《The Fourth Faction》Chapter 07 - Ressources and new breeds


AN: Enjoy


At the start of the tenth year, the Grand lord had started a special building: a workshop. The workshop would be used to craft basic and intermediate tools. With those, he would slowly expand the building and the range of objects created in. From there he would be able to later grow it into an industrial complex. Along side he would develop a research laboratory. He had selected 2 wide caves in his territory to make them. The Grand lord knew he was lucky to have landed where he was. This volcanic area, even though potentially dangerous, was very rich in minerals, metals and other organic ressources.

He would make the first workshop near the dreaded magma river to use its materials and heat. Then he would make the second and third ones in the designated caves. Part of their construction materials would come from the first workshop. He had to develop heat resistant drones to make it. He also ordered Alpha to teach childrens starting from 8 years old more about science and technology. Some of the non-psionists would become workers in there. Until then, she would be the one working there with some drones.

Afterward he started to develop his first humanoid zerg, a zerg made to work in the workshops, and in the future, work in the industrial complex and laboratory. They would have 4 arms, 2 superior strong arms, and 2 nimble inferior arms. Those arms would have 2 joints instead of a single (so 2 elbows). They would have 2 opposable fingers on both sides of the hand, like a human having a second thumb instead of the little finger. The tip of the fingers wouldn't be round but pointy, without being sharp.

On each hand, there was a finger with a special enlarged tip, simply called sensor tip. It was slightly similar to a tongue, with both sense of touch and taste, but it went further. The pores of the skin could perceive smell as well. Just before the wrist, there was a small mass of neurons, directly linked to the enlarged tip with a specialised nerve. It was to treat part of the informations from the sensor tip to lighten the load on the brain. With it, the selection of good quality materials at the beginning of the working chain would be more likely, and the differents basic items made would be of higher quality, as more imperfections would be noticed and dealt with.


A little more than 11 years after his rebirth, the 3 workshops were done, with Alpha helping out with their management as she was a former engineer. The first workshop near the magma river was turning into both a generator and refinery, using the heat to generate electricity, and refining ores and minerals. The other 2 workshops were still in their early stage, barely equal to an auto repair shop or a small analysis laboratory. It was worse than those available on frontier planets. But it was a nice beginning.

The new zerg he developped to work there were called techys. The Grand lord managed to give them a sketchy mind, geared toward fast and carefull crafting. He also gave them the knowledge of english, this way they could understand Alpha's instructions. They were quite intelligent, but only concerning their field. And they were still lacking in personality. They were good workers, but nothing more. And they didn't need more, at least for the time being.


Among the Gipis, the Grand lord selectionned 2 other children who would take over Alpha's work as a guardian and teacher for the kids. She was 34, and he wanted to assimilate her before her body started to deteriorate. She only had 6 years left until then. The 2 psionist girls were now 9 and 10 years old. They would soon reach puberty, and be put in artificial coma for farming. Alpha was already teaching those 2 in more depth about everything she knew before her end. Even though the Grand lord had total control over them, he was still wary of any incident occuring. He wouldn't relax until they went trough the same brainwashing as Alpha.

A few children got killed while he was experimenting with their minds. Some other broke down. They were kept alive because they were still children of Alpha, their seed could still give birth to a psionist. The Grand lord remembred reading somewhere that genetics had a part in the development of personnality, and believed that a certain brain structure would lead to some traits being dominant. He wanted absolute loyalty toward him to be a natural trait of his species. Then he would be at ease giving them individuality.

Since he was going to make 2 queens and plenty of administrators to help manage the race, all with intelligence and individuality, he wanted to erase the risk of them turning against him (or against each other). He also wanted to make bodyguards for them and himself, something akin to both a knight and a ninja, lurking near in the shadows, watching their backs. The most important part is that he wanted all of them to have psionist ability, of course the Grand lord wanted such a powerfull force to be tightly controlled.


That was why experiments with the mind were necessary, and he would later go deeper alongside experiments with the brain. He believed that a certain trait would be dominant with a certain neural patern in some part of the brain, and that that certain patern could be genetically reproduced. He though that his constant meddling with the brain and the mind in a growing child would generate the right patern on the related parts of the brain. He would then remember the patern for the differents traits and try to reproduce it in experiments.


4 years have passed, it was now the year 2447. The 2 psionist girls were in artificial coma since a years ago. The Grand lord was almost done with their brainwashing, and would release them after another 4 years. He took more time with them and would keep them unconscious longer because he feared that puberty would have an effect on the brainwashing. Also, since they reached puberty, their eggs have been used as well for breeding. A male psionist appeared, 7 years old. After 5 years, he too would be put in artificial coma and his seed would be used for breeding.

The Grand lord's territory grew a lot during those 4 years, it was twice larger. He even found a large source of vespene gas. This gaz was a valuable ressource in the game, and it was just that important in reality. It was a highly energetic ressource, especially usefull for advanced technological product, or to increase the metabolism of the zergs, especially the big ones. Though there was a lot of gas, the famous crystals from the game were lacking. They were necessary to developp strong scales, carapaces, scythes and teeth. And terrans used them to make armors and hull for spacecrafts.

The Grand lord was always on the tight rope with the management of crystals. There were some scattered in the area, but no big deposits. And a large part of it was used in the experiments. He had sent several groups made of zerco drones, flycons, micons and techys to search for crystals veins. They were exploring beyond the frontier of his territory, in uncharted lands. With the discovery of the vespene gas, the Grand lord started to research bigger zergs, and quickly developped 2 of them thanks to his prior experiments.

The first one was a ground unit based on the centaur, but with a hybrid scorpion-horse body instead, the front and rear legs made for running speed, the side ones for stability and manoeuvrability. It had 2 pair of arms, 1 pair with scythes, like a hydralisk, the other pair with big hammer heads. The tail was very flexible, with poisonous pincers at the tip, the exosueleton was as tough as possible, and resistant to high temperatures and corrosion. This unit, named berkan, was made to pierce the enemy frontlines, as tall as a hydralisk, but stronger, faster and tougher.

The second one was an aerial unit to replace the devourers. They looked like the dragons from skyrim, with tough scales. The Grand lord though that the devourers weren't agile enough, that was why he selected that form. Just like the devourers, they could shoot acide with their tails, and they could also breath fire from their mouth like dragons. Fire against infantry units, acide against armored units. It could use its hind legs, spiked tail, or its mouth full of sharp teeth for close range attacks. The unit was simply named skyrim.

As he made those 2 new units, he also made the buildings that would produce them. For the berkan, a berkan den with similarities to a hydralisk's den, and for the skyrim, a lair which looks like a mix between a greater spire and a queen's nest.With those 2 units slowly increasing in numbers, his fighting force would greatly increase, and he would expand his terriotry with more vigor. His one of his primary goal was to be the dominant species in this planet's underground, and he believed he was on the right track.


AN: As I said in the first chapter, there will be slower releases from now on (It'll most likely between 3 and 5 chapters per month). You can still expect another chapter this week.

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