《Son of the Spirit Beast》Emergency! Difficult Decision!


Chapter 22 - Emergency! Difficult Decision!

While the inhabitants of that place prepared food as ordered by their leader, Hei woke up the two bound men and began to ask them some questions.

Unfortunately, these two were just simple henchmen with no importance among Dong Zhen's men. Therefore even the useful information they possessed was scarce.

The only important thing Hei discovered was the location of the merchant's shop and information about his personal guard.

The latter was called Feng and was a fifth stage spirit apprentice. His level was such that it could have allowed him to have a position of a particular relevance in the kingdom's army or a sect. However, he chose to stay with Dong Zhen because, in addition to money, he was guaranteed autonomy.

Moreover, Feng had committed various crimes when he was younger, causing him to have several enemies seeking revenge. The only reason he wasn't directly attacked was because of his employer's prominent position in Green City. So as long he and his employer didn't annoy some big shot and remained in the city, he would be safe

Although these were useful information, they were nevertheless straightforward to find, and there was nothing that could help him concretely to enter without being seen.

The two tied up henchmen couldn't say anything about some secret entrances or about how the shop's interior was composed and where the animals were hidden.

After all, not having awakened their spirit power, they had no qualifications to go inside.

At a certain point, Kang also came, and with a slight smile, he turned to Hei. "So, how it's going? Did you find anything interesting? "

"Nothing I couldn't find on my own. Those men couldn't tell me the information I was looking for. "

"Well, after all, they are just trash among that fat merchant's men. It isn't surprising that they don't know anything. What do you want to do with them now?"

"I don't need them anymore. You said you wanted to ask those two questions. So you can take them and do whatever you want." Then Hei stretched a little and turned to walk away from the two bound men.

Seeing this, Kang was a little surprised. He expected Hei to ask to kill them, but he didn't.

This wasn't because Hei wanted to be merciful to them. He had just sensed that Kang was a determined person and willing to do anything. He certainly would take care of them properly once he had finished asking them what he needed. Therefore, explicitly asking to kill them wasn't necessary. They would all die anyway.

As he was walking away, he heard Kang's voice from behind. "The meal is almost ready, as I told you before, I would like to thank you for saving Han. Let me at least offer you a meal."

Indeed, they hadn't still put anything on their stomach, and it was now time for lunch. Ye and Xing, in particular, were hungry; as young spirit beasts, it was normal for them to eat a lot.

"All right. But I would like to feed my spirit beasts if it's okay for you. "

"Of course, do as you wish, they are also invited."

Having obtained the consent of the group leader, the other members wouldn't make any fuss if Ye, Xing and his mother ate the food they had prepared, thus avoiding an unpleasant situation.

Kang put two pieces of cloth on the two bound men to silence them and left them in a corner. Then he led Hei to the table where the others had already finished setting the table.


The dishes on the plates were mostly typical food like rice and potatoes, along with some bread. There was no meat, but it was to be expected since its cost was higher than any other regular food. However, this didn't decrease in any case, the joy of the people around.

At the table's head was Kang while Hei sat next to him. Next to them were the other four members who had entered the tent before. Along with them, there was also Han, who was a little nervous about being there.

Usually, those who would sit closer to the boss were the most important members of their group who had fought from the start alongside Kang and founded this organization.

Only those who had made more merits for the common interest of the group could sit next to the founding members.

This didn't mean, however, that there was discrimination between the original members and those who came later, or who didn't have so much merit on them.

Kang loved them all equally, and it was only for that reason that he was trying to reach a higher position, so to finally give them a decent home.

After everyone took their seats at the table, Kang got up and took a glass.

"As I told you before, today we have a guest, his name is Hei." Here he paused to point towards Hei, then continued, "Hei saved Han from Dong Zhen's henchmen today, so I decided to invite him to eat with us to repay him. Always remember to help each other and always thank those who help you. Well then, enough talking. Let's make a toast to Hei. "

Then he brought the glass he was holding upwards and was quickly followed by all the others. And then they all drank their glass.

For the occasion, some wine with water was used. Although it wasn't the best, since it was being offered free of charge, Hei made no complaints. In any case, he drank a little, leaving the rest to his two little sisters who finished the glass in a short time.

Once the toast was over, it was time to eat. Soon the table guests were busy serving themselves and talking to each other.

Kang took advantage of the meal to get to know Hei a little better. Because he suspected Hei wouldn't tell him anything or would lie about his past, he asked questions about simple subjects such as his impression of Green City and its inhabitants. In this way, he wanted to evaluate Hei's behavior based on his answers.

As they weren't direct personal questions, Hei answered without problems, stopping from time to time to get food for his mother and his two little sisters.

Kang, in particular, was interested in them: he could perceive that they were spirit beasts, but he didn't know exactly how strong they were, although their small size made one think that they were more or less comparable to a first stage spirit apprentice.

Kang himself was a second-stage spirit apprentice. Usually, an individual with such talent would have been well received in a sect.

But he didn't like being commanded and preferred to do things his own way, not to mention that he couldn't abandon the rest of those without spirit power.

Only the four companions who were with him from the beginning had developed their spirit power reaching the first stage; as for the rest, it was improbable they would awake it, so they needed his strength to survive in this city.

Since they were all outcasts abandoned by their families, they couldn't have a normal life like other people, and since they had become accustomed to this lifestyle, it was unthinkable that they decided to change at any moment, not to mention they had no funds to start again from scratch, not yet at least.


Kang planned to accumulate enough money to free the youngest from this life of outcasts; for the older ones, as long as they wanted, they could continued to follow him.

Hei was very surprised by this. He didn't expect Kang to have such motivation, and he decided inside that he would help him.

Since he had decided to attack Dong Zhen, he could directly kill him with his guard rather than leave him alive. Besides, if there was anything of value, he could give it to him. In this way, Kang would be able to realize his dream beforehand.

While they were at the end of the meal, the entrance to the room they were in was suddenly opened, and a boy of 15-16 years ran like a mad towards Kang's seat. When he was almost there, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Luckily, Kang caught him before he could hit the floor and asked with surprise, "What's up, Nishi? Why are you running so fast? Didn't you have to be with the others to get food for the evening?"

Nishi, who was still panting conspicuously, tried to speak, but his pants were so intense that it took a couple of minutes and several glasses of water to be able to respond.

"Boss, trouble has happened. I was with Cai, Cui, Tetsuo, and Yuki when suddenly we were stopped by some men. At first, they wanted to approach Cai and Cui, and we told them to fuck off. Then they started behaving violently and so we responded. But then, other men arrived, and they took all the others. During the fight, Tetsuo told me to go report to you, but because I didn't know who those men were. So, after the others were captured, I followed them and saw them enter Dong Zhen's shop."

Nishi ended his speech in one breath. It was apparent he was still very shaken by the incident, but above all, he wanted to help his companions.

Listening to this, everyone's eyes focused on Kang. He was the boss, and it was up to him to decide and give orders. However, Kang also was having a hard time due to this report.

Cai and Cui were two beautiful sisters, daughters of a minor noble who had fallen into disgrace. Originally destined to become slaves, they managed to escape and reached Green City after various vicissitudes. There, they met Kang, who welcomed them together without asking questions about their origin.

After gaining their trust, he later learned of their history. As soon as he heard their name among the kidnapped and then the name of Dong Zhen, a doubt occurred inside Kang's mind.

'Is it possible that that bast*rd came to know about it? If not, why kidnap them? Although of a minor noble, they are still daughters of the nobility. Their price as slaves is high... so was Han's attack used as a distraction? Making me believe that I was the target as I am the head of the Sons Underworld, to capture the two of them without any complications?'

All of a sudden, everything made sense, and he understood the reason behind the merchant's actions. A blinding rage began to overwhelm him, but he repressed it.

Right now, the most important thing was to stay calm and think about what to do.

Kang wanted to save them, but to act meant to endanger all the others. Four people had the same weight as the other twenty people here? This doubt assailed Kang.

Dong Zhen's shop was well protected all around the outside. But even with their secret passage, they didn't know how many guards there were inside. Furthermore, the most dangerous unknown remained: the personal guard, Feng.

Thinking of him, Kang immediately remembered something and turned to Hei.

"Hei, please, I need to know what secret card you have against Feng."

To this request, Hei was speechless because the situation had deteriorated to such an extent.

He could see desperation and anger at his own impotence in Kang's eyes and remembered when he couldn't do anything against the bandit chief at Leaf Village. His gaze was identical to Kang's now.

However, this was about his family. Although he had a good impression of Kang and the others, it didn't mean that he trusted them blindly. The history of the spider that killed hundreds of bandits had been spread around all the kingdom. And it was likely that it had also reached Green City. If Kang saw that his secret card was his mother, a spider spirit beast, it wouldn't take long to make the connection.

Although he didn't fear possible repercussions, he didn't want to receive unwanted attention either, especially when he could avoid it.

"I'm sorry, Kang, but I can't. I can assure you that I can kill him, but you have to trust me. If you want to save your companions, I can give you a hand, but the choice is yours. "

Hearing Hei's words, he knew it was useless to try and insist. He could only do as he said, to trust him. However, Hei was a person he had met only a few hours ago, how could he put the fate of his subordinates at stake just by relying on the words of someone he barely knew.

The logical choice would have been to renounce the two girls, and bargain for the other two who had been kidnapped. But Kang had always acted based on his instinct and his principles. As a result, this time, too, he would rely on them.

"Everyone, prepare your stuff, once you're done, leave Green City without being seen. Wait somewhere near the city, if you don't see us back in a couple of hours, then consider us dead and go elsewhere. If you stay, all you will obtain is to get yourself killed."

Listening to his words, the people around him were overwhelmed by fear. Ever since they joined the Sons of Underworld, Kang became their essential guide and column, the reference figure that their parents should have taken on. Instead, they were now being told to get ready to leave without him.

Anticipating their pleas, Kang raised his voice and replied, "During all these years, we have considered and treated each other as brothers and sisters. The others have been captured to be sold as slaves. If we abandon them, who we would be different from those bast*rds who abandoned us when we needed them most? Precisely because we are a family that I can't abandon them. But I can't either risk the lives of all of you. For this reason, you must be ready to escape if we fail, but I promise you that we will do everything to return alive with our brothers."

Then he turned to his four old companions, "Delan, Yuhan, Zenko, Sen, are you with me, right?"

The four simply smiled and nodded their heads. After all these years, there was no need for so many words. They would follow Kang as they had always done, even if this meant their death.

"Well then, begin to make your preparations. I would like to attack at night, but there may be a chance that that bast*rd will do something meanwhile. So as soon as the others are ready, we will start our attack." At this point, he turned toward Hei with a resolute look. "I am putting the life of my men in your hands. I hope that your secret card proves to be useful, as you say."

With an equally resolute look, Hei replied, "Don't worry, you are in good hands. There is nothing that can beat it. Besides, I also have someone I want to save from that place. I would have attacked it soon anyway, so having you with me, just makes the plan easier, that's all."

Hearing those words, Kang extended a hand to Hei. From the words Hei had just spoken, he didn't seem to be lying, so Kang wanted to express his respect through that gesture.

Hei responded to the handshake and then began to help others with their preparations. The sooner they would attack, the sooner they would release those who were held captive by Dong Zhen.

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