《The God in the Grove》Chapter 24: Preparing for Battle


Chapter 24

Maria grunted as she let go of the heavy rock in her hand, dropping it onto a pile with others like it. She stretched, wiping the sweat off her forehead and looking around at the progress that had been made since they had received news of the coming attack.

In front of her were tall dirt walls that ringed their way around the entire village, something she would have thought of as impossible. Villagers moved up and down ramps that had been set as they worked on the construction, setting wooden beams and working through the maze of walls that seemed to have sprung up overnight.

Maria could hear dirt and rocks flying and looked over to where Garm was digging up another section of the wall. It had been Garm’s hard work, using his huge size and never-ending energy to dig up massive trenches and help set the base of each wall. He seemed to enjoy it though, happy to have an outlet for his pent-up energy that went along with his master’s orders.

Speaking of Tirr, Maria thought as she turned to look at the young god as he hauled a large log, cut from the nearby forest, into place. He had worked almost as much as Garm, using his insane strength to help speed up the construction of his plan.

Doron was nearby as well, speaking with Tirr constantly about the construction and where to direct resources. They both had been working day and night on things, yet neither seemed tired. Just focused and driven.

Maria worked her way to the nearest water barrel to have a drink and take a break. As she sat with a cup of cool water, she noticed Claire heading her way and greeted her with a wave.

“Taking a break too?” Claire asked as she plopped down next to Maria.


“Just trying to catch my breath.” Maria replied, taking another swig of water.

“The Kingdom’s military would kill to have this kind of work force…” The Princess sighed, looking over the high walls that surrounded the village. Some houses had even been enveloped and made part of the construction.

“I don’t think Garm would work for anyone but Tirr.” Maria replied with a chuckle.

“True… Might end up hurting more then he helps really. I mean it still feels crazy that such a large Beast is just going around digging holes on command like a regular dog.”

“Do you understand all this?” Maria asked, pointing out to the construction.

“I get the point of a wall, but not all this. Granted, I never really cared about anything other than fighting up front. Claus was always better at the tactical stuff. I guess that’s why he wanted to try to be king, and why my older brother felt threatened enough to do something so horrible…”

Claire trailed off, thinking of her siblings. Eventually she shook her head and just looked up at the clear afternoon sky. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand those types of ambitions. I just want to run around, fight, and get stronger. Who would want to be chained in place to something like a kingdom?

“Didn’t you join Tirr as follower?”

“Yeah, but it feels different.” Claire replied, “Less like chains and more like something new and exciting.” She turned and looked over at Maria, “What about you? Why did you become Tirr’s follower?

“I was born into the temple and have followed my Grandmother in running it since I was a child.” Maria said shrugging, “During the attack, Tirr saved me and the whole village… If it wasn’t for him, who knows what might have happened. So, part of me felt like I owed him, but I also wanted to help protect the people important to me.”


“Yeah…” Claire said scratching her cheek. “I guess if we make it out of this, I’ll owe him too. I’ll have to take him to all the best sweet shops in the Capital.”

“At least try and feed him some healthy things too.” Maria said with a giggle.

“So, there isn’t there anything you want for yourself though? Like money or fame? I mean you’re going to be an important person among Tirr’s followers, right?”

“I don’t care about money, I was happy just living with me and my Grandmother. I didn’t know it’d make me a big deal when I accepted becoming a follower or I would have hesitated more.” Maria sighed.

“Then there is absolutely nothing that you want or want to do for yourself? Claire asked a little surprised.

“Well…” Maria started.

“I knew it! What do you want? A big house? A handsome husband?” Claire pressed curiously.

“No!” Blushed Maria giving Claire a shove, “I want to find out about my Father.”

“Your father?” Claire repeated confused.

“Yes, my Mother went out traveling when she was young and came back pregnant with me. She never told my Grandmother anything about it and died giving birth. I’ve always kind of wondered about him.”

“Oh…” Claire said quietly, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright, my grandmother raised me and did her best to make up for it. I did decide that I would stay and help the temple as thanks to her. Which is why I never planned on anything beyond staying in the village.”

“Well once Tirr’s religion spreads, you’ll have all the power and influence you’ll need to start looking for him at least.”

“It doesn’t really matter, I’ve only ever been curious about it. And the fact he never came to find me says pretty much all I need to know.” Maria stood up stretching, “We’d better get back to work, there’s enough to worry about as is.”

“Yeah…” Said Claire getting up as she watched Maria head back down to help with the construction.

The villagers worked deep into the night, worried about the coming attack that would be coming after tomorrow. Maria helped as well, ignoring the stinging pain her conversation had brought up again.

Eventually she ate a late supper and laid down in bed, tired but unable to sleep as her mind wandered. It wasn’t until another hour later, when a tired Tirr came in and slowly climbed into her bed again, that she finally relaxed a little. Holding him a little tighter than usual as she finally drifted off to sleep.

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