《Divine Inheritance》Bonus Chapter 9.5: Night With an Angel (NSFW)


Rhia held close to me as we rode the elevator to our floor. I could feel how tense she was through the grip she had on my arm, but the small smile that played across her lips eased my worries that I was pushing for too much too quickly. She looked up at me and our eyes met. Her dark blue eyes held both a nervous energy and anticipation. We rode in silence, and when the doors opened her first step onto our floor beat mine by half a second.

In an exercise of true patience, we managed to avoid running down the hall to our room, but only just barely. Reaching our destination, I gave her a grin as I opened the double doors to the Royal Suite and gestured her through with a flourish.

“Oh,” she said softly as she entered. The suite was basically a very high end apartment, with a living area directly ahead of us, three bedrooms, each with their own bath, a media room, a dining room, four separate balconies and a kitchenette. Rhia made her way around the suite, taking everything in. I followed behind her, a bit surprised at her wonder. “This is too much, John,” she said.

I shrugged. “I mean, I know it’s just the two of us, but you didn’t think I’d settle for anything less than the best this place had to offer, did you? Nothing but the best for my personal angel, I’d say.”

She looked back at me from peeking into the media room. “You shouldn’t spoil me. I may get used to it,” she said with a grin.

“I’m surprised that this seems so lavish to you. I assumed you’d seen better in your lifetime, if not here, then back home.”

Her smile grew tighter, then she looked away. “My father may be the First Primarch, but that doesn’t always translate down to family. I’m from a colony world. Political titles from outer colonies like mine don’t carry as much weight back on Agnele. Comparatively speaking, if Agnele was Washington DC, my world would be a small town in Arizona, and Father’s the Mayor.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Where would Earth fit in that analogy?”

“Right now? A trailer park on the outskirts of an even smaller town than mine,” she said apologetically.

“Ouch,” I said, taking a seat on one of the couches in the living area.

She smiled, then moved to sit next to me, curling her legs underneath and leaning into my side. “I wouldn’t worry too much about that,” she said, her head resting on my shoulder. “Earth has something my home doesn’t.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

She looked up and softly kissed my lips. “You,” she whispered.

Looking deeply into her eyes, I realized I wanted to see the real her again. The blue eyes and brown hair really worked for her, but nothing surpassed the image I had of the woman who found me all those months ago. With a thought I reverted all her changes, and her golden eyes twinkled back at me. Her hair returned to the black waves that seemed to shimmer blue when the light struck it just right.

“There you are,” I said, nearly getting lost in the passion I could see building in her eyes.

“Now it’s your turn,” she said playfully.

I switched back to the form I’d gotten used to having in the last week, but she shook her head.

“No, not John 2.0.”

“You want pizza delivery John?”


“I want the man I found. The man behind the god. The goofy dork I fell in love with.”

“It’s ‘geek’ actually,” I said as every change I’d ever made to myself melted away, revealing the slightly out of shape guy who’d spent the last few years delivering pizzas, playing video games, and watching anime. I patted my slight gut and smiled. “Here I am, in all my godly glory.”

She laughed lightly. “It’s not about that, John. This is the man who changed my life. I treated him so poorly when we first met. I never said it, but I blamed you for what was done. If only you’d been easier to find…”

She stopped when I placed a finger on her lips.

“Shhh. Now’s not the time for that. I know there are things you want to say and get off your chest. I have them too. This weekend, however, is about having fun, not reopening old wounds. Let’s just enjoy each other’s company.” I stood up and pulled her along with me, making my way over to one of the balcony doors. Opening them up, I pulled her over and hugged her from behind as we looked out over the lake next to the hotel, the cool breeze blowing past us. Rhia leaned back into me, her hands resting on mine as they wrapped around her stomach.

“I was so scared today,” she said after a couple minutes. “I was terrified you’d change your mind.”

“What a silly thing to worry about, since you can actually read my mind. If anyone was scared and nervous, it was me.”

“You?” she asked, turning her face up to mine. My god she was beautiful. “You’ve been so confident since we left.”

I gave her a quick peck on the lips, then smiled. “All an act. Part of why I asked you not to read my mind. Everything we’ve done today had me worried that it wouldn’t measure up. You’ve travelled through space, you know? Seen other worlds. How does an amusement park measure up to that?”

She laughed. “You really are a dork. It didn’t matter what we did or where we went. As long as I was with you, I would’ve been happy. Even if it was fast food and a bad movie.”

I groaned. “What happened to not reading my mind?”

“You were thinking about that before you asked me not to. Can’t be helped.” The mischievous grin on her face was so out of character from her usual demeanor. I liked discovering these new aspects to her personality. Finding out she had a playful side made the teasing worth it. She turned around in my arms to face me, placing her arms over my shoulders as she looked up at me. “I mean it though. Anything you picked would’ve been fine. All I wanted was to be near you today. No work. No appointments. Just you and me. This is the most fun I’ve had in a very, very long time. Thank you.” She crossed her arms behind my head and used them to pull me down in to a kiss.

Time felt like it stopped for us as we stood there locked in our embrace. Her hands worked their way into my hair as mine roamed up down her back and waist. Our tongues danced, electrifying my soul every time they made contact. We eventually came up for air, breathing heavily, eyes locked on to each other. Pulling her with me, I sat down on one of the couches and pulled her on to my lap, her legs tucked up to my left as she draped her left arm around my shoulders and leaned in for more. I reached across her lap to grab her hip and pull her in as close to me as I could. Her firm chest pushed into mine as her right hand caressed the side of my face. I was lost in her gaze, but still had the presence of mind to will the balcony doors closed, along with all the curtains. This weekend was just for us, and I didn’t want any risk of an audience if I could help it.


“I love you,” I whispered, surprising myself. It was the first time I’d said that to someone since my ex-wife had betrayed me. I’d felt affection for Su, and lately Hannah, but love? Love was a different animal. Looking at Rhia, however, left no doubts in my mind. I was head over heels for this woman. I hadn’t realized my feelings ran this deep, but we’d been working so closely together for the last six months, it shouldn’t have been so surprising. She knew everything about me. She could read my mind. She had to have known, even when I didn’t.

She smiled, probably feeling the wave of emotion that rocked me just now. “I love you, too,” she said, holding me tightly as our lips met again. As our tongues played across each other, our hands began to explore.

(If you have any small children in the room, now would be a good time to send them elsewhere)

It was chaste at first on my part. I ran my hand up and down the length of her outer thigh, appreciating the strength I felt beneath her jeans. Without breaking our kiss, Rhia shrugged out of her short jacket, then continued to run her hand across my chest as her left hand traced through my hair and around my left ear. When she lifted the hem of my shirt to run her hand under it, I kind of wished she’d let me stay in my more fit form, but she didn’t seem to mind, even pinching a handful at one point and giggling into my mouth. In return I reached around and grabbed a good handful of her amazing ass and squeezed, causing her to squeak and playfully slap at my chest. Then she started kissing along my chin, making her way down my neck.

My right arm was wrapped around her back, hand firmly gripping her shoulder as if I feared her floating away from me, holding her tight against my chest. My left hand continued to explore after leaving her rear end, sliding over her hip, up her waist to just below her arm. For some reason I was surprised to feel the strap of a bra under her shirt. I’m not sure why I assumed a woman from another world wouldn’t wear one, but I didn’t reflect on it too long. I traced the strap with my thumb briefly before calling up the courage to bring my hand forward.

Rhia gasped lightly and tensed, but only briefly, as she let out a sigh with a light smile and pushed her breast into my hand. She went back to sucking on my neck as I showed my appreciation of her assets. Filling my hand nicely, I squeezed it tenderly, my thumb tracing the edge of her bra again. Having crossed that milestone in our relationship, I decided to take it further and slipped my hand under her shirt, running my hand up her tight stomach before coming to rest on her tit again, this time with only the light fabric of her bra separating my hand from her skin. I could feel the soft lace as I ran my thumb across her nipple. She moaned into my neck and started to squirm in my lap, her ass pressing on my stiffening member. She obviously felt it, as she started to grind herself harder into my lap.

Suddenly she leaned back and adjusted her position, swinging her leg over to straddle me on the couch. I pulled my hand out of her shirt and watched as she looked at me shyly before grabbing the hem and pulled it over head, tossing it on the floor behind her. I had a second to admire the lacy underwear that supported those mesmerizing globes before my vision was blocked. She had yanked my shirt up and over my head before tossing it down next to hers, and then she just sat there, watching me, her chest heaving. I waited, taking in this beauty resting on my lap. Her cheeks turned a bright crimson, which spread down to her chest, contrasting nicely with her alabaster skin and blue bra.

“My god you’re a vision,” I said.

She bit her lip shyly, smiling slightly. Such adorable behavior from someone who always acted so proper only fanned my feelings for her. I sat up straighter and placed my hands on her back, softly kissing along her collar bone and working my way across to the other one, pausing to suck fiercely on her neck as I passed it, marking her as mine in my mind. Again she wrapped her arms around my head, leaning back slightly to grant me easier access to her chest, her thighs gripping mine tightly as she ground in to me. I reached up and found the latch on her bra, expertly flicking it open with one hand, immediately feeling her tits drop slightly as their support vanished, but not by much. She released my head long enough to pull her arms through the straps and discarded it who cared where.

For a second I marveled at the sight before me. Her breasts sat high and proud, beckoning me towards them, which I obliged. Leaning in, I kissed the swell of her tit, my hands supporting her lower back and her between her shoulder blades as she leaned back again, offering them up to me. Her hands wrapped around my head while hers dropped back with a moan when I took a nipple in my mouth. I gently suckled at it as my tongue traced circles around the stiffening point. My teeth grazed lightly over it as I sucked harder. My hand left the small of her back to come around and fondle her other breast, squeezing it firmly as I worked my palm over the nipple. I’m not sure how sensitive an Agneles was supposed to be, but I could tell she was lightyears more sensitive than any woman I’d been with before.

I took my time savoring both of her breasts as she writhed under my touch, grinding herself into my lap more and more the longer I went on. She finally pushed me back with a hungry look in her eyes. She reached between us and started yanking my belt open. Once she had that undone, she got off my lap and knelt before me on the floor, working the button and zipper open on my jeans, then grasping the hems and trying to pull them off. I helped her out by lifting my hips. She got them down to my knees before remembering I was still wearing my shoes. Swearing, she stripped them and my socks off, then finally managed to toss my jeans aside, leaving me in my boxers. She hungrily eyed the tent that stood before, then looked up at me as she grabbed the elastic band started pulling, easing it over my dick before discarding them.

“I thought you were going to change everything back?” she asked with a wicked grin.

“You mean that’s not my original equipment? Looks about right to me,” I answered with a smirk.

She licked her lips, then looked up at me. “Don’t expect this all the time, alright?”

I was about to ask what she meant when she suddenly ran her tongue up the length of my shaft, giving the tip a little extra flick with her tongue. My head lolled back on the couch and a groan escaped my lips. I felt her fingers trace around the sensitive head as she gave my length another long, slow lick. Her hand then wrapped around me, slowly stroking me with the lightest of touches. I felt warmth surround one of my balls, and I looked down to see a golden eye peek around my shaft as she sucked on it. Then she switched to the other one as her hand continued to work me. Resting her arms on my legs, she leaned up, licking the length of my shaft again as she positioned her mouth over my cock.

“I don’t normally do this,” she said. “This is repayment for how worked up you’ve gotten me.”

“If this is how grateful you are after I’ve played with your tits,” I sighed, “you’re gonna be blown away when you find out what else I can do with my mouth.”

Her eyes widened as she considered my words, then that hungry smile appeared again, right before she swallowed the head of my shaft. I normally have a “no teeth” rule when it comes to head, but as she worked her head up and down my length, the light grazing she gave me nearly had me coming multiple times. She’d bring me to the edge, then brought me back down. For someone who didn’t normally do this, she was masterclass. Looking down for a moment from the bliss she was jolting me with, I was done. The sight of her fondling my balls as her mouth enveloped me while those golden eyes stared into mine was too much. The pressure built suddenly and I knew this was it.

“Coming!” I grunted out, giving her warning in case she didn’t want a mouthful, but she surprised me. As I erupted, she locked her lips around the head and started sucking harder, swallowing each shot as it hit the roof of her mouth. After my dick stopped twitching, she gave it a couple more licks, then pulled her head back, giving me a wide smile, then stuck her tongue out at me. I sat there, shocked, bewildered, and still oh so incredibly turned on.

Still gasping, I pulled her onto the couch next to me and kissed her. As the kiss ended, she reached down and started playing with my junk again. I just stared at her for a second. “Out of anyone I’ve ever been with, you’re the absolute last one that I ever expected to do that.” I shuddered as she traced the very sensitive tip. Was this the same cool and professional woman that was always on my case about keeping appointments and giving me disapproving looks when she found me balls deep in Hannah or Su some afternoons? She smiled, back to being shy again.

“Su gave me a similar pep talk to yours while she helped me get ready. She told me all your weak spots and desires, just like she told you mine. That’s how you knew to focus so much on my chest, right?”

I smiled. “I actually would’ve done that anyway. I’ve always been a tit man. As for my weak spots, it’s really not that hard to figure out you know,” I laughed.

Smiling mischievously, she leaned in and whispered in my ear “is that so?” She ran her tongue around my ear before nibbling on my lobe, breathing deeply. Oh god, I thought as I started to harden up again. Mentally I gave thanks to Su for proving to me that my deification eliminated such mortal concerns like a refractory period. Rhia was getting herself hot and bothered again, squirming as she worked my ear and pulled on my dick.

“I need you in me. Now!” she whispered into my ear huskily. “I’ve waited far too long for this.” She stood suddenly, grabbing my hand pulling me behind her as she made for the master bedroom in our suite. As soon as she was through the door, she kicked off her shoes and started pulling off her jeans. I stopped and stared as she bent over, her perfect ass cheeks separated by a thin blue thong. She kicked her jeans to the side, then turned and faced me. A small patch of black hair could be seen through her lace underwear. Keeping eye contact with me, she slipped her thumbs into them and pushed them down. Stepping out of them, she tossed them at my face before quickly sliding backwards on to the king size bed, never taking her eyes off me. I made my way to the foot of the bed and climbed on, crawling up to her as she continued sliding backwards until she hit the decorative pillows behind her. Her wings suddenly appeared, swept the pillows off the bed, then disappeared again before she was finally comfortable, her arms now reaching for me.

I crawled up the bed, pausing to kiss her feet, then her shins, her knees, her thighs. I was about start kissing further in between her legs when I suddenly felt her hands clamp down on my head and pull me up.

“I said I need you inside of me now,” she gritted out between her teeth. She was squirming underneath me as I was pulled up the length of her body. Her chest was heaving with anticipation, and I felt her legs open up, her calves curling behind me and pulling me closer. I braced my hands on either side of her head as she reached down and guided me to her opening. The heat coming from her was astounding as she rubbed me up and down her slit, her juices flowing and coating my head. Then she held it steady as her she locked her ankles behind me and pulled.

I didn’t expect to, but I sank in to the hilt. She closed her eyes and cried out as I entered, her nails digging into my shoulder. I held steady, both to give her time to adjust, and to keep myself from firing off again. She was deliciously snug, gripping the entirety of my length like she was made for me.

“Oh. Finally,” she breathed, then leaned up to kiss me. It was a passionate kiss, but not the voracious one I was expecting. “Gently, please,” she said softly. “It’s been a very long time.”

I nodded, then slowly pulled back before sliding in again. She felt exquisite. The fire between her lips had spread to me. As I worked myself in and out of her, she matched my movements, grinding against me when I sank in, backing off when I did. I leaned down and rested one elbow by her head, freeing up my other hand to explore her body as we rocked against each other. I cupped her large, firm breast, pinching the nipple lightly, causing her stumble in our rhythm as she shuddered at the touch. I leaned down and kissed her again, sliding my tongue in to her mouth. She wrapped her lips around it and sucked before returning the kiss and sliding her tongue along mine. My hand continued its journey, releasing her breast to jiggle with every thrust, her nipples sliding against my chest. I reached down and cupped her ass cheek, gaining leverage as I increased my tempo. Each thrust was accompanied by the sound of my balls slapping against her. I worked myself up to a good rhythm, euphoric at the feel of her wrapped around me. For months I’d fantasized about this moment, and it had exceeded my wildest dreams so far.

She chuckled through her moans. I guess she’d heard my thoughts, because she looked at me through half lidded eyes and said, “the night’s still young, my love.” Suddenly she pushed on my shoulder. I rolled with it and found myself on my back, still buried deep within her as she straddled my hips. She sat up straight and started working herself up and down. I looked down and watched how I slid in and out of her, her grip on my cock sending jolts of pleasure to every nerve ending in my body. Her pace increased, but when I started thrusting upward, she put a hand on my chest and shook her head not to. Content with be her sex toy for now, I placed my hands behind my head and watched. Her breasts jiggled with every movement. Her ponytail flipped back and forth behind her head. The muscles in her thighs tensed and released as she propelled herself up and down. Cowgirl was always my favorite position. I could last forever like this, and I always got a good show.

She stopped thrusting herself onto me and slammed herself all the way home. She ground her hips into mine, moving in a circular motion for a few seconds, then circling around the other way. She kept this up for a couple minutes, fondling her own chest before she started grinding forward and backwards. She built up speed until she was humping against me with wild abandon. Moaning and grunting, I suddenly felt her contract around me as her whole body went rigid, her head thrown back. She let out a squeak when her wings suddenly appeared fully extended and twitching slightly.

I stared at her wide eyed as she held that pose for a good ten to fifteen seconds, her body and wings twitching periodically. Then she collapsed forward on to my chest, breathing heavily, her wings folding up behind her. I wrapped my arms around her as she caught her breath, the dark feathers on her wings soft to the touch. I was still hard and buried halfway inside of her, and a slight movement of my hips caused her to spasm slightly.

“Stop,” she said hoarsely into my chest. “I need a moment.” I chuckled softly and was content to just hold her for now. After a couple minutes she seemed to catch her breath and slowly pushed herself back up. Her eyes rolled back, and her eyelids fluttered as she sank all the way back on to me, a soft moan escaping her lips. Then she looked down at me, lust still shining in her eyes. “Thank you,” she said.

“That was all you at the end there, babe,” I said.

“End?” she asked. “What makes you think we’re anywhere near the end?” She leaned back down and rested her elbows on my chest, her faces inches from mine. “You’re still hard as a rock, and I’ve got centuries to make up for,” she whispered before bringing her lips to mine.


The weekend passed in erotic bliss. I thought Hannah was insatiable before, but Rhia soon proved to be superior in that respect. Not a room in the suite was untouched by our passion, the massive shower in the master bath saw a couple particularly intense workouts, and I don’t think I’ll be able to imagine anyone eating on that dining room table without laughing my ass off. Even with her alien strength and stamina, however, she hit her physical limit quite a few times, her passion demanding more than her body could handle. When she begged for more, I was forced to heal her, upon which time she’d jump me again.

Waking up next to her at odd hours of the day and night never failed to set my heart beating faster. This beautiful sculpture of a woman loved me, and I was hopelessly in love with her. For the last six months she’s been my mentor, my assistant, and my friend. Now I could add lover to that list. Whatever trials await me as I continue down this path, as long as I have her by my side, I know I can overcome them.

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