《Heaven's Grip : Orcs of Iaoue》Cleansing 4 : The Name


"About that", The Mole Holey tried to explain how it got its name.

It seems that Holey was once a Pet Mole and was named Holey Molly by its owner. But when the 'Event' came, he escaped and went to his birthplace, a mile or two from where he was abducted.

When Holey returned, he realized that the loner-moles have actually gathered and turned into a Pack of Moles. It was weird but later on, he realized that doing so was more efficient, considering that they now have the ability to think and learn.

Moley said that he was assigned to gather food in this area and the rootworms not only live near the river. They can actually be found anywhere as long as it is near a tree.They are mostly active at night and goes to the surface in order to have a glimpse of the moonlight and chew on some dead leafs. They sleep during the day and if you wish to find them, they are sleeping beneath a tree, mostly under its roots. He knows this since they have been eating them even before the 'EVENT'

Just like the Hog 'horde', they also have a Chief Mole and they also call themselves as a part of the 'horde'.

Moley, later on, told me, that the Chief can make names and it also gives a certain skill and something called stat. The things they receive would be based on their attitude, habit, or the name itself.

Moley also told him that, he has the best name so far. Since their Chief's naming sense could not be compared to a human. So Moley is actually proud of his name. As for the names of other moles, let's keep that later when we actually meet them someday.

After talking and promising to meet again with my new friend Moley, I went straight towards the location of the Chief. His favorite spot is the tallest tree few walks away from the bank. Like always, the Chief tried to walk with only two legs, but he always failed since disregarding the design of his feet, his hind legs were way too small to support his big body.


As I walk closer, he noticed me and stopped his unbefitting and unsuccessful practice of futility. Maybe, just like me, the Chief's persistence might award him a title.

'but can we have more than one title?' is what I thought.

"Hey Chief, got some new tasty information today as well".

'Sigh', today as well, for some reasons that I really can't explain my mind tells me that standing on two feet rather than four is more efficient. BUT I just can't. These feet of mine that excel from my brethren in terms of strength and beauty which makes me proud, failed me.

My dampened mood vanished when I saw an incoming fellow 'Hog'. The guy who fainted yesterday, came to me with a smile saying...

"Hey Chief, got some new tasty information today as well".

I lowered my bottom and sat on the ground. The fellow enthusiastically told me about the things that happened to him earlier today. He said that when you do something with effort and dedication, you will receive something in return. It seems that a skill will be provided every time a certain action is performed. He also told me that, the tasty worms can be found even away from the river as long as it's near a tree at night and below a tree during the daytime. We also talked about permanently settling here near the river since we can have access to water and food. He also said that it is safer that way since we can avoid other hostile beings and as well as discover more about our current situation. The best part of this afternoon talk is this thing called NAME.


The word "BRAVE" cannot be used.


The word "WISE" cannot be used.


The word "HELPFULL" cannot be used.

I got a broken skill. When the kid told me that having a name will help you become stronger, and you will receive skills and something called 'stat'. I did not wait for tomorrow and eagerly used it towards him. But for some reasons, it won't let me.



Req: Think for a name befitting the target.

An exclusive skill for Race Chieftains. An act and ritual of providing responsibility towards the target of the same race.

AF: provides a SKILL and STAT

That is what the skill said, I got it when the kid told me about names and their function. It seems that awareness can give you skills too. Skills are useful and having them can make our lives easier. So naming my brothers and sisters is a great boon for our survival.

But I just can't successfully name one. There seems to be wrong in what I'm doing. I tried naming the kid words that befit him but it won't let me do it.

So instead, I ask the kid.

"What name do you want?"

As I looked at him, he seems to be thinking of something.

"Hey, Chief can't think of one. You name me," he said while shifting the responsibility.

It seems naming someone really is a hard task. The thought of naming my whole brethren with names started to scare me.


The word "CURIOSITY" cannot be used.

HINT: Use Nouns. Avoid adjectives, most adjectives are reserved words.

'WHAT THE!' those words were stuck inside me. The thing called Noun is the key to the success of giving names.

Since that's the case.

Action Successful


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