《From Beast to Man and Back Again》Ch.24 Watching


There are six more days until testing is over and I just realized that I have nothing to do. Sure I can practice my magic and weaponcraft, but I do that everyday. It isn't good as a time filler. I could visit the orphanage or shop, but I don't need to buy anything and visiting the orphanage will fill one day at best. I can't even go on any jobs at the guild because students need to get permission to take jobs, and until I get my student ID I can't be given permission!

"Chaise, you could just watch the tests."

"! That's a good idea Clover. I'll tell the others."

I get off the couch and go to the lounge where everyone else is. I was lazing around, and chatting nonverbally with the wolves, in Clover's room while he reads. I'm sure the reason he gave me the suggestion was because he wanted to read without seeing me twitching in his peripheral vision. Shiva doesn't come with me, she's reading too.

"""""Hey Chaise~"""""

My friends are scattered on the couches in the lounge. They've draped themselves across them in funny poses. It's good to see that I'm not the only one who is bored.

"Hey. Clover chased me out of his room with an suggestion. We can watch as people are tested. It will give us something to do and we'll know more about the other students. What do you think."

"We literally have nothing else to do, so it's the best idea ever."

"At least by default."

"I'm in!"

"Let's go. We could even watch the testing for the geniuses!"

"I was planning on watching the normal students. There will be less going on for the genius testing... Hey Asura, can I bribe you with a share of my dinner to go watch the genius line and, whenever someone actually takes the test, come and get us? You'll get to watch as arrogant people are told to go to the competent line. Do we have a deal?"


Asura sits on his haunches and shakes my hand with his paw. After giving a firm nod he runs out the door to the genius testing. I don't understand why he likes to make human gestures. His body isn't suited for them so it's pretty hard for him to do them. Oh well.


Watching the testing is more interesting than anything else we have to do, but it's pretty repetitive. The testing is done in stages. First you have to pass the C class test, if you pass that you can take the B class test. The A class test is given in the other line so if you pass the B class then you'll be sent to take the genius test.

The funniest part of this is watching the expressions everyone is making. Smiles of triumph or congratulations. Frowns of concentration. The sympathy for those who fail and the shock of nobles not up to par. The smiles are the best, but it can be funny to see the rage of those who fail. I feel sorry when it makes them just sad, but rage comes from arrogance.

Sometimes the people who have passed come and chat with us before they are taken to the dorms. Oftentimes they are out of breath from the thrill of passing. Girls especially are flushed from it. Sometimes we're ask what rank we got. My friends say their ranks, two B's and three C's, but I just wink, hold a finger to my mouth, and playfully say Se~cr~et~.

It always makes them more curious, but no matter what I refuse to tell them. They'll find out eventually, but I'd prefer to get to know them better before they do. I know how people are. If I told them immediately they would start acting differently. This way I'll know what they're like normally.



Over the week, we see a lot of interesting people. I got to see people from the most common races. No merfolk came, but there was a fairy. She was following someone who became a student. My friends couldn't see her though. I enjoyed seeing creative ways to use magic. One creative use was making themselves get seem weaker.

Two people, who seem like they came together, used light and shadow attributes to change the color of light the judgement stone showed. They changed it to mid green, when they both should have gotten full yellow. As a result they were put in B class. Other people pulled tricks too, if they made their rank look higher they would be punished, but otherwise all the tricksters were allowed to pass.

Most applicants used attributed magic for the tests. Enchanters were the next most common, taming magic is after that, then mind, elemental, and summoning last. There were no slave magic users, it's considered 'distasteful'.

We watched from a distance as people took the genius test too. Someone who passed as an S class seems vaguely familiar to me, something about the red hair? I feel like I don't really want to know who it is though.

Five people passed as SS class. Three of them are humans and two of them are elves. All of the are royalty. It seems to pass as an SS class you have to either use an advanced level spell that's modified to be stronger or an original spell on the same level, plus a mana requirement of at least 3/4 full yellow light from the judgment stone.

Two humans and an elf got about the same as Clover, the other two got full yellow light. It seems that I have the most mana in the SS class. There was someone who achieved B class and has full orange light, but he couldn't figure out how to use mid level spells so he couldn't pass as A class. I don't have the most mana in the school, I do have the second most though.

The elves are twins, a boy and a girl. They both have silver hair and dark blue eyes. Two of the humans are also siblings, but they don't look like each other. It's even hard to tell they're related by the way they act, they completely ignored each other. The only reason I know they're siblings is because they have the same last name, all the royals loudly announced their name and kingdom.

The boy has light blonde hair and blue eyes while the girl has dark blue hair and black eyes. The last human is a guy who has brown hair and grey eyes. In order their names were Ferris and Sevi Garden-glade, Adalric and Melody Frostburn, and Jacob Valtenious. They all have more names, but I only remembered the first and last names of all of them.

The elves both used nature attribute spells. Ferris' was the one who reached an orange light.The Adalric used light and fire attribute. He got a yellow light, the other two humans had orange. Melody used an interesting combination of fire and water magic, a steam dragon. Jacob used summoning magic. He summoned a, slightly ephemeral, white tiger as tall as he is and a small black cat with two tails. The teachers seemed impressed.

I wonder who is the strongest out of all the SS class. I'm confident, but so are they.

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