《Welcome to the Party》Chapter 23
“Absolutely not!” objected Reese.
“Not just no, but hell no!” yelled Britt.
Their objections were met with agreeing nods from Rachel and Tina. Rose, on the other hand, raised her hand.
“Before I add my objections, what exactly do you mean? She’s a murderer, after all, and none of us would like her anywhere near Philip if we can help it.”
Phil couldn’t help but nod along with Rose’s statement. He was curious what Jack meant as well but wasn’t eager to get anywhere near the angry succubus. He quickly glanced at Lily, then looked away. There was a lot of rage in those eyes. Wait, her eyes…
“Uh, Jack? Should we allow her to have her eyes uncovered? There’s nothing to stop us from being charmed by her.”
Jack waved off his concerns. “Nonsense. You’ve got a succubus of your own that’s more than capable of countering the charm, and an orc who can discipline her as needed if she tries.”
“Discipline, my ass,” snorted Britt. “I see so much as a twinkle in those eyes I’m ripping them out of her head.”
Phil chuckled. “Need some new earrings?” Britt smirked at him but didn’t say anything. Leaning forward, he placed his elbows on the table and focused on Jack again. “What did you have in mind, Jack? I’ll make no promises about whether I accept it or not, but I am curious.”
“She’s not moving in with us, before you even suggest it,” said Reese.
“Plan B, then,” said Jack with a shrug. “I’d like you to hire her on for housekeeping duties.”
“I’m sorry, could you say that again? I think I misheard you,” said Tina. “Housekeeping duties, did you say?”
Jack nodded. “That’s exactly what I said, Miss Hart. I had hoped for her to reside at the estate with you as a live-in maid and see if Mr. Thomas’ ability could rehabilitate our gluttonous friend here.”
“Gluttonous!? Who are you calling gluttonous, you pompous windbag?” Lily snarled from her seat.
“You, Miss Lily. Your lack of self-control is what got you into this position to begin with. If you and your friend had better discipline, you could’ve easily lived normal lives like Miss Warren here. Instead you two chose to pig out once a month. While I applaud your decision to limit yourselves, we both know that was only because you knew you’d get caught sooner if you ate hearty as much as you wanted. Nevertheless, because you wanted a ‘cheat day?’ Is that what you athletes call it? Anyway, because you wanted your cheat day, ten men are now dead that we know about, in addition to your attempt to add Mr. Thomas to their ranks.” Jack fixed her with a steely look. “Be thankful the attempt last night failed. Had you succeeded in your attempt, I do believe Miss Hughes here would’ve made short work of you once she’d caught you.”
“I’d have removed her ribcage through her asshole,” said Britt. “I still might.”
“I can’t have you doing that, I’m afraid. So, what do you think, Phil? I’m sure you want to know the extent of your abilities as well, correct?”
Phil stared at the table in front of him and thought about it before answering. He still didn’t actually know how it worked. Was it a physical proximity thing, or was it an emotional proximity? He’d been living with Rose for over four months now, and her anger over what had happened to Bruce had only gotten worse before it boiled over in the last couple days. That didn’t fit with the whole cleansing of the soul he had imagined, unless it was like trying to beat a fever by wrapping yourself up in blankets. Phil didn’t think that likely though. Gaia had said that the skill had formed based off his own personality and caring nature, and somehow causing someone to suffer before they got better wasn’t something he’d ever want.
His time with Reese and Britt were different, however. They’d held no grudges against him. He’d worked and trained closely with both every day for months. Sure, Reese had invaded his personal space frequently as she’d teased him constantly, and training with Britt in hand to hand combat had led to both of them always being very much within each other’s personal bubbles, but Phil didn’t think that had anything to do with their changes towards him. They’d bonded as people. Reese had come to trust him enough to tell him of her past. Britt had gradually shifted from trying to see how much damage he could take to seeing how much damage he could deflect, with the occasional joke thrown in at his expense. Then both of them had apparently fallen in love with him, which had been a huge shock and relief to him, as he’d long had feelings for both of them. Rose had always kept her distance from him emotionally though. She cared and had been friendly, but they hadn’t bonded the way the others had. Phil shook his head.
“I don’t think simply being around me is enough,” he eventually said. “I think there’s an emotional element to it as well. If there’s no connection between us, I don’t imagine there’d be any effect. It also doesn’t erase the fact that she’s killed almost a dozen men that we know about. If I were to, uh, rehabilitate her, what would happen then? Sure, she might be in a position to feel remorse for her actions, but that would be little consolation to the families of those she and her friend killed.” Phil shook his head. “Sorry, Jack, but I don’t see this working out the way you want to.”
Jack visibly sagged in his chair. “Yeah, I kind of figured you’d say something like that.” He sighed. “And you’re right, of course. She’d still have to face some form of justice or retribution for her actions afterwards, regardless of the success or failure of the plan. If anything, it may actually be crueler to cleanse her beforehand.” Jack chuckled to himself. The woman in question seemed to have an opinion on the proceedings as well.
“What makes you think I’d even agree to this brainwashing, anyway? I did what I did. If you’re gonna kill me, then fucking kill me already. If you ain’t, then can I go back to my cell? Why’d you even bring me here?” Lily had kicked herself back in the chair, her feet propped up on the table, legs crossed at the ankles as she examined the metal cuffs around her wrists. She gave a couple experimental yanks before dropping her hands into her lap. Naturally the guild had means of securing the likes of Amazons and Orcs. Mithril handcuffs weren’t cheap by far, but a necessary expense.
Brittany glanced back and forth between Jack and Phil, clearly ready to oblige the woman’s request, but Jack just shook his head. She slumped back in her seat, folded her arms across her chest and gave a grunt. Phil nearly chuckled at the redhead’s act but managed to keep his face passive. This was a serious issue, after all.
“It was less about what you would agree to and more about how best to make use of Phil’s intriguing ability. I do realize how selfish this sounds, but the idea of being able to rehabilitate those who’ve strayed from the path is one we shouldn’t overlook. Ah well.” He tossed his hands up in resignation, then waved one of them at the guard standing behind Lily. “Go ahead and take her back to her cell. Once the other two have recovered we’ll put them before the council for judgement.”
The guard nodded, then heaved Lily to her feet with a massive hand clamped around her arm and escorted her out of the room. Apologizing for the inconvenience, Jack also stood and departed the room, leaving Phil and the five women alone. For a couple minutes after he left, Phil kept staring at the door. The girls exchanged glances with each other as he sat in silence, silently asking each other what was wrong with him. Reese finally gave a minute shrug and leaned over to Phil.
“Hey, you alright?”
“Huh?” Phil said distractedly. “Oh, yeah. Was just wondering if Jack remembered that none of us know how to get out of here without an escort, that’s all.”
Reese stared at him in wonder for a second, then started laughing. Like a switch had been flipped, the other women started laughing as well. Phil stared in shock as looks of relief washed over all of them, Brittany and Rachel laughing so hard their eyes were tearing up. He raised an eyebrow and turned back to Reese.
“Am I missing something?”
She raised a hand to stall for time as she tried to get her laughter under control. Calming down, she took a breath and turned serious. “We were worried about you. You do understand the full implications of what Jack said about it being cruel to cleanse her first, right?”
Phil nodded, noticing everyone sobering up quickly at Reese’s words. “Naturally. The scope of their crimes really only leaves one option per the Guild charter. If the choice were given, no one would actually want to send someone who was truly remorseful for their crimes to their death.” Heads nodded in agreement around the table.
“But Chuck…” started Tina, surprising Phil. She was the last person he’d expected to bring that name up.
“Has done far more than what I told you guys about. Believe me, I left a lot out.” Phil shook his head. “I know I’m supposed to be the caring and compassionate one, but trust me, the world is a better place without him in it. He’s earned it, if only for Jenny’s sake. Wait, is that why you guys were worried about me? Because those three are going to get the chair or whatever it is the Guild does for capital punishment?”
Heads nodded, and Phil chuckled. “I know you all see me as the kind and generous type, and I do try to be, but even I’m disgusted by what they did. Death is too kind for them. People suffered because of their selfishness. People died. There’s a part of me that sees the appeal of the ‘eye for an eye’ punishment system.”
Rose’s eyes went wide, then narrowed a little. “That’s why you suggested throwing those two in to the same truck together? Philip…” she trailed off, her tone full of disapproval.
Phil waved his hands at her. “No! I honestly had no idea it would get to the point that it did. I mean, come on! Even Rachel was surprised they were still going at it, right Rachel?”
Rachel bobbed her head back and forth noncommittally. “I figured it was going to take a while for the charm to wear off, I just hadn’t anticipated them charming each other into exhaustion like they did. I do think it was the right idea to have them work it off on each other though. It wouldn’t have been safe for anyone else to be on the receiving ends of their, uh, affections.”
Rose glared at Phil a couple seconds longer, then relaxed her gaze. “Sorry. I know you’re not the kind of guy who’d inflict needless suffering even on your enemies. I’m just surprised you seem so indifferent. I know I shouldn’t be, considering if even half of what you told us about Chuck is true. It just… doesn’t fit with the character model of you I have in my head.”
“Character model?” Phil asked, quirking an eyebrow. “Next you’re going to tell me you have a stat sheet for me as well?” Rose flushed slightly. “Wait, you do!? Are you some secret D&D nerd or something?”
Brittany and Reese exchanged amused grins and Rose squirmed under Phil’s gaze. “Well, I wouldn’t say it’s a secret. It just never came up in conversation.”
“No kidding…” Phil said, the burst out laughing. “Finally! Someone who can actually teach me how to play.”
“Huh!?” exclaimed Rose.
“What? I’ve always wanted to learn, but you know my history. Being a shut in with only one friend doesn’t really leave a lot of opportunities to get a game going, you know? What do you play?”
“Uh, she’s a level 9 half elf healer,” Rose said sheepishly. Tina groaned.
“So you’re basically playing yourself?” the bubbly brunette asked, shaking her head.
Rose’s response was cut off as the room suddenly shook violently. A concussive wave turned Phil’s stomach to jelly for a second as the roar of an explosion deafened them. The lights flickered briefly before cutting out completely, the emergency lights kicking on a second later. Tiles from the drop ceiling fell, landing all over the room, the table, and themselves.
Seeing Phil dazed from the shockwave, Brittany immediately took charge, jumping to her feet. “Is everyone alright? Phil?”
“Huh?” Phil asked, wiggling a finger in his ear as he attempted to clear the ringing. “Yeah, I’m fine. Ladies?” He looked around at his comrades, taking in their condition and the wreckage of the room. He was surprised it wasn’t worse than it was. Dust lingered in the air from the dropped tiles, a light fixture hung haphazardly above Tina’s head, and the emergency lighting cast a dull glow from the corners and sole exit from the room.
Tina rubbed at the back of her head, then examined her hand. Phil could see the blood on it from the other side of the table where he stood. “Tina!” he exclaimed, then quickly made his way around to her.
“I’m fine,” she said, her voice quavering. “Damn light must’ve caught me. It’s not deep.”
“Rose?” Phil asked, turning to the wide eyed woman. “Can you help her?”
“Wha? Oh. Uh, yeah.” She hesitantly got to her feet, took a couple shaky steps, then leaned on the table and took a couple deep breaths to steady herself. Brittany rubbed her back soothingly while she did so. Rose gave her a small smile, then nodded, indicating she was good to go. Her steps more confident, she approached Tina and began applying some of her healing magic.
Rachel made her way over to the door and peeked out into the hall. “It’s all clear out here. Still no power to the lights, but no rubble or bodies or anything.”
Phil nodded and turned to Reese and Brittany. “What do you think that was? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say explosion?”
They nodded. “Definitely,” answered Brittany. “Close, too. Within the Guild.”
“But how? You know the security measures just to get past the lobby. There’s no way anyone could get explosives down here, right?”
Reese, Rose, and Britt shared a look before Reese turned to Phil. “An explosion doesn’t always mean explosives, babe.” She cocked an eyebrow at him while giving him a knowing look. It took a second before it dawned on him what she meant.
She nodded. “I’m not the only practitioner of the arcane, you know. I don’t use big spells a lot because it’s mentally taxing, but even I could work up a sizeable fireball or explosion spell if I needed to.” She paused, thoughtful. “A spell of that size would need some time to prepare though, and the caster would be drained afterwards.”
Rachel perked up. “Meaning they would need help. Inside help. Someone to ensure they have the time needed to prepare and to assist them getting out.”
“They may still be here,” Phil said. “We need to get out of this room and see if anyone needs help anyway. May as well keep an eye out for suspicious looking people as we go.” Heads around the room nodded in agreement. Tina stood, thanking Rose as she did so and looked expectantly at Phil. Catching the hint, Phil’s lips tightened into a grimace. “Alright then, let’s go. Britt and Reese take point. You’re our main fighting force right now, especially since my suit is back at the house. Everyone else, keep an eye out and protect Rose. I sense her abilities will be needed more than ever right now.”
Rose’s abilities weren’t needed as much as Phil feared as they made their way down the maze of hallways. Bumps and bruises were the majority of the wounds they’d come across on the few people they’d encountered. A couple cuts like Tina had suffered from falling ceiling tiles and light fixtures. No one bothered to assist them in finding the exit, however, quickly rushing off down another hallway.
“Who designed this place?” Tina asked while they wandered.
“Kind of reminds me of a lot of old European cities,” Rachel said, drawing confused looks from everyone. Rolling her eyes, she explained what she meant. “Everything is winding, and it looks like it was expanded as needed, not planned out.”
“Ah! There you are!” came a voice. They looked up to see a very out of breath Ron Coalson speed walking to the group.
“Thank the goddess,” Phil said in relief. “Can you get us out of here? This place is a maze.”
“There’s a reason for that, Mr. Thomas, and no, I can’t get you out of here. I need you and your party to follow me.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Come with me. Now. This isn’t a request, Party Leader. This is an order from Guild Master.”
Phil raised an eyebrow. “An order?”
Ron nodded impatiently. “Yes! An order! This is an emergency, Mr. Thomas! Lives are at stake!”
Knowing his questions would have to wait, he simply nodded and gestured for the other man to take the lead. Gruffly, Mr. Coalson spun on his heel and stomped off back the way he came, not bothering to look back to see if they were following him. They were, most obviously because they had no idea where they were going and no idea how to get out of the labyrinth.
Phil’s sense of direction was terrible, but even he began to recognize the area they were in. It became even more obvious when they turned down a corridor with one side lined in glass and mirrors, or at least it used to be. Shattered glass layeverywhere, and a heavy smoke filled the hallway.
“Jess!” yelled Ron as he charged to the end of the holding area where the guard and healer lay immobile. He slid to her side, mindless of the glass shards slicing into his pants and legs, and examined her. “She’s still breathing!”
“Rose,” said Phil as he approached the two on the ground. Rose immediately moved to the other woman’s side and began applying her healing magic. He glanced around while she worked, taking in the damage. The glass that had encased the cells was completely blown out into the hallway, telling Phil that the explosion had either come from within the cells or the hallway that allowed entry to the cells. The mirrored glass that had been standing to their left and hid the monitoring equipment was also blown out, revealing smashed cameras and monitors. Phil saw a couple prone forms in the narrow room. “Tina, Rachel, check them out. See if they’re alright. Britt, Reese, check the cells.”
The women nodded and moved to follow his orders. Rachel and Tina shoved the damaged equipment aside and moved to examine the bodies, but both looked up and shook their heads. The monitoring personnel were dead. Reese and Brittany moved from cell to cell, looking for any evidence of what happened. Phil himself checked out the cell they were next to. Given how sparse the little room was, it took him no time at all to find Felicity. When he’d last seen her, she’d been asleep in her little bunk along the right wall. Now she was lying along the left, her body wrapped around the steel toilet each cell had. Phil’s first thought was that the shockwave from the blast had thrown her across the tiny room where her back had connected with the toilet, snapping it. There was a smear of blood on the wall next to where her head lay. He already knew what he’d find when he checked her pulse and wasn’t surprised when she had none. Her lifeless eyes had already told him that she was dead. He leaned down and closed them.
“Phil, she’s coming around,” Rose said to his back. He was momentarily confused, then remembered Jess. He stepped out of the cell and squatted next to the woman as she opened her eyes.
“Jess? Are you alright?” Ron asked, still cradling her.
“Hm? What happened?” she asked groggily.
“What’s the last thing you remember?” asked Phil.
Slowly, Jess sat up, then shook her head. “I’m not sure. Everything is fuzzy.”
“Concussion,” Rose said. “Both types. The one from the blast that knocked her into the wall and the one she suffered from after hitting it. Even after taking care of it, her memories are gonna be a mess.”
“Phil!” called Reese. He looked around as she stepped out of the last cell and joined up with Britt. “There’s no sign of Chuck.” Phil was immediately on his feet and looked at Ron, who stood as well.
“He was in the middle cell,” the guild rep said.
“That’s the only one where the outer door was opened, or rather blown off its hinges.” Britt went back to the cell in question and motioned for Phil and Ron to join her. “See? Looking at the blast pattern, I’d guess this is where the explosion happened. Someone really wanted in that door. Look here.” She gestured at the bunk. “Notice anything?”
The men looked at where she pointed. Phil wasn’t sure what he was supposed to be seeing, but Ron was.
“No debris.”
“Right,” said Britt. “This area is perfectly clear of any damage.”
“Someone shielded him before blowing through the door.” Reese examined the scene, then turned to Tina and Rachel. “Those bodies you found. How’d they look?”
“Dead?” offered Tina.
“Not just dead,” said Rachel. “Murdered. Stab wounds to the chest.”
Ron’s phone rang in his pocket and everyone paused while he answered it.
“Yeah? Are you sure? Well get a detail down there immediately! Don’t waste time calling me!” He hung up and turned to Phil and the girls. Rose approached, supporting Jess’ weight. “The entrance to floor eleven has been forced.” Jess gasped, while everyone else looked confused.
“What does that mean?” asked Phil.
“Trouble, Mr. Thomas. Lots of trouble. The eleventh floor is the entrance to a B grade dungeon. Only the guild master and the council have the authority to open that door. If what’s in the dungeon manages to escape, this guild and the surrounding area will be destroyed in a matter of days.”
Phil’s eyes widened. “Are you saying something forced its way out?”
Coalson shook his head. “No. Someone forced their way in.”
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A Cultivation World. A Young man named Scrifo with no knowledge of his birth parents, raised by a rowdy man, starts his journey in the world filled with complex relationships, plots and powerhouses that could bend the world to their will with just a glance. A Path filled with War, Honor and Helpless Sighs of Scrifo and his comrades. His brothers and sisters, who together with him will laugh with content at the World's Apex. A Tale of Brotherhood, Love, Tears and Oaths that will sometimes fill them with heart-warming joy while other times with heart-wrenching sorrow and would unknowingly lead them to the centre stage of the realms. Disclaimer: Though the book has Xianxia tag there will be no chinese names in the novel because it would be quite idiotic of me to try and use chinese names without understanding what they mean or represent and for that you have my apologies. What this tag represents is that you'll have a working cultivation system, fighting techniques, people on the quest to reach the top of the world, a world built around cultivation. Of course, everything with my own salt and pepper added to it. Hope you won't be veered off right here and will try a different take on the xianxia genre. I can assure you you won't be disappointed. Release Schedule - Ideally, Weekly Updates on Fridays or Saturdays. Chapter Size - Around 2200 Words Book Size - Honestly, I Don't Know. Reading Tips: 'Character Thinking in Their Head' "For Spoken Dailogues" *For Sounds* ||For Location And Timing|| [Attacks | Cultivation Techniques | Scriptures] Discord: https://discord.gg/zvGPYyb Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MunchingDevil
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Daniel has 4 sons with his ex wife and things have never been great. He got a girl pregnant when he was young and married her to do the right thing. They never really loved each other but stayed together for there children. When the youngest child turned 4 his wife decides to leave and signs away her children. Daniel devotes his life to his sons, Mitchell the eldest is now 22, then there is Jamie who is 20, Hunter is 18 and his youngest Edward is 17. Daniel has had many one night stands and hook ups but never wanted to be married again, women couldn't be trusted after what his wife did to him and his boys. He travels overseas for business often and has different women he meets while over there for a casual thing but nothing serious. Daniel is a business man and owns an import and export business which is doing very well. His eldest son has started to help with the business and the others will too when they finish at university. Daniel gets a call from a detective late one night asking him to take his two children in. He had no idea he fathered another two children at all but is forced to prove that by providing a DNA sample. Dakota and Darcy are 3 year old twins, they have been bounced around foster care homes since birth. After they are found during a police raid a detective takes on the case of finding them a home. Dakota is the eldest by 25 minutes and a little protective of his baby sister Darcy. How will he react when 5 other males want to help care for Darcy?⚠️ brief mentions of drugs and abuse⚠️This story is unedited
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