《Powerless》Chapter 4 - Solution



When I woke up today, I was hoping to see another level on my [Cold Resistance], but I guess I wasn’t that lucky and from what I’ve seen, this world and its powers aren’t that nice to people.

Anyways, I have my work cut out for me today, I need to level up, and the best way to do that is by hunting, although I can’t hunt big game yet, but I can try with the rabbit again. My HP and QI are both back to normal which makes me feel a little bit safer.

HP: 26/26

Honestly though, that number is too low, I have to get it up.

After my morning routine of searching for wood was done, I went looking for those rabbits again, so naturally my destination was back to the same place as yesterday.

I wasn’t going to make the same mistake as yesterday, so while carefully minding my steps, and my eyes scanning for any new prints, I looked around.

When I finally reached the place where I had fought the rabbit before, my feet suddenly stopped and I felt cold sweat go down my back.

Reason was simple. Paw prints with the same thickness as my own body were present here.

They were spread out in every direction. I could tell it was only one beast as the same set of prints were moving around the entire area like they were looking for something here, probably the rabbits or even worse, me, who knows.

These tracks also aren’t fresh, I can guess that they arrived here just after I ran yesterday, which means this thing nearby when I ‘fought’ the monster rabbit yesterday.

Honestly, if I only knew if they were attracted here by the smell of blood or my sounds that would be very good, then I could be careful in the future. But how do I check that? Just in case, I’ll stay away from this place in the near future.


I carefully looked at the trajectory of the beast’s tracks, where they were coming from and where they were going, and all I can say is that the longer I studied these prints the more scared I became.

The beast had surveyed the entire place, checking every nook and cranny looking. I can see that the beast wasn’t too smart considering that it didn’t think of following my tracks that I left behind when I ran back to my cave yesterday.

Which is something that can only be considered a good thing.

After searching enough and getting bored, it left in the same direction it came from.

I decided that when it finally came time for me to make an escape from this place that I shouldn’t even consider going into that direction.

“I need to find a new place to hunt…”

This place has become too dangerous, I highly doubt even the rabbits are here anymore.

Just then, a squealing sound pierced my ears and I was attacked from the back.

HP: 19/26

With my body losing its balance I dropped on my knees. Before the thing that attacked could get a chance to do so again, I pushed myself forwards using my bent knees.

I turned around and finally saw the attacker.

“You little shit!”

I shouted at the rabbit.

“I’m prepared now, you bastard!”

I took out a small sharp rock that I had found yesterday and pointed it at the thing.

Before it could attack, I did first and jumped towards it, it clearly wasn’t expecting me to do so.

I took the pointed side of the rock and aimed directly at its head and maybe because I was concentrating hard enough, I hit my aim perfectly, as the rock easily damaging its skull spraying blood all over my hand.

I hit it a few more times just to be sure as the body of the thing was still struggling and I didn’t see the status window giving me EXP. But doing this also covered me with its blood.


[40 EXP gained.]

I finally stopped and looked at the opened status.

Lv.1 [65/100]

HP: 19/26

MP: 0/0

BA: 0/0

QI: 12/14

DEF: 10

Skills: Sprint Lv.1, Cold Resistance Lv.1

“Yes! A few more of these bastards and I’ll be level 2.”

I was happy, and a little disgusted as I was covered with the horrible smelling blood of the stinking rabbit.

Looking at my status though, why did I get more EXP this time? Is it because I properly fought back? Does this mean I get different EXP even if I fight the same thing over and over again?

If I think about it, EXP means experience, it is something we get if we diligently practice something over and over again. If I continue doing the same thing then that means that I’ve learned nothing and I won’t get any experience.

Looks like the EXP in this system works like actual experience. It is all my guess at the moment though, I still can’t be sure until I check this theory for myself.

I was pondering on this, so I didn’t notice the huge shadow that had slowly crept up behind me.

When I did notice, it was already too late. I was standing there covered in this thing’s shadow. I don’t understand how something so huge can get behind me without making a single sound, but I didn’t want to find out.

I immediately wanted to fire off the sprint skill and run but something interesting happened and I stopped myself.

I wasn’t attacked like I hoped I would be. My body that was ready to take off at the slightest of movement of the creature didn’t get to do so.

When I confirmed that I wouldn’t be attacked, I slowly moved head, being highly vigilant to not tick off the thing.


It was the only thing that came to mind.

It was larger than an elephant. But it wasn’t an elephant, it was similar to a four legged carnivore, like a leopard but with a lot more muscle and mass. Huge canines protruding out of its mouth and claws with the thickness of my arms.

I guess I now know what it was that was looking around here yesterday.

It was easy to tell it was a carnivore, I could smell blood on it, and it was the rotten stench of all of its previous preys.

So, why wasn’t it attacking me?

I couldn’t tell at first because of fear, but now looking at it closely. O could see that it was trying to make its way closer but something kept stopping it from doing so. After carefully noticing its expression, I finally figured out that it was due to something it was smelling.

The smell must be foul enough that even a creature like this has to take a step back.

It finally clicked for me what this foul thing it was smelling is, it was this rotten rabbits’ blood.

The more I study the beast’s expression the more I understand. This thing is repulsed by the smell of the rabbit. Since I’m covered in it, it is hesitating to even come near me.

Is this the reason the rabbits can live here? Safe in this monster’s hunting area? Is this the reason there are no monsters around here?

I think I hit the jackpot when I stumbled into this area.

I slowly picked up the rabbits body while keeping my eyes locked into the huge beasts’. The huge leopard beast kept looking at me with resentment.

At least I now know that the prints I saw before were here looking for me.

I activated my [Sprint] and ran back to my cave, not to rest but to execute an idea.

An idea that might be the end of my current problems altogether.

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