《The Fourth Faction》Chapter 05 - Alpha


AN: warning...


10 months have passed since The grand lord captured the 2 humans. When the man didn't have his balls squeezed dry, many chemicals would be tested on him, to see their effects on his muscles, organs, and nervous system. As a result, his body was slowly but surely deteriorting. The grand lord estimated that he would be dead after another 13-17 months, and he intended to use this time to try to create a mind from scratch.

The man was restrained, and no longer kept in coma. Every days, the grand lord would try to build a mind from scratch, trying to impart specific knowledge and notions to the guinea pig. The progress would be slow. But he also gained a lot of experience with triffling with a human brain. He intended to try to read the woman's mind in the near future. Her childrens, the 9 babies, were growing in the incubators. The first and second ones had passed the birth stage and were growing peacefully.

The others were still developping. Since the incubtors had a transprent lid, the grand lord could see them growing, and he was quite impressed by the view. But he was disappointed because it would still tke several years to see if they inherited their mother's psionic ability. Because of that he was working on a mean to make them grow faster without manipulating the DNA. He had isolated growth hormones and was developping more potent ones.


'Hmm, my experiments to build a mind from scratch are going well so far... This mean I could try to brainwash her. It would be better if she shared the informations willingly, and even better if I could observe her while she use her psionic abilities. I will need her to believe that I am her master, and that she is willing to do anything for me. I will need her to be absolutely obedient. I'll have to be very carefull, I believe that people with psionic abilities would have a stronger will than others, especially those like her willing to travel in unknown parts of the galaxy with a single ship.'

And he did just like he planed after another 2 months of preparations. He made an organic adaptator, that warped itself at the back of her neck and carefully sunk a tentacle in her cranium. Like it did for the man, it split and connected to keyspoints of the brain. But unlike with him, the connexions were much safer. The adaptator was for the sake of being able to communicate with her even if she was moving round.


He gently whispered inside the woman's mind that he was her absolute ruler, that she liked to serve him and obey him, that she would happily do anything for him. He whispered this to her mind many times per day for 2 whole hours. He wanted her to believe that following his will was her greatest goal and joy in life. He wanted her to believe that regardless of what she was taugh, regardless of morale, only his will mattered. It lasted for several weeks.

Then he decided to slowly reduce the dosage of the chemical keeping her in the coma. Each day, there would imperceptibly less than the previous, but the result would show after a dozen of days. Slowly, her mind became more active. The first time she became aware his presence in her unconsciousness, she resisted instinctively, but only for an instant due to the surprise and quickly calmed down. Even unconscious, her mind had become accustomed to his alien presence, and accepted it. Each day the suggestions sunk deeper and deeper in her soul, to the point she absolutely believed in it.

After 2 more months, she had fallen. She was completely his, and after a bit more than 14 months he released her from unconsciousness, and from the organic capsule. She exited it in her birthday suit, as beautifull and gorgious as ever. She had lost her tan a bit, but it gave her a different kind of charm. Seeing him, she put a knee on the ground and bowed deeply.

“Greetings master! Your servant is greatly honored to see you. Your will is my command and my law.”

'Rise. From now on, your name will be Alpha. Serve me well!'

“Thank you for granting me a new name master. I will serve you to the best of my abilities!!”


Alpha lived in the genesis core. A room was made for her, with something like a bed, a toilet, which was a kind of chair. When she sat on it a tentacle would go in her ass to clean it while another would go to her pee-hole, just like in her organic capsule. When hungry, there was some kind of straw on the wall in a corner of the room. She would drink water and nutriments directly from it. The shower was almost normal, when she pressed a sensor, water mixed with some kind of soap would fall from above for a bit, then clear water would fall for a little longer.


She had to help take care of the babies, help cleaning them. They needed some stimulations so their intellect developped well enough. The grand lord believed that wihtout that he might fail to notice any psionic potential within a subject early enough. They were called Gipi with a number by order of conception, from 1 to 14.The older one was Gipi 1. As for gipi, it was short for Guinea Pig. Even though they were technically her childrens, she had no attachment to them. For her, they were just precious tools for her master.

When she wasn't taking care of them or sleeping, she was sharing her knowledge with her master, and helping him in his analyses. She would go back to her capsule, with all sorts of tentacles wirgling in her and around her. She would do psionic exercises in differents conditions, as much as what was doable within the genesis core. She also helped getting a maximum of datas from the back up computer of the spaceship. Those informations were put in another special brain, whose sole role was to hold informations in its memory.

Alpha received soldier and engineering teaching, and all that knowledge was transfered into 2 other brains. The first for anything in relation with fighting, weapons and tactics. The second for anything related to science, computing and engineering. With the help of the drones, she did some maintenance on as many parts of the ship as possible. The Grand lord wanted as many systems as possible still functional. He intended to fuse it with a gigantic zerg later to make his first spaceship zerg later in time.

After 6 years, it was now the year 2438. The male human has died long ago and been assimilated. His sperm had been preserved some time before his death so it could be used even after he was gone. Alpha had to spend most of the time dealing with the 67 children and finding those with psionist ability. Their number would be kept at a maximum of 100, more would be too much trouble. She had to play with them and keep them from hurting each other. She taugh them how to speak, count, and obey the Grand lord, but nothing else.

The psionic power usually awakened between the third and the tenth birthday according to Alpha's knowledge. She had awakened on her fourth year. Among the 67 children, 2 were confirmed to have psionic ability, 2 girls. They would be kept alive until they reached puberty, then they would be put in artificial coma just like Alpha and used to breed more babies. The Grand lord hoped to get a boy with psionist ability, so he could use him along with the other 2 psionist girls to breed more psionist babies. Then he would be able to pinpoint the parts of the DNA likely to give psionist ability.

With the increasing number of children, the Grand lord developped some lodging for them using his fort as a base. The new building could shelter 100 people. Of course there were no individual rooms or restrooms, and no distinctions between boys and girls. They were still guinea pigs. The older ones would leave the genesis core and settle in this new building the Grand lord called the barn.

'… My sensitivity really decreased compared to when I was human. Here I am, breeding children to enhance my power and the strenght of my future branch breed of zerg. I'm keeping those children obedient, ignorant, and happy about their fate. The psionists will be used to breed more psionists, then killed by assimilations. The others would be used for others experiments or manual labor, then disposed of when they will no longer be usefull, just like I get rid of some of my kin members... I guess I'll find some other uses for the survivors of the experiments later, I can't allow myself to become completely pragmatic and heartless...'


AN: Well, I already gave a warning in the synopsis

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