《Unexpected Consequences》Chapter 18 (6.03)


The night was dark, the new moon didn’t give much light. Garostein moved cautiously through the scattered trees. He eased himself over the final ridge and looked down on the small fortification in the valley. He felt a measure of relief, it was as weakly guarded as usual. He watched for the rest of the night. The guards were careless obviously expecting no problems at this remote location. Only the presence of the natural gate gave this spot any importance.

Patsy maintained a watch over the refugees, over the last month they had gelled into a smoothly functioning group, several of the former members of the caravan had polished up rusty skills and now they had a small group of capable guards.

Next day the refugees conferred and compared ideas, all agreed that avoiding a fight was to be desired but their experience suggested that to be a vain hope so they prepared plans to seize the small fortification. Then came the problem of what to do with any prisoners. Finally it was decided to take them trough the gate and to release them with one sword at a reasonable distance so as to give them at least one days lead over any pursuit. Not that they expected any pursuit.

Then everyone but the guards tried to rest until the night.

The group stopped just behind the last ridge, close to where Garostein had watched the small and somewhat dilapidated fort and Patsy, Scorpion and Frador used his lookout spot to familiarize themselves with their target.

Moving quietly and making full use of scattered clumps of undergrowth the four adventurers finally reached the wall undetected. Garostein examined the wall in disgust, he acknowledged that its dilapidated state was a godsend for them but it just seemed wrong that anyone should be so careless.

He plotted a route to the top and noticed that Patsy had already done so and was just awaiting his signal.

It was a matter of moments to climb the wall, Garostein prepared his bow while Patsy secured their notted rope and dropped it for Scorpion and Frador to climb. The two guards were talking quietly and sharing a smoke on the opposite wall. When Scorpion gained the wall Patsy ghosted off keeping to the deepest shadows. Garostein grinned and did likewise but due to his greater experience he took the less shaded route.


A quick charge to cover the last few meters and the guards were down, unconscious. Garostein used the hilt of one of his daggers and Patsy her cosh. Garostein decided not for the first time to acquire one.

They found a further six guards and two female companions in the barracks and banaged to subdue them though one of the companions did manage a scream.

As they crossed the parade ground they were attacked by the fort’s commander wielding a sword and buckler. Garostein and Scorpion were forced back by the skilled swordsman, Scorpion suffering a cut to the shoulder that placed him at a disadvantage. Frador came to the help of his comrades but was only armed with a crude wooden club.

Patsy resisted her instinctive desire to rush in and help and instead slunk surreptitiously to the side and merged with the shadows. She waited until the fort’s commander had forced her friends to retreat some more and Frador had lost half his club before sneaking round behind the commander and once again expertly wielding her cosh. The commander dropped like a poleaxed steer.

After securing all their prisoners Patsy and Scorpion went to fetch the rest of their friends while Garostein and Frador searched the fort. They found a prisoner in the cells, he was a weedy mournful looking individual with thinning white hair labouring under the handicap of a mage mask and gag. Once freed said individual perked up slightly, was effusively grateful and introduced himself as Ratoratus a minor official of the Empire. Their news regarding the current situation was greeted with resignation and he happily agreed to join them agreeing that however unwelcome anything had to be better than remaining in the province.

“You know, I can’t really can’t blame them for hating us,” was his only comment on the situation.

Next day, much better equipped the band of friends plus one crossed into a remote location of Stratsiosina and Garostein led them through a thick flourishing forest that itched at Patsy’s senses leaving her nervously jumping at shadows. Garostein snorted in exasperated amusement when he noted her behaviour.

Five hours after they used the gate they untied the fort’s commander, tossed his sword into a bramble bush and left their prisoners.


* * *

George Kowalski admired himself in the full length mirror, his latest made to measure savile row suit was impeccable and his black oxford shoes could almost double as mirrors. He practiced his smile showing his white even teeth, trying for a friendly sincere look. He approved the work of the specialist Harris had recommended, the jowls were gone and his white wavy hair was now thick and healthy looking.

He waited patiently by the private door to his office for Harris’ signal. First impressions were so important after all.

Mandy Carvalho and her partner Marcus Smith were selected to brief and accompany the diplomat chosen by the state department to open dialogue with the Adventurers Guild office nearest the anomaly on the coast of Portugal. This was not seen as particularly important but several locations worldwide were keen to enter dialogue with the anomaly with hopes of regaining secure beaches and safeguarding their tourist business. So here they were about to meet Mr George Kowalski.

An impeccably attired and coiffured secretary tottering slightly on her unbelievable heels ushered them into Mr Kowalski’s office. As they entered the door behind the desk opened and the diplomat entered and smiling greeted them in a friendly manner. Mandy noted that his eyes seemed to hold a measuring look at odds with the smile.

After their briefing, an uphill struggle as Kowalski seemed rather set in his ways and unwilling to acknowledge the current – unwelcome – state of the world. Then they had to do it again for Kowalski’s staff and handlers.

Within days they were on a government chartered jet en route to London from whence they would proceed to Lisbon. This was sooner than planned but the news that the anomalies transport system had now opened terminals in the Gare du Nord and Roma Termini made the fact finding more important.

Kowalski was obviously delighted that he would now also be meeting with officials of various European Governments.

* * *

Rapheel and Traleen were relaxing at home, ignoring the inane babbling of their television when several large buzzing flies flew in through the open window, two settled in separated locations in the room while the rest disappeared again.

Traleen had just stood to find her flyswatter when Shal stepped through a gate and ran to hug her. Rapheel joined them in a three way hug.

“What’s with the bugs?” queried Traleen when the hug ended.

“Bugs!” Laughed Shal. “Um, they’re drowning out two electronic bugs. Listening devices, you didn’t expect the government not to spy on you did you? At least they are only listening not watching.”

“Oh!” said Traleen in disgust memorising the location of the bugs.

“Papa, they will be asking you about gates again because of a dungeon. The first dungeon here on Midgard is one of the intelligent sort and a most unusual one at that. He has discovered how to set up a truly wide-ranging network of dungeon portals.”

“How wide-ranging dear?” he asked his daughter.

“Try Lisbon, Paris and Rome for starters,” she replied.

After flipping through an atlas Rapheel hummed thoughtfully.

“The Dungeon core goes by the name of Antonio, he has a Voice and his Pixie is the daughter of the Bluestone Dungeon’s Pixie, you know the one on Marcenium. The two are staying in contact and the two dungeons are exchanging information. Antonio is working hard on making himself too useful to be destroyed. So far he’s succeeding.”

“So why are you telling me this now Shal?”

“Because the Russians want to know why dungeon portals are so different from gates especially as Antonio is calling his portals gates.”


“Antonio’s roving boss has been responsible for the deaths of two groups of dungeon core seekers. Those are the only kills to date but...” Shal turned her head hooking at the door, hugged her parents and stepped through a hastily summoned gate, her flies buzzed out after she left.

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