《No Absolution, An Antagonist LitRPG》Chapter 70 - The Third floor 1


The Loot Box that Schelton and his guards created was a small pouch of three pieces of unknown Copper currency. Each piece was oval, two-point-five millimeters thick, and each had a rune inscribed on it that Colin recognized as the symbol for the Money Forgers Guild. This was Colin’s first time seeing this type of currency; the Copper Rune was worth one hundred Copper Coins.

Colin slipped the Copper Runes into his Dimensional Bag and withdrew something else that he’d been holding back on before. The Trench Knife had been an Item he’d received from one of his previous excursions into this Dungeon. The first time he appraised it, the item only registered a basic description and gave little knowledge about its potential or worth. Now his appraisal skill was higher. He had other skills that could help him, so he activated Appraisal and read the following Prompt.

Storm Claw. Weight: 911 grams. Item Quality: 8.

This curved Trench Knife blade is made from a claw shed from a Variant Mature Dracowolf known as Adhira. This Variant of the Demonic species was a monstrous beast that ravaged the circles of Hell with its Infernal Energy Projection powers. The Beast eventually made its home near the main fortress of Hell’s ninth circle after it battled and lost to the Steward of Hell, Baal.

All metal components of this item, including its core, are made from a metal called Lucinate. It is a reddish-black material that can only be made in the deepest pit of Hell near Lucifer’s Cage.

This weapon is one of eight different weapons made from Adhira’s sheared claws. Though it is unenchanted, some who have seen these blades believe it may still access its power.

Well, that is a lot more information than before.

Colin turned over the beautifully fiendish-looking weapon in his hands for a moment and sighing quietly. He really wished that he’d grabbed his Enchanting books from his Hotel room before coming here. To be fair, he didn’t think he’d be doing any Enchanting work here, but that was then, and this was now.

He took a seat, sitting cross-legged on the ground before reach into the Dimensional Bag and pulled out all of his enchanting notes and anything else he had on the subject. What he ended up with was a small pile of notes, a few books that he hadn’t touched yet from his Enchanting teacher here in BriarThorn, and the Sword that had killed the previous Demon Lord Ari. After his successful kidnapping of that Krimson Spire party at his Hotel, he did not want to leave something that valuable in his room.

After pulling out a piece of scratch paper, Colin started taking notes. Using the cover of one of the hardcover books he had as a surface, he stated the things he needed his new weapon to accomplish that his Mythic Weapon could not.

“First and foremost,” Colin muttered as he wrote. “I need it to be able to shear through metal easily; the Golems outside are not going away any time soon. Next, I want it to be able to evolve or rank up, sort of like how Rielle’s Vial of Lesser Spell Aging did. I can’t risk making an item that will be obsolete out of a special item like this. And lastly, it needs to have a special ability that will continue to be useful over time.”

Colin paused for a moment over his notes. Mulling over the options at his disposal for all three necessities, he wrote them down and went over his reference materials.


Nox stepped out of Rielle’s shadow and walked towards Colin, his speed sedate and poised. He stopped next to Colin and picked up the Storm Claw that was sitting just off to the side of Colin’s leg. “DevilWalker,” he said, looking over the weapon as he waited for a response.

“Nox,” Colin answered, opening a volume on enchantment scripts and using a finger to quickly trace his passage across the index.

The Goblin looked down at the Antagonist, raising an eyebrow and tapping on the weapon’s blade with a slightly pointed fingernail. “I sincerely hope that you know what you are doing.”

Colin nodded once, paused, then hedged and shrugged, “I think so. He handed Nox his single page of notes and got back to reading. I haven’t finalized any details yet, just thinking of what I need and how to accomplish it first.”

“And you think-” He paused for a moment to see what sort of Book Colin was checking. “Rune Script Enchantments are the way to go?” Nox asked, continuing to read the notes.

Definitely shrugging this time, Colin looked up at the Goblin and smiled, “Maybe, I need a way to create a weapon that I can evolve under the right circumstances or conditions. You know, like the Vial of Lesser Spell Aging. I would prefer to be able to do it myself, but that is not a deal-breaker.”

Nox nodded and rubbed at his chin in thought as Colin closed the book and picked up another, this one on Intermediate Enchanting.

“Do you know how that sort of thing works?” Nox asked, setting the Infernal weapon down on a previously picked-up book and conjuring a shadow cane to lean on.

Shaking his head, Colin gestured to the books around him, “no, that’s why I am doing research. Unless you know and can just tell me.”

Nodding, Nox extended his pointer finger out, and a smoky mist surrounded it a moment later. Using that finger, he pointed to the ground to Colin’s right, and ink-like Darkness began to write itself on the floor.

“There are several things that need to be true for any part of an item to be evolvable. First, the weapon needs to be of good construction, a minimum of Item Quality six to be able to hold the magicks allow it to evolve.” The words’ Item Quality 6’ wrote itself onto the ground at his words.

“Second, It actually needs the magicks required to become evolvable; this is considered a typeless Enchantment that just needs pure ManaMana to create. The only problem is that it needs a lot of ManaMana to do this Enchantment, like most typeless enchantments,” Nox stated. Underneath the last message, ‘Evolving Enchantment’ was written down. “Just FYI, the minimum Enchanting level needed to stand any chance of using this Enchantment is level 10.”

Pausing to take a breath, Nox looked at Colin, then at the three others behind him who was paying attention. “Third and most importantly, you need to be doing both those previous things while in the middle of a running ritual called ‘Systemic Enchanting Renovation.’ It’s what adds the Evolving Enchantment to the Weapon proper allowing for a true evolving weapon. You can do without this part, but it will limit the power since the weapon will not improve with the Enchantment, thus reducing its potential.”

Nox finished, the words’ Systemic Enchanting Renovation’ writing itself on the stone next to Colin. Then three lines formed just to the left of the words, each line intertwining two or three inches later with the words’ Evolving Item’ writing itself where that line ended. “There you have it; none of it is tough but definitely costly.”


“Have you ever done this?” Colin asked, looking up at Nox.

He shook his head, “Enchanting was not my area of expertise; potions were. I know the theory, but I never wanted or needed to do it. For shadow’s sake, the spear that I told you I wanted to be remade was a culmination of very high-level artisans. The only thing I did for it was provide an item that became its energy core.”

Colin took a moment to write down the three things Nox wrote down before evaporating into black mist. On the face of it, this wasn’t going to be difficult. Still, the mana requirements were already going to be intense for him, even with his Mana Efficiency subskill for Enchanting. Combine that with a ritual that was sure to be expensive; Colin was a lot less confident than he was a few minutes earlier.

Taking a moment, Colin found the Evolving Enchantment Runes in the Intermediate Enchanting book. He found that it was as Nox said, just with more details. It wasn’t that it was impossible to use earlier than level 10. Still, unless you have Enchanting level 10 or higher, the risk of Mana Backlash could be dangerous. It also mentioned the Ritual’ Systemic Enchanting Renovation’ but stated that it was in a different book that Colin did not have.

“Nox, you wouldn’t happen to have a reference book that has this ritual in it, would you?” Colin asked, hopeful that he could do this.

“I don’t,” Nox stated bluntly. But before Colin’s hopes could be dashed, Nox continued, “but I know how to do it.”

“And you remember it?” Colin asked.

Nox nodded, “indeed, DevilWalker. I have knowledge: Ritual at level 71, trust me when I say that I remember the Ritual. The problem is that this requires more than me telling you information; what do I get if I give you the Rituals information?”

Colin sighed, “Okay, what do I have to do?”

“I want the Heart of an Adult Grendel Demon,” Nox told him plainly. “I can give you the Ritual right now if you promise me the heart. Hell, if you can’t kill it, I will. You just have to make sure I get its heart intact. Deal?”

The Antagonist swallowed at the thought, Grendel Demon’s could be considered the Foot Soldiers of the Main Demonic Forces. Not incredibly bright or varied, they did possess the ability to spawn quickly and leveled up just as fast as long as they were melee fighters. According to his Demonology skill, the average adult Grendel Demon could be around level 50 to 55. If Nox wanted this item, there was an excellent chance he actually needed it for something.

He thought about it for long moments, recalling where he’d heard of Grendel Demons before this instance, and smiled as it hit him. Colin nodded at the Goblin, “Deal.”

Nox reached into his coat and withdrew a folded piece of parchment. He unfolded it and showed both sides to Colin, confirming that it was blank on both sides. Then he turned it over one more time, and shadowy ink spread across the surface and coalesced into a double-sided document complete with diagrams and runic symbols.

Colin took the page and started reading. The Ritual details weren’t as complicated as the Neuropathic Syphon Ritual but were certainly more complex than the summoning rituals he’d done. With that being said, he thought it was doable. Well, mostly. Other than the ritual circle, there was one thing he was missing that he wasn’t sure what to do about.

“Hey, Nox, you wouldn’t happen to know what ‘Units of crystallized memory’ are, would you?” Colin asked.

“Experience points,” Nox answered. “A Unit of Crystallize Memory is one hundred experience points.”

“So this Ritual calls for one thousand experience points to activate?” Colin confirmed, annoyed at this personal loss.

The Goblin shook his head, “reread that line, DevilWalker. It says ten units of crystallized memory for every Item Quality level above Item quality 5.”

“So that’s… three thousand experience?”

“Indeed. A lot of Rituals, if they aren’t costly with necessary materials, almost always require a personal loss to activate. For example, the Neuropathic Syphon needed that piece of Sansinite to work. Goddess, I’ve used a ritual that required the sacrifice of eleven mortal souls. Rituals are powerful, but not without cost.”

Taking a deep breath, Colin steeled himself and looked around the room while making the decision. It was actually an easy one given what sort of thing he was thinking of, and three thousand experience points really wouldn’t take too long to get back. Other than that, the mana requirements was something he could deal with. He hoped.


“Are you sure you’re alright?” Rielle asked, leaving her place in the formation to walk down the stairs next to Colin.

The Antagonist nodded, “yeah, I will be. The Mana Backlash will hurt for a while, but it’ll fade in a little while. But you have to admit, this was worth it,” Colin said, showing her his hands. Both were marred with angry black lines that went up into his jacket. They looked like lines of charred flesh that were easing away a little bit at a time.

“I’m not so sure, Walker,” Rielle said, not looking directly at his injury. “That looked like it was painful,” she said, hissing as he flexed his hand and winced at the discomfort.

Larry let out a single joyous laugh, “Maybe, but he took it like a winner. Without pain, without risk, there can be no victory. And I think our Master here will be a winner! Hah!”

“I’m with Rielle, Walker,” Paladin said, shaking his head at Colin’s hands. “Most Player’s avoid those sorts of things because it actually hurts, even if everything heals fast here, pain is not fun, Brother. I don’t think I could have done that.”

Colin simply shrugged, “We’ll see if it was worth it the next time we see something for me to kill.” His off-hand wandered down to his right hip, opposite the one that carried his Mythic Xiphos, where a sheath that held the Infernal Trench Knife sat waiting. Outwardly, nothing about the handle had changed with the Enchanting process, but Colin was excited to see its effects.

Luckily, he did not have to wait long.

The stairs came to an end a minute later, the floor changing a few feet away from the final steps from well-trod stone bricks to solid stone. The stone may have been solid gray stone, but it was all worked and smooth, with only black smears maring the clean surfaces. This new passage stretched on for around five-ish meters where a heavily reinforced door sat closed, two armored corpses rotted away with most of their armor.

Checking the bodies, Colin wasn’t surprised when all he found was a few Copper Bits. Only enough for a meal or two outside, but anything could be helpful. With the looting done, Larry nodded at his Master, who gave him the go-ahead.

The Demon coated his hands in gloves of flexible HellRime before gripping the handle. The soft iron grip twisted in his grasp, splitting and forming teeth as it tried to bite his hand. Larry didn’t even flinch even as the transformed mouth attempted to pierce the HellRime. When it didn’t work, the thing tried again and again, with clanking sounds reaching everyone’s ears.

“What is that?” Paladin asked, trying to look around and properly see what was happening.

“It’s a Hell Mite, Otherwise known as a Hell Mimic,” Larry said, reaching and grabbing the handle and giving it a solid yank. The handle pulled free from the wooden door, the constantly twisting length of iron still forming teeth and claws as it tried to free itself. “It’s one of the few shapeshifters in Hell, other than Succubi or Incubi. From what I know, there isn’t a big difference between normal mimics and Hell Mites. Just that these little buggers are more sadistic, normal mimics just try and eat you, these things will play with their food.”

With a squeeze and a burst of HellRime, Larry killed the Hell Mite, which was reduced to dark metallic slime with its death.

With the Hell Mites’ death, the door opened, and Larry pushed it open the rest of the way. Colin patted Larry’s shoulder, entering the unknown room first. Unlike the rest of the Dungeon, no mysterious sourceless light illuminated this space, the Darkness seeming almost oppressive.

So Colin activated his Darkvision spell, the magic allowing him to see through the dark, and smiled at what he saw.

What looked like two Lesser Plated Demon’s stood in the room, each leaning against a wall away from him. Each one’s exoskeleton was twisted and had what looked like vents on their biceps that exuded this Darkness. Taking out his Infernal Trench Knife, Colin started feeding in a careful trickle of ManaMana to charge the weapon as he walked forward. He also activated his Shadow Cowling subskill, enveloping himself in a cloak of Darkness that practically accepted the mist around him.

A pair of hisses escaped from the two demons as Colin walked. Smiling, he kept looking between the two, only to find that they couldn’t see him with their own skill and his Cowling.

“Where are you?” the Plated Demon to Colin’s left hissed. The Demon started walking forward; its pace was slow and careful as it slowly drew a curved sword from its hip. The weapon barely made a sound as it slipped free from its scabbard. Its segmented tail flowed around with care as it looked around the room, its eyes glowing a dim gray. “The night may embrace you, Intruder, but we are one with it. This shall not last but a-”

Before it could finish his statement, Colin had gotten close to it. He tread just outside the Demon’s reach, taking every step with care. As soon as he got behind it, the Demon’s tail stopped swinging and went stock still for a moment. Activating Kinetic Vigor, he crept forward and took aim for the Demon’s neck.

Before he struck out, the Demon’s tail whipped out towards Colin’s body, only for the Antagonist to reflexively swing out with the Infernal Trench Knife.

The Demon’s tail hit the ground with a heavy clank as the appendage twitched and spasmed for a moment. The Antagonist’s heart beat fast as he looked at the energy blade that formed from the Trench Knife’s handle. The approximate two-foot beam of red energy that with a vague edge had black lines outlining it further.

Smiling as he twisted his hips, Colin snapped his newly enchanted weapon towards the Lesser Plated Demon’s right arm, which severed just below the shoulder.

The Demon hissed as it scrambled to get away from Colin, the shadow mist pouring out of its exoskeleton getting stronger increasing in volume.

You are in the area of effect of Scourging Mist. For every second you are in the area of effect, you shall take 8.6 points of shadow damage.

This effect has been reduced by its initial 10 points of damage by one percent per Shadow Magic Manipulation level you possess.

Still seeing the Lesser Plated Demon, Colin ignored stealth for a moment and sprinted towards the mutilated foe. With two full three hundred and sixty degree spins, Colin sliced most of the way through its leg with the first swipe, causing it to stumble to its knees. The second brought its neck to an optimal position for decapitation. He took advantage of that fact before extinguishing the energy blade of his new weapon and all ongoing mana drains except Shadow Cowling.

Just in time, too. The other Demon swung its bladed weapon down where Colin had been a moment before. Its bladed weapon was like a bigger version of the others, more strength than finesse.

“Where -HISS- are you!” the Demon started, turning its head left to right as it tried to find him. “Damn you!” it cursed after a long moment. “Coalesce Darkness! Armory of Dusk!” it shouted, the Sword in its hands evaporating into the air.

The Darkness in the room flowed like vacuumed smoke towards a half dozen shapes that stuck out of the stone floor. These shapes became more and more solid with every moment as the Demon’s spewed Darkness became greatswords made entirely out of obsidian glass. The Dungeons normal sourceless light filled the room; the Demon started looking around as it tried to find the attacker.

The Demon initially glossed over the group that waited at the room’s entrance, but when its prey couldn’t be found, it locked its eyes on them.

“Rielle, since you can see it now, can you light it up?” Colin asked, appearing from just behind its comrade’s corpse.

It turned its attention to Colin, leaning forward and sprinting towards him while picking up two of the swords, one in each hand. It raised the Sword in its right hand over its head and was about to bring it down when Rielle’s Heavenly Blight engulfed it. The green-gold flame staggered the Demon, interrupting its attack for a moment. It was long enough for Colin to turn on, swing, and turn off his new weapon after it took off its leg at mid-thigh.

The Demon fell to the floor as Rielle’s flames finished it off with the bleeding effect created by Colin’s impromptu amputation.

Congratulations! You have defeated two Gloom Cloud Plated Demons and have gained 1178 EXP. You now have 116,507/256,914 until level 21. Your Stealth Skill is now level 12. Action Concealment, sound-canceling, and movement veiling have increased by a small margin. Your Shadow Cowling subskill has increased to level 15. The passive Stealth bonus while in shadow has increased by a small margin. The shadows around you are now harder to dissipate with natural or magical light. Due to your subskill advancing past its main skill, your Shadow Magic Manipulation level has also increased. Your Shadow Magic Manipulation is now level 15. The Darkness in you infuses your body and protects it. Shadow Resistance 5%.

“Shiit,” Colin whispered as he looked at his new thing. He hadn’t really seen many things use shadow magic except maybe Nox and now these demons, but that was beside the point. Anything that could reduce damage he could and would take was welcome.

“Oh ho, DevilWalker. Level 15 Shadow Magic Manipulation, eh?” Nox said, stepping out of Rielle’s Shadow. “Not too bad.”

“You can tell?” Colin asked, curious.

The Goblin nodded, “indeed. It’s a level 100 Shadow Magic thing. I can sense sources of Shadow Magic as well as get a general sense of their strength, which means you.”

“Forget about that,” Paladin said, hurrying forward and smiling widely at Colin. “Did you make yourself a lightsaber?!”

Groaning, Colin shook his head. “No, it’s not a lightsaber. Lightsabers are laser swords that break physics by being able to reflect. This,” the Antagonist said, raising the still unsheathed Infernal Trench Knife that reverted to the curved claw blade. “Is an energy blade made with Infernal, Shadow, and Kinetic magicks. This blade is better than a lightsaber, Paladin.”

“No, it isn’t. A lightsaber is an elegant weapon from ages past, wielded by an ancient order of protectors that harnessed the light side of the force. Those weapons are well-crafted blades that could cut through all but the rarest of materials,” Paladin said, a fervor not unlike a favorite person of his coming through his words.

Colin shook his head, “and?”

“And. And?!” Paladin asked, his voice incredulous. “What more do you need?”

Rielle raised her hand, and both men looked at her, “Guys, what’s a lightsaber?”

“No, no, no, we are not going into that here,” Colin said, cutting off this conversation before it got traction. “Paladin, you can describe the intricacies of space diplomacy in a fictional universe filled with Jedi and Sith when I do not have to hear it.”

“What? You don’t like Star Wars?” Paladin asked.

Rolling his eyes, Colin shook his head and looked at the Sumo, “no, I don’t. I don’t prefer most Sci-fi movies or TV series. Actually, there is one I enjoyed, but it was more due to the weapons and tactics being things I can identify with, you know?”

“Please tell me you are not talking about Starship Troopers,” Paladin scoffed. “I hate to tell you, Walker, but that is not realistic.”

“No, I was talking about StarGate. They used freaking P90’s in the show, always went for cover, and the entire expedition was headed by the military. For god’s sake, they even followed proper chains of command, even if they ignored it for story purposes.” Colin shrugged, “I don’t care for fiction as a whole, it’s just so unrealistic, but I felt more… grounded watching that show.”

Then Paladin broke into a wide, shit-eating grin, as he said, “and now you are stuck in a fantasy world with magic and monsters.”

“Yes, I notice the irony,” Colin groaned.

“Hey, Master?” Larry said, getting Colin’s attention.

When Colin looked at his Familiar, the Demon pointed to one of the two doors that could be clearly seen now that the Darkness was gone. One of the doors was slowly opening, the action quiet enough that Colin hadn’t even noticed it. What was pushing open that door was another Plated Demon, but like the last ones, this one was different

As it finished pushing open the door, the Demon leaned forward, its plated exoskeleton armor glowing white as it screeched.

In a burst of light, the Demon vanished from Colin’s vision and reappeared to his right. With clawed gauntlets glowing with similar light, the Plated Demon pounced towards Colin, ready to rend.

“Intercepting Shield!” Larry announced, his body moving in a literal blur towards Colin.

The HellRime Knight stood in front of his Master, a hastily made shield raised between himself and the attack. Both four clawed gauntlets flashed with light as they cut through the shield, each weapon only slashing once before the Demon vanished in another burst of light.

“Thanks, Larry,” Colin said, eyes searching for the Demon that reappeared about ten meters away from them. Its armor had lost some of its luster, the light now dimmer where it was radiant a moment ago.

Looking at the Demon, Colin could almost feel his Demonology Skill trying to determine what this thing was, but no information came. It was obviously another Plated Demon of some sort, this one connected to the light element if the last ones were connected to the shadow element. As the Demon shifted around, its body weight moving left to right as if ready to dodge, Colin noticed the exoskeleton’s glow becoming brighter by the moment.

“Alright then,” Colin muttered. “Around ten meters? Okay, Shadow Bolt!”

A shaft of pure Darkness appeared just in front of Colin’s raised hand. It fired off a half-second later, missing the Demon who was ready to dodge. But instead of staying back for a moment to build up more of the glow, like Colin expected, the Demon hurried towards Colin. While its speed was still impressive, it wasn’t anywhere near the instantaneous movement it exerted a moment earlier.

“Larry, back!” Colin ordered, not waiting for the Demon to respond. “Obscuring Black!” He announced, the Darkness spell creating a cloud of shadow around himself as the Demon rushed in.

Since he cast the spell, Colin could see the Demon as it slowed to a stop in the mist. It looked around, confused for a moment as it looked for him with no luck. The Demon growled as it took careful steps forward, its claw gauntlets extended out to its sides. The light its plated exoskeleton emitted dimmed further as its weapons started to glow.

The light increased its intensity over several seconds as Colin circled around to its back. The growl grew louder and sharper as it announced a spell, “Purging Light!”

The effect was simple; the light on the bladed claws grew until it was a blinding white nova of energy. Then, in an instant, it was gone. Leaving Colin behind it and the Darkness that was concealing him gone. Then the light on the Demon’s Exoskeleton began to regain some of its luster as it turned in a full circle towards him, and Colin got a quick idea.

“Quenching Dark,” Colin muttered, glaring at the Plated Demon’s exoskeleton.

The Shadow underneath the Demon flickered up towards its glowing parts and wrapped around it like a dark rubber sheet. The light extinguishing spell was one of Colin’s first Shadow Magic spells, and admittedly, it was one of his favorites. It only took a moment for the Demon to start screaming and for Colin to rush the thing, his MP was dropping like a rock at the drain that this spell was causing him.

Reigniting the Infernal Energy Short Sword, Colin thrust it into the Demon’s back then sliced through half of the Demon’s thigh. The Demon cried out in pain as it swung its claws around, still trying to hit him. Only to catch air as Colin moved back before stepping back forward and flicking his new weapon through the Demon’s left forearm. This blow only cut partway through it, but it still maimed the appendage, which was something he could agree with.

Then with one final swing, Colin brought the blade down on the top of the enemy’s head, cleaving into its head, killing it with a think-sounding squelch.

You have killed a Lumin Plated Demon and have gained 710 EXP. You now have 117,217/256,914 until level 21.

“Huh,” Colin said when no other prompts arrived. “That doesn’t happen often.”

“Whoa! That was amazing!” Rielle proclaimed as she hurried over to him.

Paladin walked just behind her, nodding in agreement. “That was impressive, Walker. I probably could have beaten it, but it would have taken longer. It was rather awesome to see, Brother.”

The Incubus walked over last, a large grin plastered over his face, “nicely done, Master. That was a display of skill befitting a Demon Lord Candidate. And that blade,” Larry whistled appreciatively. “Nice!”

Nodding, Colin lifted the weapon in his hand up to eye level, Appraising the weapon again to review its description now that he’d seen it in action.

Lesser Infernal Edge. Weight: 911 grams. Item Quality: 8.

This item is one of eight weapons made from the claws of Adhira, a Variant Mature Dracowolf that lives in the ninth circle of Hell. All Metal components of the weapon are made from a material called Lucinate, a material that can only be made near Lucifer’s Cage, with the blade being made from the Claw itself.

Enchanted by the Outworlder, DevilWalker, the weapon now generates a twenty-inch blade made of pure Infernal power. It does this by temporarily converting Adhira’s Claw into pure infernal energy to form the template for all three magicks in this weapon. Infernal Magic forms the blade, Kinetic Magic gives the blade substance and cutting power, and Shadow Magic helps the weapon penetrate armor and hide alike.

A weapon designed for cutting and piercing defenses, it does its job well.

-This Weapon deals cleaving damage to armor, natural or metal.

-The Weapon has higher chances of dismemberment as long as the Cleave Damage can penetrate the armor.

-This weapon deals an extra 25% damage to creatures of the Light Element and an additional 50% damage to creatures of the Divine Elements.

-This Enchanted Weapon needs a minimum of 25 mana invested in it to manifest its blade.

-To manifest the blade, it consumes 20 points of Mana and 5 points of ManaMana per second to keep it ignited.

-This Weapon can hold 200 points of ManaMana.

-This Weapon will lose 10 Mana an hour as ‘leakage.’

-The Original Claw Blade can still be used as a weapon as long as the Enchantment is not triggered.

-This Item can evolve if the right ingredients are brought to the correct crafter.

It was a little wordy, but it was a great tool. Smiling, Colin sheathed the Infernal Trench Knife that was now known as the Lesser Infernal Edge. That leakage trait was something he had to put in as something that could be improved with a future evolution. He honestly wanted to make the battery more impressive, but Nox suggested keeping these lessened traits. It could lead to surprising ways for the weapon to evolve at some point.

Colin could only imagine what Nox could be referring to, but that helped him not overpower the item.

He planned to find out how the weapon could be evolved as soon as they were out of the Dungeon. Smiling, Colin put his hand on the Lucinate handle and refilled the Mana with his slowly regenerating Mana Pool. It would be a few short minutes before it was back to full, but Colin was going to have fun ripping his way through the rest of the Dungeon after this.

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