《At Wit's End》Chapter 8, House Grae


House Grae

chapter eight



A loud bang sent the shack into a tremor, and the ground shook me awake. Still groggy, I rolled to my side and closed my eyes again.

“Aaahh—-“ A shrill voice screamed and my eyes snapped open.

“Dad, help me!” A desperate shout resounded.

Quickly propping myself up, I looked to the kid. “Wit!” He pulled his dirty shirt above his head and ignored me. "Damnit, you little shit. How are you still sleeping?!" I got up and shook the brat till he woke up. Rubbing his eyes, he stood up with a stretch. “Whaat’s up dude?” He yawned.



In the direction of the house, something shattered and a muffled scream carried through the property. Coming to attention, the boy stiffened and his eyes widened. “Oh, shit.”

I nodded. “Stay here. I’ll go check it out.” I needed to find out what the hell was going on. But he shook his head. “No, I’ll go with you.” He insisted, already at the door waiting for me. Opening my mouth to protest, I thought better of it. He’d be safer with me than by himself anyways. “Okay," I agreed, "but stay behind me.” When I got the nod I was waiting for, I opened the shed door and we stepped outside to the immediate view of the house.

Beholding what was in front of us, my jaw dropped. There were large holes dotted along the outside wall, like human-sized entrances, and the few windows around the building had been shattered.

"Holy shit." Wit breathed.

“Mmmm!” The muffled noise came from inside the house, and I ran through the back door, with Wit following closely behind.


We stepped through the door in time to see Hugo throw Kane across the house, and into the wall, right by the door we came through. Kane cracked the brown hardwood with his body and slid to the ground, coughing up a mouthful of blood as his chest contracted.

“Daady!” Amber shrieked, running to her father from the opposite side of the room.


What is that noise? I glanced around the room, and behind Hugo, I saw Raath. He had the boy slung over his shoulder, bound and gagged. Asher struggled in his bonds, attempting to cry out, but his screams were smothered by the fabric in his mouth. He could only watch as his father struggled to stand back up.

“Hugo!” Raath yelled. “Grab the girl and let’s go!” He ordered. Hugo hesitated. Shaking his head, he mumbled, “Dis ain rie.” He turned to confront Raath, but he was too late. If he had decided faster, maybe he could have done something. By the time he made up his mind, fire trickled out of Raath's ring, and flames crawled up his fingers.

“Grab. The. Girl.” He hissed.

A moment of pregnant tension passed between the two, before Hugo sighed, and looked to Amber.

“I’m sorry.”

Amber was holding onto Kane when the big man lumbered over, and grabbed her by her sides, tearing the girl off. Struggling to keep her hold, she begged. “Please stop! Don’t take me! Don’t take me away! Please!” She cried, clutching at Kane's clothing while begging Hugo to stop.

His hands trembled, but he continued the order. “I’m sorry.” He croaked, and with one final tug, he ripped Amber from her father. “I’m sorry.” He blubbered once again, before dashing out the door after Raath, who had already escaped with the screaming boy draped over his shoulder.


By the time I got myself together, they were already gone. “Damnit!” I turned to Wit and said, “stay here!” before storming out of the house after them. Prying the door open, I launched down the steps and chased Hugo down the trail.

Damnit, he’s fast. Every step I took, he stepped further, and the lead only seemed to widen. Further down the path, Raath had already prepared the carriage; he was perched on his usual spot on the driver’s seat, and at his feet, a squirming child thrashed around on the floor.

Hugo reached the carriage much faster than I could, and when he got there, he threw the hysterical girl over his shoulder and took the reins, crushing the ground beneath his feet as he ran with the load.

“Stop! Pl-Please!” Amber wailed. Desperate, she punched and scratched at Hugo’s back, and using the feet she had hung over the man's shoulder, she kicked the brute's head repeatedly. But the giant continued on, unfazed by the child’s flurry.

“Stop!” I yelled after them. But even with the carriage, Hugo was fast, and I was just barely gaining on them. I chased the carriage several tens of feet, before getting close enough to touch the back end.

Damn, I wish I’d learned how to use magic. If I’d just practiced harder...damnit.

Condensing aura into my hands, I grabbed the carriage backside, and sucking in a deep breath, I flipped it over, sending the wooden beast tumbling onto its side. I heard timber crack as the carriage landed, fracturing the brittle framework on contact with the ground. The passengers spilled onto the damp grass, and both men rolled to fighting positions, with children still in hand.

“What are you doing?!” I questioned, staying close enough to lunge at Raath, and far enough from Hugo to avoid a grappling match I’d no doubt lose. Even while they were both still injured from whatever they were doing before we met, I knew I’d still probably lose one on one, let alone with both of them together.

Raath tightened his grip on the boy. “I’m taking these kids with me, Jax! Don't get in the way," he looked me dead in my eyes and spoke with absolute determination, "or I will kill you."

"What the fu- What is going on? Why are you taking them?" I asked.

Taking a deep breath, Raath composed himself and began to explain.

"Have you ever heard of the Grae family?" He asked.

I shook my head.

He nodded his own. "That makes sense. They're a powerful House much much further north, and most of the people here wouldn't know about them." He explained. "Birthed by Ancestor Grae, his namesake is a bloodline of warriors and magi who've fought alongside kings and crossbred with royalty." He admired. "Few, if any, Houses can claim its equal. In both regard and power, the Graes are a family above near all." The stoic man's passion spoke volumes.

"Okay...but what about them?" Why's he talking about this? I know he didn't just bring it up as a casual conversation piece.

His hooded face twisted to face the boy on his shoulder, who had gone still during the conversation. "What was his last name, Jax?"


Gradually, my eyes formed saucers, as I faced the young boy, who like me was shocked. His name rang through my brain like lightning.

Asher Grae. That's why he wanted the boy so bad. And if the boy's mother was a Grae, then-


"Put me down! I'm not a Grae, I'm a Weir! I'm Amber Weir!" The girl had swung her head wildly until her mouth was far enough from Hugo's chest to speak. As soon as she was capable, she began shrieking denials.

Managing the girl's tantrum with ease, Hugo's arms remained motionless, despite her exertions. Raath apologized to her and Asher. "I'm sorry to treat you like this, but I can't let you stay here." He said. "I won't allow it."

His statement struck a cord: that was the same thing I told Wit.

“No! I’m no Grae!” She yelled. “My father's name is Weir, I'm Amber Weir!”

Raath shook his head. “I'm not sure yet who your mother was, but there's no doubt you have our blood.” Why did that sentence seem weird? Pointing to Asher again he explained, “The boy shares her name. Trust me, you are Graes, and not only that.” He continued with a hush. “You are both blessed by the Ancestor.”

“How do you know they’re blessed?” I asked. “The kids can't even manipulate mana yet.” At this point, Asher was waiting on his words with baited breath.

Raath carefully extracted the boy from his shoulder. Standing him upright on the ground, he removed his binds and the boy pulled the gag out from his mouth. Raising a gloved finger, upon receiving permission, Raath pointed it to the boy's hair and explained, “All Grae’s have black and white hair from birth.” He said. Dragging his finger down, he stopped at his curious eyes. “They also have black eyes.” He said.

Asher’s face displayed his confusion. “Bu-“

“But, some," he cut off, “are blessed with eyes of fire.” He admired. “The eyes of our Ancestor.”


Caught on the same word I picked up on, the boy's eyes widened. "Are we related?”

Nodding his head, Raath took a moment to create some space between himself and us. Slowly, he slipped his hands inside his hood, and pulled the enchanted hood back, revealing what was underneath.

My gods.

The creature’s face was covered with gray draconian scales. It had no nose, no hair, no ears; the only thing I could make out aside from the ash colored scales were a pair of bright reptilian orange eyes.

He was a halfbreed.

Opening his mouth to display several rows of long sharp teeth, Raath began to talk again. “The Ancestor was a dragon, with two heads on opposite ends of his body.” In reverence, he continued. “No one knows where he is now, but before he left, he mated with a human woman. That woman took on his name and established the House, thus known as House Grae.”

Transfixed, everyone had bottom lips that hung to their chin. Raath continued. “The Ancestor had several children; some came out like you two, human, and some came out like me, the type people call halfbreeds.” Smiling, he answered Asher's question. “So yes, we’re related.”

I remembered something odd. “Why did you get so excited when you saw the girl?” I asked.

Seeing her flinch at the veiled accusation, Raath got flustered. “Wha-No! They’re twins! I was excited because they’re twins!”

“What’s so special about twins?” I asked.

Letting out a long breath, Raath rubbed his face. “Because. The Ancestor prophesied that there would be a time where twins would be born into the family and that they would stand head and shoulder above the rest.” He remarked, "we think it's because the Ancestor, himself, was a dual-headed dragon."

Letting all the information sink in, Raath checked for their reaction. “Do you want to come with me?” he asked. "You'd be treated like royalty." The scales along his jaw hardened. "Never will anyone harm you or Amber like that man did again." He promised. "On my name, you have my word."

Asher ran a hand along his skin, pausing on several long scars. Looking at his sister's own mouth, his jaw clenched and something in his eyes changed. “Okay.” He agreed.

“Noo! Asher what about dad!” The girl wailed at her brother. He ignored her and walked to Raath. “Asher!” She began kicking at her captor with renewed vigor. “Let me go! DAD!”

Asher whispered something to Raath, and whatever it was, the man nodded his head and approached Amber. Letting her continue to scream, he placed a finger on her forehead and she ceased. Slumping into Hugo's arms, the girl lay unconscious.

Noticing my confusion, Asher turned to me. "If I don't make her, she'll never leave dad." A tear slipped from his eye and he strangled back a sob. "I love d-dad." He cried. "But we can't stay here, not around him."

As bad as I felt for the girl, I agreed. They can't stay here. Wit can't stay here. These kids need to leave.

I nodded my head and watched the trio, plus Amber, turn around. Walking into the treeline, the boy let Raath and Hugo step in first. His feet hesitated, and after a second, he clenched his fists and turned around. Without looking me in my eyes, he yelled, "Tell Wit I'm sorry!" and ran into the forest behind the others, escaping into the night.

I stood there for a while, wondering what the fuck I should do about Kane. At some point, clouds darker than the star-lit sky loomed over, and let out a deluge.

Walking back to the house, I was wracked with confliction.

Should I kill him?

Is that my decision to make?

He'll hurt more people if I don't.

But his kids are gone.

What about Wit?

I can take him and run, but I don't need to kill a broken man.

Am I going to explain what happened then?

I shook my head. No, it's best he never knows. I'll just apologize for letting them kidnap his children, but I won't tell him where they've gone. Raising my head, I let the rain patter on my face and heaved a long breath.

"Wheww. What a long day."

Trudging along the newly minted mud, I made my way back to the house, up the stairs, and through the door. Inside it was an absolute mess; broken fixtures and furniture lay in pieces around the floor and the table was thrown against the wall, leaving the middle of the room empty.

Kane sat within a parade of shattered glass and wood chipping, while Wit paced the center of the room, walking back and forth until he heard the broken door grate against the wooden floorboard.

His head swung to face me, and noticing the missing twins, his shoulders drooped. I knew it was because of the boy. I'd better explain it to him later.

“Did you get her?” Kane asked, wringing his hands together and slowly creeping his way to our side of the room. “Where is she?” He looked behind me. “Where’s my baby girl?”

I let go of Wit and slowly limped to Kane. Gripping his shoulders, I tried my best to look defeated and apologetic. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. "But I couldn't do anything." This is for the best.

Before I could look him in the face, like he deserved, I could feel his shoulders harden. Shit, it’s aura! Before I knew it, I was on the ground with his hands coiled around my throat. He was choking me. “I’m sor-*cough*”

“Motherfucker!” He tightened his grip with one hand and brought back the other one, slamming it into my face. Damn. The blow hit my mouth and I could feel my jaw slip out of place.

“Stop!” Wit shrieked, pulling at his arm to little effect.

“Motherfucker!” He brought down another punch. This one landed right below my left eye and sent my brain reeling. I lost hold of the aura I tried to gather in defense and was laid bare. Luckily, he was too excited to focus on his own, so he continued without it.

Another punch crumpled my nose.

Is this where I die?

I closed my eyes.

I don't want to go like this.

“Stop!” Was that Wit? I couldn’t tell anymore.

Another punch.

I needed to get up. Wit needs my help.


I can't die here! Get up!

“Please, stop!” A hazy voice screamed in the background.


Mary, I'm sorry

Then I felt an aura light up for a moment and the punching stopped. Clinging to life, consciousness slipped from my grip anyway, and I passed out.

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