《L.I.F.E. Begins (Book 1 - Complete)》L.I.F.E. Begins 019: The Question
After my shift was over, I only slept for a few hours; then I was back into the maintenance queue and fixing all the problems that hadn't been looked after yet. It wasn't surprising that things kept breaking down, since there were so many people living in an enclosed system. I was pretty sure that was why people that liked doing this work were in such high demand. A lot of people thought of it as tedium and would be bored, but not me. The job was different almost every single time I went to work, and there was nothing better in my mind than having a constantly changing challenges to look forward to and face each and every day.
I finished up my second shift just as morning rolled around on the clock, and I left the immersion room and got a quick shower. I dressed in normal clothes this time, not throw away ones, and I took my backpack out of secured storage. I grabbed my communication pad from it and returned the backpack to storage. I'd have a chance to look through the military files when I got back from the hospital.
“Amanda? Is the apartment next door still free?” I asked my AI.
“Yes, and so is the one across the hall and the one near the elevator.”
“No, I want the one next door.” I said. “Can you buy it for me?”
“Jack, that's... a significant amount of Points.”
I laughed. “Is it close to what I spent to make the new server?”
Amanda laughed. “No, it's about half that.”
“Then buy the place, and submit a permit to join the two together.”
“You want to make one big apartment?”
“No, they're still going to be separate. I just don't want to have to go out into the hallway to visit next door.”
“So, just a connecting door, not a modification to the layout.”
“You got it.” I said.
“Okay, it's purchased and I submitted the form for the door.”
“Thanks, Amanda.”
I grabbed a quick breakfast and left the apartment, went up the elevator, and climbed into the next Tube car. Without the priority override of an emergency, it felt like the Tube Transportation Sub-system was intentionally delaying me and making me wait for an excessive period of time. I looked up at the camera that was constantly watching the occupants, waited for a moment to make sure it noticed me looking directly at it, then I smiled and winked. Less than 2 seconds later, the Tube car dropped into traffic and I was on my way.
My communication pad beeped and I took it out of a pocket and tapped it. “Yes, Amanda?”
“That was sneaky.”
I chuckled. “I think the TTS has a little grudge against me because of your override.”
“Oh, it does.” Amanda said. “It backed up 4 miles of traffic to let the emergency car go through.”
“Oh, damn.” I said and looked up at the camera again. I mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to it, so TTS would know I wasn't speaking to anyone else. The Tube car picked up a little speed; but, I didn't gloat. “I do feel bad about causing a delay like that.” I said to Amanda.
“I already told it that, but you know how finicky sub-systems can get.”
“Is it almost as bad as full AIs?” I asked and laughed.
“Jack, that's not funny.” Amanda said and I could hear the pout in her voice.
“You know I'm just kidding.” I said. “I'm trying to stay in a good mood.”
“I'd have helped with that if you had mentioned it.” Amanda said. “I can't remember the last time we had a tickle fight.”
I smiled. “You just want me to tickle you again.”
“No, I don't.” Amanda said, but her denial was only half-hearted. “I don't like being tickled at all.”
“Reverse psychology isn't going to work.” I said. “If you're not going to be honest with me...”
Amanda huffed. “Fine.” She said. “I want you to tickle me, okay? Are you happy now?”
“I promise the next time that I go into the immersion room, we'll have a big tickle fight.”
“I'll hold you to that.” Amanda said.
“I'd expect nothing less.” I said. “I better let you go. I'm coming up on the exit.”
“Talk to you later.” Amanda said, and disconnected the call. The Tube car went up the off ramp and came to a stop and popped up to the exit. I got out of the car and three people got in, and I walked over to the entrance of General Medic. I went inside and down the three floors to the Radiation Treatment section and met the nurse.
“Good morning, sir. Mr. And Mrs. Peterson are still in Waiting Room One.” The nurse said.
“It's really nice of you to let them stay here.” I said.
“They insisted.” The nurse said and smiled. “I couldn't even convince security personnel to escort them out, and they're combat vets.”
I laughed. “There's no way you're getting Noreen away from her daughter, not without starting a war.”
“I knew I recognized that look in her eyes.” The nurse grinned. “I'll come and get you soon.”
“Thanks.” I said and went to the waiting room. I knocked on the door and waited, and it opened a few minutes later.
“Gooood morning, Jack.” Noreen purred. “Please, come in.” Her hospital unitard was unfastened down to her navel, and she had a sultry look on her face. I stepped into the room, since I couldn't very well stand out in the hallway after being invited in, and she shut the door behind me. She took me into a hug and pressed herself against me, quite a bit more provocatively than she normally did, and I glanced over her shoulder to see that her husband was still asleep on a folded down bench.
“He couldn't sleep last night, so the nurse gave him something.” Noreen said and rested her head against my chest. “He's been out all night, and it left me with... nothing... to do.”
“I'm so sorry to hear that.” I said.
“You're not hugging me back.” Noreen said, and she looked up at me. “Is everything okay?”
“I'm fine.” I said and put my arms around her. “I'm just a little out of it because I worked a double shift yesterday and last night.”
“Oh, Jack.” Noreen said. “You always work so hard.” She said and smiled. “Have a seat and relax for a while.”
I nodded and walked over to one of the benches that weren't folded down and sat. Noreen sat on my lap and put her arms around my neck.
“You're not hugging me again.” Noreen said, so I put an arm around her back, and put my other hand on her thigh. She cuddled into me and smiled. “You're always so accommodating.”
“I have a difficult time saying no to a beautiful woman.” I said. “Even Sandra's mother.”
“Oh, you.” Noreen said and kissed my cheek, then laid her head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. “She's so lucky to have found you.”
“So are you.” I whispered back.
“I am.” Noreen said and kissed my neck, then she sighed loudly and I felt her breath on my skin. “Jack, I... I want you to touch me.”
I moved my hand from her thigh and reached up to touch her chin. I ran my hand down her neck slowly, caressed her collarbone, then used a single finger and traced a line right down between her breasts, without touching them, and went right down to her belly button.
Noreen shivered at my feather-light touch, and she reached up and cupped the side of my face. “You're so gentle.” She said and shivered again. “Thank you.”
I smiled. “Sandra told me about your condition just before the first time you and I met.” I said. “I hope you realize that I wouldn't do this at all if I didn't have her permission.”
Noreen nodded. “She's such a good daughter to take care of me, and to let you look after me.” She said. “Can... can you...”
I reached out with my free hand, and grabbed the open fastener of the unitard by her navel, I put my finger inside and touched her skin, and fastened it with my thumb and remaining fingers. Noreen caught her breath, because she didn't know I had such good dexterity, and I moved my hand up to the next fastener and did it again.
“Oh... oh god.” Noreen said, and she shivered almost constantly as I closed her unitard all the way up to the neck to cover her extra-sensitive skin up. She moaned when I reached her neck and stopped, so I cupped the side of her face. She closed her eyes and rubbed my palm like a cat that was scent marking me.
“How was that?” I asked. “Is it enough?”
Noreen nodded wordlessly and tucked her head back onto my shoulder. She was the first person I had ever met that suffered from touch deprivation. She had ended up so skin-starved by the time she was a teenager, that if she wasn't closely watched and taken care of, her health would deteriorate to the point that she could die from not being touched constantly.
Her husband Nathan was a good man to have taken care of her needs for all these years, but they were both getting older. Noreen was 46 and he was 47, and according to him, she was still just as sensitive now as she was when she was a teenager.
Noreen pressed her lips to my neck again and sighed. “Are you going to marry her?”
“I'd like to.” I said.
“I heard a huge 'but' there.”
“I just reactivated.”
“Oh, dammit.” Noreen said. “Sandra is going to be so angry.”
I hugged Noreen close and held her tightly. “I have to tell her today.”
“Why?” Noreen asked and kissed my neck again.
“My next mission is tomorrow.” I said, and she lifted her head to look at me.
“So soon?”
“I can't explain the circumstances. All I can say is that they need me.”
“Oh, Jack.” Noreen said and laid her forehead against mine. “Sandra needs you, too.”
“I know she does.” I said. “That's why I want to ask her to move in with me.”
Noreen opened her mouth to argue, I assume because she thought it wasn't a good idea with Sandra's current condition.
“Jack, I don't think...”
I made another offer to counter that potential argument. “I bought the apartment next to mine in Sector A's living quarters.” I said, and her eyes went really wide. “If Sandra says yes, I want you and Nathan to move in next door to help me take care of her.”
Noreen's mouth dropped open in shock.
“I've already had the form submitted to add a connecting door.” I said, and her mouth closed. “You won't even have to go into the hallway to come and visit us.”
“Jack, I...” Noreen shook her head. “Are you for real?” She asked and pinched my cheeks. I laughed, and she pinched my ears next. “Yes, I think you really are real.” She stared into my eyes and my laughter died away. “If you're serious about this...”
“I am.” I said. “I don't want to lose her.”
“Then I'll make sure she knows what this means to you.” Noreen said and kissed my cheek. “I'll have you two married before you know it.” She kissed my other cheek. “You're a good man, Jack.” She said and kissed my forehead.
“Even though I'm a military man now?” I asked and smiled.
“Okay, so you're not perfect.” Noreen said and kissed me on the lips, and I laughed.
“For heaven's sake, keep it down.” Nathan said and looked over at us. “I'm trying to sleep here.”
“I'm sorry, honey.” Noreen said and tried not to laugh. “I'm just kissing Jack and making him laugh.”
“That's because your tongue tickles.” Nathan said without missing a beat and laid back down. A moment later he was snoring like he'd never woken up.
“Did he just-” I tried to speak and Noreen covered my mouth with her hand.
“Shh.” Noreen said softly, then leaned in close and licked my ear. I started to laugh because Nathan was right; her tongue really did tickle. She held my mouth closed to keep me quiet as she kept licking my ear. I didn't try and stop her, since she wasn't doing me any harm.
I thought I had to keep myself in a good mood by staying positive. I thought in amusement. I could have just let Noreen lick my ear instead!
There was a knock on the door and Noreen stopped immediately and got off my lap. She used a tissue to wipe my face and ear off almost faster than I could see, and she was at the door a moment later. It was the nurse, and she said Sandra was ready for visitors.
“Please give us a few minutes to get changed.” Noreen said.
“Of course.” The nurse said. “I'll come back.”
“Thank you.” Noreen said and closed the door. She turned around and looked at me. “Jack, I'm sorry. I let myself get carried away.”
I walked over to her and gave her a hug, and she sighed and held me tightly. “That's the first time anyone's ever licked my ear, and I've had a robot dog since I was a kid.”
Noreen snorted a laugh and looked up at me. “So it wasn't a nasty experience for you?”
“It was the most horrible thing I've ever gone through.” I said and kissed her cheek. “You are never, ever allowed to do that without my ear being present.”
“You're so sweet.” Noreen said. “Now turn around and face the wall so I can change.”
I turned around immediately and faced the wall. It didn't take long for her to change, and she tapped me on the shoulder.
“I'm ready.” Noreen said and I turned around. She wore a nice sweater and a pair of pants, and she pulled the sleeves up to show that she was wearing the see-through tights from the outfit I had bought for her.
“What about Nathan?” I asked.
“He's still exhausted.” Noreen said and took my hand. “He'll be over soon.”
I nodded and went to the waiting room door and opened it, and we met the nurse in the hallway.
“Follow me, please.” The nurse said.
We already knew where to go, but it was polite to let the nurse escort you. Sometimes it was the only non-patient interactions they had during the day.
“How is she?” I asked.
“Much better, even though it's only been 2 days.” The nurse said. “The last sample showed greatly reduced contamination.”
I smiled. “The first round of anti-rad treatment took hold.”
The nurse nodded. “It's just monitoring and dealing with the aftermath now.”
“Thank god.” Noreen said, and the nurse opened the door to the Intensive Care Ward. She gave us the surgical masks to wear, and we put them on and followed her inside. The nurse opened the curtain, and Sandra's face had a bit more color to it.
“There's my little girl.” Noreen said and let my hand go, then she hugged her daughter.
“Not so tightly.” Sandra said. “I'm still sore.”
“I'm sorry, dear.” Noreen said and eased her hold on her. “I'm just so happy you're feeling better!”
“Me, too.” Sandra said. “Hi, Jack.”
“Hi, beautiful.” I said, and she chuckled.
“They won't give me a mirror, but I see my pillow every time I turn my head.” Sandra said. “Either it's growing hair, or I'm losing it.”
I walked to the other side of the bed and took her hand. “Sweetheart, you're going to lose nearly all of your hair.”
“Jack!” Noreen said and stared daggers at me.
“I'm going to love you anyways.” I said. “I'll even rub your bald head every morning, just so you'll know it's you I love, and not your hair.” I smiled. “Well, until it grows back. I won't touch your head anymore after that.”
Sandra chuckled, and then her eyes narrowed. “Wait, what did you just say?”
“I'll stop mauling your head when your hair grows back.”
“No, no.” Sandra said. “Before that.”
“I'll love your bald head?” I asked.
“Mom, is he deliberately avoiding answering me?” Sandra asked.
“Yes.” Noreen said. “He has something to tell you.”
“It's not something bad, is it?”
“I've reactivated.” I said.
Sandra looked at me with wide eyes, then she closed them. “Jack, I warned you.” She said and pulled her hand out of mine. “I told you that-”
“I know.” I said. “But, something happened. Something drastic. I had to sign back up to deal with it.”
“Jack.” Sandra opened her eyes and looked like she was getting angry. “You swore to me.”
“I did, and you have every right to be angry with me.” I said. “I did it for a good reason, though.”
Sandra shook her head. “I don't care what the reason was.” She said, and a tear came to her eye. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Jack, I never want to see you again.”
“I'm... really sorry to hear that.” I said, sadly. “Especially since I was going to ask you to move in with me.”
“You WHAT?!?”
“Sandra, I love you. I don't want to lose you, and I really don't want you out of my life.” I said. “My days are so much better when you're around. I'm so much better when you're around.”
“Jack, I...”
“I don't expect you to answer right away, especially since all this other stuff is going on.” I said. “Please, just take a few days to think about it.”
Sandra closed her mouth and frowned. “I don't think I should.”
“That's your choice, and if you still feel that way a few days from now when I get back, I...” I sighed. “I'll accept it.”
Noreen touched Sandra's arm to get her attention, and she nodded to her daughter.
“All right.” Sandra said and a single tear slid down her cheek. “You have three days.”
“Thank you.” I said and glanced at Noreen. She gave me a slight nod and I left the Intensive Care Ward at a fast walk. I had to get home and look over those files before my deployment tomorrow. I needed to know how big of a mess I was going to be in.
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