《At Wit's End》Chapter 4, Firesale
chapter four
Boom! The house door slammed open and hit the wall.
Turning around to face the noise, I got a good look at the homeowner, and his appearance was...strange. I mean, what was he even wearing? As a top, he wore an old fashioned women's nightgown; it was a light white, almost see through dress. The man didn’t look that old, maybe somewhere between thirty and forty, but his wiry beard and unkempt appearance made him look much older.
His wild eyes flit between Raath, Hugo, and me, but he looked more confused about the shouting than scared of the abrupt appearance of strangers.
A few yards before the porch, Hugo rolled the carriage to a stop and Raath stepped down.
“Well, you guys seem to be in the middle of nowhere.” The gowned man noted. “The name’s Kane, what can I do for you?”
Lifting his concealed chin at the man, Raath assumed his usual air of nobility. “How much is a room for the night?” Raath asked, and happy at the prospect of incoming business, the landowner rubbed his hands together in anticipation. Bearing a toothy grin, the man practically squeeled. “Well, a room is fifteen coppers a night, and meals are five.” He said, running his hands along each other so fast I thought they’d burn.
At least the price seemed reasonable. Raath agreed because he nodded and said, “That sounds like a deal.”
Wait. Why hasn’t he done anything about this kid?
I walked over to them, while they continued to talk prices. “Hey!” Yelling to get their attention, the man looked at me and seemed taken aback by my tone.
Turning to me with a face full of concern, the man clasped his hands. “Yes, sir?” He asked.
Baffled, I pointed to the kid lying on the ground. “Why aren’t you helping him?” I asked.
Confused, his eyes followed my finger to the boy, but when he saw who I was pointing at, he sighed and shrugged. “That’s my slave” he answered. “I’ll make sure to teach it not to slack off.” He promised me as if my issue was that the boy was passed out and lazy.
I frowned, and noticing my displeasure, but thinking it was caused by his own inaction, the man's speech assumed a tick. "P-p-please trust me. I-I-I'll punish it. R-r-really, I will. Let me tell you." He raised the first finger, and one-by-one, he began detailing all the ways he could torment his slave for 'its' slovenly behavior. Each finger he raised was another one I'd like to bend backward.
"I-I-I usually just throw some aura on and beat it. I could do that for you. I could starve it, but I don't feed it much anyway. I could shove a couple prin thorns under its fingernails, but it gets that already. Mmm, this is hard." Clapping his hands, he raised a fourth finger. "Why didn't I think of this before?" He smiled. "I could rub spices into his open cuts! Yeah, that'll burn! Haha"
Okay. Just as I was stepping forward to reach out for those deranged fingers, Raath noticed and decided to comment. “That’s his slave Jax. He’s perfectly able to do what he wants with it.” He drawled, adding, “My family owns quite a few.” I stopped mid-step and looked back at him. He wasn't smug or proud - he was simply stating a fact.
Cleching my fists by my sides, I tried to restrain myself. Because as frustrating as it was to hear, he’s right. The boy's his slave and therefore his property. Like Raath, my own family has slaves. They just aren't on display, so I've never seen what happens to them. Servants worked in and around the properties, but the slaves stayed in satellite locations. They probably worked fields no different than this one, or knowing my grandfather, they might even be mining for drawstone.
I guess it’s not my place to tell someone what to do with their property, but it’s still so...repulsive. Especially to do it to a child.
Wait. Do we use children too?
Are they treated like this? I'll look into it.
Hugo seemed to share in my frustration. Fidgeting with his fingers, he opened his mouth, “bu-“ he started to argue, but a deathly glare from Raath shut him up and he pulled back from the fight, staring at the ground with his fists clenched.
Damnit, another man, too weak to stand against the sick practice.
Another man just like me.
While I wallowed in self-loathing, Raath and Kane eventually finished making the sleeping arrangements. They shook hands on a deal of twenty-five coppers for the three of us to board and eat. Concluding negotiations, Kane called into the cottage for someone to get our stuff.
A few moments later, another boy nervously walked out of the house. “Y-yes dad?” He stuttered. Eyes darting between Kane and the unconsious child, he wrung his hands together. He looked scared. And honestly, I'd be too if I lived with that monstrosity.
Frowning, Kane pointed to the nearby carriage and barked. “Go move their stuff to the guest room boy!” Jumping at the tone, the kid scurried down the stairs and hurried over to Hugo, who had already taken a bag out. “I’ll hold your bag, sir.” He said, reaching his small hands to the full leather bag Hugo was carrying.
Chuckling, Hugo shook his head. “Not dis her bag boy. Dis her bag is heavia den yoo aw.”
Flinching at the refusal, the boy looked to Kane, who snapped his fingers and pointed at the bag. Jumping again, the boy stretched his shaking hands out. “I c-can handle it, sir.” He spluttered and clutched at the bag. “Um nut kiddin, da bag is-wah” Hugo started, but exclaimed when the kid grabbed the bag and easily swung it over his shoulder.
Wow. I knew that bag was heavy, I’d actually lifted it myself and if he can lift it as effortlessly as that then the kid’s got a lot of natural strength.
“No aura?” Raath mused. He walked up to the boy and examined him. I didn’t know what he was looking for because his enchantment made it impossible to see his face. He crouched in front of the kid and got a closer look.
“Eyes like fire. Hair like ash.” He exclaimed under his breath. “What’s your name, boy?” He asked.
The boy looked to Kane and the man scratched his ass and sniffed his hand before nodding his head in approval. Turning back to Raath, the kid replied. “My na-name is Asher.” He mumbled, keeping his eyes to the ground.
“I know that boy, your dad just said it. I want your last name.” Asher looked to his father again but this time the man shook his head and Asher visibly saddened. “Grae.” He said faintly.
The boy saddened but his answer made Raath shake from inside his cloak.
“My gods.” He whispered. “Do you know who you are?”
“A bastard.” Kane answered for him from the porch. His comment made the kid’s head droop a little lower.
Disgusting. This man made my skin crawl.
Recovering from his shock, Raath stroked his chin and after a second of thought he rummaged through the carriage and came back with a clinking pouch of coins.
“I’ll buy the kid off you.” He told Kane.
My jaw dropped. Are you kidding me?
But, almost as expected, Kane began rubbing hands together again. "How much?" He crooned.
Asher cried, but his interruption fell on deaf owns.
“I’ll give you one hundred silver.” Raath announced.
Everyone was shocked by the amount he offered. One hundred silver? He was going to pay that much for a kid? That was a government official’s annual salary. How did he even have that much money?
Kane started a slow nod that got faster and faster as he continued. “Okay, you can take him.” He clapped his hands and squealed.
“No, dad!”
Raath threw the coin pouch over to the excited man, who caught it and greedily ran his fingers through the inside. He took out a coin and I had to cover my eyes because of the glare; sunlight hit the shiny silver, and bounced into my face.
Pleased with his payment, Kane tied the pouch up and put it somewhere under his dress. Clapping his hands, he turned to the child. “You’re his now.” Was all he had to say, before rubbing his hands together again and cackling.
My heart hurt to see the kid cry. Tears poured from his confused eyes. Looking between Raath and Kane, he stood there, not knowing what to do or who to go to.
Behind Kane, a small girl popped out of the house, and as soon as he saw her Raath took in a sharp breath and began shaking twice as hard.
She was a small girl of twelve or thirteen. She came out walking beside her dad, making sure she was close, but not close enough to touch him. She was stunning, and just like Asher, there was no doubt she’d be a beauty when she grew up. Her hair was long and colored black and grey. Her stunning bright orange eyes shined beneath her long dark lashes. She must be Asher’s twin. But my admiration twisted into a grimace the closer I looked because she was covered in bruises and new cuts.
Kane noticed the girl and happily relayed his joy to her. “We finally got rid of that bastard! I just sold him to these men.” He clapped excitedly.
The girl didn’t share in his enthusiasm though. She frowned and looked at Asher, as if for confirmation. When he shrunk back from the attention, she glowered, “Asher.”
“The-they bought me.” He whimpered back.
The girl went quiet, pursing her lips and scrunching her eyebrows.
“A-are...they twins?!” Raath burst while asking Kane. I was shocked. He’d always been composed, in fact, that’s what I’d always noticed about him. I’d never seen him this aggitated.
Hearing the question, Kane’s good-time energy took a dip. “Yea,” he grunted. “My beautiful daughter came out first.” He beamed at his girl, but then scowled at Asher. “And then that thing came out, and killed my wife!” He screeched and glared at the boy, “demon bastard.”
So that's what happened.
Looking at Asher, I could see why the kid is so submissive and meek. What would I be like if every day of my life somebody told me I was a murderer, and treated me like garbage? I’m surprised he’s as normal as he is.
Raath ignored the last comments. Shaking with excitement, it was like he couldn't say it fast enough. “I’d like to buy the girl as well!”
Again?! I looked at Kane for his reaction, but this time he wasn’t happy or excited at all. Actually, he looked angry. He screamed, “She’s not for sale!” and his clenched fists rattled at his sides.
Wha-this time his reaction was the extreme opposite; he didn’t care if Asher was sold, in fact, he delighted at the sale, but when it was the girl on the table, he flew into a rage.
Raath wasn’t done though. I don’t know why, but these kids were important to him. “Please.” He begged. “I’ll give you five hundred silver for her!” My eyes widened. Five hundred silver?!
But his insistence drove Kane into a fury, “I’ll never sell her, you fuck!” He roared. Adam Apple jutting out of his neck, he gurgled, “Mever!” behind a mouth full of rising foam.
All of a sudden, he charged toward Raath. He used aura to launch himself into a sprint, barreling into Hugo, who'd rushed between them. Kane smashed into him and they flew backward into the carriage. Dirt and splinters flew into the air, kicking up a cloud of debris that covered them.
He just threw himself against the biggest guy I’ve ever seen in my life.
I felt a tug on the side of my shirt and turned to see a worried Asher. “I-is he gonna be alright?” He asked, pointing at the cloud.
Not sure which one he was worried about, I'd like to assume it was Hugo. I gave him a smirk, “You’ll see.” I confidently told him. At least I was confident out loud.
I don't really know either; I just met the guy. But you have to leave hope for the kids.
The cloud dissipated and revealed what I was half-expecting: Hugo had caught the rampaging man in his embrace, crushing him under his arms, against his chest. He held the crazed man off the ground, like a rambunctious child.
I was a little surpised. I’d witnessed Hugo power a few times in the forest but I had no idea he was this strong. An aura wrapped man slammed into him, and he stopped him with raw, physical, power.
Who’s the crazy one here again? My hands had gotten clammy and I wiped them along the sides of my pants, still trying to recover from the shock.
Hugo...didn’t even use aura. Behind him, Raath hadn't even flinched, and once again, I wondered just how strong he must be.
Kane had stopped his kicking and screaming and laid limp in Hugo’s arms. Accepting the difference in power, he exhaled and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry, you can put me down now.” He apologized. Hugo looked to Raath, for approval. Raath gave the grieving man a look: a chin held high and hidden eyes I imaginced held contempt, and nodded his head.
Hugo dropped the man, and the only scratch he received from the charge was a tear across his tunic. The skin underneath wasn’t even red.
Kane backed a few steps from Hugo and sorted himself; he flattened his gown, patted his hair down, and straightened his back. “Well, now that we’ve got that all figured out." He clapped. "I’d be happy to have you here. Let me show you around.” He chortled, turning his back to the duo, and skipping to the house.
Making his way up the stairs, the girl ran up to him. “Are you okay?” She asked, obviously flustered. Noticing her father struggling up the stairs, she reached out her hand in worry and he took it with his own.
What happened next was beyond maddening.
He took the girls hand with a wide eerie smile plastered over his face. “Ammber,” I could see the muscles along his wrist and forearm flex, and by the time I could feel the aura, it was too late.
He lifted the girl in the air and threw her down the stairs, face first. Her screaming mouth was cut off by a mouthful of wooden stairs and broken teeth. She skidded down the stairs and landed in front of Hugo and Raath, who’d just stepped forward to follow him.
“Don’t touch me! Do I look like I need help! Huh?” He screamed from atop the stairs.
She gurgled another scream behind a lungfull of blood, that slushed between her missing teeth and splashed out of her mouth.
While Kane stomped his way back into the house, the outside got very quiet.
What just happened? I ran over to the girl, but by the time made it over, Raath was already on his knees checking her. He told Hugo to get bandages, while he wiped the blood and dirt out of her mouth. “I should fucking kill him.” He fumed, while placing cotton balls in her mouth.
Honestly, I wanted to do the same. “But we can’t. It’s not our place.” I repeated what he said earlier. I wasn’t trying to get even with him, I just knew he was right. But trying to keep him calm didn't stop my own muscles from jerking. I'd love to grab that man by his throat and squeeze the life out of him. But I can't. You can't kill people because of how they treat they're children. You don't meddle in family business...that's just the world we live in. My grandfather is much the same.
Finished bandaging the girl, Raath gently rubbed her back. "I've done all I can do. But you'll need to put something cold against your mouth. Okay?" The girl got up and nodded her head. “Fank yuu” She garbled, struggling with her broken jaw.
Kane called out from the house, “Help the men inside Amber! I’ll show them their room!” and following his instructions, she skittered up the steps and into the cottage.
Hugo and Asher grabbed the sacks and brought them inside, while Raath remained kneeling, mumbling something about his ‘family.’ I couldn't catch anything else. After a few minutes, he got himself together and joined the rest inside.
And then there were two.
I made my way back to the sleeping boy. I needed to wake him up and see what I could do to help him.
I poked his cheek. “Kid.”
His eyes twitched. Almost.
“Hey! Ki-“
His eyes snapped open, and I was taken by surprise.
They were breathtaking.
The only feature I could see on his muddy face were a pair of piercingly light blue - almost grey eyes. Marred with tears, his eyes stood out against the dead grass and brown muck. I didn't know why he was crying but as soon as he woke up he charged me before I could react and pulled me into a tight hug. He shook in my embrace, clutching at my jacket, and crying into my shoulder.
“Please don’t leave me.” he choked.
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