《Welcome to the Party》Chapter 1
“Don't give your name. Don't go to your place. Make it a one-time thing.”
“And how did that work out for you last week again?”
“Fair point. Okay, rule number four: always have a solid exit strategy. Who knew her husband would get fired that night?”
Phil sighed and downed his beer. Raising his hand to get the waitress’ attention, he gave his buddy an exasperated look.
“It really is a wonder you haven’t been killed yet, Chuck.”
Chuck gave him his most charming smile as the waitress approached.
“It’s not my fault women find me irresistible. Perhaps if the men in their lives gave them the attention they needed, they wouldn’t seek me out. Isn’t that right, Tina, sweetheart?” he said, turning to the tired looking brunette. She placed the beer in front of Phil while giving Chuck a sidelong glance.
“Wouldn’t know. John over there gives me everything I need and more.” She indicated the muscular man leaning up against the wall watching the patrons of the bar enjoy themselves, yet ready to pounce if needed, as bouncers were wont to do. Tina looked Chuck up and down and smirked. “Something tells me you wouldn’t measure up.”
Phil bust out laughing as Chuck feigned getting shot in the heart. Tina gave him a friendly smile and wink as he doubled her tip for the ruthless attack. She patted his shoulder in appreciation and left to continue making the rounds. Chuck sat back up in his chair where he’d slumped when playing dead and watched her go.
“You definitely need to hit that, bro.”
“Are you out of your mind?” Phil asked. “You know damn well what happens to guys who hit on her. Especially when her husband is standing twenty feet away! You’re lucky you only got away with a busted lip when you tried.”
Chuck waved his concerns off. “Totally worth it. I still managed to get a handful of ass before he swung. That woman works out, man.”
“If hadn’t been there to save your ass, it would’ve been the last thing you ever felt. Why go after taken women anyway? You’re just begging for trouble.”
“Come on, Phil! That’s the excitement of it! If there’s no danger, then it’s just sex, and even that gets boring after a while. You gotta keep things spicy!”
Phil took a pull from his bottle. “You’re an asshole, you know that? Why do I even hang out with you? I’m gonna get killed just for being associated with you.”
Chuck smirked. “Two reasons, mi amigo.” He held up one finger. “Because we’ve been friends since junior high. And two,” he held up another finger, then pressed them together to point at Phil, “because you’re the typical beta male white knight that wants to play the angel on my shoulder while secretly hoping to get with the friends of the girls I hook up with.”
Phil turned scarlet red but didn’t answer. He didn’t have to. Chuck had known him for years. Knew him better than anyone. He’d always been the more dominant one in their little duo, always taking the lead in any situation they found themselves in. His brutal assessment of Phil was based on years of experience. Phil didn’t like to dwell on the fact that all of the women he’d been with had been leftovers from Chuck’s endless crusade to get the hottest woman in a group. He also didn’t like to think of himself as “beta.” He just liked to use his head more than his brawn, of which there was very little. Respecting women, and any relationship they may be in, shouldn’t be the mark of a beta male, but in Chuck’s eye it did. He was very much the type to go for what he wanted, and he wouldn’t stop until he got it, even if “it” had a significant other the size of a Greek demigod.
“Listen, man, if you don’t start talking to women on your own, you’re gonna end up alone. Think of it like one of those games you love to play. Whaddya call ‘em? Visual novels? Those weird Japanese dating sims. Just talk to her and adjust your answers as needed until she’s ready to climb into your lap.”
Phil shook his head, chuckling. It doesn’t quite work like that, he thought. He’d actually tried that before in high school. All he got for his troubles was a disgusted look and a creep label that lasted the rest of the school year. For Chuck, hooking up was as easy as saying hi. For Phil, dating was more Dark Souls than Clannad.
“It’s not that easy, Chuck. Not for me anyway. I just can’t read women. You remember Jenny Smith?” Chuck nodded, a slight smirk on his face. “For months she was constantly hovering around me, talking to me, even calling me just to chat. I never put two and two together, man. It never occurred to me that she might be interested in me until she wasn’t anymore. I just thought she was being friendly.”
“I know,” Chuck snorted. “She used to complain to everyone that would listen about how dense you were. She even came to my house one night to get advice on how to make you realize.”
“She stopped by your place?” Phil asked, surprised. The look in Chuck’s eyes suddenly triggered something in Phil. “You didn’t.”
“I did. A few times that weekend. Why do you think she wasn’t interested anymore?” Chuck at least had the decency to not look overly fond with himself, not that it helped Phil’s anger any. Phil dropped his head into his hands, muted rage coursing through his mind. He fought it down though. Getting pissed now wouldn’t do any good. It’d been over ten years.
“You’re a real son of a bitch, you know that?”
“I do,” stated Chuck. “If it helps, I did feel guilty afterwards. All she wanted was to talk about you, but she looked so vulnerable I just couldn’t help myself. Oh, sit down. We both know you’re not going to do anything.”
Phil looked down and realized he was standing, his fists clenched. The tables around them had gone silent and were staring at him while John the bouncer had taken a step away from the wall he had been leaning against. Chuck continued relaxing in his seat, sipping at his beer while watching Phil’s reaction.
“I’m done for the night,” Phil muttered and made for the door, pulling out his phone to call an Uber.
“This is why you’ll always be a beta, Phil!” Chuck called to his back as he left. Phil felt every eye in the bar follow him out until the door closed behind him.
“Where the hell is this guy?” Phil muttered as he checked the app for the fifth time in as many minutes. It said his ride was a minute out, and the GPS showed the vehicle a block away, but it wasn’t moving. He’d tried cancelling and getting another ride, but the same vehicle took the request. Phil danced in place a little to keep warm, the chilly night cutting right through the light sweater he wore. He was also coming down from his fit of anger at Chuck, although he made no move to look in the window of the bar. He could already imagine Chuck shrugging at his departure and moving to find a woman to hit on. He knew that Chuck wasn’t the type of person he should have as a friend, but he was the only one who ever hung out with him.
Phil was socially inept. He didn’t know how to talk to people, especially women. He’d never been on a real date that wasn’t some group event where Chuck had tried to set him up with someone, and most of those ended with an awkward goodbye and no returned calls. The handful of women that he’d taken to bed, or rather, had taken him to bed, had seemed to do so out of pity, and not a single one of those women expressed any interest in seeing him again afterwards. At least that’s the impression he got. He never stuck around afterwards to find out. To this day he had yet to wake up under another woman’s sheets. Phil was well aware of his standing with people, and that he was destined to be a cowardly wallflower for the rest of his life.
“Fuck this,” he muttered and started walking. The uber was only a block away. If it wouldn’t come to him, then he’d go to it. Breath steaming in the cold night air, he made his way down the street. There was little traffic in this part of town, the bar being a hole in the wall that he and Chuck frequented. All the newer dance clubs were on the other side of town, drawing the majority of weekend partiers over that way. It left the street quiet and still, only the blinking of the nearby traffic light showing any sign of life. Well, that and the grunting and soft curses coming from around the corner.
Phil slowed his pace, cautiously approaching the corner of the building on the intersection. He peeked his head around and couldn’t contain the audible gasp that escaped his lips. A man was leaning into the driver’s side of a car while three women stood back and watched. One of the women apparently heard his gasp and glanced over. Their eyes met briefly before he could pull himself back around the corner to hide. For that brief second, he could see absolute terror in her eyes. Taking a deep breath, he worked up the courage to take a second look. His instincts screamed to run and call the police, but he also realized that he hadn’t actually seen anything more than someone leaning into a car and three women standing nearby.
Slowly, he inched his head out of cover again and tried to take in what he was seeing. The car, a midsize sedan, was rocking side to side a bit. Now that he took a longer look at it, he realized it matched the description of the car that was supposed to pick him up. The figure leaning into it seemed to have a large build, and it was his movements that caused the car to rock. He then realized that door to the vehicle was laying on the ground, ripped off at the hinges. Sweeping his eyes from the vehicle, Phil’s eyes fell on the women again. The terrified woman caught his attention and she reached back to let the other two women know, quietly slapping at the nearest one’s arm. The second one looked pissed off and whipped her blonde head around to the first one, but her expression changed to astonishment when she caught sight of Phil. She started to wave him over frantically, but Phil shook his head, eyes wide at the spectacle before him. He wasn’t sure what was happening, but he was reasonably confident that he wanted nothing to do with it. He looked at the last woman and his brow furrowed in confusion. Her fists were white knuckled, and she appeared to be straining against something, if the tautness in her neck and face were any indication. Her face was almost as red as her hair from the effort. It was like she wanted to take a step forward but was unable to for some reason. She paid no attention to the second woman’s slaps at her arm.
Again, the first two women frantically tried to get Phil to come to them, and again he shook his head negatively. They were desperately pointing back at the car, mouthing something to Phil that he couldn’t quite make out. The two women exchanged glances, nodded, and then the nearest one breathed out “He’s killing him!”
The movement in the car suddenly stopped and both women froze. The second one slowly looked back at the large form slowly extricating itself, her eyes narrowing in obvious hatred. The first one looked pleadingly at Phil, mouthing please help at him. Phil’s eyes shot wide. No one had ever asked him for help before, let alone a woman. His grip tightened on his phone. Chuck’s words still hung in his mind. This is why you’ll always be a beta, Phil! He wasn’t a man of action. He wasn’t the knight in shining armor, despite Chuck’s mocking description earlier. He was just Philip Thomas, the lanky dude who played dating sims and only left the apartment for work and when he was dragged out by his one and only friend, although he was starting to question that particular label for Chuck. His life was work, games, and home. Not rushing to the aid of others. He should run and call the police. He should.
He didn’t though. As he took in her expression and the body language of the other two women, he knew had to do something. He didn’t know what, but he was sure if he left something bad would happen to them. He didn’t want that on his conscience. He just couldn’t let it happen. The figure was still straightening up after getting out of the car. Jesus, Phil thought. He’s a fucking giant! Suddenly, Phil wasn’t sure doing anything would help at all. Just delay the inevitable.
He ran. Before the whispered word had been finished, Phil had a full head of steam and his out of shape legs pistoned as he bolted. Much to his surprise, however, he wasn’t running away, but charging towards the building with legs. Phil barely had time to register the shoulder length blond hair and surprised expression on the man’s face as he collided with him. The large man had been in the process of turning when Phil tackled him and was caught off balance. Both men hit the ground in a heap. Phil heard a couple of cracks and the blinding pain that rocketed through him told him that at least one of those cracks was him. Screaming in agony, he attempted to roll off the large man, convinced he was shortly about to die, but the other man didn’t move. The pain in Phil’s shoulder was causing him to hyperventilate as he struggled to get off the guy, but his movements only served to bring him face to face with him. He was greeted with a stunned expression, and Phil was distantly aware of seeing the steam from the man’s breath dissipate as his breathing got shallower. Finally, with one last exhale, the man ceased all movement, breathing his final breath into the still hyperventilating Phil’s face.
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