《Unexpected Consequences》Chapter 25 (8.04)


Silverfin used the phone in reception to ask his wives to join him then ushered the five young adventurers into one of the larger meeting rooms in his Guild Hall. Then used the room’s phone to call his guests parents.

“Commissioner Botelho, I am phoning you about your daughter João, I’ve got her here at the guild.”

“But Mr. Silverfin, she went up to bed at nine, are you sure it’s my João?”

“Take a look in her bedroom if you don’t believe me, then please come to the guild, I have a few things to explain about your daughters adventures this night.”

Then there was some mumbling at the other end of the line followed by a pause when the only sound was the TV in the background, “Mr. Silverfin I’ll be right over, ten minutes at the most my wife will remain here with our other children.”

The other two phone calls were much the same and engendered similar results.

Tessana, Druissa and Galianna were the first to arrive as they had been uneasily awaiting news ever since Silverfin left so Precipitously earlier after receiving a phone call, Tessana and Galianna enveloped their respective children in tight relieved hugs.

Mrs. Sousa was the next to arrive and Carlito received similar treatment coupled by agitated inquiries as to what happened to him. She was followed by Commissioner Botelho and the Maçaricos.

After everyone calmed down, Silverfin started with the explanations and the display of exhibit A, namely Commissioner Botelho’s somewhat battered prized hunting knife, Mrs. Sousa’s battered pan lid and her son’s ruined leather jacket, and finally Mrs. Maçarico’s ruined prized kitchen knife.

Silverfin was able to cover the pro and cons of being a sea elf, the long lifespan had all three grinning but the knowledge that they would only become adults forty of fifty years in the future wiped the grins off their faces as they exchanged horrified looks. This also worried their parents.


Classes was another subject altogether, apparently all five had been given three choices.

João looked up and said, “I chose before we left the dungeon, I’m an Oceanic Ranger level two.”

Silverfin frowned, “didn’t I ask you all to wait.”

João shrugged, “Rogues need to steal, daddy wouldn’t like that, Warriors are all about melee, not me.”

Silverfin remembering the boss fight wasn’t sure he agreed with that statement, he still had a hard time with this world’s almost total reliance on distance weaponry. However he agreed that a commissioner of the PSP – police – wouldn’t be happy with a rogue in the family.

“Right so we’ll have to have a talk, I am curious as to how a Oceanic Ranger differs from a simple Ranger. Antor will you start, what are you being offered?”

“Warrior, Ranger and Paladin. I want to be a Warrior like mama.”


“Mage! I wanna be a mage! Oh and Oceanic Ranger of Warrior.”

“You two, Carlito, Daniel?”

“Warrior, Healer and Soldier sub class Healer,” mumbled Carlito, “I always wanted to be a doctor like papa, so I’d like to chose Healer.”

“Um... Ranger, Rogue or Cleric. Um... I really don’t want to be a priest.”

Silverfin dug out tracts on the possible classes, used the photocopier blessing this worlds little miracles of technology and handed out the photocopies to the anxious parents.

“Ask the System for information ‘bout the classes, I did.” Added João.

“So how did you manage this,” David asked of his daughter as he examined his knike and ran a thumb lightly over the blunt edge.

“Erm.” Was all his daughter managed in reply.

Silverfin snorted and led the way to the specimen room which currently contained the remains of the huge lobster, he pointed at the hole in the top of its head.


“Hmpth, If you’re going to start catching lobsters, catch something smaller, I bet this one is as tough as an old boot.”

* * *

A few days previously in the Foraville Adventurer’s Guild on Badonia, Guildmaster Vartark and his personal assistant Siri-Anna met with the representative of the deep sea races. Darkfin the Sahuagin, was a well known and respected cutthroat lawyer famed for his ruthlessness on behalf of his clients.

“It has come to our attention that you have access to a previously unknown oceanic dungeon.”

“The Adventurer’s Guild on Midgard has access, not us, but we can put you in contact with them and recommend that they listen favourably to your case,” replied Vartark.

“But it is located in coastal seas, I don’t believe that it is particularly deep,” clarified Siri-Anna.

“Unfortunate, but no matter, it would still be a boon to most of those I represent.”

Varterk and Siri-Anna were very cautious given their visitors reputation, but they came to a tentative agreement, and after signing a – suitably researched – contract with Darkfin on behalf of his clients none of whom could leave the waters of the sea without the assistance of a considerable amount of expensive magic they advised Lily and Silverfin and arranged for a gate to transport their worrisome guest to the Guild offices in Feira dos Namoradeiros.

Lilly and Silverfin introduced themselves to Darkfin, after a short discussion they contacted Antonio, who agreed to send is Voice and lawyer to attend a meeting on the next day. Darkfin was intrigued at the thought of a dungeon employing a lawyer and agreed to the meeting.

Discussions between Dr Pedro Reis and Darkfin the Sahuagin were long and intricate and led to a lifelong friendship between the two and more work for Antonio and to a lesser extent Lilly and Silverfin.

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