《Divine Inheritance》Bonus Chapter 4.5: A Day Off With Su (NSFW)


“Why don’t you take the day off?” said Rhia.

“What?” I said, a forkful of pancakes hovering halfway between the plate and my mouth.

“I said take a day off. We’ve been training your powers almost every day for two months now. You hardly ever leave this room. It’s not healthy. Take a break. Explore the rest of your home. Meet the girls that work here.”

I finished bringing the food to my mouth and thought about what she said as I chewed. She wasn’t wrong, of course. I was essentially a hermit these days. Not having any defined responsibilities certainly hasn’t helped that, but I was living the geek’s dream at the moment. Practicing superpowers, unlimited gaming and anime binging, delicious food delivered right to me, gorgeous maids that waited on me hand and foot, and the best view outside my windows anyone could ask for. If only Rhia didn’t keep chasing the maids out of here at the end of the day. A man’s got needs, you know?

Rhia sighed. “Su!” she called. The tall blue beauty was instantly at her side from who knows where.

“Yes, Mistress?”

“John is banned from this room for the next 12 hours. Introduce him around to the staff, give him a tour of the place, just keep him occupied, okay? I’m sick of him loafing around.”

Su’s eyes flicked over to me and I swear I saw the corner of her mouth quirk up a little. “For 12 hours, Mistress? There’s only so much of our home to show, you’re aware?”

The two women made eye contact briefly before Rhia responded in a tone of voice I couldn’t quite place. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to fill the time, Su. You’re a smart woman after all.”

Su gave her a smile. “I have plenty of ideas, Mistress. He won’t be bored today.”

“Of that I have no doubt. John, finish your breakfast.”

Raising my eyebrows at their exchange, I did as I was told. Truth be told, I genuinely was curious about the rest of this moon base. I just never got around to exploring or meeting the staff because it still hadn’t sunk in that this was all mine. I kept waiting for some long absent god to show up demanding I vacate the premises.

Just as I finished the last mouthful of pancakes, Su reached over and grabbed my plate with one hand while placing the other on the base of my neck and giving it an affectionate squeeze. When I looked up at her, she gave me a bright smile.

“Shall we begin in the kitchen, My Lord?”

“Uh, sure,” I said, dazzled by the beautiful woman’s proximity. Those green eyes felt like they were piercing through to my soul and I continued to sit, transfixed by her gaze.

“Ugh, just go already,” Rhia said from the other side of the couch where she was petting Ryo.

A mischievous glint crossed Su’s eyes as she glanced over at Rhia. “Yes, My Lord. Let’s go. I have much to show you.” Rhia rolled her eyes but smiled a bit as she played with my dog.

“Just bring him back in one piece, Su. I know how you get, remember?”

“I make no promises, Mistress. Let’s go, My Lord.”

Raising an eyebrow at the exchange between the women, I got up from the couch and followed Su out of the room. As we stepped through the door to my residence, two maids passed by us, pulled the double doors closed, and stood before them, watching me with their hands clasped before their aprons. Their gazes seemed both determined and curious as they examined me. A few of them I knew by sight, but I rarely interacted with any beyond Su. These two I’d seen before, mentally labeling them the Domino twins in my own clever way, as one had jet black hair and the other paper white, both pulled back into severe buns. I couldn’t help but imagine the color combination moving back and forth over my lap, but that was just me being male.


It had already been months since I last got laid before I was brought up here and being surrounded by beautiful women all the time had done nothing to help my aching loins for the last two months. I figured a fantasy or two involving the girls here was a fair trade for not being allowed any quality time with them. Rhia was particularly adamant about keeping such opportunities unavailable to me for some reason and helping myself in the shower wasn’t doing much to ease the backup.

Observing the two for a second, I realized why they were there.

“You guys planned this, didn’t you?” I asked Su.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, My Lord. Are you implying that Mistress Rhia told me that I was going to get you out of that room to change up your lazy routine, and that she arranged to have these two lovely girls block the doors so you couldn’t get back in until we allowed you to? That I was to use my skills to keep you occupied and distracted while Mistress Rhia spent the time playing with Mistress Ryo uninterrupted?”

“Even Ryo gets a title, eh? No wonder she’s been prancing around here lately. Wait? She did all this just to play with my dog? She could’ve just asked! It’s not like Ryo doesn’t already have the run of the place.”

Su sighed. “And here I was hoping he’d focus on the part about me using my skills on him,” she muttered softly.

“What was that?” I said, not quite sure I heard her correctly.

“It was nothing, My Lord. Please, the kitchen is just down this hall to the right.” She immediately set off, and I was forced to take a couple jogging steps to catch up to her. Just as I caught up to her, she slowed her pace considerably and my swinging hand came forward and smacked her ass. She glanced over at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow but didn’t say a word about it.

She totally did that on purpose, I thought, but gave a small grin of my own as I thought of the firmness I felt under that long dress. If her ass felt that great with just a glancing touch like that, I could only imagine how it’d feel if I were given time to properly appreciate it. I strongly suspected she’d be up for it if given the opportunity. She’d been eyeballing me like a steak for weeks now, and I’d already imagined countless ways I’d devour this blue pastry marching in front of me.

We entered the kitchen, where she deposited my breakfast plate in a large sink and call the chef over as I looked around. The kitchen would rival anything found in the highest quality restaurants Earthside, that was for damn sure. Su introduced the chef when she approached, wiping her hands on a towel before shaking mine. She was of average height, attractive, but not as stunning as Su or Rhia. She almost looked human, except her eyes were just a little too large for her face, nose was just a touch flatter than I was used to, and she had a forked tongue. She had trouble maintaining eye contact with me for some reason, and her tongue kept flicking out every now and then, like a snake tasting the air. She soon excused herself after a couple minutes of chitchat but flicked her tongue out once more before giving the slightest of winks towards Su.

“What was that about?” I asked as we departed the kitchen.


“Hmm?” Su looked over at me. “Oh. She likes your scent, My Lord. Your food should taste even better now.”

Not sure what to make of that, I shrugged and continued following her. I noticed her hips had a bit more movement in them as we walked, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them. It was difficult being around her and Rhia all the time without developing thoughts that involved a tangle of limbs and heavy breathing but being within such close proximity of a woman that just exuded raw sexuality without Rhia’s leash on her was almost painful to bear. Watching that skirt swish back and forth with each step, the way it hugged her waist before being pulled taught as my eyes travelled up her back, knowing the fabric was working overtime to contain what had to be a delicious chest. Admiring the contrast of her blue skin against her fiery read hair on her slender neck. I was so caught up in my perusal of her form that I damn near walked into her again. Sadly, I caught myself in time and managed to avoid colliding with her as she paused before another set of doors on the right side of the hallway. Another raised eyebrow before she opened the doors and guided me in.

“In here is the dining hall, My Lord. I know you haven’t had need of it yet, but everyday we ensure it’s ready to go should you require it.”

“Ah yes, because those emergency formal dinners have a way of sneaking up on you.”

“I believe that’s why they are called ‘emergencies,’ My Lord,” she deadpanned.

“I’m not going to be able to out smartass you, am I?” I asked.

“I’ve had more practice at it, My Lord. Far more practice. You’re not likely to find many whose skills in anything outstrip my own.”

“Anything? That’s a pretty bold claim, Miss Su.”

“Claim, My Lord?” She smiled before escorting me out of the dining hall. “We’ll see.”

We continued down the hallway, and before I could get hypnotized by the swing in her hips again, she opened up another door to the right.

“They’ve never been used, but we do have a number of guest and VIP rooms available, should you ever decide to host someone up here. Each room has an entertainment screen and private bathing facilities.” She indicated further down the hall. “Down that way are the maid quarters, similar in design to these, obviously individualized a bit for personal preference and race requirements.”

“Race requirements?” I asked.

“Oh yes, My Lord. Your staff is from all over the galaxy. Some have cultural needs to be met, while others require special mattresses. One of our girls is a liquid based lifeform, so a normal mattress is out of the question for her.”

“Liquid based?” I asked, stunned at the idea. I tried to imagine what she might look like, but my anime wrapped imagination only provided an image of a monster girl similarly named Suu, whose primary clothing was a raincoat and slept in a bucket. “What kind of work does she do if she’s liquid based?”

“Why, she’s in charge of the communal baths, My Lord.”

That got my attention. “We have communal baths?” Images of gorgeous naked maids soaping each other danced through my head. Giggling and water fights. Su and Rhia scrubbing each other down…

“We do, My Lord, but they are not on the tour for today. I imagine you’ll find them eventually though,” she said, snapping me out of my daydream. Her eyes weren’t fixed on mine when I came back to reality. Following her gaze, I realized my imagination had triggered a fairly potent reaction in me, and Su was fairly licking her lips as she stared at it. I quickly moved to cover my hard on with my hands, giggling stupidly as I did so.

“So, uh, what’s next?”

She looked up, then started walking back the way we came. “This way, My Lord.”

“What room is that?” I asked as we past another door.

“Ballroom,” she tossed back over her shoulder without slowing down.

“Um…” I said, speed walking to match her pace.

“Right this way, My Lord,” she said as we approached the end of the hall, which happened to be my room. The Domino twins were still standing there, eyeballing our approach, but making no effort to move. Su stopped right before them, then faced to her right and pressed on the wall. It popped open, revealing a short hallway. “Down this way you’ll find the most important room on this tour. If you please?”

Raising an eyebrow as I passed her, I walked down the little hallway before it opened up into a room roughly twice the size of the guest rooms she showed me before. There was a screen on the wall opposite a king size bed. In the corner there was a small table and chair, a pile of books on the table. I saw two doors on the far wall, which I assumed to be a closet and a private bathing area. A maid uniform was hanging on a hook on the closet door.

“And this room would be…” I asked, already aware of the answer.

“Mine,” she said as she stepped out of the short hallway, her hands reaching back and releasing her bun as she walked. Her vibrant hair dropped halfway down her back, and her dressed pulled tight against her chest as she reached back to adjust it as she shook her head. Pulling some of it over her shoulder as she dropped her arms down, she eyed me hungrily, her chest rising and falling as her breathing quickened.

“Oh,” I said intelligently.

“It’s been far too long since I had a man,” she predatorily, slowly approaching me as her fingers started working the buttons on her dress.

“Yeah, it’s been while since I’ve been with a woman too,” I said, my dick straining against the fabric of my jeans as her gaze burned into mine. She giggled lightly at my comment.

“A few months is not ‘a while,’ My Lord. I’ve been aching to taste you since Mistress Rhia brought you here,” she pressed herself against me, dress half unbuttoned down the front. Her cleavage was pushed up as her chest met mine. Her hands went to my shoulders as she brought her lips to my ear. “She kept me waiting even after knowing it’s been so long. She teases me every day by having me serve you, but never letting me touch you.” Her soft words were punctuated by her tongue tracing my ear, the sound of her breathy whispers lighting a fire in me. I brought my hands up and gripped her waist, pulling her tighter against me. She ground her hips into mine as I whispered back.

“How long has it been?”

“A little over four thousand years, My Lord,” she said, more than a hint of frustration in her voice. I pulled my head back until I was staring deeply into her vivid green eyes.

“That’s far too long,” I said, then roughly pushed my mouth against hers, recognizing that this woman didn’t need to make love. She needed to be fucked. Responding eagerly, she shoved her tongue in my mouth as she grabbed the collar of my shirt and ripped it open before tossing it to the floor. Just as eager as she was, I grabbed the top of her dress and roughly shoved it off her shoulders. As soon as it hit the floor, I pushed her back until she was against the wall. She growled at the impact but reached down and yanked my belt and fly open before shoving both my jeans and boxers down, freeing my cock at last. We both looked down as her soft pastel blue hand wrapped around me.

“Real ones are so much better,” she said softly. Seemed she was more talking to herself than me, so I didn’t say anything. She looked back up at me as she tugged on my member. “This is my favorite service to provide, My Lord.” Wrapping her right leg around my waist, she stood on her toes before hovering over the head of my cock. Then she simultaneously pulled me with her leg as she sank down on her toes. I felt her warmth slide down my length and we both groaned in unison. “Yeah,” she breathed. “That’s what I’ve wanted for two months now.” Her eyes snapped open and she gave me an evil grin. “Race you to orgasm, My Lord. Loser fucks the winner.”

“You’re on,” I said. I grabbed her right ass cheek firmly while my right hand finally closed around one of her magnificent breasts. Just as I knew it would, her ass felt amazing in my grip, and her tit was the stuff of legends. It fit perfectly in my hand. Firm enough to sit high on its own, yet supple. The feel of her smooth skin against mine was rapidly draining my mind of all reason and I thrust aggressively in to her. With each slap of our hips she let out a cry. I’d thrust, hold it a second as she ground into me, her hips moving in a circular motion, then I’d pull back and repeat the process again. This wasn’t slow and tender. This was methodical. I loved the feel of her tit jiggling in my hand with each push, the sound of her crying out as I drove in to the hilt, the way her hair cascaded down, half covering her face. Her nails dug into my shoulders as I picked up the pace, trying to push her through the wall I had her pinned against. She stopped crying out as I slammed into her, her mouth hanging open, eyes fixed on the ceiling. She brought her left leg up and wrapped it around my waist as well, hooking her ankles together behind my back. I pinched her nipple quickly before releasing my hold on her chest and grabbing her other ass cheek for leverage as I fucked her senseless against the wall. The only sounds to be heard were the rhythmic slapping of skin against skin as two sex starved people fed their need.

I leaned in and planted my mouth just above her collarbone, right where her neck met her shoulder, nibbling and sucking, marking her before I moved up and took her earlobe in my mouth. Her hand grabbed at the back of my head.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god, don’t stop,” she said breathlessly. I felt my pressure start to build as her legs tightened around me, her firm thighs locked in place. “Yes, My Lord. Fuck me… so close. So goddamn close.” I pulled my head back and kissed her. Our tongues jostled for position like fencers as I pistoned in and out of her. Attacking and retreating, our tongues slid over each other, and then she moaned into my mouth at the same time her thighs squeezed against me. Her grip on my shoulders turned into that of a steel vice as her jaw dropped and her eyes rolled back. Feeling her whole body tense against mine finished me off and I slammed home a final time and shot load after load into her. She came down before I did and smiled at me as she started working her hips against mine as I was still firing months of pent up lust within her. The movement against my sensitive cock nearly doubled me over, but I held strong as I eventually stopped twitching inside of her. Feeling that I’d finally finished moving within her, she brought her hands around from my shoulders to my jaw, pulling me in for a long, slow, sensuous kiss.

“Thank you, My Lord. You have no idea how much I needed that.” She grinned at me hungrily as she worked her hips against mine again.

“Happy… to help,” I gasped. “So, what do you think? Call it a tie?”

She threw back her head and laughed as she pulled herself off of me, unwrapping her legs and standing on her own again. She traced a finger across my chest as she started walking towards her bathroom, paying no attention to my seed dribbling down her leg. She made it to the door, then turned and looked at me.

“Coming, My Lord?”

“Pretty sure I just did,” I said as I followed her. She smiled at my bad joke before entering. Before I made it to the door I already heard the sound of running water. As I rounded the door, I saw her perfect ass sticking out as she checked the temperature of the water filling her impressive tub. I walked up behind her and ran my hands over those perfect blue cheeks. “That’s a nice tub. How many people does it hold?”

“Five,” she said without hesitation. “But it gets too crowded to play with that many, so three or four total is what I usually stick to.” She looked back and winked a green eye at me. Imagining her in here with three other women helped fill the time as the tub filled. Maybe the Domino twins and the chef? That could be fun. Sitting on the edge of the tub, I took a moment to admire the body so frequently hidden by her uniform. Her tits were capped with dark blue nipples, like little blueberries begging to be picked. Her stomach was smooth, yet lacked a bellybutton, interestingly enough. Eyes following down her body, I saw a fiery red runway strip the same color as her hair. The contrast between her pastel blue skin the patch of red hair was intoxicating, and I couldn’t stop myself from staring. She caught me looking and smiled and winked at me before entering the round tub, sitting at the back and holding her arms out to me.

I got in the water and found it to be the perfect temperature as I crossed over to where she sat and planted myself between her legs where she indicated. I draped my arms over her knees and leaned back until my head was resting on her chest. She draped her arms over my shoulders and together we just relaxed in silence, each enjoying the presence of the other and the feel of our bodies against each other.

“How are you feeling, My Lord?” Su asked as she ran her fingers across my chest.

“Wonderful,” I said, meaning every syllable of the word. She licked at my ear as her hand reached down to wrap around my member, still half hard from our session and the four maid daydream I just had. My head lolled back at her touch. “Not quite ready for round two, babe. He needs to recover a little first.” Her hand stopped mid stroke, causing me to crane my head around to see what was caused it.

“Recover, My Lord? Has Mistress Rhia not informed you about your status as a god? I seem to remember it quite clearly.”

I looked at her confused. “Of course she has. What do you think we’ve been doing these last couple months?”

Now it was her turn to look confused. “My Lord, as a god, you don’t need to worry about such mortal concerns like injuries, exhaustion, or recovery time. If you wish to heal, then heal. If you wish for more stamina, then just don’t be tired.” Her eyes met mine and she lowered her voice like she was about to tell me the greatest secret in the universe. “And if you wish to stay hard as a rock, then just do so. Your greatest strength is your will, My Lord. You no longer have to worry about such petty concerns as a refractory period.”

I turned her words over in my head, putting them together with everything Rhia had told me about what I was capable of. “So, if I wanted to…” I began.

“Fuck me ragged for the next ten hours and twenty three minutes? Yes, you could do that.” She licked her lips. “And I sincerely hope that you do, My Lord. I long to be used as a plaything for you.”

“Why me?” I asked suddenly. “You’ve been eyeing me like a steak dinner since you first laid eyes on me. Is it because I’m a god, male, or something in me that you sensed?”

She laughed. “I would love to say it’s the last one, My Lord, as far as our first meeting went, but it wasn’t that. While unique, I’m still human. Just considerably older and blessed with immortality. I don’t have any special talents like Rhia’s mind reading or anything like that. No, if I may be so shallow, at first it was simply because you were a male, although the god part was also appealing, for the reasons I just told you about.” She winked.

I nodded, completely understanding her response. It’s not like I could complain about her being shallow. The first I did when I saw her was admire how her chest pushed against the fabric of her uniform. “Be as shallow as you like. It’s certainly a mentality I can understand. However, I noticed you said ‘at first.’ Has something changed since then?”

“Perhaps a little,” she said, smiling. “I’ve had a chance to get to know you a bit since then. You’re a fun guy, you know that?”

“Most entertaining mushroom you’ve ever met,” I quipped, earning me a groan.

“Keep that up and I might not respect you in the morning,” she warned.

I pretended to check my nonexistent watch. “Gives me about twenty-one more hours to disrespect you in so many more ways.”

“Anyway,” she said before I could get anymore bad jokes in. “I’ve seen the effort you’ve put in. Anyone else might’ve just learned what they could and then ran back to Earth to abuse their power. You, however, keep at it, and when you’re not staring at her delicious tits and ass, you actually listen to Mistress Rhia.”

“They really do look delicious, don’t they?”

“Oh you have no idea, My Lord.” The gleam in her eye told me everything I needed to know.

“Wait, you two have…”

“Shhh,” she shushed, placing a finger over her lips. “A girl never kisses and tells.”

I laughed, then squeaked as her hand gripped me beneath the water’s surface. It wasn’t a loving grip, but one of warning.

“Do NOT tell her I told you that, My Lord. She is very protective of her privacy.”

I nodded, and her hand became more tender around my shaft.

“Oh? I see you’re ready to go again. Let’s just pretend that you used your newfound abilities to get that back up, and not the image of my face buried between those sweet creamy thighs of hers, shall we?”

“Right,” I said, turning around to face her in the tub, rising to my knees. “It was my power. I absolutely wasn’t imagining you two laying on your bed, faces buried in each other’s pussies. That would be so inappropriate.”

“And whatever you do, you should not imagine her wings snapping open and twitching when she comes.” She stroked me as I saw her spread her legs wide in the tub before she leaned forward. She paused, her face an inch from my cock. Her green eyes met mine as she ran her tongue across her top lip. Then her mouth engulfed the head and stopped. I felt her tongue caressing me in her mouth, tracing the ridge one way, then back again. Ever so slowly and carefully, she rested her teeth on the sensitive flesh, causing me a second of panic. What? As fucking sexy as she was, teeth on dick is still a rational fear for men to have. Until she started vibrating them. Or maybe she was just making a Z sound. I’m not sure, because my entire being focused on that one body part as the sensation nearly caused me to blow my load instantly.

She looked up at me, green eyes meeting mine, red eyebrow raised inquisitively. Honestly, I’m not sure what she was expecting, but I knew what I wanted. Taking that red hair of hers in my hands, I pulled her face into my crotch until I felt the back of her mouth, then backed off and did it again. The corners of her eyes lifted up in a smile, since her mouth was too full to complete the action, and she impaled her own face on me, relaxing her throat and letting me slide all the way to the hilt. Her nose buried itself in my pubic hair as my balls slapped against her chin. She attempted to swallow a couple times, the movement doing wonderous things around my cockhead. She grabbed my wrist and pulled back on it, telling me to pull her face off of me, then pushed on it again, her beautiful blue lips sliding down my turgid length until she was able to sneak her tongue out enough to lap at my balls briefly. Understanding what she was telling me, I readjusted my grip in her hair and started increasing the rhythm until I was full on fucking her face. She just closed her eyes and let me have my way with her mouth until man’s favorite sensation rocked through me and shot stream after stream of my spunk in to her waiting mouth, her swallowing with each shot that hit her tongue. I released my grip on her hair as she reached up to stroke me, trying to coax more out, and she finished up by softly sucking at the tip, the sensation nearly causing me to drop back on my heels as I kneeled in front of her.

She released me from her mouth then gave me wide smile, sticking her tongue out to show she’d swallowed every drop, then gave the tip one last flick. She stood up in the bath, her hand still firmly wrapped around my dick, which forced me to stand up as well, and we got out. Feeling me soften in her hands as she led me out of the tub, she looked back over shoulder with a single raised eyebrow.

“I thought we discussed this, My Lord?”

I had gotten hard before by imagining her and Rhia wrapped up like a pretzel. This time I just told myself to get hard again and was actually surprised it worked. In an instant I was at full mast again, and I gave Su a hungry smile of my own.

“Oh, this is going to a fun day,” I said. She laughed, then led me over to her bed, water still dripping off of us.

“Lay down,” she said. “I think you deserve a present for learning a new trick today, as well as a test of what else you’ve learned. Wait right there.”

“I’m not going anywhere, babe,” I answered, climbing on to the large bed and getting comfortable on my back as she walked to the little hallway. I could hear her softly speaking with someone before she came back to stand at the foot of the bed.

“Now, My Lord, I’d like to test your stamina and ability to multitask,” she said, grinning as I heard the door to her room close. I looked over and saw the Domino twins enter, their hands already working the buttons on their dresses. As their eyes took in my length standing tall and proud, I could swear their hands began working faster to discard their clothing.

I looked back at Su, my excitement growing as she slowly crawled up my body from the foot of the bed. She was quickly joined by the other women, and all three of them were staring at me like they hadn’t eaten in years and I was a fat, juicy cheeseburger.

“Remember, My Lord: Loser fucks the winner,” she said wickedly, and for the next ten hours I attempted to do my best impression of the Dallas Cowboys in the postseason.


Rhia sat up from where she was laying on John’s couch, Ryo tucked in close next to her. She had fallen asleep after playing with the dog for hours. The pup had endless amounts of energy, and Rhia loved it, but eventually she ran out of juice. The nap was understandable, but she still felt embarrassed for sleeping in John’s room like that. She checked the time and figured John should be due back any minute, so she took a moment to run her fingers through her hair and adjust her clothing so she didn’t give off the impression that she’d been sleeping. She needn’t have worried, however, as John barely looked her way when he walked in, Su at his heels, her uniform slightly rumpled and her hair mussed.

“Enjoy the tour, John?”

“Oh yeah,” he said distractedly.

“Did Su take care of you?”

“And how.”

“Were you able to meet some more of the staff up here? They’ve been itching to get to know you better, you know.”

“They’re certainly very friendly,” he said, an absentminded smile on his face.

Suspicious, Rhia looked at Su, but the blue woman only had eyes for the man crawling into bed, exhaustion and euphoria evident in his every movement. Rhia couldn’t help but sigh and chuckle. If Su reacted like that to him, he must be something else. Thinking about it, Rhia couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. Not emotionally, of course, but physically. She hadn’t had her needs taken care of like that in centuries. Feeling an old itch return, she made her way over to the door and Su, grabbing the latter by the hand as they left the room, closing the door softly behind them.

Rhia looked around in confusion, sure she ordered a couple guards at the door.

“Where-” she began, but Su placed a finger across her own lips and opened the door to her room, motioning for Rhia to look inside. She saw the two maids. White hair hung to the ground, her head hanging off the edge of the bed. The other maid was draped across her belly, face buried in the mattress. The only movement out of both of them was the steady rise and fall from their breathing.

“Wait, you invited those two, and he was still able to walk out of there on his own?”

Su gave her a distracted nod as the events of the day played over in her head. “Yeah. He fucked them unconscious, and I’m not too far behind them, Mistress.”

“You?!” Rhia exclaimed.

Again, Su nodded. “Yeah. He’s a machine. I haven’t been fucked like that in millennia, and that took far more than one man.” Suddenly her eyes focused on Rhia. “You’ll find out one day, Mistress.”

“What-? No! I mean…”

Su eyed her speculatively then dropped the subject. Rhia would figure out her feelings eventually. “Care to join me? I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m too tired for the kind of fun you’re looking for though. Don’t give me that look, I know you too well, Mistress. I can’t provide any relief for you tonight, but I could use a good cuddle, if you’re interested?”

Shaking her head, Rhia took Su’s hand, and together they went to bed.

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