《At Wit's End》Chapter 19, Reckless Abandon
Reckless Abandon
chapter nineteen
Hmph. Why do I have to train with these guys?
Dad had us all lineup and take the lotus position again. He wanted us to warm up before the exercise.
Living in a small village, the same group of kids that had passed the test were the same kids I spent my entire life around. Three girls and four boys - plus the pouty one - all of whom I'd never made friends with.
I shifted on my butt. Sitting around in lotus position always made me think about stupid things.
Like, why weren't we friends? It's not that I haven't tried - I have. I've spent my entire life trying to be friends with them...but, I'm just different. No one wants to get to know me and I don't know why...well, I mean, I guess there are a few reasons.
I was...what did Mary call it? A tomboy? I am, but I don't know what to do. This is how I am and I don't know how to change. I've tried - I really have. I just don't know what a lady is supposed to act like. I didn't have one around me growing up.
My mom passed away when I was two. She'd gone hunting while dad stayed home with me - something that we didn't do a lot since he was usually the one away - and while we were wrestling in the front yard three days later, a line of hunters blocked the sun above us as we rolled around on the grass. We were having fun, but when we looked up a few of the men and women were crying, but all of them, without exception, were sad. While we unraveled the knot we'd made of ourselves wrestling, someone couldn't hold themselves anymore and burst. He cried and told us that 'she passed'. He apologized over and over and over.
But what happened to her? To this day, I don't know. Was it a beast of the woods? Was it someone else's mistake?
Dad stood up after the news and punched the man who'd spoken in the face before gathering everyone on the lawn and bringing all of them to the town hall, where he refused to let me in. 'Heatherbee, stay home, I'll take care of everythin', don' you worry.' He tried to console me, but I didn't understand what was going on. I was too young.
'Daddy! Where's mommy!'
He choked and brought his head inside, hiding his face behind the thick door. 'Heather! Go home!' He sobbed and an old woman came outside and picked me up. She took me home and stayed with me for the next few hours. By the time he came back, it was already deep into the night. 'Thank you, Phyllis, I've got this.' The old woman nodded her head and left the two of us alone.
I remember that night, almost every night. We sat in silence till I fell asleep in his lap many many hours later - almost into the morning. Thinking back, I don't think we ever did talk about it. It was a sore point for the both of us.
So. I grew up with no mother to base myself on. Of course, there were women in the village, but none that I knew well. I lived by the example of my dad and the hunters he led, which is why I guess I'm so aggressive. No one tells me I am...but I know I'm weird. None of the other girls are like me; they're feminine and that's not who I am. I'm a hunter's daughter.
But because I'm so weird, none of the boys talk to me either. Mary says it's because men don't like to feel intimidated. Speaking from experience, she said it took her seventeen years to find a guy who liked her for who she was.
Is that how long I have to wait too?
The closest thing I have to a friend is Barnes and that's kinda depressing. The only time we even talk is when we're talking trash. 'I'm smarter.' 'No, I'm smarter.' Gods, that fletcher's so annoying. He thinks he's gonna learn magic. Pfft. The little weasel got to be Mary's assistant, but I'm gonna learn it first.
I peeked at the bastard despite the exercise. Typical. He was already swirling aura around himself like he'd been out with the other hunters before. The air distorted around his skin and I could feel the pressure from here. He was the most talented kid in the village - besides me of course - and if it hadn't gone to his head, maybe he'd have more friends.
He was smart and handsome; his shiny straight brown hair fell to his eyebrows and I had no idea how he managed to keep it so well groomed. He must be getting advice from Mary...maybe I should do that. A few light freckles dotted around on his semi-tanned skin. It wasn't quite as dark as mine though - the little fletcher hated outside work.
Seeing him handle mana so easy irritated me. I looked around the group to feel better about myself. It's okay, Heather; he's a year older than you. The other kids were still struggling to get theirs going. Hmph. I'm still - what?
Right beside Barnes, the pouty kid was swirling aura around himself too - it was almost better than what Barnes was doing. I squinted my eyes. Just who is this kid? He's weird too. I tricked him into joining the advanced class but he blew through everything like he was years ahead of us.
Ya' know, I couldn't really tell before, but he's probably better looking than Barnes. He might even be as good-looking as Jax when he grew up. His icy blue eyes stood stark against his long black hair. Really, he looked like a noble. A dirty one, but a noble all the same.
Why was he so grumpy yesterday. I was just trynna be friends. I thought maybe someone...different...would like me. My shoulders sank. Why was I so mean to him? I do that all the time. Ugh. Is this what it's like for Mary too?
"Alrigh', lads! Get up and form a circle aroun' me!" Dad called out. We stood up and followed instructions. "Alrigh', now first you're gonna form pairs and start sparring! But no aura for right now! I want you guys to get warmed up for it first." He called out. "Now, get to pairin'!"
Oh no.
Feet scattered, and just like I'd thought would happen, all around me, people were starting to form pairs. By the time I'd even found the courage to ask another girl to spar with me she was already walking to someone else. I turned to Barnes but he and Wit had, I guess, become friends at some point. They were laughing and joking...and everyone else was paired up into four groups of two.
I sighed.
"It's arigh', Heatherbee." Dad rubbed my head and consoled me. "You're way ahead of them anyway. So just watch with me till we get to the real fighting, okay?"
I nodded my head. I didn't really have much of a choice, did I?
"Arligh', lads! Get to sparrin'!"
The pairs began their no aura combat and immediately I was filled with jealousy. I wanted to fight too. Whatever. I contented myself to just watch the rest.
Right away, I could tell who didn't know what they were doing from the ones with years of training. Most of the kids were decent enough to have interesting fights, but Barnes and Wit were a mismatch if ever there was one. It was obvious Wit had never been trained to even throw a punch; Barnes ran circles around the poor kid and I could tell even he felt bad about it...after a while. The punches were seriously adding up.
"Wit! You gotta' square your shoulders lad! Thas it!" Dad saw what I saw and immediately went into training mode. I smiled. I wish I was that passionate about something.
Dad and Barnes coached Wit along as the sparring continued and he got better - quickly - but he was still miles behind even the other kids, let alone Barnes.
Several rounds later, the sparring session had ended and Wit wobbled back to the circle, blacked eyes barely able to see ahead of him. Pfft. He looked like a raccoon. Barnes gave him a pat on the back and together they shared a quiet joke and a laugh together. The sight made me jealous.
I want a friend like that too.
"Alrigh', lads!" Dad began to instruct again. "Now that ya' warmed, let's get to the fun part, huh?!" The only enthusiastic cheers came from me and Barnes. We locked eyes and he smiled. Oh, gods. Taken by surprise, I quickly ducked my head and blushed. Fletcher.
"Alright, we're gonna play a little game of king of the hill. Starting with Barnes, whoever wins will fight the next person." He pointed to each student as he spoke and selected the order of fighters. It would be Barnes first, then Smith, and he went through everyone until it was just me and Wit left. "Let's see." Dad scratched his stubble and thought the final lineup through. "Alrigh', Heatherbee'll go and then we'll have Wit last."
I sighed in frustration at the same time Wit sighed in relief. I laughed at the red he blushed when he saw that other people had heard.
What a scaredy-cat.
"Alrigh', Barnes and Smith, get your asses in the circle!"
Barnes clapped Wit on the shoulder and whispered into his ear. I rolled my eyes. You could tell it was something cocky from the smirk playing at his lips. When he was done hamming it up with Wit, he went into the circle of students where Smith stood waiting.
I crossed my arms. This was gonna be good.
Smith wasn't that skilled - he was a little dumb - but his size was no joke. Taller than any of the other students, he was also a brawny lad. Smith literally came from a family of smiths so his muscles were thick and used to being tossed around. On the other hand, Barnes definitely had the upper hand when it came to pure skill and ability.
It would probably be hard for even me to beat him.
"Alrigh', now. Be careful when ya using aura. Not too hard. Don't go for vitals. I'll be ready to step in anytime I think you're getting too heated." When the two nodded compliance, dad barked the beginning, "Alrigh', get to fightin' then lads!" and the match began.
Right from the start, Barnes began maneuvering around. Staying light on his feet, he quickly encroached into arm's length and threw a punch towards Smith's stomach. Noticing the distorted air around Smith's legs, I was shocked when he made a brisk backstep. I didn't know he'd gotten that good at aura manipulation.
If he could move his big body quickly then this was a game changer. He was a fast giant.
Beside me, I heard Wit exclaim. "Daaamn...why didn't I think of that!" He slapped the back of his neck and grumbled. "If I had used it on my feet, I'd have been speeding through that shit. Ahhh, I'm an Idiot."
I heard a grunt and turned back to see Barnes catch Smith with a right hook to the jaw. Smith's head twisted sideways and he took a couple of quick steps back. "Nice land, Barnes! Smith, you've gotta stay light or he'll getcha every time! He's smart, so use that strength to knock his brain around." I rolled my eyes. Dad.
Not taking his advice, Smith continued to back up and let Barnes get closer and closer and still, Smith continued to just stand there...that was until Barnes took one more step forward and Smith snapped into action faster than a man his size should be capable of. He launched himself into Barnes and finally caught the smug fletcher off guard. He used the side of his arm to chop diagonally and cut into Barnes' shoulder. A crack rang through the field and Barnes used the same quick step Smith had used backward - though much better - and lifted his sleeve, exposing a dislocated shoulder.
Hmph. Well, I guess that what you ge- what?
Barnes grabbed the lump of dislocated shoulder and shoved it at an angle, miraculously popping it back into place with only an "Oof." How did he...oh yeah. He's been working with Mary.
Rolling his shoulders, Barnes flashed his signature smirk at a stunned Smith and, just like Smith before, he used aura to hurl himself into fighting range again, where he immediately started landing blows. Boom. Boom. Boom. Like rapid fire, he let loose a flurry of punches, one after the other, and after each one, he would put a little more power into the next. He ramped up the strength right up until Smith let out a loud cough and raised his hands, calling the match.
"Good control as always Barnes." Dad remarked, but warned, "But. Just cuz you're confident doesn't mean you can slack off." Barnes rubbed his shoulder and nodded seriously. Pacing around he threw a few warm-up punches for his next match.
Dad pat Smith on the back. "Good effort there, Smith. We just need to get you some experience and you'll be throwin' down with the rest of the lads in no time!" Smith clutched his chest with a nod and backed into the outer ring, where the next person in order came forward.
The next challenger was a girl named Bubbles, or Bubby: a fisherman's daughter, so of course she was named after some water feature.
She was quick and agile but lacked the aggression to get close enough to fight him. Because of that, the match lasted only moments. Sweeping his foot through the air, Barnes kicked her ribs and she flew to the side, swallowing a mouthful of dirt. Surrendering with a nervous chuckle, she took Barnes hand when he went forward to help her up. He was weirdly nice, despite being a cocky shit.
The rest of the matches followed a similar pattern. Fear of being hit with aura had everyone stiff and mechanic, making easy prey for Barnes to plow through. He would get a few hits in and they'd give up and scramble for my dad's advice, which he happily gave.
Sooner than I'd thought it would happen, it was my turn. He'd run through the other seven without so much as an injury besides his fight with Smith.
"Heatherbee, it's your turn."
I nodded and moved to the inside of the circle, cracking my neck and knuckles as I walked.
"H-Hey there, Heather. I'll be glad to te-teach you a few things." Barnes taunted through heavy breaths. I couldn't see before, but now that I'm closer I could really see the sweat pour down his face. His brown hair lay matted to his forehead and his muscles twitched on and off.
...Was I supposed to take that seriously? He's so tired, he's barely upright. I would be too if I'd been the first to go. We're using aura after all; that takes a lot out of you.
"You sure, Barnes?" I asked, impulsively raising my chin. Shit, why do I do that? This is why you don't have friends.
Just like I thought would happen, Barnes took offense. "Look, Hea-ther-bee, I don't like hitting women, but I'll make an exception for you." He stroked his chin. "You know, I don't really think of you as a woman anyways; you're kinda like - hey wait, stop! The match hasn't started Heather! Wait! Stop!"
As soon as he said I wasn't a woman, I snapped. Without thinking it through - obviously, I wasn't thinking it through - I rushed the tired fletcher. He screamed injustice and tried to defend himself but he was sluggish and I was too quick and too determined. Grabbing his limp arm with conviction, I swung my body in a circle and hoisted him off his feet, bringing his body around mine, I swung his body through the air and slammed him into the ground with a loud thud.
He rolled around in pain, squealing high pitched profanities that swept through the quieted field. I looked around and the other seven students looked away, some laughed, some flinched. Wit opened his mouth to speak to Barnes but stopped himself and mouthed instead. Something like: 'I'm sorry, brother.'
"Er...Heather wins." Dad averted eye-contact with an outraged Barnes. "Wit, hurry up now. It's your turn."
Nodding his head, Wit had to walk past Barnes on his way inside. He stopped and locked eyes with the beaten man. Barnes looked up and grabbed at Wit's pant sleeve. "Wit." He wheezed. "Avenge me, brother."
Wit loosened the foot he'd been trying to pry from Barnes' hand and I could see sweat form around his brows. "Brother...that's asking for a lot."
Barnes nodded his head. "I know, brother. But," he choked, "the injustice...the injustice."
Nodding his head, Wit turned and walked past him towards the center, leaving a few last words behind for the dewy-eyed Barnes. "I'll do it, brother. I'll avenge you."
Barnes sobbed, "...Thank you."
I rolled my eyes. "Are you guys done being dramatic?" Seriously, you'd think there was a traveling theatre in town the way these two played the role of a slain man and his vengeful brother.
"Look...woman." Wit feigned confidence and pointed his shaky finger in my direction. "That was fucked up."
"Yeah, what he said," Barnes yelled from the side.
Honestly, I could not possibly roll my eyes any harder. "Dad. Please, just start this."
He nervously chuckled and nodded his head. "Yes, Heather." He looked to Wit and I could see sympathy in his eyes. "Wit, lad...Good luck." Wit turned and gave him a raised fist and a twitching smile to signal the start and dad closed his eyes. "Get to fightin' then!"
As soon as the announcement was made, Wit ran towards me. I wasn't really expecting it to be honest but I stayed planted in my starting position. His inexperience showed in even the way he ran - too fast and tilted forward too far. Just as he came in reach, I side-stepped and he sailed past right where I was, allowing me to punch his ribcage as he blew past me.
"Ahhh, shit." Wit grumbled and reached for his side. "That smarts."
His inane ramblings aside, it was a swift recovery. Pivoting off his foot, he ran back towards me faster than I'd expected and threw a punch directed at my face. Just barely shifting my head in time, I was relieved I didn't make a fool out of myself by getting hit by an amateur, but then I was immediately shocked by the pure power behind the attack as it continued past me; the aura radiating off his fist was like a ray of direct sunlight grazing against my cheek. My eyes even watered a bit.
I hopped back and took a second look at the kid - could I even call him a kid after that? That was strong enough to rival a rookie hunter in sheer power. Gods, it doesn't look like he can manipulate the mana well, but the pure amount he can Draw was shocking.
That was the difference between me and the rest of the class: ever since I'd started practicing how to Draw from the mana around me, I'd always Drawn more than them. I practiced more as well, but I was also gifted with the ability. Some kids couldn't Draw anything from the very beginning.
So to see someone as talented - if not more - than me, I grew antsy. How do I describe it? It wasn't jealousy, and it wasn't anger...ahh. My fists clenched and I hid a smile prepared to spread across my face unwillingly. It was excitement. I tried not to let my smile show, but it was hard. Because I was excited - really excited.
Why though?
Before I could think it through, Wit was already sending another punch my way. He'd made another pivot in direction and used the momentum to hurl his dangerous fist my away again.
"Wit, stop! That's too much!" Sensing the same power I could, dad charged the circle. But it was too late. Wit was already mid-motion and he didn't know what he was doing. In a flurry of actual fear, I rushed forward and took the hit to my shoulder instead. I could feel bone break as a crunch made its way to my ear.
Damn that hurts, you fletcher!
Caught in the moment - again - I used the force shoving my right shoulder back to swing my body with it and used aura to smash my face into Wit's, headbutting him square in his nose - I was a little shorter so the angle was off.
Watching him stagger backward and collapse on top of a screaming Barnes, who'd still been watching from his spot on the floor, I finally took a moment to regret my actions.
Maybe that was a bit too much...?
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