《Age of Avarice》Chapter 5
“Hey, Sirius! Over here!” A voice called out, rising above the din of the crowd.
Darkness had already begun creeping down the jagged peak of Blackhill as the sun faded towards the sealine, yet Shadowfire’s cloak still stood out like a beacon in the throng of shoddily dressed players.
‘There’s gotta be thousands participating in this operation tonight,’ Sirius grumbled to himself as he jostled his way over to his companion.
“Shadowfire, good to see you. Things are getting out of hand. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to make it through to Berek to get the quest.”
“Don’t worry about it for now,” Shadowfire waved him off, “I’ll share it with you once you’re in the party. But before we do that, let me introduce you to the others.” With a flourish of his cloak, the man gestured behind him. “Sirius — this is Talia and Roan, whom I mentioned to you previously.”
“Heya, Sirius!” A feminine voice tittered. “Told you we’d be seeing him again, Roan.”
“I never doubted your words. It is a pleasure to officially make your acquaintance, Sirius.”
“Ah! So it’s you guys! What a coincidence…” Sirius shook the hands of both Talia and Roan — the duo he’d met outside the food repository on the day of launch. He was honestly relieved to see it was them as he had a good impression of the two.
“Oh… You all know each other?” Shadowfire remarked.
“Just crossed paths briefly. I accidentally hit them with a Skill outside one of the quest locations yesterday.” Sirius chuckled.
“It was of no consequence,” Roan brushed it off. “In fact, we may have missed out on a bonus objective if it wasn’t for your help.”
“Yeah, thanks again! Check out what I got,” Talia exclaimed, kicking out a leg to show off the brown leather boots she was wearing.
“It's nothing. You guys returned the favor in kind, anyway.” Though, admittedly — Sirius was a bit jealous of her reward. He’d gotten some decent wrap-around leather shoes from Palma after she saw him trudging around in straw sandals, but they had no stats to speak of and were rather thin. He was in desperate need of some good boots.
“Well, this makes things much easier,” Shadowfire declared. “I’ll go ahead and send you all the party invite now.”
You’ve been invited to a party by user Shadowfire. Would you like to accept?
As soon as Sirius accepted the request, a faint blue indicator appeared, hovering above the heads of the other party members.
User Shadowfire would like to share the Quest: [The Toth Strike Back - Invasion of Blackhill Garden Pt. 2] Would you like to accept?
Note: You will not receive any rewards for this Quest if you have not completed the prerequisite - [Invasion of Blackhill Garden Pt. 1]
Before Sirius had a chance to check out the quest details, a gruff voice rumbled through the area — suppressing all other noise.
“Listen up, Heralds! The fate of Blackhill Garden hangs in the balance tonight! I must thank you all in advance for your willingness to join us in this fight…” The speaker stood atop a makeshift dais in front of the barracks. He was a densely muscled, imposing Toth man — easily exceeding 2 meters in height, and he wore pitch-black segmented armor that looked to be made of some kind of carapace. As he spoke, he waved around a spiked club as large as a man like it weighed nothing at all.
“...We will strike on two fronts! The majority of the Heralds will charge the invader’s fortifications directly, creating a distraction for the second group — who will be hitting the caves where our brothers and sisters are currently held captive. Our scouts have gone to great lengths to retrieve this information. We are not to let their efforts go to waste… Am I understood?”
“Yes, sir!” a scattered number of enthusiastic players replied.
“Good. Those who have already received their assignments — report to the officer in charge of your operation. As for those who have just arrived, come and speak with me first. Move out!” Berek hopped off the dais with a shout, sending a faint shockwave through the earth as he landed.
Sirius quickly turned to his party. “Which group are we?”
“Second,” Shadowfire briefly revealed a pleased smile before his gaze hardened, “However, while the rewards may be greater, it's going to be a much more difficult task.”
“Any idea of how they divided it up?” Roan was surprisingly the one who spoke up.
“My guess is that you needed to acquire the maximum 15 reputation to join the second group,” Shadowfire shrugged. “There were quite a few people who met with Berek before me that I know only managed to join the sacrificial pawns.”
“...It seems a little cruel,” Talia muttered, sporting a slight frown.
“True,” Sirius chimed in, “But we can revive and the NPCs can’t as far as I know. It only makes sense to send the Heralds in as bait.”
“I understand that,” Talia waved her hands. “I was thinking more along the lines that some players have the chance to do more than others… I know I’d be upset if I was in the other group.”
“Ah, gotcha. I was actually thinking about something similar myself earlier,” Sirius sighed. “Seems like the frontrunners will really be able to continue snowballing their lead—”
“Who cares about everyone else,” Shadowfire clapped Sirius on the back. “I’m assuming you all got the 15 points, right?”
Sirius and Talia both nodded.
“Exactly. So even though I shared the quest — you would have earned a spot with your own efforts. And that’s what this game is all about. Playing smart. No need to feel bad about capitalizing on your opportunities or advantages. Life’s never been about fairness anyway.”
Roan nodded emphatically at Shadowfire’s statement.
“...True enough,” Talia acknowledged, some of her bubbly demeanor resurfacing as she glanced around with interest. “Shall we head over to meet with the officer then?”
“Really quick, before that…” Shadowfire held up a hand. “...I’d like to assign roles and go through everyone's current Skills and Spells.”
“Healer! Call it!” Talia blurted out. “I’ve got [Mending Rain] and [Wind Barrier] — which can deflect projectiles.”
“All very useful.” Shadowfire chuckled. “Roan. I’m assuming your Spells are similar to my own? [Spark] and [Aspect Totem]?”
“Yes. I’ve already prepared my allotted Totems. Do you have a preference?”
Shadowfire turned to Sirius, “Would you rather have a buff to speed or defense?”
Sirius deliberated for a second before replying, “Defense. My armor is still pretty shit.”
“Alright. Then, I’ll be sticking with the [Aspect of the Tortoise], Roan.”
“Okay, then I’ll use [Aspect of the Owl] to provide Talia with Spirit Regen.”
“Oh, are these not group buffs?” Sirius asked.
Roan shook his head. “Right now, our totems can only be linked to one person, and we can only use one at a time.”
“I see... Well, I’ll be tanking — as I assume you guys know. I’ve got [Aura of Might], [Reckless Charge], and [Heavy Strike].”
“Three Skills already…” Shadowfire remarked. “[Heavy Strike] is a general skill correct?”
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
“My guild is trying to gather as much information on Skills as we can, and our Barbarian didn’t mention that one among his own. By the way, I’d pay you a few Silver Marks for its details and how you earned it after this is over.”
“Sure thing,” Sirius agreed.
“Awww what?” Talia groaned, stomping her foot playfully “I wanna know too…”
“I think I can find some time to share the details later,” Sirius laughed, winking at Talia. He didn’t mind giving away the info for free considering the ease of acquiring the Skill, but he knew Shadowfire was trying to show his sincerity. “Shall we get going?”
The rest all agreed, so they made their way over to the smaller of the two crowds of players. The group was being led by a woman wearing dark blue leather armor underneath a long black coat. Her sharp grey eyes scanned the ragged formation as she nimbly spun a throwing knife between her fingers.
“...This everyone?” she asked, rhetorically. Her volume was scarcely above a whisper, but her words seemed to be guided by an invisible breeze into the ears of everyone present. “My name’s Fera, and I’ll be the Blackguard leading the rescue. We don’t have much time until night settles, so I’ll keep things simple: anyone who disregards my orders or falls too far behind will be dismissed immediately. Is that clear?”
Many of the players flinched back under the pressure of Fera's gaze.
“Ahhh! She’s so cool!” Talia gushed.
“Silence will also be crucial to our success,” Fera added, directing her glare at Talia.
The crowd readily nodded their agreement while Roan comforted his momentarily brooding companion.
‘I wonder what the relationship of those two is...? They don't seem like a couple...or siblings.' Sirius thought.
“Hey, c’mon. We’re heading out.”
Shadowfire’s reminder brought Sirius back into focus. Sure enough, Fera had already taken off at a light jog — a trail of players soon following after her.
She took the squad north, out of the city and towards Blackhill. However, instead of scaling the mountain, they wrapped around its base before cutting east through the forest — towards the palisades.
Despite the leisure with which the woman seemed to be gliding through the dense underbrush, her pace was anything but casual. Many players were having difficulty keeping with the pack. And to further exacerbate the situation, the natural light was growing increasingly scarce. Muttered curses and yelps of pain were a constant on the journey as players frequently found themselves snagged by branches and thorns. Sirius and his party were all fairly athletic but they too were having a tough time keeping up — especially Shadowfire.
“Tch. Getting outdone by a bunch of kids,” the man cursed through clenched teeth as they finally paused for a break in a small clearing.
Fera was refilling her waterskin in a small brook while the remaining players loitered around, catching their breath. The group of a few hundred had already been cut down by almost a third, setting many who remained on edge.
Sirius glanced towards his Stamina bar. Even with two new levels in [Fitness], he still found it hanging by a thread. He was curious about what the penalties would be for emptying it completely but didn’t want to risk failing the mission to sate his curiosity.
Fortunately, Roan swooped in to save the day. He’d disappeared for a few moments when they arrived in the area, but now he returned with a clump of minty green leaves in his hand. “Chew on these. They should help replenish your Stamina.”
“Thanks,” Sirius responded, popping one into his mouth. It was terribly bitter, but he could immediately feel the effects as a cool, almost numbing sensation swept through his body.
“How’d you know about these things?” Shadowfire asked, spitting off to the side.
“I bought a cheap guide book from Bolivar. The manual covers the uses and effects of pretty much all the island’s herbs and plants.”
Shadowfire seemed content with that answer, acknowledging it with a dip of his head.
Off to the side, Talia hummed happily as she chewed on her leaf. She seemed to be the only one who was enjoying the quest so far, Sirius noted. Trying to stick as close to Fera as possible during the run.
“How much was it? I might have to—” Sirius was abruptly cut off by a rolling explosion in the distance.
“The siege has begun,” Fera grunted. “We must hurry.”
Heavy smoke billowed through the sky, obscuring the creamy orange and red streaks across the horizon.
The journey finally came to an end as Fera slowed to a stop just in front of the wall and whistled sharply into the night.
Two short chirps echoed in reply, and soon after, a dark-clothed man stepped out of the shadows cast by the palisade. An umber feathered eagle with gleaming jade claws and beak sat perched on his shoulder.
“Is Berek in position?” Fera questioned as she brushed a few stray twigs and leaves from her coat.
“Mhm. I’ll send him the signal as soon as you begin,” the new arrival replied, his gaze sweeping over the players. “Are you sure this will be enough?”
“It’s all we have.” Fera shrugged. “The rest wouldn’t have had the strength to assist the prisoners during the escape.”
“Wait. What is Berek’s group doing?” Sirius whispered under his breath to Shadowfire. The Blackguard Captain had never mentioned that he would be accompanying either group during tonight’s mission. However, Sirius thought he may have just missed something due to his late arrival.
“No idea,” Shadowfire replied. “But I’m guessing our purpose isn’t much different than the first group’s after all.”
Sirius frowned. Though, he thought pretty much the same.
“Alright. Send us in, Rath,” Fera ordered, not giving Sirius any time to consider the matter further.
“Right away, Boss.” An ethereal blue glow promptly surrounded Rath’s body, dying his grey skin azure while he rapidly swelled in size. The trees around them shook violently as the man burst through the canopy. He appeared like a wrathful titan, his mighty aura charging the atmosphere with a crackling tension akin to the calm before a violent storm. Without a word, he swung a massive blue fist into the palisade.
The structure gave way easily with a loud crack as shattered logs and wood splinters rained down around the group.
“Quickly! Through the breach!” Fera shouted, rousing the players from their shock.
Sirius wasted no time charging after Fera, his party quickly following. They had to weave their way between Rath’s trunk-like legs as a burst of deep, rolling laughter reverberated all around them.
“Nimera smiles upon me today! I shall wash away my sins with the blood of these ghostly fiends!” Rath smiled, revealing jagged teeth as his eagle companion circled around his head — loosing an ear-piercing cry.
“So much for a quiet entrance…” Shadowfire grumbled as he watched the giant stomp through the lingering remains of the eastern district, crushing everything in his path.
“Oh my god, Jack! Do you think that was a Shaman Spell?” Sirius heard one of the players around him ask, unable to quell the anticipation in his voice.
“M-Maybe… but it’s not one… you’ll be getting any time soon, i-idiot” Jack replied through shuddering breaths.
Fera was now leading them at a full-on sprint through the ruins, and the players had to dodge around debris and leap over crumbling walls just to catch a glimpse of her shadow. All around them, the sounds of battle grew progressively more intense. Both due to their increasing proximity and Rath’s arrival into the fray. The man’s manic laughter echoed continuously across the island.
Sirius turned his head towards the noise as a bright flash of holy light suddenly pierced through the gathering clouds of smoke and ash. It smashed into the earth without any force or sound, but it did provoke a response from the rampaging giant.
“Heathen of Light! You will not escape me again!” Rath roared.
Many players slowed to a halt as the booming clashes of azure lightning and golden energy sent ripples through the air.
“Do not pay any mind to the battle. We must focus on the task at hand, Heralds,” Fera admonished. “The caves are just ahead. Those who have already grouped into a party of 4 — see me now for your final instructions.”
Talia was quick on the uptake, “Reporting, Lady Fera. My group is ready to begin,” she finished with a military salute.
“Uh, okay,” Fera replied, clearly confused by the gesture. “Follow this path further east and enter the building marked with red paint. There’s a trapdoor in the cellar that will lead into the cave system the invaders are using to hold our people.”
“Got it! Let’s go, guys!” Talia urged them on.
“Hold a moment!” Fera warned. “The invaders may not know of the many hidden entry points, but you should still expect heavy resistance inside. Most of the guards should be simple men-at-arms, but if you run into anyone bearing a crest upon their armor — I suggest you run immediately.
“We understand.” Shadowfire stepped forward, his gaze was solemn.
“Very well. Then, I will not keep you any longer.”
Quest Updated! [The Toth Strike Back - Invasion of Blackhill Garden Pt. 2]
Blackguard Fera has instructed you to enter the caves beneath the eastern district.
Prisoners rescued: 0/4
Note: Every 2 additional prisoners rescued will result in bonus rewards.
“Let’s get going. Sirius — you’re in the lead.”
“Right. Follow me.”
Sirius picked his way between the scattered shards of clay and stone, traversing the road Fera had indicated until he arrived in front of a mostly intact building. There was a single red stripe that looked like a smear of blood drawn on the unhinged door. He shoved it open with a grunt and descended into the cellar.
“Anyone got a torch?” Sirius asked, not anticipating a favorable response. It was almost pitch-black in the basement and he had no way of finding the trapdoor.
“One second,” Shadowfire spoke up. He retrieved a small wooden figurine from his inventory and began muttering under his breath as he clutched it in his hands. Gradually, his eyes were filled with a hazy verdant fog after he finished the chant. “I didn’t want to waste [Aspect of the Eagle] this early, but we have no way of knowing what’s on the other side.”
“Good thinking,” Roan remarked. “I’ll keep mine available for any emergencies.”
The party stood around patiently as Shadowfire located the trapdoor. Roan filled Sirius in on the uses of totems during the downtime; explaining that [Aspect of the Eagle] could be used to greatly enhance sight and hearing.
“...So — these totems only have a single charge?”
“Correct. And we can only carry a maximum of five at a time. There are seven different aspects in total; therefore, we have to choose carefully.”
“That’s tough…” Sirius sighed. He began to think about using his [Aura of Might] to charge up his Rage while they were waiting around, but Shadowfire chose that same moment to find the entrance.
“Found it. I’ll head in first to take a quick peek, then report back.”
The room lapsed into silence as Shadowfire delved into the earth. Sirius felt his heartbeat quicken as cold drops of sweat crawled down his spine. This was the first time he felt the threat of failure looming over his head in AoA. Not only that, but he wanted to perform well in front of his companions. For some reason — he felt attached to this group.
Normally, he would be more at ease working alone; maybe because it granted him greater control. But he wholeheartedly believed in these people and was unwilling to let them down.
Talia must have noticed his tension as Sirius felt a slight pinch on his arm and found her bright eyes grinning up at him through the darkness.
Sirius returned the smile, albeit with much less confidence than her own as Shadowfire suddenly re-emerged.
“Visibility is not bad down there, but there are quite a few guards patrolling. What’s worse is that they all look to be moving around in pairs.”
“Hmm, should we wait until a few other groups start and hope they provide us with a distraction?” Sirius proposed. He thought it was a decent idea considering how fond the Blackguard seemed to be of the tactic.
“Could work, but we have no idea how far we’ll be spaced apart and I want to seize our headstart to get the most prisoners possible. The men-at-arms I saw were all Lvl 3 and looked lightly armed. I think I’ve got a decent plan.” Shadowfire looked to Talia, “Talia. What’s the duration and cooldown on [Wind Barrier].”
“Lasts for 12 seconds with a 30-second cooldown after it expires. But it eats about almost a fifth of my total Spirit Pool.”
“That’s fine — you’ll have the regen totem. Can you cast it once, so I can see the width?”
Talia moved away from the group and a gnarled wooden staff suddenly appeared in her hands. She waved it through the air, whispering a chant that sounded like a fleeting summer breeze.
Sirius couldn’t see the result, but he felt it clearly. The air around them distorted and rushed forward at Talia’s beckon. In the ensuing moments, it felt like they had entered a vacuum — everything around the party was exceptionally quiet and still.
“That’ll work perfectly,” Shadowfire heaved a sigh of relief. “Here’s my plan: Sirius scouts ahead and locates the patrols. Once, we’re in position — Talia will cast a [Wind Barrier] to cut off the guard’s escape and seal the corridor. So, we’ll have just under 12 seconds to blitz down the men-at-arms which I think is achievable.”
Sirius had to admit that he couldn’t pick out any obvious flaws in the plan. His only worry was that their damage would be a little lacking.
But no one spoke up to offer an alternative, so they moved forward with the blitz strategy.
“Here, Sirius. Take this. You’ll be checking the corners, so you should take the stealth bonus.” Shadowfire stripped off his cloak and handed it over.
Sirius chuckled as he received the cloak. He never expected the mysterious figure known as Shadowfire to so easily reveal himself.
“Wow! Mr. Shadowfire you’re so handsome. No wonder my older sister always talks about you,” Talia giggled.
‘Oh?’ Sirius ruminated. He had thought that Shadowfire may have just met Talia and Roan by chance as he did. He didn’t expect there to be such a close connection between them.
And Talia wasn’t wrong, Sirius had to admit. Shadowfire was a seriously good-looking dude. Appearing to be around his mid-thirties, with a prominent nose and chiseled features. His heavy brows furrowed into a frown as he retorted.
“Don’t go getting any ideas missy — I’m taken. In fact, your sister was the one who introduced me to my girlfriend.”
“I know, I know…” Talia suppressed her laughter with a hand.
“Focus, please,” Roan quipped.
“Right…” Shadowfire cleared his throat, “The trapdoor puts us in a small alcove obscured by the shadows of a torch. We’ll have to enter the corridor one at a time. Sirius — give a brief knock on the door when the passage looks clear.”
“Got it.” Sirius quickly equipped the [Fine Thread Cloak] in his Back slot and followed Shadowfire to the door.
He inhaled a deep breath to ease the hammering in his chest; then — with a smile, he dropped into the even deeper darkness below.
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