
Gabriel needed to head back to the merchant district which housed the auction house.

He decided to just walk there and scout out the city a bit. On his way he noticed the streets were crowded with players. Some running around in a rush talking to NPC’s and asking for quests or going in and out of the shops. More casual players were just sitting in the restaurants and enjoying the amazing scenery.

Gabriel walked past an open blacksmith workshop and noticed a bunch of players trying to craft things. Most had a look of concentration on their face. While a select few were yelling in frustration at a bent looking sword.

“You crappy piece of metal! Why don’t you just be a sword already! Fuck!” One human male said while smashing a hammer on a sword.

Gabriel chuckled as he heard the ones yelling. It will take a little while before people get a hang of the crafting system. By then the real experts will come out of the woodwork. A lot of experienced crafters in the real world will join D.O after hearing about the realistic crafting system.

Reaching the merchant district next to the noble quarter. Gabriel saw a bunch of town criers, announcing the Auction that was in a couple of hours. People who were in Roma would have received a system notification telling them about the auction as well.

Gabriel arrived near the end of the merchant district and just around the corner was the start of the noble quarter. Just before that though, two massive buildings stood next to each other separate from any other stores. One of the buildings was a large three-story building looking similar to a theatre. The other was more like a bazaar. With a big linen cover and open sides. This area was only for players. It had functions such as in-game trading, money exchange and bounty and request boards.

The auction house was for players and NPC’s. They could both bid on items there. A lot of players sold their stuff here, due to the wealthy merchant and nobles that attend the auction house. They generally have a lot more money than players at this point.

Gabriel entered the auction house that was already starting to fill up with people. He went up to the service area and approached a cute woman, with bangs covering her forehead. She started her usual sales pitch with a disinterested look.

“Hello their dear guest. Are you looking to put your items up for auction or wanting to participate?” The receptionist said without looking up.

“I will be doing both please” Gabriel declared with a smile.

“No worries just send me your list of items and we will have them verified. Please understand that there is a certain standard of items we allow to be auctioned off and (Common) or some (Uncommon) items will not be auctioned here. I recommend you sell them at the local stores located down the street”. The receptionist explained in a voice that sounded like she was tired of saying the same thing.

As it was the first auction in Roma, a lot of players tried to off-load a bunch of their unwanted items hoping to score big. At this point in game though, a lot of players barely had (Uncommon) equipment let alone (Rare). The ones that do would not be trying to sell them yet as they still needed them.

It wasn’t a surprise the receptionist looked uninterested in what Gabriel could offer her. With his Reputation in Imperium being low he wasn’t known by the NPC’s yet either.


Gabriel didn’t take it to heart and pulled up all the items he was planning to sell and showed her the list.

[You are trading:

⦁5x Steel Breastplate (Uncommon) (Runed)

⦁5x Steel Greaves (Uncommon) (Runed)

⦁5x Norman Nasal helmet (Uncommon) (Runed)

⦁5x Steel Heater Shields (Uncommon) (Runed)

⦁5x Steel Long Sword (Uncommon) (Runed)

⦁5x Steel Daggers (Uncommon) (Runed)

⦁5x Steel Bearded one-handed Axes (Uncommon) (Runed)

⦁5x Steel Short Spear (Uncommon) (Runed)

⦁1x High-Steel long sword (Rare) (Runed)

⦁2x High-Steel Kite shield (Rare) (Runed)

[Goblin Summoner staff - (Rare) - Req. LVL 15 – Summoner based class] [Skill book – [Summon Goblin] (Rare) – Req. LVL 15 –Summoner based class] Ring of Rapid Chanting (Rare) (requirements LVL 10 – mana-based class) Twin Daggers of Fast Talking (Rare) (Requirements LVL 5)

The receptionist was stunned looking at his list. Looking back and forth between Gabriel and the list. Gabriel with a gloating look said.

“Are these items acceptable?”

“Acceptable....No way... I mean yes sir! I don’t have the authority to check all these items can you wait a moment while I get my manager” The receptionist said with a stutter.

After stuttering out that sentence she didn’t even wait for Gabriel to answer before scurrying off like a little rabbit, her bangs flopping about.

Shortly after an overweight manager with a sweat covered forehead came jogging over. He gave Gabriel a graceful bow.

“Hello noble sir. My name is [Fillis] I am the manager here. Would you mind if I inspect your items?” The manager asked.

“Go ahead” Gabriel replied.

After looking at all the items and checking their stats the manager took a look at Gabriel again. The manager's already greasy smile became even more gross, as a greedy look passed his eye.

“I would be happy to put all these items up for auction. The auction house will take a 10% fee of course” The manager declared like he was doing Gabriel the favour.

Gabriel kept his face stone cold neutral and didn’t reply while his blue eyes started to glow purple menacingly. Making the sweaty manager's forehead look like a waterfall.

“Except for such an esteemed guest. We will only take 5% and offer you one of our VIP rooms to watch the auction." The Manager said after realising Gabriel didn't like the price at all.

Gabriel nodded and said in a commanding tone.

“I accept! I want the armour to be sold in sets, with one of each weapon for every set. The [Rare] [Runed] long swords and shield will be sold separately like the other items. Understood?”

The manager then showed a real smile of appreciation this time.

“Excellent dear guest, that will help make the prices better for the (Uncommon) equipment. It shall be done. The Auction is not for another two hours, would you like to enter the VIP room now and enjoy some refreshments?” The manager asked.

Gabriel accepted as he had nothing else to do at the moment. He followed the same receptionist who served him up to the top floor that had two large VIP rows on either side. She took Gabriel to the one on the right, while she snuck looks at him back and forth. Gabriel still had on an emotionless face, even though inside he was super excited. He had always attended auctions in the pleb area down below with the masses and never had enough clout to sit up in the VIP area.

Following the young lady through the door, Gabriel entered a large opulent road. With a gilded red couch, with the softest looking pillows he had ever seen. To the side was a refreshment area. With cakes, pastries and alcohol of all sorts. Gabriel took at the couch.


The receptionist stood next to the door. Gabriel looked at her with a raised eye-brow. As he didn’t know what she was standing around for or what she wanted. The receptionist under Gabriel's inquisitive eyes started to blush demurely before saying in a small voice.

“I have been told to stay in the room and serve you with whatever you.... desire. As the manager saw you didn’t come with any retainers of your own. My name is Suzanna but everyone calls me Suzie” [Suzie] introduced herself.

“Understandable. Your company is most welcome then, feel free to grab two glasses of whatever that isn't too strong and join me on the couch” Gabriel said while taking a seat.

Gabriel’s answer made the young lady blush an ever-darker shade of red as she misinterpreted his request. Gabriel had never been to the VIP area before and just thought it was part of the service to have someone serve you food & answer your questions.

Gabriel also asked her to sit down because he didn’t like people standing behind him, he just couldn’t relax. Bringing over a glass of light red wine each. Suzie passed one to Gabriel before taking a seat on the couch.

Taking a sip of the wine Gabriel seemed to smack his lips in enjoyment of the taste. In Deliverance Online, all foods and drinks tasted real. At the moment it wasn’t a big component to D.O but he knew that when the first patch dropped, cooking will become an important skill for everyone and mastering the craft will make you tons of money.

[Suzie] sat at the edge of her seat and didn’t know what to do. In her experience the nobles in the VIP rooms would direct the private servers on what they wanted them to do. Gabriel would be her first VIP guest that she served after just starting work a month ago.

Gabriel noticed the little lady squirming and looking back at him with a nervous look in her eyes. ‘It must be because I am decked out in full armour and weapons. I imagine most nobles dress in finery when in here.’ As it was illegal to use your weapons in the Auction house and there were powerful LVL 60 Guards everywhere. He decided to take of his equipment to put the young lady at ease. Gabriel now wore only his [Demon Leather pants], cotton shirt with no sleeves and roman sandals. [Suzie] didn’t seem to relax at all after Gabriel took of his armour and weapons. Her brain was giving off a hundred different reasons why he took of his armour, majority was sexual in nature. Biting her plump bottom lip, she asked in a stutter.

“Do you need... anything else... sir. A massage perhaps?” [Suzie] offered.

Gabriel looked excited as he thought ‘I’ve never had a massage before, this treatment is awesome’. He still didn’t want to have her behind him just in case. Deciding in the end to put his legs up on the poof in front. His thought process was she can rub his legs, that way he could keep an eye on her too.

“That will be great. Can you massage my legs?” Gabriel asked with a smile.

“Okay... you will need to take your pants... off sir” [Suzie] managed to get out while swallowing in nervousness.

“Stop with the sir stuff [Suzie] and just call me [Osiris]” Gabriel said.

Gabriel didn’t think too much more on it and unequipped his pants sitting in his briefs. Suzie got down on her knees and started to rub his legs.

‘This is the life’ Gabriel thought. He still had some time before the auction so he checked up on his stats and distributed his 2x(SP) he got for getting to level 10.

Character Name:

Osiris “God of Death”





Profession level:





(M) 50/50 (R) 170/170

Light Alignment:


Dark Alignment:





Novie Runesmith

Armor Value Total:


Movement speed:


Faith Alignment:





200 (Unkown)









Strength: (Every point adds +5 to Rage):


Endurance (every point adds +5 to HP):


Agility (every point adds +1 to Speed):

6 (+23)











Weapon Mastery:

Short Blade mastery – LVL 7 Long blade mastery – LVL 1 Axe mastery - LVL2 Unarmed combat – LVL 3 Thrown Weapons – LVL 1 Shield Mastery – LVL 2

Skill list:

Disarm –LVL 2 Inspect- LVL 2 (Upgraded) Passive Skill – Smooth Talker [Unique] Summon Javelin – LVL 2 (Upgraded) Heavy Chop - LVL 1 Heat of the Desert – LVL 1 Sun Flare –LVL 3 Sneak - LVL 1 [Khopesh] Weapon skill – Summon [Medjay]

Profession Skill list:

[Novice Engraving] - 10% chance to apply basic runes to weapons and armor Passive skill - [Nimble hands] - 15% increased speed of crafting [Basic runes] - Can carve basic Ruins: Armor penetration, Toughness, Lightweight, Absorption, Light and Siphon

Gabriel actually started to doze off a little, Suzie’s soft hands and the comfortable couch put him in a state of relaxation. He closed his eyes for what felt like a moment then was awoken by an announcement down below.

The auction manager waddled out on stage. Gabriel didn't notice when it happened but the place was filled with people already. Rows of players and NPC’s alike were seated down below. Looking up at the stage.

“Welcome everyone! This is the first auction that has citizen's and travelers alike. I will announce the rules for the travelers who are new to the Roma City’s Auction House” The manager declared in a bellow.

“Bids must be in Gold only. There will be no threatening the other bidders over an item, we take everyone's security seriously and if found breaking this rule you will be banned. If found that you have bid and won an item but don’t have the money to pay, you will be banned and imprisoned. You must pay for the items directly after the auction is finished. Now with that out of the way, let’s invite our beautiful hostess for this evening, [Gwendelyn]." The manager explained before gesturing behind him.

A graceful beauty walked out on stage, she was a mature seductive beauty wearing a dark purple toga, that exposed plenty of her large bust. She performed a smooth bow to the crowd, giving half the young lads in the front a nose bleed.

“Jesus, she is much better to look at than the giant warrior who held the Auctions for the night man” Gabriel muttered to himself.

Gabriel forgot he had company for a moment and spoke out loud. Suzie gave him a glare and pinched his thigh. When Gabriel looked down at her after feeling the pinch, she just smiled at him coyly. ‘Hmm she looked angry for a moment, must have been my imagination’ he thought.

“Hello dear guests! We have many great items up for auction today. And no, before any of you cheeky brutes ask, I am not up for auction” [Gwendolyn] said, her voice carried to all corners of the Auction house.

Most of the men in the audience chuckled and hooted, while the other ladies just rolled their eyes.

“Now to start off the auction we have five sets of equipment, fully Runed! The sets would suit anyone who has a melee-based class. They come with a Steel Breastplate, Steel Greaves, Norman Nasal helmet, Steel Heater Shield, Steel Long Sword, Steel Dagger, Steel Bearded one-handed Axe and a Steel Short Spear. All of (Uncommon) value.” [Gwendolyn] exclaimed.

Two porters wheeled-out Gabriel's equipment, the armour was on a mannequin stand and the weapons next to it, all polished to shine.

Everyone in the Auction house was sent a system notification with the stats of each item. Sending them into a rumbling mutter that continued to get louder.

[Gwendolyn] waited for the crowd to look at the items and kept riled up just the right amount.

“Okay everyone we will be selling five exact sets separately. We will now start with the bidding for the first set. Starting bid at 5 Gold” [Gwendolyn] said to start the bidding.

“10 Gold” A player dressed in warrior garb called out first.

“15 Gold” Another player called out.

“16 Gold” A small voice called out, only raising the price by 1 Gold garnered boos from the rest of the crowd.

“30 Gold” An NPC warrior called out.

The bidding jumped up quite quickly, Gabriel was surprised at first thinking it was just (Uncommon) gear but then he remembered that for the first 3 months a set like the one he made would be top of the range.

The bidding ended at 110 Gold. The majority of people bidding on these items where players as the NPC’s were higher level and had better gear.

Gabriel was so excited, his leg started vibrating as he muttered to himself. Gabriel knew that soon the World Central bank will announce that they are joining. Making the price of Gold skyrocket for the first year. At the start you could get about 500 US dollars for one piece of Gold, it eventually evens out at 100 US dollars. Gabriel planned to pull his family from the poverty line with the money he makes here.

Once the next set came out, Gabriel started to talk out loud again encouraging the crowd as they bid.

“Yes, come on...higher...higher... Get there” Gabriel said in an excited voice.

Unknown to Gabriel, [Suzie] who was still rubbing his legs misinterpreted his words and was at the time rubbing his inner thigh. She bit her lip and her ears turned red at Gabriel's words as she moved her hand higher and higher.

The next set went for 120 Gold. Gabriel was flushed red and trembling at the thought of what the next sets would go for, not including his other [Rare] items. The next set came out again and the bidding started. Some people were just holding up their arms and weren’t shouting out bids. Gabriel decided to scold them.

“Not your hands you fool! Use your mouth! Put your heart into it!” Gabriel said in a naturally commanding tone.

[Suzie] was inches away from touching Gabriel’s special sword with her hands, when she pulled back. With a deep breath she decided to go for it. She quickly whipped out his sword and wrapped her mouth on it.

Gabriel was so shocked, his whole body froze, looking down at Suzie, he saw her working dutifully and looking up at him with expectant eyes. He didn't know what to do now that it had started and just smiled at her. She seemed to have taken that as encouragement and went back at it with gusto. Using her soft hands to work Gabriel's hilt as well.

As he thought ‘Da fuck! how did this happen, although I ain’t no simp, this is odd, right? Lord Jesus! She looked so innocent’.

Gabriel completely forgot about the Auction and just enjoyed the moment. When it was all about to climax, the bidding on his sets was almost finished too. At that moment the door to Gabriel's room swung open with a BANG! The Auction manager strolled in and started yelling excitedly.

“Dear Guest! Congratulations, the sets all sold for above 100 Gold! It's raining mone...”

At that moment Gabriel just finished with a BANG of his own, making Suzie’s eyes bulge. As he rested his hand on the back of her head, Gabriel turned to the manager. With a wide eye glare, Gabriel conveyed all that was needed to be said, the manager took the hint and ran like the wind out of the room.

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