《Unexpected Consequences》Chapter 23 (8.02)


The local beachgoers watched with bemusement as the local GNR removed the protestors, were mostly all foreigners belonging to PETA, but there was one very vocal so called Social Justice Warrior.

Antor and Tessarra had watched the proceedings with fascination, and this spurred them on to conquer a dungeon just like their parents did, they were fairly certain they needed a party of at least five so they had persuaded three of their friends to participate.

Later that night after sneaking out from home they gathered outside the play dungeon, secured their bikes and checked their equipment. Antor and Carlito were the only ones with anything even slightly resembling armor, they had their leather jackets on. Maria João had her father’s hunting knife, in her hands the bowie knife looked like sword. Antor and Tessara had their bows and daggers, Carlito had a crude club and a cast iron pan lid and Daniel had his slingshot and his mother’s favorite kitchen knife. Maria João surprised them all when she produced a bunch of keys and found one that worked on the padlock.

Antonio noted a disturbance in his tourist dungeon and determined to keep an eye on the kids, he also decided to mess with the System and carefully disabled most of the safety features but deferred from adding to the challenges until he saw how the kids handled the first level.

After a rocky start with Carlito getting bitten by a rat in the second room the kids started working together.

Antonio chuckled to himself and released a few of the more active monsters and a couple of the more dangerous bosses on the third through fifth level.

The first floor boss was taken down with ease and he dropped a nice shield, two short spears and five euros. After some excitement, Carlito got the shield and one of the spears. Daniel got the other spear.


The second level, it was the last of the un-upgraded levels and was primarily populated with large rats didn’t cause the intrepid adventures much trouble and enriched them with several more euros and several bags of sweets and chocolates. The boss a Frogling with four followers was more difficult but they managed to defeat them unscathed, Maria João claimed the big scalp as her knife when it managed to connect tended to deal a lot of damage. The loot consisted of three suits of light leather armor and a short trident.

Antonio hit the speed dial on his phone and woke Silverfin. The news of his offspring’s whereabouts brought him completely awake and heading for the dungeon in no time.

The armor came in handy on the third level and made all the difference when they fought the goblin who was acting as the third levels boss. Two more sets of armor, two more tridents and five large toblerones. As the children snacked on their chocolates their wounds – scratches – healed seamlessly.

It was Tessarra who realized, “Hey, the chocolates are acting like healing potions.”

As they ventured into the fourth level Silverfin arrived at the open entrance, gathered his breath and entered.

The intrepid adventurers found their tridents exceptionally useful against the slimes though the spears also worked well. The boss, a large mildly poisonous snake with an entourage of rats hardly slowed them down. Maria João kept well away from the snake but did fearsome execution amongst the rats.

The loot consisted of three enchanted rings of water breathing and another trident. The three earthlings took the rings and with all five equipped with armour and tridents they ventured into the underwater final level.

Silverfin arrived at the end of the fourth level in time to see some ripples dissipating in the pool that led to the fifth level.


Antor and Tessarra used the first room to train their friends in the tactics and strategies of underwater combat. The assortment of sharp toothed fish, crabs, lobsters and the occasional slime necessitated the consumption of chocolate.

The final boss was a giant lobster. The intrepid five approached it warily and harassed it from all sides. Several times individuals would withdraw temporarily and furiously masticate chocolates. Their tridents just seemed to slide of the things armor.

Silverfin had stopped just outside the entrance to the chamber ready to intervene if needed.

Antor was getting frustrated, then he had an inspiration, “João use your knife!”

João drew her knife bounced off the ceiling and managed to bury her knife on the monsters head. Then it was a case of hanging on causing the lobster to thrash and expose its underside and they had done it.

As for the treasure, five gold coins.

ting: for completing your first dungeon you may select a class, for gaining a class in a dungeon delve you will be the first of the changed in the second wave. From the company you are keeping you will be Midgard’s first sea elves.

Silverfin groaned, Antonio had upped the difficulty of the dungeon enough for it to count as a beginner dungeon and that meant the glow surrounding the children... and the three humans had just changed... oh god more headaches.

Tessara was the first to notice her father floating in the entrance to the final bosses room. “Hello Papa, why are you here, um... can you help us select our classes please.”

* * *

Major Alexander Manukov eyed Nadia with a certain degree of suspicion, that smile usually meant trouble. “What’s so amusing Nadia and why did those officials speak Russian with such a rustic accent.”

Nadia giggled, “You were speaking elvish, as elves have their own language the System gave you command of the language when it made you elves. As high elves, you speak a – overly refined – version of the language, so rustic.” She grinned wider, “Amusing, that would be the conundrum you handed those guild officials.” She laughed, then continued, “You just implied that there is a nation of High Elves allied to the Bluestone dungeon and to the dungeon’s son in law. It’s priceless, you have proved that dungeon’s can form alliances through the offspring of their partners just like the local movers and shakers and that Bluestone can call on the resources of another dungeon and a bunch of high elves.”

Alexander looked forward between his horses ears and contemplated life as he built up a list of questions for when they made camp.

* * *

Back at the entrance to Bluestone Dungeon the two guild officials watched the party disappear into the depths and returned to inform their guildmaster of the morning’s news. As Nadia had foreseen, the guildmaster and his lieutenants were not best pleased at learning that dungeons could form alliances through their companions, the added complication of a high elf alliance was equally disturbing. They resolved to wait and see what happened next but urgent reports were being sent out within hours of the news being digested.

A very flowery letter, written by a scribe specializing in high elf correspondence was sent from the most senior guidmaster on the world of Marcenium inquiring into the alliance and seeking iformation into the oversized column of high elf scouts all bearing the title Godslayers.

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