《Scion of the Void》Blood and Thunder pt 2


Jake slammed both of his hands together, a torrent of flame leaping outwards to hit a stone golem. The golem began to crack and break apart from the incredible heat. As the golem continued to rumble forward through the flames, black tendrils appeared beneath the construct, wrapping around its legs and tripping it.

Keeping the construct pinned to the ground, Jake wrapped his fist in flames and slammed it into the dirt. Molten rock appeared beneath the golem, and a pillar of flame erupted from the ground, completely engulfing the golem. Jake continued pumping mana into the spell, feeding the hungry purple flames more and more, until all that was left of the construct was molten slag.

Sighing, Jake grabbed a cigarette and lit up, puffing while staring at what was left of his foe.

New Spell Created: Firestorm You can shoot fire from the ground. Not from your hands, but from the ground. Feel proud of yourself. Mana Use: 15 m/s (per pillar of flame)

Jake smiled to himself, feeling himself getting stronger.

“Brother, strength is not about raw power.” Lok’Ruc was sitting next to a campfire, watching Jake face off against his earthen constructs. Mizutsune was asleep next to the flames, being gently stroked by the Orc. “You must understand the power that you wield. Only then, can you master the art of Binding.” Saying so, Lok’Ruc waved, and another stone golem rumbled into creation, and began walking towards Jake.

Gritting his teeth, Jake took another pull on the cigarette and spat it to the ground. “It’s not that fucking easy.” Jake began sending blade after blade of compressed air at the golem, breaking it apart and cutting it to small chunks. Lok’Ruc grunted, and gestured Jake to join him at the fire.

Jake sat down, and grabbed some of the meat that was cooking. He passed the Orc a smoke and began to eat.

You have consumed [Cooked Holy Cow Meat]. Increased Health and Stamina Regeneration by 250%. Also regenerates an additional 50 Health.

As Jake ate, and Lok’Ruc was lost in the feeling of tobacco heaven, Jake thought back to what happened three days ago.


After Jake told the Orc that he was sent to take over the world, Lok’Ruc started laughing.

“The Earth told me this would happen.” Lok’Ruc smiled, his eyes distant as he stared into the flames. “A being with the potential to grow to amazing heights will bring himself before me.” Jake stared at the Orc. Are you fucking serious? What the hell is up with this cliché bullshit? ‘Oh great hero, we need you to save the realm.’ Fuck you. Jake didn’t say anything that was on his mind, though. Based off of his notifications that he got during the fight, this Orc was far stronger than him.


New Spell Created: Air Burst Violently expel the air around your person. Be careful, if you use this in an enclosed space (you know, like inside of a giant hand), this has the chance of killing you from over pressurization. Have fun! Mana Use: 15 m/s of charge New Spell Created: Armament of Darkness Congratulations! You have learned how to wrap yourself in elemental energy, making yourself far stronger than normal. You used this to… walk around like a giant spider. Good job? Mana Use: 25 Sacrificed Mana until cancelled (you cannot regenerate sacrificed mana) You have defeated Gomorrah, the Earth Elemental Lvl 40 (Summoned by Lok’Ruc the Earth Breaker Lvl 100) Congratulations! You have reached level 15! +10 Int, +10 Wis. 10 attribute points ready for distribution. Congratulations! Your pet, Mizutsune the [Twin-Tailed Frost-Bound Fox], has increased to level 16! Your pet has grown in power and intelligence!

Jake evenly distributes his ten points to Vit and End, and looks back at the Orc. “… Why did you only send your elemental after me when we fought? You could have easily killed me with a wave of your hand.”

The Orc broke out of his reverie, and looked at Jake. “My band, the Lok’Sharush, believe in strength. Not just strength of arm or of mind, but of internal strength. Strength to fight on even as the odds were against you, to fight a superior foe without breaking.”

He looked out into the distance again. “There is a change coming. Can you not feel it? Hear the grinding of the Earth? I can hear it, and it is telling me that you are special. I wanted to see if the Earth was right, which is rather foolhardy. The Earth never lies, and it is always correct. The Earth has tasked me with training you, and that I shall.”

Lok’Ruc waved his hand, and a smaller earth elemental burst from the ground. “I hear, and I obey.” The small golem rumbled towards Jake.



Jake pulled himself from his thoughts, and scratched his chin, having finished the flying-cow steaks. Holy-Cow, what a stupid name. The sun was setting, and he stared off into the ball of fire. Binding, huh. Hey Giggles, why didn’t you explain this earlier?

Oh, NOW you remember I exist? Hello Puppet, it’s been a while. I really enjoyed watching you get your ass handed to you from that Golem earlier. Hey, quick question, can you die sometime soon? I think it would be so much more fun if I could laugh in your face.


Haha, you’re just a bundle of laughs. So, Binding?

Fine, I guess I’m just in this story for exposition anyways. Like I told you earlier, and you were too stupid to listen to me the first time, Binding is BINDING a thought form to an element, and bringing it to the physical realm. Think of it like your spells, but much stronger. Anyways, I’m not going to be giving you any more hints. Figure it out for yourself. Toodles!

Gee, thanks Giggles. That’s really fucking helpful. All I got to do is think of it like my spel… wait a minute. I have an idea. This is probably stupid as fuck, but it might work.

Jake stood up, and walked away from the campfire. The sun had just finished setting, and it was beginning to get dark. Lok’Ruc stared at the human walking away, but said nothing. He turned back to the flames, and sat in silence. I can see what the Earth was talking about. These past few days, I have seen this man’s potential. If he continues to grow, I believe that he can do what the Earth needs him to do. Lok’Ruc went back to petting Mizutsune, staring into the flames.

Jake walked into the plains, moving until the campfire was just a spec in the rising darkness. He sat down on top of his legs, grabbed a smoke and lit up. Closing his eyes, he began to focus, creating something from nothing. He tried to think of something to bind his magic to, something that he would be able to call his own. Remembering a certain game, and feeling inspired, he began to create.

Lok’Ruc looked back at Jake, feeling vibrations through the Earth. Tendrils of liquid flame traveled around the kneeling figure. Lok’Ruc grunted, smiling slightly. Yes, very good potential.

Jake poured as much mana as possible into the atmosphere, flames broiling and rolling to and fro. Sweat rolled down his back, but Jake continued to focus, slowly puffing on his smoke. A ripping sound broke the night, and a tear in the air appeared before Jake, ringed by swirling purple flames. Long, black spider legs stepped from the portal, small tendrils of molten fire wrapping around the black chitin. A large, bulbous head with large red eyes. A gigantic mouth, large serrated teeth spaced sporadically within the maw. A bloated body, long hairs floated within the winds, heat waves rolling off of the body like a miniature oven. A slender, feminine body extended from between the head and the body from the waist up. Porcelain skin, soft as satin, traced a full figure. Long, black hair covered the breasts. Full red lips, a pert nose and pitch black eyes were the only features on the angular face. With a dainty hand, she tucked a small strand of hair behind a small ear, and with the other a large burning scimitar was held gently.

The spider-lady looked around, confused. She saw a man sitting on his knees, sweating with a stupid grin on his face. She bared her teeth, and rested her sword underneath his chin.

“Where am I?” A melodious voice came from her mouth. “This is not the entrance to Izalith Where is my sister?” She stared at the human, who looked completely lost for words.

Shit, forgot about her lore. Ummmm, shit shit shit. I’m probably going to die.

“My lady, forgive me.” Jake would have bowed his head, but the burning sword underneath his chin made that not a good idea. It was starting to hurt, too. “I have summoned you to a new world to help heal you and your sister. I summoned you first to help create this world something better for your sister to live in. Please, all I ask for is to use a small portion of your powers. I will heal you and your sister, bringing back her eyesight and her strength. Please, forgive this pitiful human.”

Shocked, the spider-lady slowly lowered her scimitar. “My…You think that you can heal my sister?”

Jake got to his feet, and rubbing his throat, he slowly nodded.

She silently shifted from foot to foot, thinking over what he said. “All I want is for my sister to be protected. If you could heal her, I would be eternally grateful.” She bows her head to the human, vowing her life to him in exchange for her sister.

Jake grinned.

“Welcome to Laeris, Quelaag.”

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