《The Fourth Faction》Chapter 01 - A new beginning


AN: … 1, 2, 3, 4, and now a fifth fiction... Expect slow releases after the first few chapters, I have to focus more on my first 3 stories, especially the first...

You should recognise my source of inspiration after reading 2/3 of the chapter :D.


A lone scouting and exploration spaceship of human origin was traveling in the galaxy. The crew was composed of 2 teams, when one was in cold hibernation, the other was active. The spaceship came across a planet in the middle of a war. A war wich oppose 2 aliens species. The active team observed the situation from afar.

Both sides were evenly matched, but already greatly weakened and about to destroy each other. It looked like the final battle, and it ended in mutual annihilation. The planet was ruined, most of its surface had become completely unhinabitable. The crew of the human spaceship decided to land at a certain location, where some remains of the alien species and their technology could be retrieved. They had to be quick because the cnditions on the ground were worsening very fast.

After hastily recovering whatever they could, as they were leaving, reinforcement from both sides appeared from the subspace near the orbit of the planet, and immediately started fighting each other. The lone human ship was caugh in the middle of the battle, and as it was about to desperatly jump away from the system, it was hit by a powerfull energy beam fired by one side toward the other. It created a critical overload of the sub-space engine.

While the front half of the ship was destroyed, the other was randomly launched in the subspace. It caused the content of the ship to be bathed in particles from the energy beam, coupled with subspatial radiations. The mutilated spaceship exited the subspace in a deserted area, and crashed on a frozen world, a planet completely covered in snow and ice.

Even though it was only half of the spaceship remaining, some of its systems were still functional thanks to fail-safe. It tried to stop its high speed dive, to slow down and reduce the angle of descent using the remaining thrusters (AN: to think I had written proppeler before... What a terrible vocabulary mistake, a proppeler on a spaceship in a sci-fi fanfiction...). With the front half of the ship gone, the remaining half couldn't see where it was going. That led it on the side of a mountain.

By sheer luck it broke through a thin layer of ice and rock and slid into the steep and deep tunnel hidden behind. It came to a stop 500m inside the tunnel. The entrance had collapsed shortly after. Because the tunnel was barely large enough for the ship, and its walls were uneven, the ship broke appart even more, and some of the things it was carrying got ejected, including a certain container.

The container continued to tumble down the tunnel for another 200m before coming to a stop at a wide, even place. It was broken and released it content, 7 pale purple and ovale shaped objects that rolled on the ground for a bit. They were eggs. Thanks to the layers of protection build in the container, most of them were still in a good state. The thin paterns on their surface were pulsating, indicating the things inside were still alive... And they were reaching maturity.



His consciousness was hazy, and he couldn't keep it for long. He couldn't feel anything either. It lasted for a little while...

He started to feel things again, though he couldn't see, hear, smell or even breath. He knew he was in a tight, damp and warm place. It was odd since the last place he remembered being in was a cold metallic coffin full of mud and water.

He tried to move around, but was shocked by his condition. He couldn't feel his arms and legs, instead he felt dozen of weirds small limbs when he tried to move them. His neck felt nonexistent, he couldn't blink. His whole body felt weird. It wasn't his original body, he realised that.

He started to panic, he wanted to get out of this prison he was in to see what had happened to him. But he was too weak. He then realised he wasn't alone. He could feel a domineering presence very close to him, as if just above him. That terrified him. But he also noticed that presence was focused on something else. He could feel something similar to resignation from it. Then a little later, it disappeared. He could feel some tremors as well, but even those ended after some time.

It had become very calm. He was wondering what had happened, but he could guess there had been some kind of big incident, and that the domineering being had died. All that was left were some weak presences, barely perceptible, and even those were slowly disappearing. He started to get anxious again, he wanted to leave that accursed prison, he tried again and again, but couldn't do anything.

He was despairing when he felt new presences, but not like the ones he felt before. The moment he though that, he realised the presences he felt before got some kind of fmiliar feeling to them. There was a sense of kinship. The new presences were differents, like there was something missing. The feeling was more akin to be aware of someone in the same room as you, but outside of your field of view. They got close to him, and he felt his prison being carried. They were taking him somewhere, along with a few of what he considered to be his companion of misfortunes, the weak ones from whom he felt some kinship.

He could tell they were put together in some place, some kind of vehicle as he felt the familiar sensation of leaving the ground, like in an airplane. Not long after, he felt another domineering presence. It suddenly appeared, and it felt incredibly distant. But it was getting close really fast. Then he started to feel other kin-like presences getting closer, a lot of them. He could tell now, that they were hostile to something. Then he started to feel the vehicle they were in doing some maneuvres, probably evasive ones.

They were in the middle of a battle. He cringed at that realisation. Something weird had happened to his body, and people were at war around him. He was half panicking and desparing at his situation. Suddenly he was hit by a weird and powerfull shockwave, he felt like his body was burning, and at the same time his whole body was kind of schoked, like an electric current passing through him, but different. It nearly made him faint.


He remained conscious enough to feel the violent tremors of the vehicule he was in. He knew it received a critical hit. The tremors never stopped. The burning sensations weakened rapidly after the initial surge, as for the shoking feeling, it turned into a wak tingling sensation. He felt his body had grown a bit and become stronger. He also could still feel the presence of his 6 companions of misfortune. Their weird trip continued that way


He had the time to think. He had to accept the idea that his body was no longer human. He had though of the last things he remembered before losing consciousness and awakening in this weird body. He couldn't remember everything, not even his own name, but he remembered his end. He was driving during a stormy afternoon. He was with his friend. There was a landslide, his car was caugh in and pushed out of the road, bareling in the middle of a river of mud, rock and tree branches.

The car was rapidly being filled with mud and rock, and it got worse when it landed in what should have been a small stream, but which was now overflowing with raging waters. Water and mud filled his car, and his lungs and the lungs of his friend. His car was turned upside down, slowly scratching the bottom of the stream, being crushed by the weight of the mud and rock pilling above, and forbiding any kind of escape for them. They were buried alive, suffocated by water, mud and rocks. They had died. He had died.

And now he was alive. There was only one explanation to what had happened: he was reincarnated into another life form, and he was a larvae in an egg. He realised that his race was a race with some kind of telepathy ability since he could feel the minds of his kin, and other minds. His race was at war with another, and he was, along with 6 other eggs, in a mean of transportation that was heavily damaged and heading toward an unknown location. As for the mean of transportation used, it was probably a spaceship, due to the lack of gravity.

After what felt like 1or 2 days of travel in those uncomfortable conditions, there was another big tremor and things got eerily calm. Later, he could feel some slight vibrations. Their intensity rose to a scary level until it calmed down a little. He started to feel the pull of gravity again, they had entered the atmosphere of a planet. But it was clear the spaceship was barely contollable. After a few minutes, there was a strong impact followed by powerfull tremors again. They had crash landed.

Then he felt the container he and his 6 kins were in being thrown away. It tumbled over a long distance before stopping. He felt his egg roll away before stopping. Unexpectedly, he didn't become dizzy. However, he noticed that the minds of 2 of his kin had disappeared, they died during the crash. Another was severly weakened. The last 3 were alright. He got really scared for a minute. The idea that his friend who died with him may have been reincarnated in one of them crossed his mind. But he could do nothing to confirm it. Though they had survived the crash, their future was still uncertain.

Shortly after, he felt it, he had grown enough. He could tell that the egg was changing, getting ready to release him. He struggled for a bit and the egg burst appart. Finally, he was released from the constraint of the shell. For the first time he could see around, breath and smell. After a few seconds of excitement, he got disappointed. His vision was a bit blurry, but he could tell he was in a cave, with crystals on the walls that provided a bit of light. There was plenty of smells in the air but he could barely tell what was what. And it was very cold.

Looking around he could see the other eggs scattered around. He tried to move toward them but his body was too slow. He had a look at himself, as best as he could. He really was a larvae, with a dozen of small insectoid legs. He was disgusted by what he had become. Then his gaze fell on the remains of his eggshell. He saw some kind of squirming purple moss on it, and it was already starting to take root on the ground.

For some reason, looking at it made him feel hungry. He wanted it to grow more.Then it hit him. Purple moss with incredible growth speed. Larvae in an egg. Domineering presence. Telepatic ability. Those things reminded him of a specific race. An alien race from a video game.

'… Holy shit... I was reincarnated into a zerg... I'M A FUCKING ZERG!!!'


AN: Yep, protagonist got reincarnated in the Starcraft verse :D. Though it is an alternate Starcraft verse, there will be small modifications concerning the races, the timeline and some events. Hope you enjoy!!

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