《The Soul of MorningStar》Chapter 2 Curisosity killed the cat but changed the elf


Author's note: Sorry! I posted twice the same chapter. I tried to delete the thread but I don't know how to do it (must be something super simple that I just can't figure out because I'm too tired). So I changed the chapter and put the next one. Thx for reading.

After a restless night, I logged back in the game. The night before when I checked my mails, I had the bad surprise to have the three people who were the most horrible to me as my party members. They made my life a living hell each time I went to class since the first time, I started middle school. I knew that it wasn't just a lack of luck that we all ended up in the same party. That damn teacher must have put us together knowing that they would bully me.

I logged in hours before our supposed group activity. Not going to class allowed me to make my own schedule. In this case, I was extremely grateful as it secured some game time with no chance of meeting my classmates. For the time being, I decided to check out the town and all the places I might need.

I left the library. Not knowing where to go, I wandered aimlessly through the streets until I decided to follow a random man. As I followed this person, I started to suspect that he was up to no good. His behavior was quite suspicious. It wasn't obvious but he kept looking at his back like he was followed. I knew that he was followed because I was the one doing the following but he was sweating way too much and his eyes looked way too scared to just be my fault. His uneasiness was creeping me out even more as I looked around and didn't see anyone else suspicious. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was definitely wrong.

The man run faster and faster until he was practically running. At the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow detaching itself from the front of a shop. It was so fast that I only saw a blurry black figure. I ran after them. Something bad was going to happen I could feel it. A few streets later, I found the man lying on the ground, a bloody wound on his stomach. I ran to him. He was still alive but barely. He grabbed my shirt in a tight fist, bending me over until my ear was close to his mouth.

“Tell Gary Cornwall that Selené is dead.”


You have received a quest!

Dying Wish

A dying man wants you too transmit his final words to Gray Cornwall.

Difficulty: E

Reward: Unknown

Requirements: Hear the last words of the dying man

Quest cannot be denied.

I was a little surprised that a quest would appear in this kind of situation. I looked around to see if there was anyone able to help but we were in a deserted street way past the market center. The man's grip was really strong for someone dying. He was intently looking at me.


“Yes, I'll do it.”, I said trying to free myself.

You accepted the quest.

I sighed deeply. His grip became slack. He was dead. I looked at him, shocked. It was the first time that I saw someone die. His body turned gray and he disappeared as I still held onto him. My eyes pricked with tears. I wanted to cry but I held myself in. It was a game. It was just a game. I wasn't going to cry because of a game, even if it was as realistic as real life.

I stood up after a while. I had someone to find. I had no idea where I could find this person. It was not like I had been there for a long time. I literally knew no one of the game apart from my classmates and the librarian. The first ones would refuse to help me even if I begged and the latter wouldn't even talk to me when I was standing in front of him.

In the years before I was able to log in, I read a lot about the game. An intelligence guild existed in every town. However, their only free piece of information was to give players advice on what profession they would be good at. For anything else, it would cost a lot of money that I didn't have. How was I going to do?

Walking back to the library, I tried to think of a way to find the man as fast as I could. The quest was level E that is to say the lowest level possible. It was the easiest. I might be able to do this quest.

As I entered the library, the old man was still sitting behind the front desk. He was still reading. I approached his desk. I waited for him to look at me. He didn't. I cleared my throat loudly, trying to catch his attention.

“Excuse me, I need some help.”

He sighed deeply like I was annoying him. He put his book down and waited. He didn't say anything, he just waited for me to talk. It was creepy.

“I need to find someone I've never met. How do I go about it?”

He looked at me with an incredulous look on his face.

“Are you seriously asking me how to find someone you don't know?Are you right in the head? No, don't answer that. You can't be right in the head. You just asked a stupid question to the wrong person. Do you think I'm some kind of know-it-all? What are the youth thinking this days? Do they even think a little. No, they asked stupid question and expect everyone else to know the answer...” , the old man grumbled while picking back up his book.

I was astonished and a little ashamed about his reaction. I didn't want to abandon though. So I tried to get him to answer.


“I need to find a man named Gary Cornwall. Do you have any idea on how I should go about finding him?”

He suddenly put his book on his desk and violently grabbed my shirt.

“How the hell did you know that name?”

“A man asked me to pass him a message.”

“What man? What's his name?”

“I...I don't know. He died before saying anything else. He just told me what to tell this guy, I swear.” I was getting a little panicked.. I tried to get loose but his grip on my shirt was getting stronger. He pulled me closer to him.

As he started moving, he dragged me with him. He pulled me in a room on the right side of the desk. I'd been in the library before, but it was a first, that I saw there was a door there. He closed it after pulling me in. He threw me on the wall and advanced on me, threatening me.

“Who told you that name? What does he look like?”

“He was five feet nine. Middle-aged, brown hair, brown eyes. He was plain. Normal looking...His nose was crooked...I don't know anything else.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, I swear.”

He abruptly released me and started pacing.

“What was the message?”

“I can't tell you. I promised to only tell the man it was meant to.” It was a lie but it didn't feel right for me to tell the message to someone else. He suddenly stopped pacing, a scary look on his face.

“You know I can kill you, right?”

“You can do whatever you want, but I'm not going to tell you.” It was a gamble but I was sure the man wouldn't kill me before knowing what the message was.

“Sure.” He raised his hand and pierced my heart with it. Before losing consciousness, I heard him muttered something.

A while later, I woke up. I couldn't believe it. He seriously killed me. I was so pissed. How could that old geezer kill me? I didn't do anything to him and I was polite to boot. I should have hurled insults at his head. I should have fought more. God! I was so pissed!

“Well then, stop saying it already. I get it you're pissed.”

“Gaahh?!” I twirled around surprised. Yes, I twirled. I didn't feel my feet and I swore that if I had a dress on it'd be flying in the wind. “What the hell? You killed me, you bastard!”

“Yeah, yeah, I did. How long are you going to say it again?” He shooed me with an annoyed voice.

“You killed me!”

“Pfft. Shut it already or I'll make sure that you stay dead.”

I reluctantly complied with his ultimatum. I didn't say a word more. Five minutes later, I still hadn't said a word.

“So now tell me what was the message.”


“You little piece of shit. Are you going to tell me or do you want me to force it out of you?”


“I'm going to kill you!”


“You, son of a bitch. TALK!”, he roared at the end.

“You told me to shut it. I did. It's not my fault you can't decide what you want me to do.”

As I talked, I saw his face became redder and redder. I swore I heard a vein snap just before he launched himself at me and went right through me. Hah! That teached him to kill someone who hadn't done anything.

“I'm going to kill you!”

“Too late! You already did! Hahaha haha.”, I cackled madly as he tried to grab me.

Not wanting to stay there to see if he could come true on his words, I made a beeline for the door. I went right through it. I found myself back at the front desk. Not waiting, I went outside on the street. I flew as far and as fast as I could from the library. I didn't went far. I ended up in a dark alley, again. It looked like ending up in a dark alley each time I was fleeing was going to become one my habits.

Now that I had cooled down, I was surprised I still got it in me to try and piss people off. It was refreshing for once to retaliate to abuse. I knew that fleeing shouldn't be considered as retaliation but it was damn good when someone needed you for something and just couldn't find you. It made you want to go back and look at them getting desperate to find you. I wasn't that stupid to fall for that temptation. Hopefully.

After my moment of euphoria passed, I actually understood that I was in deep trouble. I was dead. Not only was I dead but I was also invisible to anyone apart from the guy who killed me. I didn't particularly want to see him ever again, so going back to him was a no-no. What should I do? And come to think on it, what was I?


Status[quart=Character name,Alignment]Everheart,Neutral[/quart][quart=Level,Profession]1 (0%),None[/quart][quart=Title,Race]None,Nature Spirit[/quart][quart=Fame,Infamy]0,0[/quart][quart=Health,Mana]∞,∞[/quart][quart=Strength,Agility]N/A,N/A[/quart][quart=Wisdom,Intellect]15,13[/quart][quart=Vitality,Affinity to Nature]∞,100%[/quart][quart=Leadership,Luck]0,0[/quart][quart=Attack,Defense]N/A,N/A[/quart]Magic resistance100%You are invisible until summoned. No one can touch you nor hear you.

A nature spirit? What the hell was that? How did I pass from a wood elf to a nature spirit? What was I supposed to do, now?

“Skill window!”

“Skill window!”

Why didn't it open? Please...Don't tell me...I lost my skills!

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