《ROACH- rising pestilence》C15 V1 Synergy (extra)
In the 'level dream' a short time after Lescar's awaking- The Roach
{perk selected installing/seeding now, please standby}
I had just finished up with my new perk selection and was surrendering to the drowsiness that always happened after I finished such things when suddenly I felt a little tug.
A little tug from something that had only come into proper fruition recently, my connection to my familiar.
Lescar was calling me, or perhaps just panicking and reflexively crying out.
It didn't matter precisely why, but it had to be important, her emotions were burning far too strong, a veritable vortex of apprehension.
I wanted to respond to her calls if something killed her now this whole messy business would be entirely pointless.
I wouldn't be able to get more knowledge, I wouldn't be able to communicate, and I would be one servant down.
I did not want my first subordinate to die, she was critical, I needed her.
But... I was at the end of my Level dream and... I was always compelled to sleep after one of these sessions, already the lights around me are dimming and my mind beginning to slow.
I had no options here, I would simply have to wait out the dreams standard sequence, and hope Lescar survived whatever was attacking her.
I knew this was the logical decision but something about it didn't quite sit right with me.
No, it didn't sit well with me at all.
My insides twisted at the thought of someone taking what belonged to me, Lescar was mine! and I would be dammed if I let some backwater savage touch or destroy what was mine.
The darkness growing thick around me, I refused.
'This is unacceptable' I pulsed, the lights springing back into existence flickering haphazardly, the light no longer steady or darkening, but scintillating and shifting.
I did not wander six weeks in a scummy sewer, fight innumerable vile beasts, and tangle in the mental space of a thirteen-year-old, just to lose that thirteen-year-old to some dirty animal.
The menu, before, being blank, now lit up, countless unknowable symbols rushing by in a heady wave, not bothering me in the slightest, as I focused my will.
I was annoyed, angry, what silly creature would dare approach my familiar while I slept!?
Whatever it was, it would taste my rancor.
The surge of squiggling shifting markings streamed by, before the menu started peeling away, leaving a cacophony of incomprehensible patterns with only one discernable sentence.
{5ysTem 0VeR104D_fai!uR4 1mMen1nt}
The menu collapsed into static motes in front of me, but I was unconcerned, something told me I didn't need it this time, my spirit feeling light and unhindered.
Letting my reliable instincts instruct me, I sent my conscious thoughts to the slight tug of my familiar.
Feeling the rising despair and fear of Lescar, I followed my instincts to a tee, and I let Lescar's emotions engulf me.
The result was immediate, the chilling fear rolling over me, the anxious tremours echoing throughout my being.
The despair.... pulling me strongly, closer to the turbulent rush of emotions that was Lescar's mind.
It was sickening and at the same time almost euphoric, something about terror really tickled my fancy, made me hungry.
I pulled on my connection to Lescar, drawing towards the waking world, the darkening dream around me shattering and then I was again, flesh and blood.
My antennae snapped upright and my head swiveled forward, body righting itself just behind it, searching for the threat.
The verdant forest around me was hushed, still, I couldn't sense anything, Lescar stood slightly to my left in front of me, staring ahead restlessly, having not noticed my rising yet.
A part of me calmed immediately, she was safe and in one piece, 'that was good I wouldn't have to get a new human', but that calm only lasted a second as I received the rumbling roar of something huge approaching.
I felt the power of its outcry in my feet alone, it was intense, perhaps the most potent pressure I had felt since almost being eaten that one time by an uber rat.
It was the authority and pride seeped in strength, the challenge of an Apex predator, a dare to any foolish enough to oppose it, it was a true predator seeking prey.
The creature coming my way was clearly powerful, it would be best to avoid confrontation.
But again this logical thought Irked me, 'This beast was encroaching on my turf, my domain!' and It nauseated me to let it claim my forest.
I would not run, I would fight.
I too was a feared apex predator and it was time the more foolish of the beasts learned that.
Clenching my jaws I stomped forward, putting myself in front of Lescar,
Lescar was staring at me, mouth agape, I observed with my almost 360-degree vision, but she soon stopped doing that when I let loose my battle cry.
I had learned this little trick after acquiring hydraulic hind legs, my hind legs, having grown thick barbs along the backside of said legs, these barbs when rubbed together made the most unpleasant sound, I had already tested it to see its effectiveness, and it was plenty effective.
The creatures around my den were my unfortunate participants, the fang mice hated it, the pythonpedes dove into the undergrowth, and when I tried it on the white rat it even stopped flipping, instead, pushing its ears down and rolling around on the floor.
Even the giant grey bat normally calm and reserved went into a frenzy when I did this, thus I was fairly confident in my battle cry's authenticity.
Although perhaps I underestimated its strength.
The stone immediately around me cracked and Lescar stumbled, clutching at her ears, the very sewer ringing and shaking with my declaration of war.
My shrieking display filled the corridors for a good thirty seconds, rising in pitch and intensity until I thought I got my point across.
The world appeared silent for a time and I thought hopefully to myself, 'perhaps it got intimidated.'
My hopes were crushed when I felt a resounding bass roar and the steady thump of enormous feet.
'Ohh... no,' It didn't look like it had been scared off at all, in fact, it sounded even more eager to get here.'
'Just dandy' I remarked grinding my jaws together, realizing that calling the apex predator out may have been a hasty decision.
'Well, a fight was inevitable now,' I could feel the big thing not that far away, its great weight being easy to detect through my sensitive feet and cerci.
I turned my triangular head to look at Lescar then gave her, her first order.
"Hide little girl, I don't want my investment ruined so early in its youth"
Lescar's eyes bulged, she directly receiving my words via our mental link, staring at me incredulously, Lescar blinked, recognition alighting upon her features.
"Did you not hear me, little girl? go. hide." I insisted, prodding the still girl with an antenna.
Lescar blinked again and then said aloud her voice trembling, "You- you were that devil that offered me a deal."
"Yes," I said, head swiveling to face her more fully, staring intensely, " And that devil would like you not to die, that would ruin my plans."
Sending a strong compulsion through our connection, I glared down at Lescar trying to force compliance, and for a short time, she wavered under my scrutiny, legs shaking like jelly, knees practically knocking against each other.
Lescar quivered under my gaze for a second then she stopped, looked down taking a deep breath, and when she looked up at me that firey glint I so admired was again blazing in her eyes, banishing her trembling.
"No, I will fight!" Lescar said firmly stomping her foot down and gripping her little sword tightly, her tiny teeth pushed together firmly.
Lescar looked disheveled and beaten but at that moment she appeared almost like a proud warrior, almost...
I clicked in annoyance apparently the collar didn't enforce obedience or at least it did not work properly on humans, Lescar refusing a direct order, a clear breach of my command.
I was quite irritated at her. but... I also felt pleased, my first servant at the very least wasn't a pansy or coward she would even do battle if needed.
Still, I could not allow her full control of the situation, not at least until she was thoroughly under my nonexistent thumbs.
"Hmm," I made a deliberate show of considering, turning my head thoughtfully before giving my prepared answer to Lescar's statement.
"Very well you shall assist me in this fight but!" I said raising an antenna, " you will! hide and wait until I tell you to attack, do I make myself clear!"
I pushed an even stronger compulsion through the connection and Lescar's fire sputtered but did not go out, her eyes still flickering with inner strength.
She was resisting, but not for long, I increased the strength of compulsion again and finally, it seemed Lescar came to an understanding of something.
She still couldn't beat me.
Eyes turned downward submissively, the fire only smoldering, she answered reluctantly, "Yes... master."
"Good..." I said nodding, I was pleased that my minion was strong-willed even if it was inconvenient at the moment, "Hide over there in the vine clump to your right."
At some future time, I would be able to bend that strong will into something more directly beneficial to me, but for now, it was a mixed blessing.
Lescar would stand and fight, but also resist me.
But her willingness to fight may have been a very good thing indeed as what came around the corner was perhaps the biggest living thing I had ever seen.
'Yes in the fight to come Lescar might be needed.'
As Lescar climbed into the clump of vines, hiding within the twisted knot of green, I saw it.
The beast was a true monster and I only just dimly recalled now, that Lescar had been, being chased by something, clearly, this was that something.
It was huge, at least twice my mass and three times as tall, it's enormous form towering, as it rounded the corner searching for opponents.
I used analysis and realized quickly that it wasn't working.
'Ahh yes that's right I crashed the system'
I had no system support and would have to do without it, meaning I had no idea what kind of fight I was getting into.
The creature shifted its large bulk, eyes coming to rest upon me, its ugly chimp-like face splitting into a wide toothy grin as it approached.
Its footsteps were no longer rushed, but slow, methodical almost nonchalant, giving me more time to eyeball my foe.
It had a wide barreled chest four times as wide as a mans, thick trunk-like legs ending in massive jutting claw-like nails, arms like a heavyweights champion on steroids and fists that could curl around three men's heads easily and keep going.
It made the concept of muscular feel shy in comparison, the only reason people weren't flocking around it screaming "ripped!" being that they, in turn, would be 'ripped' to shreds, and that it was in the sewers, and that the whole beast was covered in fur that hid its beefcake strength.
Really such a line of thought was redundant but that was just how brawny the thing looked.
...And now I had to fight this ugly creature, I wasn't eager.
But, it was too late to back down and my still inflamed ire remained.
I needed to vent and this chimp would be the one to take all of my fury.
I strode forth equally as proudly as the big chimp, throwing away my doubts in the process, only my desire to rend, devour and satiate being allowed to surface.
The battlefield was no place for inhibitions and doubts, and I would need every last part of myself focused on obtaining victory.
Eyes intent on my enemy I went into a brisk trot, the troll moving into a mild jog, ham fists swinging.
'I had no intention of coming out the loser, in this fight.'
I sped up, now in a swift canter, the chimp entering into a run.
'I would win and feast on this arrogant chimps tender meat.'
Jaws rattling I burst into motion sprinting low to the ground, the chimp dropping to all fours doing likewise with a roar of pleasure.
The fight was on.
Two vast bodies of chitin, bone and muscle mass crashed together in a howling explosion of force, two monsters vying for supremacy.
The troll swung down onto the roach, missing by a hair's breadth as the roach skittered to the right, slashing at the trolls ankles carving a shallow wound into the troll's leg.
"UuuRRRAAARRR!" The troll bellowed slapping down with a meaty thwap, still failing to hit the nimble roach.
The roach dashed in again, making to go for the trolls ankles again, causing the troll to lower its stance to defend, but the roach did not go low as the troll expected, it went high, jointed claws spread.
The troll was too slow in lifting its arms and the claws of the roach struck its face, making the troll stagger backward clutching at its face.
"UUUUUrrRRRRRRRRAAAAAH!" the troll shrieked, more rage than pain filling its voice.
The troll swung faster, striking out at the retreating bug and this time did not miss.
With a thunderous 'crunch!' the cockroach received a heavy blow to its back, visible cracks in the chitin becoming apparent, a glaring weakness in the large bugs defense.
The roach was injured now, and in comparison, the trolls wounds were superficial, barely breaching the skin, things were not looking good.
Lescar observed the fight with a keen eye, awaiting the command from her master, 'her master...' she did not like calling him that, but she felt compelled to call the giant roach that, because it was true, Lescar squeezed the collar around her neck with a bitter expression.
Obviously the collar was having a minor effect on her mind and Lescar detested it, she didn't like calling people, master, and that extended to insects as well.
Lescar sat concealed inside a knotted clump of thick vines watching the clashing giants outside through the small gaps between the vines, closely following the fight.
The two creatures were circling each other now, eyeing each other up and down, revaluating weakness, tactics, and counters.
Lescar viewed this with concern, she did not like her master, but she did not want him to die either, if he died she would soon follow, she was worried, anxious, restless and a little bit angry.
She now remembered mostly, that the big roach that collared her was also the same devil that offered her a deal in that place...
Lescar rubbed at her forehead wincing, thinking about that always hurt her head, especially, when she tried to remember what the bug looked like in that place.
Doing that was just painful, so she stopped thinking about it.
But, it was a fact that she was now bound to this devil bug, not something she really wanted, but she'd had little choice in the matter, vividly recalling the feeling of oppressive might it had possessed in that weird space above all else.
The cockroach slower on its feet now, broke the encircling first, lurching forward its whistling limbs gouging out big tufts of fur and blood on the troll's chest before latching onto the trolls body at the same time biting down on one of the trolls pectorals.
"RRRRRRAAAAAWWWR!" the troll growled, beating at the insect clawing at its chest, eliciting the occasional crunch when its fists connected with the roach's body.
"Now little girl while I have it distracted, stab it in the knee." Lescar heard her masters order, his soundless voice penetrating and unnerving as ever despite the beating he was taking.
Hearing the signal Lescar slid off her perch, dropping from the cluster of vines, she crept up behind the struggling troll.
The troll was hammering and slapping at the insect clinging to its body, dealing little damage, unable to work up much force into its strikes so close to its center of mass, all the while the cockroach bit and dug at the trolls thick hide, carving deep clefts in the troll's skin
The troll didn't notice Lescar at all, too focused on ridding itself of an annoying hanger-on, undetected, she snuck up behind the troll, blade held ready.
A wildly swinging arm almost blew Lescar away as she approached, but she narrowly avoided the wayward strike by hopping a foot to her right.
Lescar held her breath and moved faster, the longer she took the more likely it would be that the troll noticed her or accidentally flattened her without realizing it.
Dodging two more wild swings, Lescar arrived at her target, the left leg and didn't hesitate to fulfill her orders, both hands on the hilt Lescar plunged the blade into the troll's leg with every last bit of strength she had.
The blade sunk deep into the troll's leg and Lescar felt it hit bone, a much better blow than Lescar ever recalled doing, but she had no time to congratulate herself, with a hiss of pain a closed fist soared toward her.
Dropping to the floor, dislodging her blade with surprising ease, Lescar, rolling as fast as she could, jumped to her feet and contacted her master, "I stabbed its Knee!"
"Good, now run!" her master's voice urged, " You have pissed it off!"
The troll grabbed the roach at this point, and wrenched it off, tearing great chunks of fur and skin off itself as it did so before tossing the cockroach into a sewer wall with a crack.
The whole time it did this, Its eyes were focused on Lescar, full of anger and delight.
It had not forgotten her, its nose still burned from the vial she threw at it, and soon it would enjoy her soft tender body.
"RUN! DO NOT FIGHT IT!" her master said something like worry in his voice as he struggled to get his legs under him, he had been flipped over, his legs flailing in the air.
The troll took a step toward Lescar, then grunted, falling to its hands and knees, its left leg failing to sustain its great weight.
Lescar didn't stay to gawp and turned her back on the troll, running toward the cluttered tangle of vines.
She wanted none of that troll business and pushed her limbs to the limit, sprinting for the forest.
The troll roared in frustration dropping down to its three remaining good legs, its pretty little doll was getting away.
With a lopsided gait, the troll lumbered toward Lescar, it wasn't gaining ground on her, she would make it to the forest, but where would she go from there?
Following her master's orders, Lescar kept running, weaving through vines and shrubs as the troll smashed through them behind her.
She kept running, staying well ahead of the troll, it felt even easier to avoid the troll than before feeling as if she had, had a long rest, she felt revitalized.
She was confident, she could evade the troll for some time more without too much effort so long as she didn't...
Lescar found herself at a sewer wall, no further passage beyond available.
'...Run into a dead-end,' Lescar drew her shortsword and turned around.
While she had been ahead of the troll she hadn't been that far ahead, and sure enough the troll burst from the forest, many vines slung over it, having been torn from their stony holds.
Lescar was cornered, trapped like a rat, she had nowhere to go.
The troll's face was twisted in pain and hatred but its ugly visage brightened and simultaneously darkened upon spotting its quarry, letting a low growl slip from its maw.
"Hrrrrr tasty, pretty human, not run anymore, else bones break!" The troll closed its raised fist mimicking the breaking of bones. "you, get?"
Lescar knew trolls could sometimes talk but it still surprised her, she had not expected a sewer-dwelling troll to know any words at all, but that surprise only lasted an instant as its words were especially vile.
"Hrrrr if you good to Ukgar, Ukgar might let you be wife," the troll made a crude thrusting motion and chuckled darkly "but if you bad, Ukgar have fun then eat you."
The troll inched slowly forward spreading its bulk out to make it impossible for Lescar to escape.
"Choose pretty human or Ukgar choose for you."
Lescar's blood boiled and she spat venomously.
"I have already made enough deals with sewer trash fatso! go and kill yourself!"
Lescar felt the whispers in the back of her mind disapprove of her calling their master trash but she ignored it, already looking for a means of attack or escape.
The troll grunted not angry but satisfied, "Hrrrr! Ukgar like feisty ones, they taste good and fuck good, hrrr! it decided you be wife."
Hearing the trolls revolting spiel Lescar's heart chilled and she clenched her sword tightly, her eyes narrowing into points.
She felt her masters orders pressing upon her '...don't fight run...' the whispers reminding her constantly, but she was tired of running, she had been doing that a lot lately.
She wouldn't back down, she would not surrender and she wouldn't run.
Pushing through the compulsion, Lescar shook off her master's orders, she had to fight, she refused to become a trolls toy.
Lescar shouted at the top of her lungs, already charging forward, fixated on her objective, her fear crushed under sheer revulsion.
"I hope you choke on my bones! you fat bastard!"
The troll hobbled toward her, but its gait was improving, its gaping wounds gradually sealing over, trolls were known for another powerful trait aside from boundless endurance and heightened vitality, their ability to heal, recover and adapt.
It was one of the main reasons humanity had failed to eliminate the vile creatures.
Lescar didn't have long to try, she had to move now.
The troll swiped, trying to grab and restrain Lescar, she ducking under the grab at high speed before sliding in between the troll's legs slicing at the already weakened leg as she rose on the other side of the troll.
Grunting, the troll swung around sending an empty fist flying at her, in response, the hand open and grasping, again Lescar stepped to the right ducking under the flailing limb, cutting it as it flew past.
"Grrrr little wife stop dodging love hug." the troll rumbled, "hrr stay still!" The troll grabbed at Lescar and was cut again for his trouble.
"You beginning to make Ukgar angry," the growling troll hissed, "Ukgar not be gentle when time for sex."
For all her efforts, Lescar had done little more than irritate the troll, the past wound on its leg only existing in the first place because she was able to strike undetected.
But now that the troll was centering on Lescar, she was unable to land any meaningful blows, only shallow cuts that soon sealed over.
Her attacks were fruitless.
Lescar did not give up though and continued to hack and stab at the troll, her attacks swifter and harder than she had ever achieved before, she felt stronger and lighter, but didn't know why. nor did she question it.
She kept stabbing and cutting into the troll, her blade a shimmering vortex of sharp as she weaved and bobbed like a mad falcon in a storm.
She swung her blade so fast that the troll having received a deep gash in its hands was driven back a step.
The troll, tired of being cut up snapped, "HRRRR! ENOUGH!"
Ignoring Lescars strikes the troll lept forward, both arms reaching forward to engulf Lescar.
Unable to avoid the full-on assault, Lescar sent her blade towards the trolls face missing her targets, the eyes, and instead puncturing the bulbose nose.
The troll roared furiously, pulling the blade from its nose and tossing it to the floor, holding up the struggling Lescar in one hand, it spoke angrily.
"RAAAHh! Hrr! stupid pretty human will pay for hurting beautiful nose, Ukgar will make human squeal!"
Lifting Lescar up to eye level, Ukgar began squeezing, the huge hand applying ridiculous force on Lescar's whole body.
"Ah! AHHHHHHHH!" Lescar screamed, her bones beginning to deform, one arm already bending the wrong way.
Through teary vision, Lescar could see her captor's face slowly curling into a lewd smile.
"Hrrr you make pretty sound too! Ukgar definitely keep you."
Lescar dimly registered these words, her vision waning, it was becoming hard to focus and increasingly difficult to breathe, she could feel that many bones were shattered, her body was becoming limp, she was losing control.
It was as her mind was about to fall back into darkness, that she heard the voice of the devil.
"Get off my kid! you disgusting savage!"
Having arrived unseen the enormous cockroach jumped into the air landing firmly on the trolls back digging his claws deep into undefended flesh, the roach set to gnawing at the trolls tough nape.
"Hrrrrrrraah!? stupid bug is back? get lost weak bug!" The troll staggered forward, the force of a donkey sized arthropod pushing him down as he swung madly with his empty hand, trying to pull the insect off.
"Lescar wake up!" The devil called "Don't you dare die on me!"
A mental shove woke Lescar from her stupor and she groaned somewhat deliriously.
"uhhh... hello devil, come for my soul?"
To which the devil griped "Enough of that, grab your sword and stab it again!"
Lescar was given an impression to look down, drowsily doing so, spotting her sword as it danced about in her eyes moving further away only to come rushing past her face.
She was swinging about limply in the trolls right hand as he tried to pull the devil off his shoulders meaning that every now and then she was swung past her sword.
Lescar reached out then screamed as her body rejected movement, the nerves on fire, waking her entirely from her drowsiness.
Whimpering she told the devil silently with her mind, " I can't do it, the pain is too much almost all my bones are broken, I can't do it..."
The devil went silent then said in a softer voice as if comforting a child unwilling to take medicine.
"Please do it, you are strong I have felt your strength, push through it, I promise the pain will not last long."
With uncharacteristic words of both a devil and a cockroach, the devil urged Lescar on.
Tears streaming down her face, every nerve in her body protesting, Lescar reached out, her sword coming into range, then she missed.
"AHHHHHHHH!" Lescar spasmed in the troll's grip the feedback from missing causing her body to tremble violently
"I can't do it!" Lescar shrieked mentally "it is impossible!"
"It is not impossible," the devil paused, a sense of disappointment traveling through the connection before it stopped and Lescar vaguely felt the devil thinking something...
" Here let me help you." the devil said more softly, the rustling menace normally in its voice subdued.
Lescar then felt something strange happen, through her connection to the devil she felt something emerge, it felt like someone was pressing up against her, embracing her but not physically, spiritually.
Lescar did not have a good way of describing it, but it was like someone was lending her a shoulder, supporting her, it felt oddly familiar.
"Raise your arm Lescar and seize your sword," the devil said the voice almost beside her as if speaking directly into her ears " I have your back."
Those words, she had heard them before.
Her brother used to always say it to her.
Tears burst unbidden from Lescars eyes but not from physical pain but something deeper, pulling on the strength being lent to her Lescar reached out to her sword as it swung by and grabbed it, biting her teeth through the pain.
"Now we finish this ugly unclean chimp," the demon said with finality "when the time comes, plunge your blade into its eye."
The devil, no person, on the trolls back leaned backward dragging the troll upward as it became unbalanced, leaving it wide open to attacks from the front.
"UUrrrrRRRGGGH! stupid smelly bug! get OFF!" The troll shouted landing a solid blow against the person on its shoulder
The person, one of their compound eyes crushed did not let up, and Lescar was raised into the air above the trolls head, still holding her blade as the troll flailed at the being carving up its back.
Above the trolls head, Lescar looked down at the brutish glaring face, time seemingly slowing as Lescar felt something amazing happen, her bones sprang back into place, her muscles pumped up full of energy, and she was suddenly aware of everything.
She was aware of the fine hairs on the trolls face, the small droplets of spittle flying from its mouth, the coarse texture of its skin against her own and the gentle thrumming of her own heart.
She could feel every breath as her lungs struggled to stay functional, to keep drawing in air, she was aware of the many tiny streams of blood that ran from the abrasions on her skin, she was aware of everything.
Save for one thing, the space around the being on the trolls back, it was dead still, stagnant, even as it struggled with the troll.
This was her master, her partner.
He was special she just didn't know-how.
Then the moment of clarity was over, time returning to its fast pace, but the power still coursed through her body.
"Lescar do it now!" her partner cried out, the power inside her coursing violently exploding from her body enhancing her strength to insane levels, and awakening foreign desires she hadn't known she had.
The desire to devour her opponents and dance on the carcass.
The whispering in Lescar's head turned into maniacal laughing and demands of more, more blood, more death, more victims.
Feeling suddenly full of blood lust, Lescar strained with all her might and burst from the troll's grip like a jack in a box, before descending blade first towards the troll, her eyes lit with burning flames.
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHh!" Lescar screamed, her throat running ragged, she pushed her blade down in front of her, the blade beginning to flicker with warping lines.
The troll wasn't ready for it when Lescar hit him, piercing through his right eye like a metal skewer through a marshmallow.
"URRRaaaaaahhh!" the troll shrieked ignoring the bug on his back to swat at Lescar.
"Too slow." Lescar hissed viciously twisting the blade before jumping a meter off his head, kicking the troll in the nose as she did, Lescar was again airborne above Ukgar.
Unable to see through one eye, being eaten slowly from behind and suddenly being smacked around by a tiny human, Ukgar was, understandably, beginning to panic.
"Hrrr hrrrr! get away from Ukgar! you not Little human, you something bad!" the troll staggered back, still carrying a one-tonne bug on his back, his voice full of something suddenly delicious.
"Must run!" the troll slurred making to flee but that was no longer possible.
Landing on the floor five feet behind the troll Lescar looked up eyes full of bloodlust and spiteful hunger, she advanced, dashing forward like a coiled spring, Lescar arrived in front of the troll and pushed off the ground, hard.
Tossing aside her brother's blade, Lescar brought her two fists together slamming the troll upside the head knocking it over, her beloved master jumping from its back in the process.
Master didn't hesitate and immediately set upon the downed troll tearing at its exposed throat.
"Hurgghk!" the troll coughed already beginning to drown in its own blood, as master ripped its throat out.
Jumping back and watching his fallen foe thrash and convulse, her master sat and observed Ukgar die slowly and painfully.
But Lescar didn't, still full of wrath and voracious desire she jumped onto the dying troll.
Leaping upon the downed troll Lescar began beating it, kicking at it, even biting at the passing troll until she was stopped by a stern voice.
"Lescar Stop that!" Blinking Lescar turned to her master her mouth bloody and lips torn.
Her master seemed anxious 'why?' the troll was beaten and it would surely be delicious. Lescar was puzzled.
"Calm down and take a breath" her master instructed his antennae slowly coming down to pat her on the head soothingly.
'Was master worried for my health?' she was fine! she felt totally-
Lescar ground to a halt before her partner, the raging power that had fueled her strength draining away, leaving her tired and very, very sore.
"What was I doing? I feel sick." Lescar managed before...
With a wobble, Lescar fell to her side hurling out her recent meal.
The Last thing she saw was something that read.
{level up!}
'What- what is, a level up?' Lescar's dimming mind asked before turning blank.
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8 76 - In Serial17 Chapters
Jade Immortal
(Experimental story)Six people stood in line for reincarnation and went to the same world. One person broke the rule of Six and followed them to the xianxia world they selected. Tricking a mortal bent on vengeance, an evil jade spirit was freed. It has a body at last and will do all it can to protect its freedom.
8 156 - In Serial13 Chapters
Death, the Savior
Roran, the adopted second son of the noble family of Arstil. Adopted 2 years after his excelling older brother, he was unneeded. The successor of the family was already decided, and he was given one purpose: to take all blame for the misdeeds of his older brother and family successor, Maxus. As a scapegoat, only the dreadful things followed: social execution, familial abuse, and hate. To avoid the defamation of the family, he was avoided and was only treated as a tool. In his mind, the value of life itself degraded, while his hate for humans grew.This is the story of Roran, and his savior Death. He gets reincarnated with a new purpose: to exact revenge on the humans of the new world, Arcadia -- while undertaking the Death God's mission.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author: Constructive Criticism is welcome! Do comment if you see any mistakes. Thanks!
8 127 - In Serial24 Chapters
My American Boyfriend (Bakudeku)
Who would have thought that Bakugo would be in a relationship?How would the class react when they first meet Bakugo's lover?How will they react to America ?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
8 157 - In Serial22 Chapters
Violet Johnson is a shy and innocent 17 year old who now has to go live with her brothers after her mother dies from a tragic accident will her brothers take her in or would they let her go in to the orphanage The Johnson brothers are the most powerful successful billionaires there mother left them at a young age, they didn't know about Violet until the oldest brother receives a call asking if he would take her in, would they take her in or leave her
8 120