《Kingdoms Online》Chapter 10: Meeting the Neighbors


Rick climbed out of the [GATE GEAR] then left the room to use the restroom, after finishing he went to check on his cellphone. He saw he had a missed call from Ryan, so he called him to see what was up.

"Ryan it's Rick I just disconnected from [KO], what are you up to?"

"We are all going out to dinner Luke, Joel, and Lily are coming along so I called to invite you." [Ryan]

"Alright, I haven't eaten yet so I'm down. Where are we going to meet?" [Rick]

"Lily said she really wants the salad bar from the Italian Resturant, and their food is really good so we planned to all meet up there."

"That sounds good I haven't been there in awhile, they have a great chicken parmesan with pasta I could go for."

They decided to all meet at the restaurant in a half hour. Rick's apartment is a fifteen-minute drive from there, so he didn't have to rush out the door.

After hanging up Rick opened the closet and put on a black pair of khakis, a gray button-up shirt, and black leather shoes. Grabbing the car keys off the key hook he stepped out of the apartment locking the door behind him. Clicking the garage door opener on the key chain he entered the garage and unlocked the door of his black 1970 corvette stingray he bought after his six years in the Marines. Climbing in starting the car with the radio on, he drove off to the restaurant with the tinted windows down enjoying the fresh air.

They all had a nice dinner and caught up on what they all had going on over break. They all waited together after dinner because Luke just had to order a desert. Everyone had fun giving him crap over it, but they really didn't mind it. The five of them all hung out together at the college, and after being separated a few days it was nice to get together outside of classes like this.

When Rick returned to his apartment locking the door upon entering he went straight to the bathroom then took a long shower. Tossing the clothes he wore to dinner and the wet towel in the closet laundry, he redressed into some sweats and a t-shirt and reconnected to [Kingdoms Online]

Now back in his inn suite he reequipped his clothes and boots and walked out onto the balcony. Looking to the sun that was just peaking over the mountains east of town he thought of his hidden mine. Enjoying the cool morning air as he scanned the city, he thought about what he should do today.

I still have some time before the businesses open up, I need to kill some time.

I haven't checked my stats and skills recently, let's take a peek at them while I'm waiting around here.

Show Status!

Cedric Crownguard Strength: 24 Level: 1 Stamina: 26 Health: 220 Vitality: 25 Mana: 600 Intelligence: 60 Pieity: +125 Wisdom: 27 Fame: +1125 Agility: 11 Honor: +500 Charisma: 14 Alignment: +500 (neutral) Leadership: 3 Satiety: 98 Luck: 3 Class: (none) Health Regen/Sec 0.5 Mana Regen/Sec 1.2 Feudal Domain: 0 Race: Human Feudal Title: Freeman Unused Points: 0 Titles: The White Knight Current Platinum Gold Silver Copper Currency 0 57 34 0

I have been lucky with the stat gains I got so far, but I need to level up some to boost them even more. I also have a lot of skills now that also need work.

I just can't seem to get ahead, though it has been fun!


Show Skills!

Skills List Anatomy: Level 5 (Beginner 25%) Martial Arts Level 9 (Beginner 27%) Carpentry: Level 9 (Intermediate 95%) Masonary: Level 9 (Intermediate 80%) Cartography: Level 4 (Beginner 10%) Paving: Level 7 (Intermediate 67%) Climbing: Lever 6 (Intermediate 0%) Staff Fighting: Level 2 (Beginner 0%) Cooking: Level 8 (Advanced 48%) Aura Level 1 (Beginner 0%) Digging: Level 2 (Intermediate 27%) Aura: Intimidation Level 1 (beginner 0%) Firemaking: Level 1 (Beginner 75%) Hammering Level 3 (beginner 8%) First aid: Level 8 (Beginner 50%) Blacksmithing level 3 (beginner 60%) Foraging: Level 3 (Beginner 0%) Smelting Level 5 (beginner 86%) Knives: Level 9 (Beginner 15%) Forging Level 4 (beginner 74%) Forging: Blade Level 1 (beginner 0%) Swords: Level 8 (Beginner 76%) Photoreading Identify: Level 1 (Beginner 0%) Shipwright: Level 3 (Intermediate 74%) Lumberjack: Level 4 (Beginner 48%) Mining: level 5 (Intermediate 51%) Night Sight: Level 1 (Beginner 0%) Taming: Level 5 (Beginner 14%) Farsight: Level 1 (beginner 0%) Iron Scan: Level 1 (Beginner 0%) (unassigned slot) Known Languages Human Level 10 (Master 100%) Elven Language: Level 2 (beginner 89%) Dwarven Language: Level 8 (beginner 23%)

Now that I see all that list, I don't want to add any unneeded skills to it right now. I should head over to the moneyer and just trade or buy those dies. Once I have them, I can start pumping out gold coins and find a nice section of land to build up.

It would also be nice to learn more affinities soon to help me shape my land. Nature will have its uses but I think earth affinity will help even more.

My magic is hurting so far. I want to learn more spells somehow.

Show Magic!

Magic Nature Affinity: Level 6 (Beginner 91%) Portal Gate: cost 250 mana per cast.

Closing all the notice windows Rick started on his way. Locking his suite door, he walked through the inn on his tip toes, making sure to not make any noise and wake everyone up since it is still so early. When he reached the street outside the inn, it seemed like his steps had gotten quieter and lighter from when he left his room.

If I practice this some more it feels like I might be able to learn a stealth skill or hiding skill of some type. I am running early still so I think I will practice on the way to the craftsman district.

With the streets still empty except the occasional person who worked an early shift job, Rick practiced controlling his body to not swing his arms and walk slightly crouched. He began thinking back about ninjas he had read about for fun, remembering how they explained how to walk silently and how they moved doing it.

He then stopped walking on his toes. Straightening his back and slightly bending his knees to lower his body, he slowly stepped forward onto his heel and rolled his foot to the toes. Continuing next to move the other foot straight forward, he repeated from the heel to toe slowly transferring his weight.

If anyone saw him sneaking along like that down the street, they would think he was crazy. Rick didn't mind though, if he could get a stealth skill it would be worth it. Seeking along like this for about a thirty-five minutes, he had reached the center of the craftsman district and also had a flashing notice icon to view.

New Skill Notice!

New Skill Learned!

Sneak: Level 1 (Beginner 0%)

Sneak allows you to remain undetected to friend or foe.

Higher levels decrease the chance of detection.

Sweet this will help put some meat on the table. I have a martial arts skill and sneak skill now if I do a few sneak attacks I might unlock a ninja class. That could be a cool class, but I think in this game a battle wizard type class is the way to go.


Making his way through the streets of the craftsman district he came across a small group of dwarves, who became silent as he walked toward them. They avoided eye contact looking pretend Rick wasn't even there. He Noticed they didn't want anything to do with him, but not having luck yet locating a mint or moneyer he stopped and asked them directions but in the dwarven language.

When he spoke to them in Dwarven they all did a double take, being so shocked one of them dumbfoundedly responded giving him directions also in dwarven. After he learned where he needed to go he thanked them for their time still in dwarven and headed on his way. The dwarves stood watching him walk on with a (did that just happen) look on their faces.

Those dwarves must take crap from humans in this town every day being the minority. I bet they're just trying to keep their heads down and avoid any humans if possible. I figured using their language would catch them off guard enough to open up.

After a few twists and turns through the streets, he found the place he was looking for. A wooden sign read, "Silverhall Coining Mint" attached to a building that looked more like a fortified warehouse than a shop. The building was surrounded by a wall maybe ten feet high, all the windows had iron bars and the front door was made from solid Iron. The only access to the building was the open wooden gate that had two guards standing outside of it.

Rick approached the guards and explained to them that he was a [Chosen], and wanted to speak to the person in charge. He told the guards, that he had a new invention which would increase the number of coins they could produce, also saving them money by creating exact size and weight coins every time.

I figure if I use the [Chosen] keyword it will give me some bargaining strength. I know the games NPC AI must be programmed to help out players when they say they're a [Chosen] allowing us to get extra privileges. It seems everytime I use it that the NPC would see me in a whole new light.

Maybe it's because players would have a hard time learning skills, or running shops in the cities if the NPC just treated them like normal commoners.

One of the guards turned and headed into the mint to inform whoever was in there about the situation at the gate. Rick patiently waited with the other guard outside to be invited inside.

He didn't have to wait long after a couple minutes the other guard came back out and took him into the coin mint right away.

The inside of the coin mint looked like just like a blacksmith, they had a couple forge built along the wall and smelting pots hung from rafters nearby. A few men stood at anvils using the hammered coin dies to make sloppy looking coins that they tossed in an iron buckets when it was finished stamping them.

A short stocky man wearing a leather apron over his clothes waved the guard over to the doorway he just stepped out from. The stocky man's name was Shelton he greeted Rick as they approached and dismissed the guard. Rick followed Shelton into a side room that looked like a cross between an office and work area. Closing the door behind him Shelton walked over to a large workbench in the center of the room. He sat on a stool there and offered one to Rick as well.

"My guard says you have a new invention that we may be interested in." Not wasting any more time Shelton gets right down to business.

Rick smiled and opened his inventory, recovering one of the coin screw presses to set upon the workbench before him. Shelton watched the press appear like magic, nearly causing him to fall off his stool in surprise.

"This is what I call a coin screw press you place your coins back-side die on this shelf, and then connect the face-side die to this iron rod above it right here."

"Then you place a cast or stamped coin blank in between the dies here." He pointed.

"Now you give this handle a quarter turn on top, then it will press the dies into the coin completing the front and back at once."

"When using this machine every coin will be shaped and weigh the same as the next making a cleaner looking coin and saving money on overweight coins."

This press was a very basic tool to a modern age person, but to people of this era, it was almost like seeing a computer for the first time. Bolt and nut threads did not exist in this world, so to see the shaft move up and down through the sleeves to squeeze the dies together was a magical thing to behold.

Shelton looked to Rick, and back to the press with his mouth open as he explained how it worked completely fascinated by it.

"It is an incredible tool, but how much do you want for it" [Shelton]

"We may make the kingdoms coins here, but we do not get to keep them, the mint has a limited budget to work with." [Shelton]

"I will make you a deal, I don't want you to buy them from me, I want to make a trade" [Rick]

"You don't want to be paid? Then what do you want in trade then?" [Shelton]

"I will give you one of these coin presses for every gold coin die set traded." [Rick]

"If you give me one gold coin die set then I'll give you one coin press, if you give me ten gold die sets I will give you ten presses." [Rick]

"I will tell you before you decide that I have no wish to compete with your mint in making coins." [Rick]

"I will soon be making a new kingdom and these coins will only be for my personal use." [Rick]

He discussed all the details with Sheldon about how he needs to make coins to purchase land through the god's system, along with the materials and construction. They made a deal soon after to trade five new gold coin dies for five coin presses.

Shelton only had the five new dies as backups or he may have even traded for more.

Rick used his recipe to make six more coin presses giving him a total of ten in his inventory. He gave Shelton his five presses and set them up for him, then Rick gathered the workers around him, and gave them a quick lesson on making coin blank casts and how to load and press them.

They all became excited seeing these new coins fly out of the press looking similar to a modern coin. The edges came out perfectly round, with both sides faces centered, and the thicknesses all equal of each coin he demonstrated.

The best part about it all was that when he placed one of the coins in his inventory for a test, the system added it to his currency total.

I wonder if it has to do with the fact that the mint is now switching to a new technology by using the new presses the system will recognize it?

Lost in thought trying to decide what he should do now, he began wishing he had a place to set up a blacksmith work area of his own, so he could start to smelt his gold and press coins.

Randomly crossing the district not too far from the coin mint he discovered a weapons shop. He stopped and walked inside to check out what they had for sale, and was greeted by the owner. The walls of the shop had been lined with weapons of every kind. Counters wrapped around the main room with knives, daggers and throwing weapons on display for sale. Tall wood display racks showed off leather belts, scabbards, and weapon slings made from many different materials.

As he browsed the shop's wares he spotted along the side wall near the back a small alcove off the main shop's room.

He could make out a bow on the wall just inside it, so he crossed the room, and walked into the alcove finding at least fifty bows of differing makes on display before him. Looking at all the bows, he found an actual recurve bow. Remembering the Mongols conquered Asia and part of Europe on horseback with recurve bows peaked his interest. Taking the bow off the wall, he grabbed the limbs and flexed the bow.

He was far a bow expert, but his father had bought them both a few bows to play with in the yard when he was little.

Rick never got serious with them but knew enough to tell this bow had decent poundage to it from its being so hard to flex.

I think recurves run from forty-pound to eighty-pound range this one must be fifty pounds at least? I would be able to hunt small and some big game with a bow like this.

if I were to make broadheads for my arrows this bow would be really nasty. I also want to someday create a compound bow.

I could then make a division of archers armed with compound bows from the recipe. Compounds bows will work great for a while until I move to the next plan.

That plan is to make black powder, but I need to find saltpeter or have the livestock to make it. If I mix saltpeter with charcoal and sulfur or sugar in the right ratios then I will have black powder. If I can accomplish that then next comes cannons and muskets!

Ok back on track here, I want this bow it will work out great for training and hunting.

Hanging onto the bow he then picked up a high-quality leather quiver and set them on the counter to go look at arrows. The owner pointed out the best arrows he had and Rick picked up the whole wicker basket holding near one hundred arrows and set it also on the counter. Examining the weapons lined up around the room, making sure not to miss anything he spotted a section of spears.

Picking out a nice looking six-foot iron tip spear, he placed it on the counter with the other items. Rick asked the owner for a couple extra bowstrings that fit the recurve bow length, and also for a large spool of the bow string. Finished shopping the total came to 10 gold coins, he paid the man and stored all the new gear in the inventory.

He questioned the shopkeeper before leaving, where was the closest place to town he could hunt, the shopkeeper told him to head north to the forest. He warned him it is easy to get turned around in there and become lost. The forest was over 100 square miles of trees and hidden meadows that held animals and some scattered goblins.

Rick left the weapon shop following his mini-map to the city's north gate. Stepping through the gate he changed into his t-shirt and shorts fixed his eyes toward the north and began running at a fast pace.

Now that his Intelligence had raised over the past few days, his mana regen improved with it. As he ran northward, he would use his [cartography] and [Iron Scan] skills to gradually increasing their levels. After the first mile instead of just running straight, he decided to experiment. Running a few strides, he began leaping forward to the left then run a few more strides and leap forward to the right. For the next five or so miles he continued running, leaping and spamming those skills until he reached the edge of the forest exhausted.

Pulling out some firewood he heated up the last of his watery cave soup to replenish his Satiety. Laying in the grass he relaxed while he caught his breath reviewing the notices he received from his travel.

Skill Increase: Cartography: Level 9 (Beginner 24%) Skill Increase: Iron Scan: Level 6 (Beginner 87%) New Stats Notice!

Stamina: +6 (+1 awarded each forced pace mile)

Vitality: +6 (+1 awarded each forced pace mile)

Agility: +6 (+1 awarded each forced pace mile)

It looks like the leaping I did award some agility points. If I plan to get good with a bow, then I am sure agility will be needed for aiming, damage, or even both.

Alright enough resting now time to go find some critters!

Rick equipped his green woodsman outfit, armor, sword, quiver, and carried his bow in his hand, when he entered the forest he activated sneak and farsight when he scanned his surroundings.

Sneaking through the forest he had no problem finding plenty of game the problem was actually hitting them without a bow skill. After missing twenty shots with the bow he decided enough was enough.

Storing his bow away he pulled his sword out of the scabbard and slashed down a couple arm loads of tall grass and weeds. He then pulled down some thin vines hanging from an old tree and bound the grass and weeds into a large ball. He carried the large grass ball over to a tree and tied it to a branch with the vines to hang about four feet off the ground.

Using the Nature Affinity on the vines he concentrated on strengthing them to hold the ball together and not break away from the tree branch he tied it to.

Ok now I have a target to work with here, I can practice till I get a bow skill.

Fixing his stance holding the bow extended and steady he pulled the notched arrow back until his two fingers holding the bowstring rested against his cheek next to his mouth. Repeating the process and adjusting to the arrows flight after some shots he began sinking arrows into the target as it swayed around from side to side. After shooting, collecting, then repeating these steps it finally arrived.

New Skill Notice!

New Skill Learned!

Archery: Level 1 (Beginner 0%)

The skill of shooting a bow and arrow

Higher levels increase distance and accuracy (Agility +bonus to damage)

Once he gained the archery skill, he cut down his hanging target and stored it in his inventory in case he wanted to practice with it later on. Sneaking deeper into the forest he came to a large clearing with a small herd of deer grazing on the grass. Slowly he moved behind a fallen tree and let the branches sticking up off of it break up his silhouette.

He sat watching the deer as they gradually moved closer to his hidden position. Singling out a large buck that wandered to within thirty yards he notched an arrow brought up the bow to hold his aim just behind the front leg upper shoulder. When he let the arrow loose it hit the target.

All the deer in the clearing broke and ran when they heard the bow string twang. The buck he hit ran with them and made it half way across the clearing when it fell sliding to a stop. Rick knew that when hunting larger game it is best to wait a few minutes before jumping up and pursuing them after they were shot. Most times if not chased they will lay down and bleed out. If you chase them the adrenaline can push them to keep running and end up losing them.

After waiting and seeing no movement from the downed deer, he notched another arrow and walked up on it ready to fire again. He gave it a nudge with his foot and nothing happened the deer was dead.

He removed the arrow, and took out his knife and began to skin the deer. His knife lines wavered a bit, but he took his time with the outlining cuts, and when finished was prompted with a window to remove the skin. After the skin was removed he cut the meat off the best he could. Finished quartering the meat he took out a saw from his inventory and removed the buck's antlers.

I'm not sure if the deer have a rutting season in the game if they do rattling antlers is a good way to bring aggressive rutting bucks to your location.

Standing up after he finished he stored the antlers, and the saw ready to set back out. Then a noise caught his attention, he heard a light thumping sound behind him as he turned to investigate, he was hit with a jarring collision. Stumbling forward he hit the ground hard and roll back to his feet shaking his head clear while feeling a growing sharp pain in his side.

He didn't have the time to look at his side because standing not 15 feet from him was a large wolf crouched barring its teeth. It let out a wicked growl and looked ready to leap at him again.

Rick's military training kicked in, quickly drawing his sword from the scabbard and slowly stepping back while opening his inventory to equip his shield. When he took that step the wolf set off at him, Slow to raise his shield he partially blocks the wolf who slammed hard into him again. The wolf jumped back after the failed attack, it began to circle around him looking for an opening.

Seeing the wolf wasn't about to attack he repeated the step back again to lure the wolf into triggering a prey attack on him. Showing feigned weakness worked, as he stepped back while watching the wolf's back legs. As soon as they flinched he swung his sword in a horizontal arc catching the wolf across the throat.

Losing its will to fight the wolf choked and coughed up some blood and fell to the ground.

Rick fell to his butt with it letting out a long sigh then grimaced as the pain in his side returned. Unequipping his armor and shirt, he found a gash where the wolf had bitten him just below his armor on the waistline. He removed his first aid kit and took out the healing balm applying it to the wound, it began to itch as he watched it very slowly beginning to heal.

I need to keep my head on a swivel that wolf must have smelled the deer I was field dressing. That was a dumb mistake, I was too complacent from always being in the safety of the city.

Patching himself up than dressing out the wolf for its pelt and meat he set off hunting. He came across another wolf shortly after with an opposite outcome, he took it down without it ever knowing he was there gaining another pelt and wolf meat. After a couple hours, he had bagged five rabbits for fur and meat, a turkey that he plucked and kept the feathers for fletching, and cleaned the carcass and saved it all in his inventory.

Passing quietly through a short narrow ravine with sheer walls between to large his hills he stopped stored his bow and took out his pickaxe. Mining into the ravine wall he cut out a narrow doorway and opened up a small room in about fifteen minutes. He made a small fire and lightly fried some deer meat with his veggies, and spices. Once he was full he relaxed while reading through the notices he gained during the hunt.

New Level Notice!

You Gained a Level!

Level 2

You have five unused points to distribute.

New Skill Learned!

New Skill Learned!

Field Dress: Level 1 (0%)

Field Dress allows you to gain skins, pelts, scales, meat, and bones.

Higher level increases allow for higher quality materials gathered.

Skilll Increase: Field Dress: Level 3 (57%) Skill Increase: Mining: level 6 (Intermediate 06%) Skilll Increase: Archery: Level 3 (Beginner 32%) Skill Increase: Sneak: Level 6 (Beginner 12%) Damage Recived: -30 HP from wolf attack

Finished reviewing the window notices Rick left the cave looked around and walked over to a bush, taking out his knife he cut the top stem and planted it in the ground in front of the cave door he made. Using nature magic on the cut stem he made it take root, and grow large enough to hide the entrance to the doorway.

I can always use that little cave as a safe place to open a portal if I want to return to this forest again later.

Back on the hunt and a few miles into the forest now, he came across his first monster, a goblin carrying a spear. The goblin was looking the opposite way toward a meadow with rabbits running around chasing each other.

It must be also out hunting alone, let see if I can get a little closer while he is occupied.

Pulling out his dagger Rick began using his sneak skill to move from tree to tree taking near three minutes to cover the last 20 yards. Making his way behind the goblin he quickly reached his hand across its face, he grabbed the goblin's chin pulling it forcefully to the left at the same time thrusting the dagger down between the goblin's right neck and shoulder. The goblin let out a small muffled whimper then dropped his spear. Rick then pulled his dagger free, still holding the chin he lowered the body to the forest floor and searched through the pouches hung around its waist.

I never thought I would use a subclavian artery thrust when they taught it to us. We were told it is great for quick and quiet sentry removal, but how many combat engineers will ever be sent on a mission to take out guards?

Rick began cutting the pouches free and searching the contents. The small pouch contained a ball of string a few canine teeth possibly from a wolf and a hand full of green plant leaves. placing the items back in the pouch he stored it in his inventory.

Opening the large pouch he found a hand full of crushed rotting grapes he pulled one apart and found seeds inside it. He extracted all the grape seeds then stored them, and tossed the rotting grapes aside. He then pulled out a red gem about the size of his thumbnail that looked like a ruby. In the corner of the pouch, he found a folded piece of fur tied up with string. He cut the string with his dagger and unwrapped it. Inside was a silver intricate ring that had diamonds or quartz set in it.

Holding the ring up a turning it to examine it he found words engraved into it. Some part of the letters had worn with time but he could actually read most of it.

One side of the ring read "Goddess of Creation." Then the other more worn he could make out the word "cleric."

Looking at these letters they are different from what is used today. They look familiar almost looking like earth's old latin. Where have I seen this before?

He sat thinking for a minute about what he read and the nagging familiarity of it. Then he reached up to his neck.

Goddess of Creation? That would be Faith she created this world and even the lesser gods. I remember I couldn't read the Medallion she gave me but then I read that book on the human hierarchy and learned the ancient human language and maxed out it.

Holding the Medallion up he could understand it now. The center has the detailed engraving of the planet and continents with words engraved around the outer rim.

Across the top, it read "Goddess Faith ~ Mother of Origin." Then wrapping across the bottom reads "At the top of creation ~ I look to my sides ~ I am alone"

You won't be alone for long Faith I'm here and I will bring others to your side soon.

Rick held the medallion tight in his hands letting his feelings flow into it hoping they reach her. Glancing once last time at it, Rick then clasped it around his neck and picked the ring back up again.

How does a goblin have this ring and ruby that was cut by a professional? This ring said cleric on it and an expensive gem found along with it. All I can come up with right now is a cleric of Faith's died out here ages ago and this goblin found these among his bones or there was a temple around here long ago.

I need more information, if there was a temple out here I want to find it. There could be relics I could salvage for Faith's new temple.

While turning the ring over, Rick thought of a skill he just learned.


*~ ~ ~ ~* Faith's Blessings *~ ~ ~ ~*

Spell: Greater Heal Charges: 9/50 Effects: + 200 H.P. Durability: 31/100

Well, I know for a fact that this was related to Faith's denomination, now I need to find out where it came from.

Rick began scanning his surroundings then he activated [Farsight] but with so many trees around him, he could only see so far. Not seeing anything noticable in the area he switched tactics.

Taking out a roll of cloth he cut a section off of the roll and dyed it bright yellow. Taking out the scissors he cut up fifty cloth ribbons for trail markers and began a quick four direction search from his location. Starting north he walked forward, every twenty feet tying a trail-ribbon until he was out giving a searched area of a little over 300 yards.

He then turned back untying them back to the 1st ribbon he repeated this method east next and came across a well-worn narrow trail not more than thirty yards out. The trail ran north to south, and since he had traveled in from the south so he gathered the ribbons walked back to the trail activated sneak and followed the trail north.

Staying off the trail he followed about ten feet from the side keeping to cover in the foliage.

Sneaking along beside the trail he soon came to a large clearing and in it was a crumbling building surrounded by a few remaining upright pillars.

This has to be where the ring came from, and after near 1000 years it held up well. Some parts of the walls and ceiling have collapsed and it is choked with vegetation but overall it's not bad.

Staying in the tree line he remained hidden while observing the building for any signs of life.

I'm going to make myself a set of camouflage clothes and a ghillie for hunting soon, this green outfit wears well but the color is too solid.

Ten minutes after watching from the cover of a bush two goblins walked out the open doorway towards the path he had followed here.

Should I let them go by or try and take them out? If I let them go I have to worry about them walking in behind me later.

Rick pulled out four arrows then turned around looking down the path. He remained low on one knee while slightly turning he stuck three arrows in the soil to his right side. Notching an arrow he remained motionless allowing the goblins to pass his position continuing down the trail. The goblins kept walking south having their backs to him. The goblins walked one in front of the other following the trail.

When they reached near twenty yards from him he drew back his arrow and let it loose, hitting the rear goblin in the back just below the shoulder blades. keeping his body stiff and only reaching out for the next arrow he notched it and fired hitting the second goblin on the side as it turned around from hearing its partners screams of pain.

He quickly notched another arrow as the goblin looked to his direction and charged. Drawing back he took a deep breath tracked the target and slowly exhaled, releasing the shot he hit the charging goblin center chest from 10 yards away.

Their screams of the two dieing goblins drew out another one running hard out the doorway toward the bodies holding a short sword in hand.

Rick let it sprint past his hidden location, just when the goblin reached the bodies on the trail and looked down to check them an arrow dropped it dead.

After searching their pouches he found a small green gem that looked like an emerald and nothing really worth keeping some bones, claws and rotten food.

Still hel stored all their weapons and items notched an arrow and began approaching the building from the side ready to find out what was in there waiting.

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