《Trinpik》Volume 1 Ch.3 Death and Death Again


!!! Attention !!! You have entered Brik's Mountain Range

Note: Category 50 danger creatures. Boss Monster Present: Category Undetermined.

I still don't know how dangerous those little creatures/ monsters are.

"Fricks stay here while I take a look around."

After walking for about 1 hour, I finally heard the sound of monsters scouring around. Trying to locate one I move closer and closer.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrr" I heard from behind me.

Without looking behind me I said.

"Fricks didn't I tell you to stay behind?"

As I turned around to look at him.

!!!!!Crunch. A big chunk of my right side got ripped off!!!!

You have taken 11,350 points of damage.

- You are fatally wounded and will die within seconds.

Everything went pitch black as I woke up. I was lying in a very familiar cabin without a furry animal who would lie beside me.

You have Died- Do not fret you didn't lose your main level since there was nothing to lose.

- You have respawned at your last rest area.

- All your skills are unaffected since you're under noob protection until reaching level 5.

- However, you did lose the clothes you were wearing except your undergarments.

"Argggggaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

"That monster will regret for what it has done."

As I was so infuriated I started to swim back to the main island this time with no regard to food.

I was swimming so fast without the extra luggage. The experience I gained from towing the boat has probably increased my speed dramatically.

After a full day of swimming at such speed I realized the trick to propel myself faster, and was practically running on my fours on the water.

That is when I mastered the technique to rapidly hit the water with my feet and it made me be able to completely run on water.

After another half a day of running on water I reached roughly the same place where I had initially entered the Raging Waters of the Equator.

This time there were no messages that came up that would suggest I was penalized with 50% speed decrease. Instead because I was out of the water, I was running at such a speed that instead of crossing the Raging Waters of the Equator in 2 weeks and one day. I crossed them in 2.5 days.

I could see that Fricks was obedient and waited at the top of the cliff.

If only I knew then..... :are_you_for_real:

Since I was going so fast and could not stop, even when I tried to dive into the water I only skipped like a slippery rock with no signs of stopping. Even though I was able to slow down I still crashed in to the cliff with the full might of my speed.

............... [th_093.gif] .................

Sob... Sob... Sob...

I was back at my little hut again.

You have Died- Do not fret you didn't lose your main level since there was nothing to lose.

- You have respawned at your last rest area.

- All your skills are unaffected since you're under noob protection until reaching level 5.

- However, you did lose the clothes you were wearing except your undergarments.

"I really hate this."

"Grawwwwwr rororraaarrrr heeaarrr truaaaaaar...."






"I am so frustrated... I will have to kill that monster more cruelly now since I’m in this situation because of it."

!!! Attention !!!

If there were any animals nearby. They are no longer here since you scared them away.

I started to run back, while running on the water again I started practicing turning sharply on the water in order to be able to either stop or change direction of my momentum within less than a second.


Even with a Zigzag pattern I was still able to reach the Raging Waters of the Equator in a day, due to running on the water rather than swimming.

After 2 more days of Zigzag patterns through the Raging Waters of the Equator. I was faced with the same cliff. In that instance I calculated that even though I was proficient and could make a 90 degree turn. I thought ‘what if instead of right or left turn I try and run up the cliff.’

Well either way there shouldn't be too big of a difference.

The moment I hit the wall and changed the direction vertically I was able to run up the tall cliff within seconds with my momentum. Although changing directions horizontally again was the problem...

I really did prepare to die again from the fall since I pretty much flew up twice the height of the cliff.

As I was falling down I saw a huge tree appear in front of me out of nowhere.

It was Fricks who bent the entire tree. More like he snapped its trunk however, it was still attached.

Instead of crashing in to the branches I used my newly acquired trick with my feet work and at a very fast pace ran towards the cliff top.

"Yay luck is on my side I was able to get on the cliff." looking around I realized the tree was gone.

As I looked at Fricks who was looking somewhere off the cliff I noticed the tree flying hundreds of meters away from the cliff.

"Ha ha ha ha ha"

"heee hee he he"

"hoooo hoo hoo"

"I guess I am strong."

"Now to find that little creature that took a bite out of me."

"Hee hee hee hee hee"

"Let the hunt begin."

"But before that let me rest here so that I can respawn here in case I die."


I slept for about an hour. When I got up a window popped up.

Alert Respawn Point Failed to be Established.- You are not allowed to make this area a respawn point since your level is 0.

- You need to be LVL.150 or higher in order to make this area your respawn area.

- Therefore, your respawn point still remains at your previous location.

- To bypass this, build a small Hut here which would waive the level restriction.

Warning: If you build a hut here all of the animals within 1 kilometer will be attracted to it in order to take up residency in the hut or destroy it.

"Well whatever."

"Now I want my long awaited revenge..."

"Just what should be the punishment...?”

So I set off. At first walking around hoping it would attack me since I thought I was now much quicker. I told Fricks not to dare to sneak up on me today since the first strike I was going to do could may very well kill him.

After walking for a bit I found no creatures at all. It was like they either were sleeping or could feel my killing intent.

"That must be it. My killing intent is too great."

"Guess I will build that small Hut after all."

"It took me two hours to make a decent log cabin."

!!! Alert!!!- Your hut has attracted all of the monsters in the area of one kilometer.

- Must protect the hut for one hour in order to establish the respawn point.

Note: If you die or the hut is destroyed the respawn point establishment will fail.


"Hee hee hee hee."

"You didn't come when I called you for revenge."

"But now you don't have a choice."

"ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

"ha ha ha ha ha ha h ah aha ha h aha ha a "

"kuk kha kha kha."

"Never thought I could choke from a laugh."

"he he he he."

"It’s still funny."

"ha ha ha."

"It also means its ambush effort is out the window."

I was laughing so hysterically that didn't realize there were a dozen monsters that have already surrounded us.

Fricks was growling very loud.

"Fricks do not let any monster touch the cabin."

"I’ll be the one eliminating these monsters."

I didn't wait for them to start. Instead using my quick feet with all my strength poured into them, I quickly moved around doing karate chop with one hand and slicing the monsters with the axe in the other hand. The fight ended fairly quickly to my surprise.

That is when I heard the sound of my long awaited revenge.


Without delay I swung the axe at the monster which appeared out of nowhere behind me. Even Fricks was cowering on the roof of the Hut, who also killed quite a few monsters during the fight.

The axe was stopped by the teeth of the monster not leaving even a single scratch.

It grabbed the axe and with all its might and pulled it out of my hand then tossed it aside.

I then activated my newly learned footwork. After gaining my maximum speed I planned on ramming it which might also kill me. So instead I decided to run near it punching it with all my might as I changed direction to punch it again and again.

The monster didn’t stay in one place it tried to avoid my punches and attack me. However, I already knew that one punch or bite could kill me instantly so I decided to wear it out instead. Therefore, I slowed down so that it could see me and continue to run after me. As I ran around I would pick fruit off the trees I passed by in order to eat since I was very hungry.

As I ran around in a 10 kilometer square block the monster wouldn't leave me behind and when it seemed not interested I taunted by punching it and punching it whenever it wasn't paying attention.

_------- Lame method I know. -------_

An hour later...

Ting- Respawn point established in the Hut.

However I knew I could run many weeks without stopping so I continued this for about 3 weeks.

For some reason I got confused of my current location and as I was running past my little cabin that I could only glance at it. What followed was a huge tiger with mithril and silver-like stripes on its back, they were beautiful.

The sad part that made Fricks jump off the hut and run in the opposite direction of the monster was what the huge monster was about to do. Although tired, it crashed into the cabin from the sudden turn which sent the cabin flying off the cliff.

"AAAAAAAAArrrr I knew I should have not built it on the cliff."

!!! Alert!!!- Respawn point destroyed. You will respawn at your previous location.

This incident made me remember what I went through and all that angered stored inside me.

"This has taken long enough." I yelled

I sped up until it appeared as if I was teleporting. Never before had I run so quickly. Perhaps the constant running and eating for the past 3 weeks helped me achieve this level of running.

I started to pick up stones and rocks off the ground and throw them at the tiger like monster.

Running + Throwing = Faster than bullet speeds.

Due to the monsters tough fur it did not penetrate. The stones crushed on impact with the monster into pure dust. I decided to take something sturdier and started to use the ore that I planned to collect on the island.

Only this time the ore would turn into pancakes and fall on the ground. I guess it was cheap ore since it didn't even hold its form after the impact.

This time though you could see the effect due to the several dozen ores that hit the hind leg of the monster it started to limp while chasing me.

Another week passed by and only then was the results visible. The monster lied down and covered its face while it squealed like a little dog.

I didn't stop my attacks for another week.

That was the moment I noticed that an Information Mark that was flashing in the upper corner of my vision. It led me to believe I was at least level one with the restriction lifted.

I then felt bad for the continuous harassment of the creature. That is when I stopped throwing faster than bullet like projectiles.

Instead, I ran out and caught some rabbits in the area and placed them in front of the monster as an apology for overdoing the punishment that lasted more than 5 weeks.

As I walked off I saw the monster tear up and chew the rabbits I brought it.

With the help of Fricks I picked up all pancake-like ore and placed them bag into the boat.

I found the axe and also placed it in the boat then I started to drag the boat with all my stuff.

I was finally leaving this area. I was craving to find a city or a small village since it was still lonely with just Fricks.

I decided that I would sort through the Information Window when I found a small village or a town since it wouldn't be of any benefit as of right now.

Authors note: I really don't know how to make a chapter roughly the same length. I only stop when it feels like a good place to stop.

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