《Scion of the Void》Pointy Eared Bastards pt 1


The chirping of birds heralded the dawn, and the city of Trentshire came to life. The scents of wood fires, baking bread and the hustle of the morning market signaled the wonderful sight of surviving another night. In the keep, maids and butlers scurried around the grounds, watering flowers, feeding the horses, and catering to any need that the Alpha’s family, and royal guests, needed in the early morn.

With a quiet knock, a pair of maids entered into one of the guest bedrooms. This bedroom was currently used by a terror to the maids, a fiend that exuded power without thought, causing their more animal instincts to run wild. And this terror was currently snoring loudly, sleeping on top of the sheets of the massive bed.

The pair of maids, twin Rabbit Beast-Kin, tip-toed towards the bed, and watched the sleeping figure, the job they were ordered to do all but forgotten. Well built, and with a striking figure, the fiend caused the young maids’ hearts to race. Off to his side, a large white fox was curled into a ball, his three tails swishing back and forth slowly, and his piercing sapphire eyes glaring frozen daggers at the pair of maids.

Stumbling back at the hostile glare, one of the Rabbit-Maids tripped over a corner of one of the rugs spread haphazardly throughout the room. With a shriek, she fell onto her rear end, crunching up the fluffy tail that was coming out above her tailbone.

The maids froze, and slowly turned to the figure lying in the bed. It had stopped snoring at the shriek, and was lying perfectly still. The maid that had retained on her feet quickly grabbed up her sister, and quietly rushed her out of the room. With a quiet click, the door shut closed, and the maids breathed a sigh of relief.

Inside of the room, the figure sighed as well. Reaching out to the presence on the corner of his mind, he posed the fox beside him a question. So, they gone?

The fox barked a quiet laugh. “Indeed, Master. The two terrifying Rabbits have fled in the presence of your strength. You should have seen them. They were drooling over you for quite a while.”

With a groan, Jake rolled out of the large bed, and blearily walked into the adjacent wash room. Mizutsune yawned, then stood up and stretched, arching his back like a cat. Jumping down off the bed, the waist high fox shook its luscious coat, and trotted over to the window. Resting its front feet on the sill, the fox looked outside to greet the morning. The sounds of running water told the fox that his master was greeting the dawn in his own way.

Exiting the bathing room, Jake stifled a yawn with his hand, and reaching into his Inventory, grabbed a cigarette. Popping it into his mouth, Jake lit the cigarette and took a long, slow drag. Holding the toxic smoke in for a moment, he expelled the smoke outside an open window with a sigh. Nothing like a smoke in the mornings. Stretching out his back, Jake glanced around the room, looking for something to wear. He normally slept with nothing besides small clothes to keep his dignity in check, and this day was no different. And of course, I have to be stalked by some fucking horny maids in the morning. I should really start going to bed fully clothed.

A cool chuckle rebounded through his mind, and Jake noticed Mizutsune seeming to smirk while gazing out the window. “Oh yeah, and what’s so funny to you?” Jake took another drag, glaring at the fox through the wisps of smoke.


”You, Master. Your power rolls off of you like waves, causing every female around you to go into heat. And yet, you do nothing about this. You could take them for yourself and extend your bloodline, creating kits with those that want them. This is what I would do. For a more… well, a less feral option would be to control your power better, and cease causing these headaches in the first place.” Mizutsune glanced at Jake, the rising sun causing his sapphire eyes to sparkle. “But then again, I am just a simple beast. What would I know of social niceties?”

Jake blinked, cigarette lifted halfway to his mouth. “Wait, I can control this stuff? Why hasn’t anyone told me about it yet?” He blatantly ignored the fox’s jibes at him.

Mizutsune shrugged, a decidedly human gesture. “Why would a mouse teach an eagle how to fly? Controlling how much magic you show is a fundamental step for all that practice with the Prime Elements, and most learn this at an early age. They probably imagined that you were flaunting your immense power to the common plebeians. He chuckled drily. If only they knew that you had the formal magical training of a newborn. I feel that would make an interesting sight. He barked in laughter, then dropped down from the window sill.

Jake thought for a moment, the gears in his head spinning wildly. “Fuck it. It’s helped me out so far, except for the whole ‘waterfall in the pants’ thing.” Flicking the butt of his cigarette out the window, he sat down on the bed, slowly scratching his goatee.

A quiet knock came from the door, and the two Rabbit-Maids from earlier came into the room. Blushing fiercely, they curtsied, keeping their eyes on the floor. “Master Jake,” they said in unison, “we have been asked if you would like help preparing for the day. The Alpha will be holding the reward ceremony for your valiant deeds within the morning, and the Head Mistress has asked of us to help you.”

Glancing out of the corner of his eye at the maids, his hand cupping the top of his cheek and covering his other eye, Jake scrutinized them for a second. Long ears, small bur of a tail out of their asses and nervous fidgeting. Definitely rabbits. With a grunt, Jake moved to his feet, causing the maids to flinch backwards. He noticed that their eyes were glued to his bared chest, the multitude of scars pale against his tanned skin. While the [Flames of the Phoenix] had accelerated his body’s natural regeneration, it could do nothing for the scars from the fight with the Golem Gomorrah. Clearing his throat, he brought the maids’ attention back to his face. Smiling, he gestured towards the cabinet.

“Of course, I would be honored.” Blushing furiously, the maids scampered over the cabinet with all the grace they could muster. It was not much, and one of the maids tripped over the leg of a table resting in the corner. The other maid, the one who had tripped over the carpet earlier that morning, helped her sister scramble to her feet, and dragged her to the closet.

Staring at the maids, Jake sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. It’s too fucking early for this shit.


After being helped dress in an outfit matching his previous one, and fighting off the wandering hands of the maids, Jake was escorted to the throne room where he had met Mr. Cuddles yesterday. Standing outside of the large twin doors, Jake tapped his foot in exasperation. Of course there’s more fucking waiting. ‘Oh hero, thank you for your efforts to save the city. While we can give you your just reward now, I believe that it would be better to wait until the morning. What is that? It is morning now and you would like your reward? Oh hero, would you kindly wait for a few more moments, there seems to be a problem with your gold; it isn’t shiny enough for a hero of your caliber.’ This is stupid.


Mizutsune huffed at Jake’s bitching, a frozen air expelling out of his nose. “What would you expect of those that dwell within a city? They do not understand the necessity of speedy action. They have lost all of the instincts that would enable them to live a decent life in the wilds.” The fox lifted a paw and shook it for a moment. “I do not understand how they are able to walk across stone their entire lives. Is this why you wear those leather wrappings on your feet?”

Pretty much. Jake sighed, and conjuring a small purple flame, began to make it dance across his hands to keep him from breaking things. We don’t have the padding that you have on your paws, so we had to create something that would work for us. Jake watched the dancing flame, letting his mind wander.

Mizutsune watched the flame as well, gaze focused on nothing. “I miss the forest. The sounds and smells of this place, while interesting, are becoming a little much to bear. When are we planning on continuing our original quest, given from the All Mother?”

Jake glanced at his fox, ignoring the stares of the two guards on the edges of the doors, hypnotized by the dancing flame. Soon, hopefully. Whenever we get this shit done with. I need to give some new orders to my Bou-

Trumpets from just inside the room silenced Jake’s thoughts, and he quickly snuffed the flame, much to the disappointment of the bored guards.

After the trumpet call, a loud and clear voice echoed through the doors. “Sir Jake from the State of Farme, Mageous of the Purple Flame, has arrived.”

Seriously, I will just be glad to leave this place so I don’t have to hear the fucking ‘Jake from State Farm’ jokes any more. I didn’t wear khakis back on Earth in the first place, either. Why the fuck…

Jake continued to bitch about his poor life decisions as the doors opened, and the guards bowed respectfully on either side. Jake strode through the hall, with Mizutsune trailing on his left side. Walking down a carpet of red fabric, Jake looked around. On each side were an assortment of soldiers and civilians, all dressed up. Metals glinted off of the soldiers’ breasts, and the civilians were wearing the finest clothes that they could purchase. But they could not compare to the Alpha and his family at the end of the red carpet.

Sitting on his throne, Mr. Cuddles cut the dashing figure. Golden main flowing majestically in a light breeze, zweihander resting against the armrests of the glorified chair, his feline eyes staring at the approaching duo unblinkingly. At his sides were his three wives.

Sharan, the Shark Beast-Kin, was smiling at Jake from the Alpha’s left, her jagged rows of teeth reflecting a ravenous hunger. She was dressed in a shimmering deep blue dress, cut in the back to accommodate her large fish tail coming out of her waist.

Next to Sharan, the Lizard Beast-Kin wife, who’s name still had not been revealed to Jake, bowed her head slightly to the approaching duo. The frill coming out of her neck was fully extended, creating a hood of red scales above her blood red dress. A serpentine tail twitched back and forth behind her, creating a mesmerizing sight.

On the Alpha’s right, Eaglin the Bird-Kin had her head cocked, her unblinking eyes seeming to gaze into Jake’s soul. Her large brown wings expanded slightly behind her, causing shadows to fall over her light yellow dress. Jake stared back at her, refusing to be cowed by the puffed up pigeon. The two continued their contest of wills as he and Mizutsune continued to walk up the aisle, stopping only when he was at the foot of the stairs leading up to where the family was standing and sitting, in Mr. Cuddles’ case.

“Kneel.” The Alpha growled, and moving his gaze to him, Jake slowly dropped down to one knee. Mizutsune, deciding against it, sat back on his haunches and stared the Lion-Kin down. Jake heard his cool voice resound through his mind, seemingly echoing through the confines of his skull. “I bow my head to no being, besides my creator.” The look of shock on Mr. Cuddles face, and the whispering from the others in the hall, made Jake think that his fox had spoken his statement to everyone in attendance. Smirking slightly to himself, Jake remained on his knee. While I like the theatrics, I really want to get the fuck out of here. It’s only been about a day and I’m already done with this shit. Mizutsune shot him a quiet chuckle.

Jake bowed his head, and before the people in the hall could respond to Mizutsune’s comment, Jake spoke in a loud and carrying voice.

“Alpha, I thank you for your great hospitality and kindness that you have shown me and my companion. But, sadly, we must continue on with my quest. I humbly request for you to keep whatever reward that you are intending to bestow upon me, for I have no want for anything besides that which will help me with saving my sister.” Hopefully that will be enough to dissuade them from doing anything stupid, like knighting me or some bull shit like that.

The mutters and whispers from those attending the ceremony started up again, louder this time. Jake caught bits and pieces of the conversations, mostly in line with ‘how rude’, ‘he can’t talk to the Alpha like that’, and more to the same effect. The mutterings were quickly cut off as loud, roaring laughter came from the Alpha’s throat. Jake tilted his head upwards, staring at Mr. Cuddles through his eyelashes.

The Lion-Kin was smirking at him, his sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight streaming through the windows. “You are quite humorous, Mageous. No one would do what you have done and not want a reward for their actions. And so, I will give you what you deserve.” With a swirl of golden fabric, the Alpha stood to his feet. Grabbing the massive sword at his side, he walked down to where Jake kneeled with slow, measured steps.

Stopping in front of the kneeling human, the Alpha gripped the massive sword with both hands, raising the point skyward. Laying the flat of the blade on Jake’s right shoulder, he spoke, his deep voice reverberating through the hall with a power that was not there before. “I, Lyrus Proudroar, Alpha of the city of Trentshire, by my right of rule given by the God Lykan, Caretaker of the Wilds, I name this being before me Friend of Beasts. Let this be known, and let all know of this one’s accomplishments!”

As Mr. Cuddles finished his speech, a series of blue screens appeared in front of Jake.

Rewards Obtained For Completing the Quest [For the Keep], the following rewards have been granted: 1000 Gold (Withheld due to damage caused to the Keep by the Quester) Reputation with Trentshire has Improved (Neutral-Friendly) Reputation with Lyrus Proudroar and his Family has Improved (Neutral-Friendly) Reputation with the Orcs of Erbadon has decreased (Neutral-Unfriendly) New Title [Friend of Beasts] Acquired Friend of Beasts For defending members of his pack at the risk of your own life, the Wolf God Lykan, Caretaker of the Wilds, has gifted you this title. Increases Reputation with all Beasts and Beast-Kin up to Friendly (Negative relations are increased to Neutral). Lykan welcomes you into his pack, and the pack will protect their own. Reputations As you have gained your first Reputation ranking besides Neutral, you have unlocked the Reputation Window. Hated Hostile Unfriendly Neutral Friendly Honored Revered None None Orcs of Erbadon Beasts Beast-Kin/ Lyrus Proudroar/ Trentshire None None

… Are you fucking kidding me? Mr. Cuddles removed his sword from Jake’s shoulder, and gripping the kneeling Mageous’ arms, hauled him to his feet. Shooting the human a grin, Mr. Cuddles clapped him on the shoulder.

The crowd cheered at the award, and Jake could do nothing but force a pleasant smile on his face. Clearing his throat, he bowed his head. “Thank you, Alpha, for this exceptional gift. I gladly accept the title, and will attempt to the best of my abilities to uphold it.” I really would have liked the money though. If I ever get the chance to buy something, that is.

“Before you leave the city,” Mr. Cuddles said, still holding Jake by his shoulders. “I would like to have a word with you. I believe that I know of a way to help with your quest to save your sister. We of the Beast-Kin are not strongly versed in the arts of magic, compared to some other races. But, we have come upon an opportunity to send a delegation to a group that is far more talented. I would like to send you along with that delegation.” Mr. Cuddles looked over his shoulder, then turning back around released Jake. Taking a few steps back, the Alpha raised his voice over the cheering crowd.

“That will be all for now! Carry on with your daily tasks. The city still needs to be rebuilt!”

Another cheer rang out, mixed in with some grumbling from the common citizens. They were expecting the esteemed Mageous to dazzle them with spells, but they were sorely disappointed.

As the crowd dispersed through the doors, Mr. Cuddles gestured at Jake to follow him.

Looking down at Mizutsune, Jake quirked an eyebrow. Shrugging his shoulders, the fox rose from his haunches and began to trot after the Alpha. Sighing, Jake followed behind. Now how the fuck am I supposed to get these guys pissed at me enough to get them to band together with their mortal enemies to kill me? Why did I decide to go and fight again?


“As I mentioned earlier, we are sending an envoy to one of the nearby races to establish some form of peace between our peoples.” Mr. Cuddles was seated in what could only be an office space. Shelves filled with books and scrolls lined the walls, and a large desk sat in the middle of the room, cluttered with different papers. Jake took a quick glance at one of the papers, his [Disciple of Change] skill translating the words, and saw a proof of sale for a list of items including lumber, stone and wheat.

Jake crossed his legs from where he was sitting on a chair in front of the desk. “And you would like me to act as a bodyguard?” He asked the Lion-Kin. Mizutsune was curled up at Jake’s side, watching the Alpha with his sapphire eyes.

Shrugging, Mr. Cuddles leaned back in his chair. “I believe it will be beneficial for both of us. You will gain access to a group of people who are far more versed in magic than we are, and we will gain your powers as a Mageous for protection.” He smiled. “What do you think?”

New Quest Alert Why Can’t We Be Friends? Lyrus Proudroar, the Alpha of Trentshire, has asked you to escort a political delegation to ensure peace with the city’s neighbors. Will you help? Yes No Difficulty 2/5 Rewards: Increased Reputation with Trentshire, Unknown

Jake scratched at his goatee, and glanced down at Mizutsune. What do you think?

The fox blinked, never taking his eyes off of the Alpha. “It could work for our betterment. We could sabotage these peace agreements, and make them go to war. When they are at each other’s throats, we can strike at their exposed flanks. They will either band together, or die.” Mizutsune glanced up at Jake, then shifted his gaze back to the Alpha. “It has a high possibility of succeeding, and if it does not, we will grow stronger on their corpses.”

Jake froze for a second, thinking over what his companion had said. Jesus, you’re a vicious little fucker, aren’t you?

Mizutsune chuckled, the cold sound bouncing through his head. “Says the person who leaves a Binding of Dark in a populated city with the only instructions of ‘have fun’ to control it. I think that is far more disturbing than the natural response of a predator.”


Jake looked up at Mr. Cuddles, and nodded. “I accept.”

Quest Accepted

The Alpha smiled, baring his teeth. “Very good. Very good. Now, all we need to wait for is the delegation to arr-“ Quiet knocks came from the door leading to the office, interrupting Mr. Cuddles. “Ah, it seems the delegation has arrived. Enter.”

The door opens slowly, and a familiar Owl Beast-Kin enters the room. Keeping her head bowed, she executes a quick curtsy. “Father, I am ready for the task that you have given me.” She looks up, and noticing Jake, emits a small squeak while jumping backwards. Blushing furiously, Serena straightens out the white dress that she is wearing, her large wings shivering slightly.

The Alpha chuckled quietly to himself, and shot Jake a grin. “It would seem that you have already made an impact on my daughter.” Serena blush grows even darker. Mr. Cuddles leaned forward, his voice dropping menacingly. “If you hurt a single feather on her body, I will eat your heart.” Leaning backwards, he laughed to lighten the mood.

Jake remained silent, eyes bouncing back and forth between Mr. Cuddles and the blushing Serena. Sighing at the whole ordeal, he looked back at the Alpha.

“You did not tell me, who are you attempting to create a treaty with?”

Mr. Cuddles looked at him with confusion. “The High Elves of the Dark Woods, of course.”

Jake groaned internally. Of course it’s fucking elves. And what the fuck is up with the High, Dark and Wood all being the same type of elf? This is already starting to get stupid.

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