened my mouth to ask a question but stopped myself. No, no, hold it back. You know he’ll be compelled to answer. Don’t do that to him. You know his intentions are good even if they make you want to throw someone out of a window sometimes…
“Hmmm…” Zafir murmured, scanning each food dish quickly. “All clear. Shall I grab you a drink?”
“I don’t know how to answer that.” I sat down with a sigh, considering it. Will a ‘yes’ compel him and a ‘no’ upset him when he’s been exposed to…whatever it is I do?
“Ah…” Zafir rubbed his chin, sinking into thought. “Thank you for being considerate, but I don’t believe we can afford to be…awkward when more people show up. Much like I can’t yet explain what it is I was looking for. I hope you can be patient with me, so we can discuss it later.”
“Then, I’ll grab the drinks, boss ,” I stressed, hoping to remind his silly Syldrari brain that he was supposed to be the one in charge. “What would you like?”
“What I would like is—” Zafir abruptly cut himself off and placed a hand over his eyes, both hiding his face and rubbing his temples again. “…just…fill a kettle and bring it here. The herbs I requested are in one of these bags, right? I’m going to make some tea…and you are welcome to try some.”
I fetched the kettle and grabbed the little basket of strainers and fillable bags we kept handy. After placing both by Zafir, I pulled over the bag he needed since he was too distracted to find it, then sat down across from him again.
“Thank you,” he murmured as he set about making the tea.
I wonder, is this how they all react, or is there a variety of ways they may act? I considered what little I knew of the other Syldrari, especially the most frustrating one. Huh. Could Jysel be worse ? That might explain his seeming fear of abandonment and how it’s contrasted by the anger has toward so many things. …just what has that woman put them through? Jysel is always cranky, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rel drink before.
Going forward, I should probably assume they’ve both seen the interview with their mother. That may be why Jysel was so…odd today. Same for Rel. I bet Jysel was looking for a fight to blow off some steam with. Rel though…maybe I should get his number next time I talk to him.
Hmmm, is Rel more amiable because he’s been away from R’selkti control for longer? If I have my series of events straight, it was only within the last five years that Jysel killed their father and ordered their resonance weapon to be destroyed. Is he struggling to find his place away from his parents’ control? Then again, didn’t someone say Rel is usually the hard one to win over? Hmmm…
“Elara,” Zafir asked in a way that suggested he had called multiple times. When my gaze flicked to him, he frowned and continued, “What’s on your mind?”
“I was contemplating some of the ‘personal quirks’ I learned about some of the Syldrari today during my patrols” I answered vaguely, having caught the sound of footsteps approaching the mess hall. “Many of them seem like they’ve been treated poorly by any and every queen they’ve encountered. I was wondering if that’s why the V’shir are a queenless clan, but I was also thinking that it’s odd others would be so strongly driven to ‘rescue’ the queens they claim are missing.”
“Sharp one. I see why Zafir speaks highly of you,” Crowe remarked as he approached us. “There’s only rumors and theories, but some believe the Syldrari programmed their men to be mindlessly subservient to their queens. I find it believable—imagine the wars they would wage among themselves if they had to compete for such a small number of women. Human history has seen how few people have to be involved for something to escalate into war.”
Zafir doesn’t seem to agree with that… I nudged Zafir’s foot under the table so that he could correct his expression before Crowe fully reached us. “That’s difficult to believe, sir, but I suppose if it was well done it could be undetectable.”
“Not done yet?” Crowe raised an eyebrow at Zafir. “I know you’re worried. The best thing you can do for them right now is to keep yourself going and healthy.”
“Which is why Elara escorted me to fetch a tool I could use to scan the food before we ate it.” Zafir brandished the small device briefly before pocketing it. “One of the Syldrari inventions that I managed to recalibrate. They use it when exploring undiscovered planets, as a quick way to determine what is and isn’t edible.”
“Why haven’t we reverse engineered this yet for ourselves?” Crowe asked irritably as he sat beside Zafir.
“Ah… I have proposed as much many times, but…” Zafir made a show of sulking. “…Eddard, well, you know how he is. Not to speak ill of one of my superiors, of course, but I have to wonder about his intentions sometimes, sir.”
“Bah, that old fool is a purist through and through. Believes in making our own way through the universe—without making any alien tech our own.” Crowe grimaced in disgust, though something appeared to dawn on him. “I wonder… Zafir, Elara, finish up and get packing. The transports will be here soon. I’ll tell my men to look to you for instruction.”
Crowe stood abruptly and walked out of the room again. I glanced over at Zafir just in time to see a rather villainous smile on his face—which he quickly hid when he realized I was looking. I made a dismissive motion.
“I can guess. There’s some things you just can’t research in your position,” I spoke quietly, giving him an amused look. “Maybe save the triumphant ‘ha, fool, you are my pawn!’ looks for when you’re in private? It’s usually right after that sort of behavior that villains fall or become the pawn themselves, you know.”
“Ah yes, but that is fiction, and I have quite the charming sidekick,” Zafir laughed, shooting me an amused smile. “I appreciate your concern, Elara. For now, perhaps we should hurry, as he suggested.”
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