《Trinpik》volume 2 Ch. 5 Humiliation of Zarr


The prince stopped at the front double doors.

Prince Elliot: There is a requirement to enter your personal level and a title, before interring. It is also going to be used to group you if you decide to enter a small competition we have here.

Salim: Show only level to the prince & secondary Title.

Second Title & Level Share ScreenLevel 5

Emperor of Trinpik

Vionia: Share my Level & third Title.

Third Title & Level Share ScreenLevel 1

Empress of Tanis

Prince Elliot: Let me formally welcome you two World Leaders. Do you mind if I ask why you came together if you two are from different Empires?

Vionia: We are of the same alliance and traveled in the same direction. So we decided to enjoy each other’s company.

Salim: Khmmmmm. Can we proceed? You also mention a small competition.

Prince Elliot: Ah yes although may advise you not to enter with such a low level. It would be to compete in a small match and a reward is a Legendary Cub.

Salim: Agh. I see.

Vionia: I will enter on behalf of Ruben. Is that acceptable?

Prince Elliot: That is! Just a tip though, we have many mighty adventures competing in this. They are honored guest with at least a title of “Lords “ who are part of our Azitium Empire. Their levels are around 100-140 and there are about 15 of them. They will pair you with the lowest level. If you win you will compete against tougher opponents. Shouldn’t you reconsider?

Salim: She won’t I know that much. I can tell you a title of an Emperor or Empress should not be regarded as nothing even at level one. I heard many people refer to it as a Kingdom of Azitium? So which one is it?

Prince Elliot: I cannot object a Emperor or Empress. So be it as you wish. It was a Kingdom before, however as of last year the vastness of land controlled is now considered to be an Empire.

Salim: How much land is that?

Prince Elliot: Around 420 Kilometers around the palace. Well then lets proceed. I have entered Empress Vionia in to the tournament as well.

Prince Elliot: The competition will begin as soon as all the leaders are seated in the conference hall designed for this occasion. There are seated in a circle around the competition arena. The competition is simple either make your opponent either submit or step out of the battle circle.

Salim: Very well. Now what do we do?

Prince Elliot: I don’t know if you received the secondary letters that pushed the summit to start right now actually and probably has already started. Everyone is here already you where the last to arrive. Let us proceed to the summit hall immediately.

As we entered to what seemed like a dance hall for grand parties that was now reconfigured in to a summit hall with a battle circle in the middle. We could hear the speaker inside already doing the introduction who was explaining the summit to all whom where present. The door guard approached by the prince whispered who whispered in his ear say our names to him.

Prince Elliot: This as far as I can guide you. Beyond this point only Leaders of different nations, kingdom, and empires are allowed to enter.

The guard opened the double doors and with his heavy stomped at the ground. Said in a loud voice so that the entire Summit of Leaders could hear it. This even interrupted the introductory speaker.



Whispers could be heard between everyone present.

Elite Guard: Servants please bring 2 addition chairs and a table.

The servant’s ran around quickly and within seconds everything was prepared. A separate round table was placed around the big arena at the center. The speaker was on a podium in the center of the battle arena. The guard left with the servants closing the door behind him.

As the host who was doing introductions had now continued with his welcome speech. The servants brought out huge meals to each table that had about 2-3 people at each table.

Host: We should not continue any further discussions on empty stomach let us enjoy and converse a little. We will do individual introductions afterwards. After that we will hold a small tournament. At the end of that we will vote on certain matters.

We ate the nice meals in front of us that were very delicious like I have never eaten before.

As we where eating different rulers started their introductions in a hurry to get to the tournament, where they can show a glimpse of their power.

There were roughly 21 rulers present. The rulers boasted about their kingdom either by mentioning that they had one of the 7 towers or mentioned their supremacy through military strength. It seems that everyone received the Global Message that a Tallest Tower was built. They’re where roughly 8 kingdoms or empires that did not mention on introduce them selves as eagerly as the previous ones. It seems that the ones with rapid introductions seemed to be all Players and not NPC’s. I calculated that there was roughly7 (including our 2 that didn’t really exist yet.) Player owned empires/kingdoms and the other 14 belonged to NPC’s. There was a clear difference in size of the Kingdoms/ Empires. Player one’s where small while NPC one’s where on a totally new level in the size and military strengths. One could say most with exception of 4 player owned empires/ kingdoms that could survive constant attacks. Vionia and mine were one of them because of the tower. The other player hasn’t introduced him self.

It seems the Azitium Empires Emperor wanted to see one of the lords mention whom the Seventh Tower belonged to. However the 8 that sat silently decided to not say in hopes that it was not revealed in order to avoid being threatened by the major powers. It seems that I read the situation correctly and decided not to say much.

After the Azitium Emperor introduced himself. He then went around the circle asking for introductions from the people who did not introduce themselves just yet.

Although the introductions now just consisted of Title, Level and Name. It was left at that. You could tell everyone ruled us out immediately.

One of the players even spoke out. That we two should just leave. Since after this summit he was going to come conquer our little Empires. We sat silently. It was a clear aggressive stance before us. Our facials expressions remained that of NPC’s. So he though we were NPC’s and didn’t press the issue to kick us out.

Host: It has come time to announce the little tournament. We have held preliminaries outside as we were enjoying the little chats and food provided. The four exemptions that entered this tournament are King Alex of Alexandria Kingdom Level 110, Empress Vionia of Tanis LVL1, King Zarr of Gar Kingdom LVL 175, and finally Emperor Vin of the Glacier Empire LVL 15. These three were exempt from preliminaries due to their Title privileges.

Zarr was the one who told us to leave the summit.


Vin was one that remained quiet all this time. Who also only introduced his: name, empire, and level.

Zarr being high and mighty stood up and said we should conduct a preliminary match privately for the Leaders.

Salim: If that’s the case lets also vote that 2 winners from the leaders won’t have fight in the competition tree and will join in the semifinals.

No one objected and everyone unanimously agreed.

Host: Well since the preliminaries have finished out side lets us conduct the closed-door match between the 4 Rulers.

They drew lots and it ended up that Zarr vs. Vionia and Alex vs.Vin. Zarr & Vionia would start off.

I whispered in Vionia’s ear. Since I am present here you may use Time Dilation as long as you want.

As they got in to the rink Zarr he continuously said things like “This is way to easy. A LVL 175 against a LVL 1 is just unfair for the LVL 1. HA HA HA HA

Host: Ready! Set! Begin!

Vionia whispered: Time Dilation Field.

As you could guess everything stopped. She took her sweet time and since she wanted to pay him back for the insults by completely embarrass him. She didn’t feel like fighting him in her elegant clothes. Striped him down to just his undergarments. She pushed him out of the circle. Took his expensive armor and after a while long time of shredded it to pieces through it at him. So they fell around him as if he was attacked not leaving a scar on him but having his armor shredded in such a manner that looked like an extreme skill.

Then she went back to her original position and said release time.

The next few seconds everyone was paralyzed and stood up immediately to see why was Zarr lying on the ground with shredded armor around him.

Vionia: It seems I am the winner.

Zarr: I don’t know what you did but I won’t let you off unscarred.

Salim: I suggest you take the failure as a man and admit defeat. If you try to do anything more I will make you regret even more for the insults that you directed at us from the beginning.

Host: Vionia is in the rink and you are out of the rink after I announced it therefore you are out.

Zarr: Shut up. I don’t care about the tournament I want revenge. No one better try stopping me, or you will be sorry.

As he charged at Vionia I used the apple that was on my plate and tossed it at him with inertial turning. Making the apple collide with him in the chest. That attack sent him flying to the other side of the hall. Were he crashed in full force against the wall.

He nearly died from that. Since all of his stats combined he was able to survive that one attack with only 5% of his health left that appeared above him for everyone to see.

The entire summit was so silent that you could hear a fly I the northwest corner flying around which also ceased to exists with a grape toss from my hand.

Salim: I think we have one more round to enjoy. Let us continue shall we?

Emperor of Azitium: Yes lets continue.

The servants took Zarr out to get him some medical help and give him some clothes to cover up. Since the Apple toss shredded his remaining clothing.

As the second battle started it was clear to see that the Vin LVL15 had the upper hand the entire time. So Alex who realized that submitted and recognized Vin as the winner.

Alex: I can now see that level doesn’t measure Emperors or Empresses true strength. I therefore admit defeat.

Host: This is an unexpected outcome. I’ve never seen such an event were LVL’s meant nothing.

As Zarr came back he announced: I apologize for my earlier behavior.

Vionia: Apology accepted.

Host: Now then since we did not announce the prize yet let us show you.

The brought it a sturdy cage that held a bear cub now the size of a dog. It seems bears do grow slower then Frick’s perhaps its all the training or lack of it.

Vionia and I looked at each other.

Host: We will now allow the spectators to enter and stand behind their represented kingdoms/ empires.

Tio and Ruben entered and stood behind our table. Tio whispered.

Tio: That is my cub.

Vionia: Tio don’t worry will get him back; don’t do anything rash until then. We don’t want everyone here to go against us. I actually want to see everyone fight.

The battles started since there where not many people competing in this exclusive event. Even after the semifinals there now stood two people.

Emperor Vin vs. Empress Vionia

The battle was really over right after it began. Since we had no grudge against him. Vionia was only able to call out Time Dilation. When she saw him standing right in front of him. His reaction was much faster then anyone we have ever seen. So we assumed his charge slowed down time as well. She walked behind him and slightly pushed him in the direction of the ground out side the rink. The momentum would do the rest. As she released the time he did not hit the ground and used air steps to run back in to the rink. Vionia immediately stopped time again. He was again in front of her almost to hitting her. Well this time around I asked her to leave a note in his pocket. As I handed her the letter, since she didn’t want to step down from the rink. After placing the letter in his inside pocket. She ripped of one of his sleeves and this time tied his legs together. She pushed him so hard that now he was literally a few centimeters of the ground outside the rink. He really was like a falling person suspended in the air.

After releasing the time. He crashed into the ground outside the rink.

Vin: I have never seen anyone faster then me. It seems I was wrong. I have been defeated.

Prince Elliot shouted out: we cannot have some stranger take our pride and possession.

Salim: It was never yours to begin with. You stole it from the Birk’s Mountain Range that is under the control of My Trinpik Empire. So that makes you the aggressors. I suggest instead of an apology you just hand over the little cub. Since its mother is restless to get it back. Tio who is its caretaker was not around when you took the cub and had no opportunity to warn you not to take it. Therefore we made this large journey to retrieve a member of my Empire.

Prince Elliot: There were no boarders to suggest your claim.

Vionia: Our boarders don’t need walls to keep people out. Since everyone is welcome. Are you not going to hand over the price I have won?

Prince Elliot: FATHER!!!!


As they handed the cub that until now was fighting the cage stopped and looked at Vionia then at Tio.

Prince Elliot: I suggest you don’t release it here so that it doesn’t cause a ruckus in the palace.

Vionia opened the cage and let the cub out who ran and was picked up by Tio.

Everyone realized that it was there was truth in what they said. No one said anything else.

Host: Now will the rulers follow me please! Since the contestant will be treated to food. We will take you to another room so that you may discuss the main topic of this Summit.

We all stood up and left. Leaving Tio and Ruben with the new cub at the table to eat.

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