《Welcome to the Party》Chapter 21
All the women save Gaia were suddenly on their feet trying to get to the head of the table to help the two. Coming around, they noticed Phil waving his hand for everyone to stop. Rose’s impact with Phil had knocked them and his chair over, and the sight that greeted them was Rose wrapped around Phil planting kisses on his face and tears falling down her face. She planted one last kiss on his lips, then buried her face into his neck.
“Thank you! Thank you! You saved him! Thank you so much!” she said as she cried. “I’m so sorry for being a bitch! All this time I hated you for killing him, but you really did save him!”
“Oh! Oh, that’s interesting,” Gaia said suddenly, causing everyone who wasn’t pinned to the floor or sobbing into a shoulder to look at her.
“What’s interesting?” asked Britt.
Gaia shook her head and gave a mysterious smile. “Oh, something just cleared up for me, that’s all. Don’t ask details. A goddess needs her secrets. Now, Phil’s being his usual kind self, but he’s actually in a bit of pain right now.” Everyone turned to look at the pair on the ground and they noticed the occasional grimace from him.
“Phil? You alright?” asked Rachel.
“I’m fine,” he said softly so as not to disturb Rose. “It’s nothing major. It can wait until she’s ready.”
Tina glanced back at Gaia, who just smiled. Rose sat up quickly, having obviously overheard what was being said right next to her, and switched over to her healer mode. Her eyes glowed as she examined him.
“Oh shit!” she said as the glow left her eyes. “I’m so sorry! Let me heal those for you!”
“What happened?” asked Reese.
“Two cracked ribs and a fractured elbow, courtesy of the arm of the chair after Rose torpedoed him to the ground. He didn’t want to say anything and ruin the moment. Such a charmer.”
Phil rolled his eyes. He thanked Rose as she finished, then got to his feet and helped her up. “Are you alright?” he asked her.
Rose nodded, suddenly embarrassed about her display and took her seat again. Everyone else took their seats as well. Once everyone had settled, Phil looked at Gaia.
“So, is there anything else you would like to tell us?”
Gaia smiled. “Three things, actually. One: When I removed Bruce’s soul from Phil, I also removed the bond that the three of you had with him. That bond was connected to Bruce, and his departure meant a broken connection. Because of the threat from Rose’s possible action, I allowed all five of you to bond with Phil at the same time. I had to put a little extra juice into getting it to work, since three of you were in the wrong position for a bonding ceremony. Hence the crazy ass light show and the unexpected boosted bond that resulted.”
“Wait, so for a period of time today all bonds were broken?” asked Phil. “They had the opportunity to leave the party?”
Gaia nodded. “Yes. Since this case is rather unique, at the time I had to let things play out as they did. However, since I didn’t really give any of you three the choice of remaining in the party or not, I’m going to give you a one time deal. If you wish to leave the party, I can release you with no consequences. Does anyone wish to leave?”
Britt and Reese were already shaking their heads before she’d finished talking, which surprised no one. Rose was silent. She stared at Gaia as she absorbed her words. Conscious that all eyes were on her, she turned to Phil, who smiled at her.
“If you want to leave, I’ll understand. You need to do what’s best for you.”
Rose turned and looked at Gaia. “I want to be released from the party.”
“Rose!” Britt and Reese said, stunned. Phil was disappointed but tried not to let it show on his face. He’d hoped she wouldn’t leave but understood why she might not want to stick around while she was trying to come to terms with everything that’s happened in the last 24 hours.
Gaia smiled. “Are you certain?”
Rose returned the smile. “I am.”
“May I ask why you’re choosing to leave the party?”
“So that I can rejoin it of my own free will.”
For a couple heartbeats no one said anything.
““What!?”” Britt, Reese and Phil all said simultaneously.
Rose smiled. “It hasn’t occurred to you? Not once have we been given a choice in whether we accept Phil as our party leader or not. He just was. Because of some stupid old law the guild has and a freak set of occurrences. He inherited us from Bruce. We didn’t have a say. She took away that bond and apparently bent the laws of nature and magic to force us to party up again. Not once has anyone ever asked if we want him as a party leader. Those two got the choice,” she indicated Rachel and Tina, “and it’s plainly obvious how you two feel about him, but I want to be able to tell people I chose this. I chose him. I know I still have a lot to work on. I am completely messed up in the head. I need help. But I also know that when I get that help, he will support me the entire way. He will support all of us. So, I choose to leave the party, and then rejoin it my way.” She looked at Phil. “So I can tell the world that you’re my party leader.”
“Perfect. We’ll take care of that later then. Now, the second thing I want to discuss is Phil’s power. Britt, without orc pride, do you think you could take a punch from an Amazon and not feel it the next day?”
Britt shook her head. “Not at all. Their strength rivals our own.”
“And yet just a couple hours ago an Amazon shattered her wrist and half of her hand on your face and you didn’t even flinch.”
Britt shrugged. “I was pretty pissed at the time. She tried to take Phil.”
Gaia smiled, then looked at Rachel. “Rachel, can a succubus charm another of their ilk?”
Rachel shook her head. “Only if they choose to be charmed. Otherwise our charms cancel each other out. We have a saying: You can’t seduce a seducer.”
“But somehow you charmed not just a succubus, and boy was she fun to watch after that, but also an enraged incubus, both against their will. Then a few minutes later you managed to disperse a crowd with just a casual thought about romance. Btw, you saved four marriages and have started in motion six more with that. Good job, cupid.”
Rachel blushed. “That’s good to hear. Succubae aren’t known for that kind of thing.”
Gaia paused and looked at everyone arrayed around the table. All eyes were on her, waiting to find out what point she was trying to make. “What you may not realize is that Phil’s soul cleanse did more than just help Bruce. It’s helped all of you. For most descendants of the races, the limits on their power are self-imposed. They’re told that this is what they’re capable of, or that they can’t do that. Most of that is a result of generations and generations of forgotten memories and skills. By being bonded with Phil, the barriers to your true powers are being knocked down. The more intimate you are, the faster they fall. Everyone has the capabilities of the pure bloods of old, you’ve just forgotten how to use them and told yourselves you couldn’t. He is cleansing you of many generations’ worth of racial doubt. This is why I asked you all about leaving the party first. I wanted to be sure of your intentions. It’s rare, but sometimes a goddess can judge someone’s character incorrectly.”
“Like your son-in-law, perhaps?” offered Phil, earning him a scowl from the blue beauty. Then she sighed in resignation.
“Ugh. Fine! I’ll give him a fair shot when I meet him, would that make you happy?”
Phil chuckled. “I’m not that concerned about it, but it might make your daughter happy.” The two were getting confused looks and raised eyebrows from the rest of the table, but they ignored them.
“Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. It’s getting late, and I’m sure Phil and Reese want to get some hardcore cuddling in soon.” Both parties blushed at that, but obviously didn’t deny it.
“Wait!” said Tina. “You said there were three things you wanted to tell us. That was only two.”
“Ah,” Gaia said, standing to her full height and smiling at Phil’s obvious reaction to seeing her figure again. She spoke as she rubbed her lower belly. “Number three: tonight was a freebie. Next time I visit, I’m leaving with some of your baby batter, Mr. Pure Soul. Seeing all my grandchildren running around Genesis has given me baby fever again for the first time in a few hundred thousand years.” She was suddenly right in Phil’s face, her massive chest pressed firmly into his. His eyes were lost in hers as she softly kissed the tip of his nose. “And I can’t possibly think of anyone on this Earth better suited to father my child.”
“Excuse me?” yelled Reese, jumping to her feet, but Gaia was already gone.
“So even a goddess can get embarrassed?” asked Reese as she crawled into bed with Phil a couple hours later.
Phil chuckled. “Well, she made a big deal about Rose leaving the party and rejoining it, then popped out before actually doing it. It would’ve been easy enough for her to play it off like she meant to do that but coming back and apologizing for forgetting was sweet. It was kind of…”
“Cute?” Reese said, smiling wryly. “You can say it. She was. And because of that we girls got to wheedle a deal out of her.”
“Oh? What was that?”
“She’s not getting your child until we do first.”
Phil rolled to his side and propped his head up on an elbow, looking at her. She was nervously looking down and back to his eyes then back down again. “Britt gave me grief the other day for saying I’d spend the rest of my life with you guys, and you’re jumping to children already. I’m not opposed to the idea of having children, but hasn’t all this seemed incredibly fast? Four months ago we didn’t even know each other. Just a couple of days ago you two confessed your feelings to me, and now we’re talking kids?”
“It just… feels right. At least it does to me and Britt. I’m sure it does to Rachel and Tina as well, even if they’ve agreed to give us time before they officially make their moves on you. Does it not feel the same with you?” She met his gaze, a touch of worry in her eyes.
“Of course it does. I can’t wait to start a family. It feels completely natural, like you two complete me. I honestly don’t know how I feel about Rachel and Tina right now, but if you and Britt are supportive and encouraging them, I’m willing to see where it leads in time. You two are the focus of my love and affection right now though, and I hope they’ll understand that.”
Reese smiled and cuddled in close to Phil, pulling him down to the pillow and kissing him. “They understand. I spoke with them while you and Britt were switching the beds around. Rachel meant what she said earlier about wanting to take her time and win you over properly. Tina, while chomping at the bit, also said she’d wait. She’s been admiring you for years, you know.”
Phil shook his head. “She hardly spoke to me before. Just the occasional shoulder pat when I tipped her well. It’s weird to see her throw herself at me like that. I’m not even used to the idea of dating two women at the same time, and there are already two more waiting in the wings. Is this normal for the races? Typical male fantasies aside, I never imagined myself having a harem.”
She chuckled. “If it’s just the term you’re having issues with, then don’t think of it as such. Each of us cares for you in our own way. We’re family. That includes Rose, too, even if she has no desire to share your bed. Thank you for your patience with her, by the way. I know she’s been a royal bitch the last couple days.”
Phil shrugged. “She’s going through a rough time. I can sympathize to an extent. I’m guessing it’s more of a rebound from seeing us together?”
Reese nodded. “Yeah. It suddenly struck her that she’d never be able to be like this with the man she loved, and her jealousy kicked over into hatred that you took that from her. Her kissing you tonight was one hell of a shock though.”
Phil smirked. “Don’t read too much into it. I’m not, and I’m sure she’ll either forget she did it or apologize later. She was just grateful. Um…” Phil paused, not sure if he should tell her what Bruce had said to him earlier.
Reese poked his chest. “I know that look. You want to say something, but aren’t sure you should, right? Just say it. I promise not to laugh, cry, get mad, or tell everyone else, depending on what you need to hear to spit it out. Unless you’re going to tell me having Rose throw herself at you like that turned you on, in which case we’re going to have a long talk.”
“Well, I mean, she is pretty hot, you know?” he said teasingly.
Reese growled at him. “Four women and a goddess throwing themselves at you aren’t enough?”
“I’m kidding! Don’t hurt me. But it is kind of related to that. Remember when I told you guys that I spoke to Bruce and he said thanks for taking care of all of you, and that I should have some patience with Rose?”
Reese nodded.
“What I didn’t tell you was that he said something else after that. Something I didn’t think I should share in front of her. He, uh, kind of said that if anything developed between me and her, he was cool with it.” Even in the darkened room, Phil could clearly see how wide Reese’s eyes got. “I don’t have any intentions towards that though,” he quickly amended.
“It’s… probably a good idea if you don’t bring that up. At all. She’s fragile right now. She may see that as him rejecting her, or, in a slightly more terrifying prospect, she may take his word as gospel and commit to you in an obsessive manner. If that happens, the rest of us will have hell getting time with you. Speaking of which, that’s enough talk. I’m getting tired and want to play around a bit.”
“Oh?” Phil asked. “Are you sure?”
Reese nodded. “Not all the way though. Not yet. But I did remember something from last time though.” She smiled. He raised an eyebrow and waited for her to go on. “I was fine until I touched you directly.”
He stared at her in confusion. “Okay…”
She leaned in close to him, like she was trying to keep a secret between them. “Want to see how far we can get with our clothes on?”
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