《Unexpected Consequences》Chapter 73



Brazos settled himself in the treetop with his binoculars. A quick scan told him that the bandits were bound to lose to the organised knights company. Already he could see bandits peeling off from the rear of the mob. Yes, the bandits greatly outnumbered the knights company, but they were ill equipped in comparison and lacked discipline.

The bandit’s opponents stopped while their crossbowmen set up their pavises and opened fire. The billmen stood by preparing to defend the crossbowmen while the knights prepared their lances.

With the exception of a solid core around the black flag the bandit army started to disintegrate. Brazos cursed fluidly when he saw a growing number of their deserters heading for the forest. He rapidly climbed down, and was already shouting orders before reaching the ground.

The adventurers were all packed and starting to make their way deeper into the forest by the time trumpets were sounding, and they could all hear, albeit faintly, the thunder of the knight’s charge.

Brazos was in no hurry to get involved in the local’s troubles, and so, he pushed his party, trying to cover as much ground as possible. The first to suffer was Dee, as with her short legs she found it hard to keep up after her initial enthusiasm wore of. Vitor winked at her and swung her onto his shoulders.

Twice during the day they heard rustlings to their rear, both times Oliveira and Duke dropped back to check it out. And both times the noises ceased and Oliveira and Duke rejoined the party.

As the day wore on the sounds of pursuit had long ceased. Even so, they made a cold camp. Over their meal of beef jerky followed by canned peaches Brazos looked at his good friend Oliveira and raised an eyebrow in inquiry.


“Bandits looking to join the army of the Demon Overlord,” said Oliveira.

Brazos sighed, “What a mess. Where are we going to get a gate back to the Guild in Brakaridas when all these idiots are jumping to idiot assumptions?”

Gussy looked at where Dee was sleeping while leaning against Vitor. He then directed his attention to Brazos, “You would have a better chance without me. I was intending to return to these woods to look for the prince. Just leave me here.”

Brazos examined Gussy, grinning at the sight of the floating cradle and the two resting nanny goats. “You sure Gussy? What about the baby?”

Gussy looked at Natercia who shook her head and raised her hand in negation, “I just have to look at the brat and he howls, and stinks of fear. Get someone else.”

“But you’re the only woman here,” Gussy pointed out.

Hackles raised, Natercia replied, “Possibly, and Dee is cute, but even she prefers Vitor to me. Why don’t you summon up a demoness? The brat seems to like the stink of the infernal.”

Gussy’s mouth dropped open in shock. “No. No,” he protested. “You don’t understand demons – that just won’t work... I thought you specialized in fertility magic?”

“So,” stated Natercia. “I’m not the one who ends up with the babies.”


Lady Firdanna was standing in her usual spot on the fighting step of the east wall. She watched the mixed force approaching the frontier. Her lips tightened in displeasure at the sight. A body of Hasvettian cavalry were escorting the straggling group of mounted men in the livery of the kingdom of Domeras.

While she knew the roads were better on the Hasvettian side of the border, she had not expected baron Fullbright to get the Hasvettians to allow Sir Naavar to use their roads. It would seem Fullright really wanted to be rid of her. At least the Hasvettian cavalry did not cross the border.


Shouting orders Lady Firdanna climbed down from the fortifications. As she made her way to the fort’s gate she nodded in appreciation as her retainers led out the best horses and the laden pack mules. She was surprised to see that the Shepard family were also packed and ready to go. Laughing she ordered her retainer, Hesman, to issue them some of the remaining garrison horses.

Even so she had the fort gate’s open before Sir Naavar reached them. She glared coldly at corporal Suutan and a handful of her former garrison.

Firdanna swung up onto her warhorse, nodding her thanks to young Fid Shepard, who to her surprise had led it to her – without getting bitten for his pains. She watched the boy race back to his family, then she turned her attention to Sir Naavar. “She’s all yours, Naavar. I wish you luck,” she told him with a vague wave that took in Fort Remembrance.

“What!” exclaimed Naavar, “No complaints?”

“I’ve already made them to that ass Fullbright. Got my orders, I’ll be on my way,” replied Firdanna.

Sir Naavar blinked in surprise. “Wait! You can’t mean to go hunting the Demon Overlord with only the help of two retainers and a few auxiliaries? I’ve fetched some of your old garrison to help.”

Lady Firdanna sneered, “I don’t need those cowards to hunt a non-existant foe. You should hang those deserters.”

“You’ll take them, Baron Fullbright ordered it so.”

Firdanna snorted and led her retainers and the Shepards out of the gate, and headed down the road towards the deserted village. Sir Naavar glared at her receding back, and then barked an order to corporal Suutan.

Corporal Suutan smirked and spurred his horse after the former commander of the border post; he was followed by the four militia men under his command.

Firdanna ignored her unwelcome escort until the road passed a small copse. Then, she drew her sword. “Seize them!” she ordered while using the flat of her sword to stun the corporal.

Watching two of the former deserters galloping back to the fort, she gestured to the handful of trees that constituted the copse. “String them up. I don’t want the company of Fullbright’s spies. And anyway, the penalty for desertion is clearly stated in the law of our land, and as a noblewoman I have the right of high justice.”

They were long gone by the time a frustrated Sir Naavar arrived in response to the panicked reports of the two survivors. All he was able to do was to order the bodies cut down, and have them buried.

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