《Divine Inheritance》A Message from the Author



First of all, I'd like to issue an apology to those waiting for a new chapter. I know it's been a couple months since I last uploaded anything, and I know some of you have been waiting for the continuation, some less patiently than others, if my inbox is to be believed.

After two months, I'm forced to admit that I've hit a roadblock. Writer's block. A complete lack of ideas. Not that I ever really had any when I started this, but the well seems to be temporarily dry. I never really had a plan for the story as far as arcs go, or an end game I was trying to reach. I just sat down in front of my computer with my headset drowning out the world with a playlist and typed. Often times I was just as surprised as you at what appeared on the screen.

Since Novemeber, however, nothing happens. I sit down, I start to type, but what I read back doesn't feel right. It feels forced. It doesn't have the kind of flow that I look for in a story. Maybe I moved too fast with the characters. Maybe I made John too OP for a convincing narrative. Maybe I added too many wives too fast. I just don't know. What I do know is that forcing myself to pump out a story will drastically reduce the quality I expect in myself (although some reviews would argue I already have. lol). So with that, for now I'm going to officially put the story of John on hiatus. I do have other ideas bouncing around in my head, however, and hope to be back with more worlds for you to explore.

I know it seems odd to come back from hiatus just to tell you I'm on hiatus, but I felt you at least deserved an explanation. Yes, there's always work popping up, and family things, and other issues that prevent stories from finishing, but in the end, I just ran out of ideas. I do hope you forgive me, and also hope to see you enjoy any further work I may put out there. I promise to have a better plan in the future.


Thank you for your encouragement throughout this process. It really opened my eyes to the joy of writing.


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