《Powerless》Chapter 10 - Wolves don’t do that!



I maybe ran for half an hour, and that’s all. Then…



I cancelled [Sprint] immediately. I can’t risk doing that even if I have to run. But thanks to it I have made quite the distance between myself and the pack. But it won’t last long now.

With the speed that they’re moving in, they’ll catch up in a few more seconds.


Why does it have to be like this? Is it necessary that I have to fight for my life every single day?

Not a day has gone by where something hasn’t tried to kill me. I mean, I deserve to at least get a day off where I get a few normal and cute things to look at, like bunnies. But no, even the bunnies here are out for my life.

Well, just blaming things won’t get me anywhere. I need to find a way out of this mess.

Right now only my Qi is somewhat usable.

QI: 130/286

Concerning the usable skills right now, only [Qi Manipulation] comes to mind.

I activate [Qi Manipulation] and concentrate on my legs. I feel my muscles tighten up and get a lot stronger. But this strength also comes with a lot pain as my legs were already in pain after overusing [Sprint] and [Quick Dash] twice today.

I turn and I start running again, but this time as I run I also try to use [Awareness] and keep an eye out for the pack.


I suddenly notice a change.

“Their behaviour, something happened.”

Up until now, all they did was follow me roughly, they were scattered and lost and because of only a select few of them did they even manage to even keep up with me, if not for their large numbers, I would’ve lost them a while ago.

But now, they seemed to have gotten a direction. They weren’t lost, it was as if something was guiding them here.

A few seconds later, I got my answer. Leading the pack towards me was now a different wolf. It was slightly larger than the other wolves, not by much but it was noticeable.


The main distinguishing characteristic of the beast would be its colour. Its silver fur was what made it stand out of the crowd.

As I was looking back, my eyes locked into it, and for a second I lost my thinking process.

Maybe it was because it didn’t look like it fit here. Of all the ferocious looking wolves, it also looked the calmest, that everything was under its control. The way it was moving the pack just showed me that I was nothing more than a pest in its territory.

I couldn’t help but get angry and move my eyes away.

The wolf seemed to have sensed my emotions as its actions changed a little as well.

Suddenly, I felt a strong wind blowing behind me, it was so surprising that I had no choice but to look back. There I saw the horrifying scene of the wolf almost a few steps away from me.

My mind blanked and my instincts took over. I immediately jumped to the side and the wolf passed barely missing me, but it wasn’t over, I felt the same wind move again and it changed its direction abruptly and was now facing me with the same speed as before.

This time I couldn’t dodge it.


Thankfully my DEF and my body’s instant measure to concentrate Qi in my stomach area that the tackle of the wolf didn’t hurt me that much.

But I was still launched back a few steps, which gave quite the few wolves to catch up and attack me. With no time to spare for any of them, I saw the silver wolf move towards me again and I had to move again.

This gave the surrounding wolves the chance to scratch me a few times. Thankfully none of them were proper attacks so, I didn’t get any major damage from that, but they did get a few scratches in my back and front torso area as I was fighting them shirtless, those continuous attacks even made me drop the knives I was trying to hold onto.


I couldn’t afford to try and pick them up so I was trying to move away when I saw the silver wolf doing something again.

A light blue glow surrounded its body and for an instant, its eyes glowed the same colour.

“What the fuck!? Wolves don’t do that!!”

I couldn’t help but retort at such a sight. Although I did expect the beasts here to have magic powers as there is magic apparently. But I never expected that the first time I’ll see magic in this world, I’ll see it like this. I never thought that the first fantasy-like thing I see here would be so terror inducing.

I knew that if this attack hit me, there would be no way for me to survive.

So, in a last attempt, I channelled almost half of my remaining Qi in my fist. Veins popped out of my hand as it was filled to the brim with Qi.

I now understand that [Qi Manipulation] is nothing more than a strengthening skill. Qi has the property of strengthening and powering any part of my body that I transfer it to.

I was ready with my fist as the wolf was ready with its own skill. It moved and with the skill active, it almost disappeared with the speed it was using it.

A beast is still a beast though, no matter how fast or strong it is, it’s predictable.

I know if I don’t move from where I am, it’s going come in from the front for a straight and powerful tackle.

So, believing in myself, I throw out a punch with all the power that I have in the direction of I know it is coming from.


My hunch was right as my fist contacted its face.

I heard a few cracking sounds from both the silver wolf’s skull and my hands.


HP: 15/117

I cried out as the bones in my lower arm had basically cracked in every location.

My fist carried so much power that my hand couldn’t handle it and snapped. Thankfully the wolf was in a worse situation than me.

I saw it squirming over in front of me. This action of it’s had even stopped the other wolves in their tracks.

I wanted to go over and finish the job but then I remembered my own condition.

My legs were pulsating with pain, my upper body and face was covered in my own blood and my right hand was broken.

Even if I do kill it, I’ll never be able to outrun these wolves.

So, taking the chance, I moved again, I put the remaining Qi in my legs and the pain intensified.

But ignoring the pain and my bloodied view, I ran.


I had only gotten a few metres away when I heard a loud howl. Which was then proceeded by an even louder combined howl made by the entire pack.

Luck didn’t seem to be on my side today as I looked back and the saw the wolf with its distorted face having a similar light blue glow on its body.

But it didn’t run after me this time, instead the glow started concentrating on its head.

The concentrated glow became a ball of light that hovered over its head, which then shaped itself similar to a spike.

All of this happened within the span of a second, and when I realized that it had activated its magic, the spike was already half way into my body.

I coughed up a lot of blood. My body lost all the strength it had and collapsed on the spot. I could feel my body getting lighter and colder as the seconds went by.

HP: 2/117

“Fuck… I can’t believe that I’m going to die like this…”

I could hear the wolves running towards me.

But my body lost the strength to even keep my eyes open, as I was slowly losing consciousness.

The final thing I heard was,

“Here! I heard the scream from around here!”

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