《Heaven's Grip : Orcs of Iaoue》Cleansing 1 : The Hogs


grumble* grumble*

Two days after the event, we managed to assemble our 'horde' as what our Chief tried to call it. We slowly adapted to our new lives since that's the only thing we could do.

As for our previous 'small village'? Of course, it was deserted, the reason for that is simple, we lack food. The farmer whose responsible for feeding us ran away after he realized something weird, where he heard noises-cum-conversation from us hogs. It creeped the old man out that it made him run for his life.

We rummaged the farm to find something to eat, we found out that the 'thing' it always feed us is missing, for some reason we can't find it no matter where we look. All we can see in this dim storage room are a bunch of sacks with dried chicken poop like things inside it. We are currently searching for the mushy, gooey, slimy food that the old man always feed us. We failed.

So we ate his field of vegetables instead, the taste may be bland but it still filled our stomachs. All of the farmer's field of bland vegetables were devoured by us within a day.

grum blee Eee*

A melody of hungry stomachs can be heard as our 'horde' keep moving away. Our Chief told us that he heard a voice saying 'MOVE, EXPLORE, SEE THE WORLD and MULTIPLY' the last word was weird but for us, it seems to be what we do base on our instincts alone the word is kinda redundant if you really think about it.

"USE THY NOSES, SMELL FOOD HOG-GUREEK", the Chief went and used this thing called SKILL.

You have received INSPIRE - I

Physical Fatigue decreased by 50%

Stamina Regeneration increased by 100%

AF: You will slightly feel motivated

The melody of stomach noises increased and became louder, this is the indication that the skill was effective, not only did the march fatigue erased but the drive of eating something increased as we march faster and smelled for food.



Someone shouted after seeing a field of bland vegetable plant like those grown in the 'small village' of ours, it was pale green in a shape of a star above a big cabbage-like sphere and it has plenty of roots which were its flavor came deeper.

"Hog-NSPECT" I murmured and something popped into my head. A message screen with words on it, of course, I can read it since I got this thing called HOGARIN - I a passive skill of our 'horde'.


STARBBAGE(Common) - a distant relative of the Mandrakes.

+15 sate (FOOD)

AF: Slightly Increases Libido.

It seems this Libido increases our inclination towards those kinds of activities, it seems that old man that grows these have some sort of a need for these things since he actually filled his field with nothing but this plant.

"STOP, FEEEEEEEEEEED" the Chief shouted as we approached the field of wild starbbage. And devoured them in a very fast rate. It seems that this is still insufficient, so this marching will have to go further and further with the goal of filling our grumbling stomachs.

Of course our lack of experience and naivety made it hard since if we were a little bit smarter, then we could have sent a small group for scouting and rationed the food left on the farm, but most of all we should have realised that the things inside those sacks, the chicken poop-like things are supposed to be mixed with water and be eaten, but that realization will come a little bit too late since we already left that 'small village' of ours.

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