《Powerless》Chapter 19 - A Bleeding Brawler



Grant had collapsed. I was at a complete loss at what to do. He was also bleeding from almost every part of his body, I couldn’t even tell where the blood was coming out from.

Looking at his condition, my eyes couldn’t help but tear up.

I immediately checked my storage crystal for something, anything that would help, but it was in vain as I had neglected to keep any healing pills because I was sure nothing would happen on such a routine trip.

“Help! We need help!!”

I shouted out. My voice seemed to have reached out as I could see the guards who were already heading my way increase their speed. They recognized us as the head guard that had warned us earlier was the one who arrived first.

Looking at Grant, even his expression couldn’t help but be taken aback.

“Please save him!”

I cried out. The head guard only nodded and we both carried Grant to the emergency treatment room in the guard station.

Seeing the situation, without wasting any time the healer in there immediately began healing Grant.

He laid Grant down on an operating table and with his hands placed on Grant’s head, a faint light blue light covered Grant’s entire body. I could see the seriousness of the situation in the healer’s eyes as he was healing him.

After a few seconds, the healer let go of his head. Using some all-purpose healing pastes, he covered the main areas. The legs were obviously covered as those were parts that were bleeding the most but what surprised me the most was that the guard tore open Grant’s shirt and was applying the same on his upper body.

Finally after all of this, I could see that his chest that had stopped rising, steadily rose up again. After a few seconds the breathing became more stable. Seeing him breathe again gave me my breath back.

After the healer was done, he then, with a baffled expression asked me.

“What happened out there? Muscles in his feet are completely torn. Even some of the upper body hasn’t been spared, the chest, abdomen, arms, everything, his body is completely wrecked. If his body hadn’t started healing on its own, I don’t think I would’ve been able to save him.”

I was almost speechless hearing this. I could understand the legs, but his entire body? I couldn’t believe it at first, but as I recalled the incredible movement skill that Grant used, I could understand.

But for that skill to have this much of a backlash.


Thankfully, we could still save him. My tensed up body had relaxed just hearing that.

I told them all that happened today. After I finished, both of their faces were filled with shock. The head guard refuses to believe that a level 6 like Grant can hurt a Tier 3 creature like the Ice Brawler. I understand his concern with my story though, if I was in his place and I hadn’t seen what Grant did, I wouldn’t believe it either.

As I recalled the entire situation to them, I couldn’t help but feel guilty for his condition. I could see he was getting tired as we were hunting, but seeing as he wasn’t complaining, I pushed him.

The healer continued to do some patching up and while I was waiting with the head guard outside the room, another guard came rushing towards us, panic apparent on his face.

“Sir! There’s an emergency!”

The head guard’s face turned grim as he asked.

“What happened?”

“An Ice Brawler sir! It has come up to the gate. All of us are having trouble just keeping it from killing anyone. Please come quickly!”

The head guard was heading out. He looked at me but my mind was somewhere else as my blood had started boiling, anger visible on my face.

‘The bastard followed us here!’

I looked at the guard and saw that he was actually waiting for my reaction as well. I nodded and followed him outside.


A terrifying sound sounded out as we reached the gates. Five guards were holding the Ice Brawler back stopping the creature from entering the town.

They were having a hard time as the creature that was already very strong was in a frenzy making the already bad situation worse.

I stayed at the back and activated my Battle Aura – The Aura of the Bow. The rune on the back of my palm started glowing with power as the bow that I was now holding was covered in it as well.

I focused my eyes on the creature.

[Hunter’s Eye]

[Steady Fingers]

[Iron Grip]

[Paralysis Touch]

I activated the three aura skills and the last magic skill as I pulled the string back.

With my target on lock I aimed my bow with such precision that it was akin to a cannon.

Last time, my intention was to run, but now things had changed, I was in no mood to run now, this thing had come here to die. And it was going to die.

It was then I noticed it.


The brawler. It had not been injured much by the guards as they were using fire spells to scare and keep the creature back. But there were two distinct injuries on its body, first was the arrow wound that I had given it and the second surprisingly was its bleeding mouth.

The blood had slowly dripped down covering its bright white fur in the disgusting black colour.

My eyes went wide as I suddenly recalled Grant kicking it in the face.

If it is like this, then it makes all the sense to kill it. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Grant, let this be my apology to you.”

[Initiate Aura burning?]


The tip of the arrow was now covered with a silent green flame. My face lost all blood as I was now burning it to power my Aura.

It was worth it though, as the arrow that released was aimed directly at its head, but of course, a Tier 3 creature like this wouldn’t fall for something this simple, it moved its head to the side to avoid the arrow.

Too bad for it though.

[Wind Control]!

A layer of wind covered the arrow as it readjusted itself and increased in speed as it pierced the creature right in the eye.


The creature let out a huge howl but since it was covered with my aura’s flame and [Paralysis Touch], its movements stopped once again. This time, with so many people surrounding the creature, it wouldn’t be so lucky.

The head guard seeing this opportunity activated his own Sword’s aura and a tattoo of a sword started glowing on his chest. The sword glowed with the same power as the guard jumped and stabbed the creature right in the head.

The creature watched as the sword pierced through its skull. Without even being able to move it could only powerlessly look on as the light of life left its eyes.

[8000 EXP awarded.]

[Level up.]

[4 Skill Point(s) awarded.]

[Level 20] [4300/59600]

Name: Rachael Forestrunner

Title(s): Young Butcher

Class(s): Apprentice Hunter

MP: 216/530 [0.3/sec]

MEN: 28

MDEF: 25

BA: 0/1280 [0.6/sec] FATIGUE

STR: 33

AGI: 57

END: 38

QI: 50/50

Skill Point(s): 4 (+4)


[Aura] – Aura of the Bow

Hunter’s Eye Lv.4

Steady Fingers Lv.3

Iron Grip Lv.3

Aura Cut Lv.6

Aura Regeneration Lv.6

[Magic] – Wind and Poison

Paralysis Touch Lv.5

Wind Control Lv.2

Swift Movement Lv.2

Magic Regeneration Lv.3


Paralysis Resistance Lv.1

[Aura cannot be used for 3 days while it is being recovered.]

I figured as much.

I distributed all of the skill points in END, essentially raising my BA by 40.

END: 42

BA: 0/1320 [0.6/sec] FATIGUE

I closed my status. My vision started going hazy as I was having difficulty in even standing. My vision went towards the tall building right next to the gate and I immediately thought of Grant.

“I hope you level up as well.”

I leaned against the wall as I eventually lost strength in my body to keep myself standing.

[3000 EXP awarded.]

[Level up.]

[Condition satisfied.]

[Through the process of breaking down your body again and again. You have created a unique skill – A Mortal’s Tenacity]

[HP has increased by 100.]

[DEF has increased by 50.]

[A Mortal’s Tenacity]

[It is a unique skill born out of pain and suffering, through the process of breaking down his body time and time again for the purpose of survival, Grant has proven how tenacious life can be.]

[Type: Passive.]

[Effect: Every time HP goes below 10% the max HP will be increased by 10%.]

I was immediately greeted with a bunch of messages as soon as I woke up.

I looked at the unfamiliar ceiling and the man preparing something on the side.

Looking at his similar getup to Walter, I can tell he’s a healer. Looks like I was saved again.

I was feeling pretty down, but as I read through the messages, I was left speechless.

What the hell happened after I got knocked out? Was the creature dead? How? Even if it was dead, why did I get EXP? I had a lot of questions so I immediately opened my status.

Lv.7 [1490/6000]

HP: 284/284

MP: 0/0

BA: 0/0

QI: 353/353 [0.3/sec]

DEF: 110



A Mortal’s Tenacity


Sprint Lv.5

Quick Dash Lv.-

Qi Manipulation Lv.5

Cold Resistance Lv.3

Qi Regeneration Lv.3

Awareness Lv.3

Magic Resistance Lv.1


Blessing of Understanding

My jaw dropped looking at my own status. What the hell?

The most surprising thing was obviously the unique skill.

“What the hell, isn’t it just telling me to get hurt!?”

I had a lot of questions as to what happened outside, but as I tried to get up, my eyes immediately moved to the side as I saw a sleeping Rachael on a bed next to mine.

“Really, what happened?”

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