《Kingdoms Online》Chapter 03: Getting Geared


Rick walked out of the dimly lit temple into the street feeling the sun's heat on his back. Looking up and down the street slightly squinting as his eyes adjusted to the sudden bright light of being outside. I guess I should check on my status and see what kind of stats I ended up with. I need to figure out what attributes need work so I can work up a game plan.

Show Status!

Cedric Crownguard

Strength: 12 Level: 1 Stamina: 7 Health: 100 Vitality: 10 Mana: 50 Intelligence: 5 Piety: 125 Wisdom: 4 Fame: 125 Agility: 5 Honor: 0 Charisma: 4 Alignment: 0 (neutral) Leadership: 3 Satiety: 99 Luck: 3 Class: (none) Feudal Domain: 0 Race: Human Feudal Title: freeman Unused Points: 0 Titles: (none)

I have good starting stats for a warrior build not so much for a mage. If this was a solo fighting game I would work toward an Assassin stealth build. I enjoy playing stealth builds in fighting style games and it might work here at the start but later on not so much I think.

To build a kingdom means leading armies. I think a heavy tank type build or Battlemage might even be better. A Battlemage can use CC (crowd control) spells against the larger groups in battle and wield a sword up close.

My INT and WIS will need some work instead of relying on level gained stat points, I should use that library to train.

If I take some time devouring the knowledge that all those books hold I can educate myself in numerous subjects of this world, thus increasing my intelligence.

You gained 2 wisdom points through deductions and logical reasoning!

What? Can I really gain stats by just thinking things through like this? I need to remember this it seems that this might work somehow towards not only raising stats but skills as well.

Lost in the excitement of this discovery while taking in everything he began to realize how much attention he was drawing from the people passing by.


Even people outside of my aura seem to be looking at me for some reason.

Those that passed through his aura seemed to falter midstep then nod with what seemed out of respect. People further from him looked on in curiosity or confusion.

Is it my character's size, because on average they're all shorter and thinner than me?

I had made my character build look similar to that of a 1980s sword-wielding barbarian tall and muscular. He examined the crowd, then noticed just across the street a guard that was close to his size then further down a tall heavy set man with a barrel on his shoulder making deliveries to an inn. Strange, I don't think it is my size.

Looking down baffled to inspect himself he finally realized it, I'm the only one wearing a white toga and white sandals. The game's starter outfit. A huge guy wearing strange foreign clothes and I am the first [Chosen] these people have seen, I may as well carry a big sign reading suspicious stranger.

The gods/goddess temples seem to the emulate old Greek myths, I bet the developers designed the [Chosen] starter gear to fit the theme.

Rick let out a small sigh, deciding that he should do some shopping first off. Looking down at the minimap he identified that the central plaza was south of him by a large square area displayed on it.

He began slowly walking along scouting out any locations, stores, or interesting places to commit to memory.

I wondered if anyone sells a city map with marked locations? I do have that cartography skill for making maps, let's see.

Show Skill Cartography!

Cartography Skill

Allows the user to make a map of the surrounding area

Current level: Level 3 (Beginner) EXP 50%

You can map 5 square miles per level: Current range (15 square miles)

"This skill requires a Cartography pen and blank map scroll in the user's inventory"

Cost: 50 mana


It looks like I need to buy a Cartography pen and some blank map scrolls. I can see this skill coming in handy later on when I start buying land.

Eventually, arriving at the edge of the central plaza rows of vendors of all sorts merged to form a large market area on the large brick paved area. The outer square was surrounded by buildings used as shops and official looking halls. Touring the outer shops he came across a large Tailor shop that sold clothing and supplies.

Stepping into the shop the sound of the crowd and vendors shouting were muted as the door closed behind him. The shop displayed rolls of materials in many qualities and colors. One section of the wall had shelves of thread spools and needles of many shapes and sizes.

This is a nice shop with all the supplies they have available I could teach myself a sewing or tailoring skill later if I had the need.

Exploring the shop from front to back he started to come across racks of clothes noticing the Men's section he began to evaluate the assorted styles.

Observing movement from the back he turned to view a slim middle-aged gentleman exquisitely dressed approach and greet him.

"Good day, sir I am Vardon welcome to my shop. He looked me up and down scrutinizing my outfit with a hand on his chin looking bewildered."

Smiling I explained to him that I am a [Chosen] and wished to purchase clothing less conspicuous.

He responded nodding his head showing understanding now. "So this is why I could not make out the origin of your attire." [Vardon]

"I try to stay updated on current styles of the races but clothing from the gods is still beyond my knowledge, fascinating. [Vardon]

"Well if you can help me out it appears most of your clothing is too small for me." "I would be interested in purchasing a couple outfits" [Rick]

"I would like one rugged outfit that could be worn under armor and the other a fashionable outfit fit for formal events or meetings." [Rick]

"Yes as you say sir with your size the selection is quite limited, I would recommend allowing me to custom tailor your outfits" "The rugged swordsman style outfit I can complete by closing today and the formal wear by closing tomorrow." [Vardon]

"That would be great Vardon, I still have other errands to run so I can stop in later to acquire the first outfit"

The Tailor Vardon took Rick's measurements and brought him a booklet with an extensive selection of his designs to choose from. Rick picked a woodsman style outfit in dark green with leather reinforcement on the knees, elbows, and shoulders. The formal outfit that he wanted was a black velvet with gold trim jacket with matching slacks. The jacket would have a gold lion crest and gold belt around the waist.

He also purchased thick dark green leather boots and high gloss black leather boots to match the outfits. The total came to 70 silver. Rick added an additional 30 silver of needles, thread, cloth rolls and a small magic portable dye kit. The dye kit was similar to a pack of markers in the real world. You take a color dye pen and touch it to the cloth and it was instantly dyed, easily and best of all no mess!

He paid Vandor one gold coin for everything saying goodbye till later that day he headed out into the street walked in between two building about 10 feet back and disconnected. The lid on his [GATE GEAR] slowly opened and he found himself still completely nude from the scan before login.

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