《The Voyager》Season 1: The Starcraft Commander---Chapter 1: Lieutenant


When a girl with no emotion at all was taken into a mysterious organization and forced to travel through different dimensions to complete missions, she was more than happy to comply. Follow Jean Turner as she navigates her way through all the hell.

Ft. Starcraft…

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Jean Turner’s eyes snapped open. A surge of memory entered her brain. Her purple pupil turned as she processed the information.

She was chosen by someone with ultimate power. She was given the blessing of having the chance to travel into different dimensions and, potentially, receive amazing benefits from these dimensions. As a result, she had to complete the missions she was given without question. Refusing to complete the missions was punishable by death.

She tapped a watch on her right wraist. She didn’t have it before she was knocked uncouncious. According to the memory the watch was the only way she could receive missions from the one that sent her here, the Supreme One.

The watch turned and projected a few lines of words.

Name: Jean Turner

Dimension: Starcraft

Current location: Hyperion.

Mission: Terminate Amon, the dark god.

Jean looked away from the watch. She should’ve panicked. She would’ve panicked if she was the girl she was months ago. After all, she was taken away from her normal life and thrown into a world with chaos, aliens, and death. The background and future of Starcraft was inserted into her mind along with the information of the Supreme One. But a while ago Jean realized something was wrong with her brain. She could no longer feel any emotions. Things that would usually make her laugh or cry no longer had the same effects on her. She once tried to watch a horror movie in bed at night and she didn’t feel a single scent of fear. It was as if the part of her brain that controlled emotion was ripped away from her.


She felt empty, but she learned to live with that. Getting rid of emotion was actually quite beneficial. She was efficient.

Jean glanced around. She was in a room with metal walls. The room was not nicely decorated. Any room of a member of Raynor’s Raider wasn’t decorated. The rebels were more focused on practical use than colorful decorations. Plus, the Raiders don’t really pay wages and their soldiers don’t really have a place to buy stuff.

Another wave of memories hit Jean, and she realized who she was. The Supreme One gave her an identity in the Raiders to help her complete the mission.

She was Jean Turner, a lieutenantof the captain of Hyperion, Matt Horner.

Jean frowned. If the Supreme One was powerful enough to alter the realities in the other dimensions, then why did he or she need her to complete this mission. Couldn’t he just wipe Amon out?

Suddenly a projected figure appeared on the table before Jean. It was the figure of a mechanical female. An adjacent.

Adjacents are AIs the Terran commanders used to control their army. They could provide informational support to their commanders and help them control the battlefield as nicely as possible.

“Lieutenant Turner. Captain Horner requires your presence on the bridge.” The adjacent spoke in a mechanical, emotionless voice.

“Did Captain Horner say why?”

“It appears that the leader of the Raiders, James Raynor, is aboard. Captain Horner wants you to participate in the discussion of the future missions.” The adjacent replied.

Jean learned from the memory that Captain Matthew Horner treated her like a student and taught her all she needed to know to command the Raiders. In return she showed impressive potential to be a wise commander.

Jean wasted no time and walked out of her room. She navigated to the bridge with ease with the help of the memories she received. Men and women she crossed nodded at her kindly. The Raiders were a family, united under the same cause and against the same enemy. Their members were very close with each other. Jean nodded in return with a smile on her face even though she was ice cold inside.


She entered the bridge, and the metal door closed behind her. There were three men beside the mission projector. One of them was wearing a clean suit. He was the captain of the Hyperion, Matt Horner. A man in big blue armor stood beside the captain with a cigarette in his mouse. He had a tough look, and Horner occasionally threw him some disgusted look. The third man was a man wearing short sleeves and had a beard. He had a tatoo on his arm and a pistol strapped to his side.

“Captain, Lieutenant Turner reporting for duty.” Jean reported formally, playing the role of a careful officer well.

“This is Lieutenant Turner. She’s a great commander and a helpful officer.” Horner introduced the two sides. “Lieutenant this is our leader Jim Raynor and this is his friend, Tychus Findlay. It wasn’t a surprise Horner didn’t expect Jean to know her boss. Jim Raynor, despite his legendary past, had been laying low for the recent years after the Brood War, and Horner was the one handling the affairs of The Hyperion.

“Damn Jimmy, I never knew your adjacent is such a beauty.” Tychus groaned as he scanned Jean from top to bottom.

”Sir.” Jean ignored the criminal and acknowledged Raynor, who smiled apologizingly in return. “How may I help.”

“As you know, Lieutenant, The Raiders had been short on supply for quite a while. We had to act as mercenaries to keep the entire ship running. At this rate we need a miracle to stop the invading Zerg forces. We need to have our hardware and ammunitions are up to the challenge.” Horner explained and put on the footage of Zerg invading Terran territory. Bodies were put into bags. Things were tough.

“I’ll check in with Swann down in the armory. Knowing him, he’s already got upgrades for us.” Raynor assured.

“We’ll need money for upgrades sir.” Jean suggested. “Last I checked our finance can barely pay for the maintenance of the current hardware.”

Suddenly the comm blinked, and Horner touched the screen.

“What the status Matt?” Raynor asked.

“We’ve picked up a distress call from the planet Agria. There’s a colony there under attack by the Zerg.” Horner replied and pulled up the transmission. A woman in white suit appeared.

“To any ship receiving this transmission...the Zerg are invading Agria...The Dominion abandoned us here...We’re just a small farming colony. We’ve got to evacuate before we’re overrun. If you’re hearing this message, please help us!” She was desperate.

Jean calculated the statistics. If she was making the call she wouldn’t help the colonists. The only reward she might receive was perhaps dozens or even hundreds of untrained, unarmed men that might join the Raiders. This was nothing in exchange for the risk of fighting the Zerg and the amount of men and resources the Raiders might lose in the process. This was a bad exchange, but she was smarter than telling Raynor that. The man was known as a hero for a reason.

Just like she imagined, Jim Raynor opened up a transmission with the woman from the distress call with any hesitation...

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