《Welcome to the Party》Chapter 15
At about the same time that Britt and Phil were beginning their extensive cardio session, Reese was entering the living room to apologize to their two guests. She closed the door to the dining room behind her and walked over to the recliner next to the couch where the two women were talking quietly between themselves. They both stopped when Reese took her seat and gave her their full attention.
“I’m terribly sorry about that. She’s been through a lot in the last, well, couple years. I think it’s starting to bubble over inside of her. She’s normally the nicest person you could ever hope to meet. Well, second nicest.”
Both women smiled at the correction. They both knew she was referring to Phil.
“It’s really none of our business,” said Rachel. “It’s y’all’s home. We won’t judge or criticize what happens here.”
Reese gave her a grateful smile. “Thank you. Do you ladies mind if I ask you some questions?”
The two shared a look and shrugged. “Go for it,” said Tina. “As long as it isn’t too personal.”
“I’ll try to avoid that if I can. Can I start by asking why you didn’t seem the least bit surprised last night to find out your friend here was a succubus?”
Tina laughed. “We grew up together in a small town in Texas. I’ve known since she hit puberty.”
“Really?” Reese asked, shocked. “Most mixed tried to keep their identity secret. Tends to scare the mundanes a bit.”
Tina shrugged. “Probably would have, if I was a ‘mundane,’ as you called it. I’m fae descended. I can sense someone’s spirit, or aura, energy, soul, whatever you want to label it as.”
Reese stared at her. “Fae? Damn. I thought they were just fairy tales, if you’ll pardon the expression.”
Tina shook her head and smiled. “It’s ok. We get it a lot. We’re pretty rare. Rarer even than that incubus asshole Phil used to hang out with.”
“Wait, you knew!?” Reese said, sitting straight up in her chair, causing the two women to giggle.
“My best friend is a succubus. I was her test dummy when she was learning to control her power. You think I wouldn’t recognize charm magic when it was used near me?”
“So you let yourself be charmed by him?”
Tina nodded. “It was an easy out for my shitty marriage. My ex was a controlling asshole. Dictated how I dressed, controlled who I could hang out with, just an overly possessive jerk. Anyway, I knew if another man had me, he’d lose it and leave because I was no longer his. I just didn’t anticipate him actually attacking Chuck. I almost felt bad for that one, but then I thought about how he treated Phil like a pet and got over it. So yeah, I used Chuck as much as he used me. I don’t feel great about it, but the ends justified the means for me.”
“You’ve had your eye on Phil for a while, haven’t you?”
Tina smiled shyly. “Yeah. First time I saw him, his aura blew me away. I’d never seen someone so… pure. It radiated off of him like a clear spring day. If only he hadn’t been so shy and nervous around people.”
“We actually think that was Chuck’s fault.”
Rachel narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean?”
“I think he was somehow leaching charisma from Phil. I’ve read about it before, but I don’t know how it’s done. I just know that once we brought him back to the house, the connection was severed, and he started to recover. The Phil you met last night is four months removed from the effect.”
“That son of a bitch,” Rachel muttered. “He’s lucky he didn’t kill him.”
Both Tina and Reese looked at Rachel.
Realizing she was now the center of attention, Rachel elaborated. “You know how our kind feed off personal energy, or what most would call the soul these days, right? Most of us have learned to control it and only take what we need. We’re not eager to repeat the old witch hunts, you know? There are a few that take it too far, fucking men and women to death, but those gluttons are rare, and shunned by the community. It’s not like there aren’t a few bad apples in every bunch, right? There’s another way for our kind to get power though, and it’s extremely risky, potentially fatal.”
Reese raised her eyebrows, waving a hand to go on and dispense with the dramatic pauses.
“It’s bonding with someone in a way that steals not just their energy, but their potential energy as well. It’s usually a lifelong bond, not that it matters much to the victim, since they generally only live about ten years once it’s initiated, depending on their potential. How long did those two know each other?”
Reese thought back. It’d been a while since Phil had talked about Chuck. “Um, fifteen years, I think? He said they met in middle school.”
“Fifteen!?” Rachel blurted out. “And he’s still alive? Either Chuck waited to apply the bond, or Phil had a lot of potential. Since he’s still alive, we can count him lucky, but I’m still curious when it happened. I’m sure Chuck erased his memory of the event, but if we can find a way to reverse it, we can get an idea of when it might’ve happened. It’s a good thing you’ve got the wards around the house. They definitely saved his life, one way or the other. That might also explain why my charm affected him so strongly last night as well. His defenses against charm magic are practically nil after who knows how many years of being fed on like that.”
“So Chuck didn’t really need to charm women for power, did he?” asked Tina.
The Asian beauty shook her head. “Nope. He got all he needed from Phil. Your incubus was just a horny bastard and wanted to notch up his headboard as much as he could, I’ll bet.”
Tina harrumphed. “You’d think someone with that much experience would’ve had a better repertoire.”
Now it was her turn to be stared at. “What?” she asked. “Yeah, he had stamina and could go multiple times, but no actual skill, and he sure as shit didn’t give as good as he got. Pretty damn selfish in bed, actually.” Her eyes seemed to lose focus for a second. “Now Phil, on the other hand… that guy’s a natural.” Her eyes snapped back to focus as Reese gave a grunt and pointed at herself.
“Ahem, girlfriend sitting right here, you know?”
“Sorry,” Tina said, giving her a sheepish smile.
Reese rolled her eyes but gave her a smile. It’s not like she couldn’t understand the appreciation, and Tina had known him longer. She returned her attention to Rachel. “Is there any way to rebuild his defenses?”
“I honestly don’t know. The idea of using that kind of spell is unconscionable to most of us. We just want to live our lives like everyone else. Doing something like that is beyond taboo and paints us all in the negative light we’ve been hiding from for generations. Maybe your local guild hall has some information. I want to check in with them anyway. After what you’ve told me about your rogue succubus, I want to let them know I’m available to help. The only problem is, since I’m not a member of a party, I can’t access it.”
Reese nodded. “I’ve actually got an appointment there this afternoon. You’re welcome to tag along if you want. Tina?”
Tina nodded. “Sure, I’ll come. I’ve never been. Curious to see what this whole guild and party thing is about.”
“In the meantime,” Rachel continued, “I recommend having Brittany stay close to him. Her immunity to charm magic is the perfect counterbalance to his deficiency.”
As if on cue, Britt’s voice drifted from the back of the house.
“Oh god… oh yeah, right there baby! Don’t stop! Yes! Yes! Oh god! Fuck me Daddy!”
Reese buried her face in her hands and groaned. “Well, I don’t think keeping her close to him will be a problem. They could’ve at least closed the damn door,” she muttered.
“She didn’t strike me as the ‘daddy’ type,” Tina mused.
“I’ll bet she’s surprised too,” answered Reese. “He’s definitely brought out a side of her she never knew existed. Anyway, we’ve got some time before we have to leave. Care for a tour? I can show everything but the gym, apparently.”
Rose hadn’t received the memo about avoiding the gym. She’d gone there to apologize to Phil for her actions earlier, and instead found herself standing in the doorway with her hands over her mouth at what she saw. Britt’s outburst had interrupted her practicing her apology just as she had reached the door, and her eyes locked on the sweaty pair. She wasn’t entirely certain anyone had ever thought to use the curling bench in that fashion before. They hadn’t noticed her yet, so she quickly hopped over and hid in the hallway. She knew she should try again later. She knew she should leave them to their privacy. She knew that but couldn’t help but take another peek.
Glancing back around the doorway, she caught them in the middle of a position change, and the sight of Phil’s package caused her to gasp. She didn’t think it was loud enough to be heard, but Britt’s eyes locked on to hers in the mirror, and the redhead smiled just before he re-entered her. The smile disappeared as her eyes rolled back and her mouth hung open. All of Phil’s attention was focused on Britt, so he failed to notice the beautiful brunette watching them from the hallway, for which she was thankful, but she found it tremendously difficult to look away.
She’d seen Britt in the throes of ecstasy before, having spent more than a few nights in her bed making it happen, but she’d never been that… worshipful. It was as if Phil was penetrating her very soul. Rose was even more surprised when Phil muttered something she couldn’t hear and saw Britt immediately pull off of him and spin around to stuff him in her mouth. As he gripped the redhead by the base of her ponytail, Britt once again made eye contact with Rose and winked as Phil grunted. Rose watched Britt’s throat work up and down, obviously swallowing his load, milking him for every last drop.
This wasn’t the Britt that Rose knew. The Britt that she knew would never be on her knees in front of a man like that, worshipping his manhood and swallowing his seed while staring adoringly at him. The fact that she’d never actually seen Britt with a man didn’t matter to her at all. The Britt that she’d looked to for protection was submitting to this man. As the woman in question began licking that man clean, Rose took a couple steps back before turning and fleeing down the hall. Racing up the stairs to her room, she shut herself off from the world and tried to collect her thoughts.
Earlier Reese had forced her to realize that she hated that man more than she thought she did. She also knew that it wasn’t his fault that she did. As she’d been reminded, he’d been unfailingly kind and understanding towards her, giving her space when she needed it and listening when she had something to say. Still, she hated him. The one rock in her life for the last couple years had been Britt’s strength. She could always count on her to protect her when she needed it, both in the field and here at home. So, what did it mean to see her submit like that to someone?
Did it mean that Britt was weaker than she’d given her credit for? Was that protection she’d depended on a fantasy of hers? It couldn’t have been. She knew Britt would’ve destroyed anyone or thing that threatened her party without hesitation.
“So does that mean she recognizes him as stronger?” she asked herself. “I know he wouldn’t order her to do anything she didn’t want to do, so it’s a decision on her part, right? Maybe she just loves big dick? Why does she give in to him so easily? He’s not stronger than her at all.”
“It’s a partnership,” Britt said, closing Rose’s door behind her. “Although that dick is magical.”
“What are you-” Rose began, but Britt cut her off.
“You just watched me get plowed like a spring field. You owe me an intrusion of privacy.”
“If you wanted privacy, you should’ve closed the door or used one of your rooms.”
Britt shrugged. “Fair point, but since I’m in here now, we’re going to talk. What you saw wasn’t him overpowering me, or me submitting. It was give and take. I wanted to make him feel as good as he made me feel.”
“He should be on his knees in front of you.” She couldn’t keep the bitterness out of her voice.
“He was plenty last night,” Britt shrugged, earning a disgusted look from Rose. “I’m still a woman, you know. My love and infatuation with Bruce was based on his physicality and the way he treated me as an equal. That appealed to the physical side of me. Phil… he treats me like a woman.”
Rose arched an eyebrow.
“Look, just because I’m strong and bulletproof doesn’t mean I don’t like being complimented on my dress or having someone open doors for me. And yes, him undressing me with his eyes was pretty fucking annoying, but I began to realize he wasn’t looking at me lecherously. He was admiring me. Any feminist would kill me for saying it, but I began to appreciate the way he watched me. Do you know how many guys are intimidated by my build? It’s not like I’m ripped and stacked with muscle, but there’s definition and obvious strength, and for a lot of guys that’s too much. It’s unattractive. Not for him though. Not for Phil. He sees me as a woman. I think he’s spent so much time being forced to watch from afar that he’s come to appreciate the female form in all its shapes. I’m sure he just stores it in his mental spank bank, but with any luck that will see far less use from now on.”
“So you’re okay with being stared at by a pervert now?”
“That particular pervert, yes,” she said with a smile. Then she turned serious. “Seeing me on my knees really bothered you, didn’t it?”
Rose nodded. “Yes! You’re supposed to be the strong one! You’re my protector! What am I supposed to think when you’re letting him cum in your mouth like some… some… slut?”
Britt glared at her. “If you were anyone else right now, I’d make you eat those words.”
Rose shrank back in on herself. “Sorry,” she mumbled.
“I don’t think you are, but we’re going to move passed that for now.” She sighed. “I’m still your protector, you know. Whether I’m sleeping with someone or not, whether I’m in love with someone or not, I’ll still rip the heart out of anyone that tries to harm you. The problem today is that you’re the one doing the harming. This is precisely why Reese and I didn’t want to give in to our feelings. We knew it would affect you. We just didn’t realize it would be this bad. And it was even your idea!”
Rose gave a self-deprecating chuckle and flopped on to her back on the bed. “Right? And I was so happy for you two at first. You were over the moon in love and I felt nothing but joy. Then, somewhere, it turned into jealousy at your happiness. I think it was listening to you last night. The passion coming from that room was overwhelming. It reminded me of what I used to have with Bruce, and how I’ll never have that again. It just stirred up so much resentment and hatred. I began to detest that you guys had fallen for the man who’d taken him from me. Yes,” she held up a hand to forestall Britt’s rebuttal, “I’m well aware that he was already gone, but it’s not that easy, you know? And now he’s taken you from my bed as well. What’s a girl to do but hate him?”
Britt surprised her then by leaning over and kissing her. A deep, passionate kiss that Rose instantly returned, her tongue exploring the depths of the redhead’s mouth. Britt broke it off far sooner than Rose would have liked and smiled at her.
“I cherish the times we had. It was just as cathartic for me as it was you, I’m sure. I wouldn’t rule out anything happening again in the future, but you’d better fix your attitude first, missy. I don’t expect you to fall in love with him, but at least please try to respect his efforts for the party?”
Rose nodded, then let a frown pull her face down as Britt got up and walked to the door. “We’re all heading to the guild after lunch. You should join us.”
“Reese already invited me. I’m still thinking it over.”
“Please do. You’re still a part of the team.” She smiled. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I still need to go brush my teeth.” She gave Rose a wink and left.
Rose smiled, then she realized what she’d said. “What!? Eww! Gross!” she wailed and immediately ran for her private bath in search of her mouthwash.
“It’s bigger than I thought it would be,” remarked Rachel as she took in the guild lobby.
“That’s what she said,” snickered Tina, earning her some groans and eyerolls. “Oh, come on. That’s a classic!”
“Just another word for old,” said Reese. “You remember where the visitor’s sign in is, hero?”
“Uh, yeah, I think so. Should be over that way, right?” answered Phil, pointing off to the right.
“Yep. Ok, we’ll part here. My appointment’s only an hour.” Glancing around to make sure not too many eyes were on them, she quickly pecked his cheek and made her way to security, Rose trailing silently behind her.
Phil watched them go. “I’m glad she came,” he said to Britt.
“Me too. Come on, let’s get this over with. Come on, ladies. Lot’s of paperwork to fill out. It’s not everyday someone requests access for a succubus. This is going to be interesting.” The tall redhead started walking towards the booth while everyone fell in line with her.
“Mr. Thomas!” a familiar voice cheerily shouted across the lobby.
The group stopped and turned to see Jack trotting over to him, minus his stern shadow for once.
“Jack, good to see you, sir.”
They shook hands briefly when he finally reached them, Jack giving the women a friendly nod.
“Ladies. So, Mr. Thomas, how goes the quest? You find that vile woman yet?”
“Uh… no. But we’ve found someone who may be able to help us out greatly. Rachel?”
The tall beauty stepped forward and extended her hand.
Phil continued with the introduction. “Rachel, this is Jack, the guild master. Jack, this is Rachel… I’m sorry, I never got your last name.”
“Warren,” she said with a smile. “Rachel Warren. I’m a succubus.”
Jack’s hand froze mid shake, his smile turning wooden. “A succubus, you say?” He turned his head stiffly towards Phil. “I would hope, Mr. Thomas, that she’s not the one we’re looking for, since you brought her right into the regional headquarters?”
“No, sir, she’s not. She only recently moved to the area. She wasn’t in the state during any of the other murders.”
“I can vouch for that!” Tina offered, stepping forward and thrusting her hand out. “Hi, I’m Tina Johns-, sorry. Tina Hart. Still getting used to using my maiden name again.”
“Um, nice to meet you, but for what reason should I trust your word? I’ve never met you before now.”
“I guess that’s true,” she mused. “Would it help if I said I was fae?”
“Fuckin’ seriously?” blurted out Britt.
“Yeah! I mentioned it earlier… oh, that’s right. You were talking with your Daddy at the time.”
Both Britt and Phil turned bright red, but fortunately Jack wasn’t paying them any attention at all. His eyes were squarely on Tina.
“A fae…” he breathed. “I thought you were-”
“A fairy tale. Yeah, we get that a lot,” she laughed. “Anyway, Rachel and I go way back. Grew up together in Texas. I can promise you that if she was a bad succubus, I’d be dead many times over, and so would these two.”
“Oh?” Jack said, turning his attention to the couple now holding their breath before him. “Mr. Thomas, as guild master, I request that you relay an order for me to Miss Hughes here.”
“Um, depending on the nature of the order…” Phil said cautiously.
“Should Miss Warren here make any aggressive move towards me or anyone in this guild, she is to kill her immediately.”
Phil blanched. “I’m sorry, sir, but what?”
Jack stepped closer to Phil, lowering his voice while adding authority to his tone. “We are going to have a discussion in my office. Succubae are a level two security threat. As Miss Hughes is immune to their charm magic, she is the perfect escort for your friend here. The sooner you accept my request, the sooner we can retire to the privacy of my office without someone sensing her magic and alerting security. I’m placing a lot of trust in you and your judgement, Philip. If I’m wrong, none of you will leave this building alive, understand?”
Rachel looked over and met Phil’s eyes. “It’s ok. Go ahead. I haven’t lied to any of you about how much I want to help.”
Phil kept his eyes on Rachel but addressed Brittany. “Britt.”
“Understood,” she said in resignation.
Jack raised in eyebrow at the one word order but didn’t say anything. Turning, he motioned for them to follow him. Like before he just waved at security and they let them through. Jack moved like a man on a mission through the old terminal before arriving at his office. He held the door open and ushered them in before quickly closing the door behind them. He showed them to nearby seating area and motioned for everyone to sit.
“Ok Mr. Thomas. You can drop the order now,” he said cheerily.
“Uh, ok. Britt?”
Britt visibly relaxed, then joined everyone in giving Jack a very confused look. “What the fuck, Jack?”
“I am so terribly sorry about that. Had to make it look good for any that may have been watching. Cameras everywhere these days! I’m just glad I caught you before you tried to sign her in.”
“Since when is a succubus a level two threat, and why weren’t we notified? The guild hardly ever paid attention to them before,” asked Britt.
“The guild down in Texas never treated me like a threat. Even asked for my help a couple times,” said Rachel.
Jack shook his head. “It’s only regionally that the threat’s been changed, and that only a couple hours ago. Two more bodies were found this morning. I trust you can verify the whereabouts of your friend last night, Mr. Thomas?”
Phil turned a slight shade of red. “Uh… yeah. I can confirm her whereabouts last night. Well, from, what? 8pm on?” He looked at the others for confirmation.
Jack waved his hand. “That’s adequate. The dead men were both seen leaving different bars with someone after ten. If she was with you then her alibi’s secure. We do have a dilemma though. Unless that woman is extremely talented, there’s no way she was able to drain two men at roughly the same time in different parts of town.”
Phil looked at Rachel, who shook her head. “Even if she put everything she had into the effort, it would still take a couple hours to completely drain a fully grown man. Gentlemen, you’ve got at least two murderers operating in your area.”
“Fuck,” both men said in unison.
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