《Just a Rock》Side Story: Just a Rock Alternative(2 chapters)


Alt 1: The Beginning of Awesomeness

Once upon a time, there was the Rock. He sat upon the ground just a little bit away from a bridge crossing a river. The bridge was well-traveled, as it was the only way to cross the river for miles. But this story is about the Rock; the bridge and river are not important yet.

The Rock was well over 6 feet tall (or almost 2 meters for metric) and his head was oval-shaped. It was smooth with only a few ridges. Most likely, he had shaved it recently, as it shined as though it had a layer of water on it. At some point, the Rock was brought here. Maybe it had something to do with the river or some supernatural occurrence happened. Either way, he was here now.

He wasn’t visible from the road leading to the bridge, as he was nestled in a patch of grass. The grass grew from the soil around it and below it, growing everywhere it could like weeds often did. It appears that he has been laying here unmoving for awhile.

Now you may ask, “What makes this rock so special?” The answer is simple. So many of you will come here thinking, ‘There must be something more to this,’ or ‘That’s just a troll title.” However, it is not so. This isn’t just a rock, this is the Rock. As in Dwayne Johnson, the Rock.

Alt 2: Exciting

One day, something exciting happened to the Rock. The Rock himself was not excited, nor was there anyone else in his surroundings to get excited. However, it was exciting for me, the narrator, and that’s all that matters. Now, back to the Rock.

The Rock was sleeping on the patch of grass. He felt quite comfortable as the grass acted like a soft bedding. Except, it did cut into him and tickle him slightly where it touched his bare skin. But it’s the Rock and he could endure minor inconveniences.


Down the road, came a giant wearing a heavy backpack, approaching the grassy knoll where the Rock slept. The giant set the pack down and gathered some fallen trees, arranging them into a neat log pile. Then, he picked up a rock from the ground; not the Rock but another rock a few meters away that was around the same size, but was an actual rock. Actually, by its size, it was more like a boulder, but in comparison to the giant, it was merely a rock.

Next, the man… grabbed the Rock. The giant dug into the dirt to lift the Rock up without him waking up. Seeing this strange being that resembled him but was so small, the man hesitated for a few seconds. Staring at the two rocks he held, he contemplated something unknown...

...Before a ray of sunlight reflected from the Rock’s head into the giant’s eyes, making the giant toss the Rock behind him. No mercy at all. If the Rock was awake, he might have felt that this whole situation was unfair. A factor out of his control while he was peacefully sleeping caused him to be thrown like a ragdoll.

The Rock landed in the aforementioned river, woke up from the sudden impact and water, then desperately swam to the riverbank. On the banks, a group of mermaids greeted him and helped him up. The Rock found himself surrounded by beautiful women at all sides. He was the only male there. Plus, unlike the giant that threw him, these beauties were all around the same size as him, if not a bit smaller.

However, there was one of these mermaids that was gigantic in size, and she glared at him. The sun set and this giant seemed to slowly swallow all of the light. It was like an evil god destroying all hope for this hapless hero.

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