《Song of the Depths》Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-One
I walked into the lounge section of the mess hall with a cup of coffee in hand and sunk into a chair with a small sigh. It was pretty early in the morning, but Zafir was already there mulling over his data pad. Sarah and Maelor were there as well but were busy stuffing their faces with breakfast while watching TV.
“What are you working on, Zafir?” I inquired after a few moments.
“Ah… Elara. Good morning.” Zafir glanced at me briefly then back to his work. “I am reading reports regarding the last Resonance Incident. I believe I mentioned it to you…?”
“Happened a bit over a month ago, right?” I nodded and leaned over my armrest to peek at his screen. “Do they usually take so long to report?”
“No…but I can see the source of their hesitation. The effects of this weapon are vastly different from previous attacks. The victims were torn into large chunks—not reduced to goo. Parts of the buildings are still standing, and some went unscathed. There are more survivors, most of which show no signs of change…” Zafir trailed off into a tired sigh, and his voice dropped to a barely audible whisper, “Something isn’t right. This isn’t Syldrari work.”
“Eep! What the—!” Sarah yelped suddenly when an obnoxious screeching sound, accompanied by brief static, came from the TV—interrupting the morning the news.
My heart stopped for a moment when the screen was briefly filled with an intricate spiraling gold-on-black logo, which promptly slid out of frame to reveal a very familiar face.
Jysel’s piercing eyes were focused straight at the camera, showing the full detail of their yellow-to-white gradient and strange pupils. His medium-dark blue-grey skin shimmered faintly under the lights, making it clear the texture was not like that of a human. His hair was parted off-center and swept into a somewhat formal looking style. Finally, the underside of his hair and what was visible of his body glowed what I’d come to know as their ‘passive’ cyan.
The look on his face told me that passivity was the last thing on his damn mind though.
“I am Jysel, formerly of Clan R’selkti. It has come to my attention that this planet’s government has been so terribly naughty…” He shifted slightly, giving the world an alluring, dangerous glare as his lips pulled into a smile. “You have taken many of our queens and their guardians captive for experimentation. We will not stand for this insult. You have a week of this planet’s time to return them all to us—or we will begin using force to reclaim all the poor souls you have stolen from us.
“I recommend you comply before more clans begin to intervene.”
With that, the feed cut off—but the previous show didn’t come back on. Instead, it was merely static. As if on cue, Zafir’s communicator began ringing, and Amara soon came trotting into the room in her pajamas. Noting that our boss was on the phone, she motioned me over instead.
“That was a prerecorded address. I just picked up hits at several facilities—they’re already on the move.” Amara showed me her screen, and a video feed of Syldrari infiltrators. “Rather, that’s what I’d say if I hadn’t zoomed in. I’m pretty sure they’re from some other clan, and they’re acting weird. They seem to be looking for chemical compounds, not weapons or queens. Think you can get this verified for me?”
“I’ll arrange for Xilen to meet Elara at Rel’s cafe, then,” Zafir spoke up, walking over to us. He gave me a stern look. “Rather, she will be meeting us there. The party is still on for this afternoon. The only change is that the higher ups want me to act as your…handler, just in case.”
“Going to handle me, are you?” I gave him a pointed look. “Then you’d better change into something more suitable. Off you go.”
“This isn’t…?” Zafir frowned down at his lab coat.
“Zafir, please. It’s a party featuring government officials from multiple species—including a Syldrari queen. Of course that isn’t suitable.” I placed my hands against his shoulders and guided him in the direction of his room. “Now, go find something formal. Don’t make me dress you myself .”
Once Zafir was in his room, I turned and leaned back against the wall by the door. I would be going in military dress. There had been some discussion about the possibility of bringing me as Lethe, but Zafir wanted to try and keep Xilen from realizing who I was. While we both agreed she probably already knew, he claimed there was a chance she didn’t.
A 0.01% chance is still a chance, I guess… I shifted to look at Zafir’s door in irritation. “Come on. You have to have some sort of business suit or otherwise snazzy attire, right?”
“I hate human clothes.” Zafir opened the door, sulking, seeming entirely unaware of me checking him out from top to bottom. “So infernally itchy and tight in all the wrong places…”
“You could get a tailor to fix that last problem.” I nudged him with my elbow, earning a disgruntled pout. “Your glasses are crooked.”
Zafir sighed and adjusted them before straightening to his full height. Or well, what his human disguise made his full height appear to be. He seemed much taller the one time I saw him in his real form.
“We will need to discuss this morning’s news…later, of course, after we’ve attended to formal business.” Zafir crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at me before asking, “What are you staring at?”
I gave him a light smack on the ass, then began to walk in the direction of the lobby. “Good choice in pants. We should probably get you some more options though if you get dragged to formal events often.”
“ Elara ,” Zafir reprimanded me. “Such behavior is incredibly inappropriate toward your boss . You should refrain from—”
“Oh, I’m sure it is.” I made a dismissive motion as I listened to him hurrying to catch up to me. “Consider it part of my payment.”
He sighed in aggravation. “Payment for what ?”
“For dragging me to this bullshit formal party nonsense!” I held up a finger and gave him a bright smile, waiting for my phrasing to click in his brain.
Alas, we’d gone up four floors in the elevator before he asked, “What did you mean by ‘part of’ your payment?”
“That depends on how much this affair bores and/or offends me!” I gave him an innocent smile before stepping out of the elevator and into the main lobby.
Zafir slumped and put a hand over his face. “I’m cursed…”
“Or maybe you’re blessed?” I winked at him. “We’ll just have to see.”
Zafir let out a distressed groan and followed me out of the building, where we caught a hovercar that would take us to the Syldrari Sector. I figured I’d see how long it’d take to make Zafir realize my ‘uniform’ was the reason I’d decided to torture him.
Uniform my ass. Should be called, ‘that thing you put an escort in to make her look military-but-hot because she’s just a cheap side piece.’ I glanced down at my thigh-high boots briefly. Or well, expensive side piece in my case.
Zafir got out first and offered me a hand up despite my teasing thus far. I accepted the help, then led him through the Syldrari Sector to Rel’s cafe. To my surprise, no one whistled at me—I got plenty of strange looks though. That was about where it ended. I’d expected a much more pronounced reaction, though perhaps human ‘norms’ were coloring my expectations.
“Ah there you two…” Rel’s glow turned brilliant scarlet tinged with traces of pink, and the glass in his hand shattered. “Elara, by the Abyss Father! What are you wearing?! Zafir! You allowed this? ”
“What…ah, are you referring to her uniform?” Zafir glanced at me, then at Rel. “This is standard issue for—”
“Elara, dear, let’s go get you changed.” Xilen walked over and pulled my right arm into her cleavage. “Rel, perhaps you can educate Zafir while I take care of this little problem, hmm?”
“Hold on. There’s stuff we need you to look over first!” I protested, attempting to reach for the footage Amara had given me.
Xilen shook her head at me and loosened her grip to move my hand away from my pocket. “Absolutely not. It can wait until after you’ve changed, and after we’ve been to the party. We are cutting it close as it is.”
“If she wears something else—” Zafir started to protest. This time, the flames of the grill leapt into the air. “E-Elder, please calm down. This—”
Aldiner and Ciheri poked out to see what was going on, spotted me, seemed to think twice about saying anything, and immediately retreated.
“Come along, dear.” Xilen guided me to a private room where several outfits were already laid out. “I had a feeling this would happen—I’ve seen this ‘standard issue’ before. Luckily for you, I have just the right contacts. You won’t get into trouble for wearing something I personally requested.”
“Xilen, that footage—” I tried to change the subject, but she shushed me. “It’s important !”
“I’m sure it is, dear, but the consequences for being late to or missing a party like this are not good for your health, mine, Rel’s, or Zafir’s.” Xilen crossed her arms and blocked the door. “We can look it over after, I promise.”
Sighing, I turned to look at the multiple outfits laid out in the room. I knew better than to ask just how it would make things worse for us with the imperials.
Finally, I forced myself to focus on selecting one of the outfits she’d apparently acquired for me.
“Still a little on the sexy side…but at least they’ve got pants.” I immediately gravitated toward an outfit that had a pair of shiny black leggings. Then, I felt the material and sighed. “Or not. I wouldn’t be able to fight in this.”
“Come now, darling! It’s a party!” Xilen dragged me over to a black and gold ensemble, a playful smile on her lips. “What about this? They’re less shiny, but will these leggings suffice? Ah, and don’t you worry. They’re made of the finest materials on Syldra. I’d wager they’ll protect you more than human armor would!”
Doubt that, but… I glanced around, noting the other options were dresses. The black and gold ensemble had some seemingly cutout panels, but with a few prods I realized they were a clear material that I simply…couldn’t see. “What about this part?”
“The same material as our under armor,” she answered sweetly. “We know the tastes of humans and other lesser species, dear. They love to show certain parts of the body. With my techniques, you can flaunt yourself in such fun ways…”
“Alright, this set it is. Though, with a revealed back and cleavage…” I shrugged to myself and then started stripping. It wasn’t my problem if Rel decided to rage at her too.
“Goodness! Those bruises!” Xilen traced her fingertips down the left side of my back. “ You’re turning blue , dear. Get into a nasty fight?”
Bruises? From what? I thought for a moment, my stomach tightening. “I sparred with the guys yesterday for a few hours to work on their training. Probably from the grappling.”
“Oh? Is that all ?” Xilen asked slyly by my ear.
Here we go again… I pulled the leggings on, eyeing the transparent panels that went from ankle to waist. Those same panels were zigzagged with laces. The tight top required Xilen’s assistance to get in place, and once it was, the hem appeared to fuse with the pants. “Uh…”
“And now you’re suited up.” Xilen winked at me, then nudged a pair of shoes with a manageable heel at me. “These will do the same. I figure these should do the trick of looking ‘correct’ to the humans while letting you still do your thing if you have to.”
“…and you said this material is strong like Syldrari under armor?” I questioned, then tried to back away when Xilen pulled a knife out of nowhere. She sliced at my arm, and I yelped, “Hey!”
“See? So strong!” Xilen tossed the knife aside. It landed tip-first into the wall, and she clasped her hands together. “Now then! The party awaits! Let’s go show them our beauty can be just as deadly as our…well, everything, I suppose.”
Xilen dragged me back into the cafe. Zafir promptly buried his head in his arms when he spotted me, as if he could hide at the bar. Rel covered his eyes with one hand and massaged his temples, his tail swaying back and forth.
“Why did I trust you of all people with this matter…” Rel groaned as several shades of pink, fuchsia, and yellow fought for dominance in his glow.
“Careful there, you’re getting awfully pink,” I teased, crossing my arms under my bust in a way I knew would lift them up a bit more.
“Oh my, I’m going to have to let you go shopping through my ship’s wares at some point!” Xilen giggled, circling me once before turning to look at the poor miserable, flustered men. “Come now, centuries old and with the title of elder? The only thing that should be able to fluster you at this point is a quee—”
“Whoa! From monster bait to seductress huh? That sure is an upgrade!” Aldiner declared a little more loudly than necessary as he came strolling out of the back room, hands in the pockets of his apron. He grinned at me, looking me up and down as his colors sparked all over the damn place. “Heh. Maybe I should come along to this party too. Xilen’s usual guards might not be enough—”
“I’ll be joining them,” Zafir and Rel both spoke up in unison.
Of the pair, though, I looked over at Rel and raised an eyebrow. “Are you, now? Won’t that be problematic due to the whole…”
“My ID clearly differentiates us, and I was already invited,” Rel stated flatly. He walked around the counter, his clothing shifting into a looser garment that I had no name for. It revealed part of his muscular chest and abs. The sleeves stopped around his elbows, yet the ensemble somehow came across as formal.
“Aw, and here I was hoping you’d try to impress us!” Xilen whined with mock disappointment.
Rel, however, gave her a rather serious look. “Were there one of you, yes, and I believe you’re well aware it wouldn’t be you.”
“Yes, yes, we’re better as friends and business acquaintances, I know.” Xilen motioned to her to guards, then glanced back at Zafir. “Aren’t you coming as Elara’s ‘handler,’ dear?”
“Abyss Father lend me strength…” Zafir slumped in his seat briefly before reluctantly leaving it to join us. “Not a word, Elara. Not a word.”
Once we were all seated in the shuttle that would take us up to the government’s ‘party ship,’ I crossed one leg over the other and looked between Rel and Zafir a few times. Both were doing their damnedest to look anywhere that wasn’t me.
“Sooo, about this party… What am I doing, exactly?”
“Ah! Well, you see,” Xilen began cheerfully, “you will be acting as my imperial escort and guest. You have full authority to drop anyone who tries to attack me or treat me like meat! The imperials are so keen on making it appear that they’re cracking down on xenophobic and xenophilic assholes, you know.”
“So, what? Zafir is here to keep a tight leash on me so I don’t kill anyone important or ‘go feral?’ What about Rel?”
“A reluctant, but official, guest,” Rel answered with a grimace. “None of the other V’shir elders wanted to go.”
I’m never going to get used to him being called an ‘elder.’ I eyed Rel up and down, then studied his face for a moment. Sure, all the Syldrari I’d seen looked to be the human equivalent of in their 20s and 30s, and I knew that sure as hell wasn’t the case. On second glance, that outfit isn’t half bad. I do miss the leather pants and tank top from that one time though… Hmmm.
“The poor dear could use some pleasant company to cheer him up!” Xilen gave Rel a mischievous smile. “If he didn’t shrug off anyone who might have power over him, anyway.”
“I mean, I can kinda understand that though. Isn’t it better to know you’re attracted to someone—physically or otherwise—because it’s your own feelings, and not whatever it is Syldrari…” I fell silent when Xilen pressed a finger over my lips.
She smiled cheerfully and shook her head. “Syldrari…men? Ah, no, but them too… Ah, I know!
“Any Syldrari that has a dick and nothing else are on the lowest rungs of our society. Compared to human societies, of course, the peoples of Syldra are a utopia of freedom. Alas, Iri are just so rare … If you were to visit Syldra, you would meet people who had never met a Iri before—you would be their first!
“It isn’t merely a queen’s draw that flusters them so badly, you see. Many simply don’t know how to react to an Iri beyond…reverence and desire. Even if you took a queen’s power out of the equation, there would still be many…problems, if you will.”
One of Xilen’s guards spoke up next, nodding at me, “It’s why so many of ‘em end up tricked into serving ladies of the court or working in brothels on other planets—like this one. It’s an issue for sure. But that’s why Xilen is out here buying up anyone she can rescue—and trying to keep all her friends safe. Don’t let the sultry persona fool you.”
“Oh, ruin my fun why don’t you.” Xilen pouted.
Even so, I don’t think any of those issues quite explain Rel and Zafir… I glanced at the two men. Rel had stopped pouting and seemed to have sunk into intense thought, his glow swirling lazily between shades of blue and green in a way that reminded me of someone tossing a ball back and forth between their hands. The pattern made me have to ask, “Rel? Are you playing with your glow?”
A jolt went through him and he looked up in surprise, his glow abruptly stopping at sage green, and the lower portion of his tail smacking into the base of his seat. “Ah…yes. It helps me stay focused when I think. More importantly, how did you…?”
“I have a farfetched idea.” I leaned forward in my seat, watching as Rel’s pupils briefly fluctuated in size, and his demeanor shifted back toward the one I was more used to. “Humans are stupid, right? If you can control your glow, why not pick a color other than the color your brother showed on TV? With the color being different, that may be enough to make the humans understand you’re totally different people.”
“I don’t know if they’re that …” Rel sighed and gave me a sheepish smile. “I don’t think I can convince any of you even if I do finish that sentence. Well then, what color do you suggest, seeing as this is your idea?”
“Well, you don’t have to convince us of that at least.” I gave him a sweet smile when he bristled. “Let’s see…what emotions can result in deep purples?”
“Various forms of arrogance, confidence, suspicion, feeling like a god…” Zafir muttered, finally returning to the conversation. He looked over to Rel. “She’s right. The color would likely be enough. Most humans I’ve met think that the glow color is dependent on the individual or the clan—and nothing has ever been done to reeducate them. We just need to find something you can sustain.”
“I have just the thought for that!” Xilen exclaimed, leaning over to put an arm around me. “Just think of how much discipline this cutie pie needs for all the trouble she’s put you two through!”
“Or how much you’ve put them through,” I growled back at her. In an instant, Rel’s glow turned a vibrant royal purple. Huh. So, I’m more well behaved than Xilen. Good to know.
Xilen pouted, though the corners of her mouth still curved up, giving away her amusement. “Aw, I guess I haven’t rubbed off on you enough yet. Don’t worry, we can fix that and have them begging to—”
“Thanks, but I don’t like my men to beg,” I scoffed, dismissing the notion before I fully realized the words were coming out of my mouth. …too late to take that back now, I guess.
“Ahhh, I see, I see. Yes, giving them power from time to time can be fun too.” Xilen leaned in a little closer, apparently crossing some distance threshold that earned her glares from both Rel and Zafir. “Now, now, weren’t you boys trying to be discreet?”
She says, as if I wasn’t already suspicious of multiple things before ever meeting her. I kept the thought to myself and instead glanced out the nearby window. “Let’s keep it professional, shall we? We’re there.”
“Oh boo. Professional? And here I was hoping someone would start a brawl for the right to dance with one of us!” Xilen sulked and grasped my arm. “Oh! Or you and I can dance!”
“I don’t dance.” I brushed her off easily and rose to my feet. Both of Xilen’s guards and both Rel and Zafir promptly blocked my way.
The quieter guard bowed slightly. “We will make certain it is safe. Please wait here until we’ve finished.”
Xilen pulled me back down onto the seat with a smile. “Now, now. You’re with a queen today. You must be patient.”
“…fine.” I crossed my arms.
“They’re not driven just by the fact they’re male and you’re female, you know.” Xilen took on an oddly serious tone.
“Have anything to do with all these ‘queen’ insinuations?” I shot her a foul look.
“They are both more than capable of protecting themselves from most queens if they need to. You have a certain…presence to you. One I have no doubt the R’selkti queen would notice were you to have the unfortunate pleasure of making her acquaintance…” Xilen tilted her head faintly, her pupils all flaring slightly. “You don’t approve of the power imbalance among Syldrari. That will attract certain types of men to you more strongly than being a queen would. You should be careful about how freely you speak about your beliefs. There are rogue Syldrari, and they may be just as dangerous to you as the R’selkti queen would be.”
“And why is she so dangerous?” I frowned at Xilen, who hesitated.
“She…would be considered an extremist, perhaps, had she not gained full control of our government.” Xilen shook her head slowly. “I get away with what I do because I’m buying the poor souls. It is a troubling situation, but not one for you to concern yourself with, dear. Keep the people you like close and keep yourselves as far from that woman as you can.”
I wanted to ask her more, but a soft knock on the shuttle door made it clear our time was up. Xilen went first, escorted by her guards. Zafir and Rel both seemed to consider offering me assistance…but stopped themselves. While I might have enjoyed the attention under other circumstances, it was a little soured after my exchange with Xilen—and I was supposed to be playing guard dog.
“I hate to say this, but our bosses want you to play the silent type…” Zafir murmured to me, earning a sharp look from Rel. “They’re terrified about ‘letting’ a resonance survivor ‘roam free’ in an event like this. They’ve given us strict orders for Elara to remain silent unless it’s imperative to talk. I’m meant to speak for her.”
“Tch.” Rel glanced away, his jaw tensing.
I shrugged and followed the group through the drab ship and into the main room the damned party was being held in. Dozens of humans were present, but only two to five each of any other species. There were quite a few human species present aside from the Syldrari, including the Brihl. Then…there were other things. Many of the more… unique species either carried tanks with them or rolled around inside clear, gas-filled orbs.
Noting me glancing around, Zafir leaned down by my ear. “Many species do not contend well with the type of atmosphere humans require…or with that of their neighbors. Thus, they designed ways to bring it with them. Much as humans will bring oxygen down into the depths…as if it will help them there.”
I glanced to the side at him as his voice took on a darker tone. He smiled slightly, a more sinister look than anything, and straightened.
“My! Zafir, dear, you should do that again. Those pants pull in all the right ways,” Xilen teased as she fell into step with us. I did my best to stay in the role of a stoic, silent soldier as she continued, “Rel, you should have— Ah, where did he slink off to now?”
Damn, he ran off somewhere? I crossed my arms and propped my cheek against my fist. Ugh…and why is it so hot in here?
I followed Xilen and Zafir to their table, which was being shared with several Syldrari I didn’t know—and an empty seat for Rel. Looking around, it became quickly apparent that tables were set by species. Some part of me wondered if it was for ‘security’ purposes…or to quell problems by annihilating a single table.
The conversations held were oddly quiet. Multiple representatives came to speak with Xilen, but their conversations were always so hushed I couldn’t determine what was said. Meanwhile, I was feeling hotter by the moment. My outfit breathed well enough, and no one else appeared to be hot, so I just did my best to suck it up.
“Here,” Rel murmured by my ear, surprising me into turning toward him. He smiled in amusement and grabbed one of my hands, placed a bottle of water in it, then gave me a knowing smile. He left it at that and wandered over to his seat at a leisurely pace.
“This should be over soon.” One of Xilen’s guards gave me a small smile. “These dinners are always just that…dinners.”
Sure enough, about a half hour later people began leaving to return to the surface. Xilen pranced over and put an arm around my waist. “Aw, were you lonely over here without me?”
“No,” I stated simply, eliciting a giggle out of her.
“Let’s head back.” Rel gave Xilen an unamused look. “You can tell as well as I that her issue isn’t loneliness.”
“Honored guests, I regret to inform you that the shuttles are experiencing delays…” An older male voice rang out over the comms system. “Thankfully, we have plenty of food, drink, and entertainment on board for you to enjoy while you wait for this hiccup to be dealt with .
“Please return to the main hall and your tables and enjoy the rest of the party.”
“Zafir?” I spoke quietly, glancing to the side at him as he whipped out his data pad to scroll through his messages.
“A system malfunction in the shuttles. No one’s been injured,” Zafir answered after a moment, lowering the data pad. “They’re working on repairing the affected shuttles—and bringing others in from other parts of the city. After checking that their systems are in working order.”
Xilen hung onto my arm and pulled me back in the direction of her table, “Well then! We’ll just have to make the most of our time together, won’t we dear?”
“I’m on duty, ma’am,” I answered flatly when I noticed several of the military brass eyeing us.
“Come on, ” Xilen purred, squeezing my arm into her chest.
Zafir followed my glance and promptly got the hint. “I’m afraid that is against regulations, ma’am. Elara must be allowed to do her duty—which is to protect your party, should you require it.”
Xilen let go of me with a bratty sigh and plopped into her chair with another huff, though she shot me an amused smile after doing so. However, she thankfully said nothing, and I returned to my post.
“Here—Ah…” Rel was about to offer me a new bottle of water, but a human man stepped between us and shook his head.
The human grinned as he spoke, “The girl is on duty. She can wait until she’s off the clock.”
“Sir…” Zafir let out a soft sigh and then bowed slightly. “Is everything alright? Should you need assistance, I can have Elara oversee me as I work on a solution.”
“Bah, it’s nothing to worry about. Enjoy your wine and company, lad.” The human’s grin broadened, then he glanced at me. “So, this is the Resonance survivor I’ve heard so much about? She certainly seems well-behaved enough.”
Zafir nodded slightly and pushed his glasses up his nose. “Indeed, sir, and as I’ve attempted to explain to the brass, she’s plenty capable…so long as regulations are followed.”
“Ahhh, I see, I see. Then we have filth wanting to break regulations, do we?” The human rubbed his chin, scowling. “I will look into it. Castrating the project just because they want to have a few rounds…that won’t do…”
Without another word to anyone, the human wandered off. I kept my expression utterly passive, as the other humans present were still keeping an eye on me. A little fact I was disliking more and more by the moment.
“I suppose this means our dance will have to wait,” Rel remarked, bringing his forefinger and thumb to his chin, resting the elbow of that arm in the hand of his other. He examined me, his lips pulling into a mischievous smile. “I know, I know. ‘You don’t dance.’ That merely means you need a good teacher…and I can teach you many things.”
With that, Rel pivoted with a flourish of his tail and returned to his seat. I did my best to shake off the deep, soothing tone his voice had taken on—without actually shaking, of course.
Ugh… If he’s trying to get payback, I think it’s working.
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8 110 - In Serial33 Chapters
The Kinship Blade (Book One | The Founders Series)
When Soph is saved from a near-collision with a truck by a vampire she seeks him out to thank him, only to discover that her saviour is a Possessive; a powerful breed of vampire who can manipulate emotions to collect humans.Despite her instincts telling her to stay away, she finds herself drawn to Eli and with that, she finds herself the attention of a black witch coven who think Soph could be their in to the vampire world and the secret powers Eli possesses.Soph is drawn into an ancient war between the Founders and must fight to survive, or risk sacrificing her own life, as well as Eli's, to them.*Previously called 'The Possessive'*
8 189 - In Serial15 Chapters
The Red Sun of the Crimson Lion || Black Clover Fanfiction ||
[ 18+ story warning: There is minor language, dark topics {suicide,self harm,depression,etc}, sexual themes/activities, light gore, and more you have been warned ]Story Synopsis:Kagura Jaden Jaeger, the product of love between two kingdoms, the Clover, and the Diamond Kingdom. His farther; Markus Albeon Jaeger, heir to the Diamond kingdom, a man who is said to manipulate reality with his will, being able to creating infinite weapons as well as his own reality to marble to store them. His mother; Jing Ke Jaeger, of the Clover Kingdom, she was the heir to the clover kingdom's throne but upon marriage decided lost that right and her brother Augustus had taken her rights, she was a beauty in the battlefield, using the magic of thousand armors. Upon giving birth to their son, Kagura, they both lost their magic abilities not understanding why, but three years after Kagura's birth they had found he was no mere mortal, he was indeed a demon who if had inherited both their Magics, would run rampant through the world untamed and with no care of anyone's lives and because of this Jing Ke's brother order the execution of the three year old. With no say in the matter the lovers had abandoned their child, sending him down a river where he was found by villagers in the forsaken lands.......{ Face Claim: Yuliy Jirov }
8 126