《Her Golemancer Girlfriend》007.X: Character Profiles - Part 1 [BONUS]


Amelia Bluewood

Amelia's a half-human, half-golem, created from an ancient soul core fused with a dying body. She's powerful, she's gifted, and she's out for revenge.

Her girlfriend, the golemancer Ed Winback, helped her discover her powers, before they ran away together to hide from the tyrannical North Sunwell Company. But after Ed disappeared, after their village was razed, Amelia found herself all on her own. Now, though, she's coming to the metropolis of Fleettwixt, and she's going to find out what happened to Ed, and she will destroy anything and everything in her path to succeed.

Amelia is a woman of few words, but bold action. She takes unreasonable risk with unadulterated glee, and has a hard time making friends or any connection. A bit shy, though she'll never admit it.

Info: Female, golem, age 6, 174cm

Likes: Fighting, gaining power, slow afternoons, vengeance, cooking

Dislikes: Oppression, excessive chatter, killing animals, food

Secret: She can't grow hair anywhere on her body.

Ed Winback

Ed is a half-elf, half-human prodigy golemancer who advanced to the top level of North Sunwell’s Research & Development Department in just a few years. She faked Amelia’s destruction and ran away with her for a few years, but for mysterious reasons, she disappeared completely.

She's a dedicated, sometimes obsessive mage who's always getting herself into ambitious theories and lofty new projects. Her motives are not always clear, but her passion always is. And her hatred for her own employer is so clear it burns through her very spirit.

Wherever she is, she's surely doing her best, just like Amelia.

Info: Female, half-elf, age 23, 164cm

Likes: Golemancy, innovation, heroism, cuddling, family, justice

Dislikes: Inequity, helplessness, bureaucracy, dresses, cleaning up

Secret: Ed fell in love with Amelia from the day she activated her core, and she's always felt guilty about it.


Mino Maelion

Mino's the proud owner of the Beechhurst International Co-Lodging House, where Amelia stays. Her neighborhood has fallen into hard times these past few years, with the dungeon economy fading and its sun elf population aging. But she’s determined to make the community vibrant again.

She loves spending time with friends and helping them enjoy their lives, especially if that involves her getting some money out of it. Money is extremely, extremely important. But if someone needs her help, she's always willing to drop everything and run to them.

She's actually pretty good at magic, too, the few times she has a chance to use it, and she's certified as a Manadhmeth Dungeon tour guide up to Floor 3.

Info: Female, sun elf, age 157, 156cm

Likes: Friends, beer, barbecue, Beechhurst, quilting

Dislikes: Cooking, money problems, fighting among friends, talking about herself

Secret: She can't remember her parents anymore, and lost all records of them a century ago. Her sister is her only family, and she's currently working overseas.

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